Erika: I Transmigrated as Cannon Fodder in The Demon Goddesses Harem.

Volume. 4: Chapter 2: Fiery Woman.

Chapter 2: Fiery Woman.

*???’s POV*

I have known Victoria for many years. Honestly, I don’t even know why I started to love her. But at this point, there is no going back. Not that I wanted to go back before I met her. I was far too deep in loving her to even think about leaving her.

At first, my life was dedicated to just managing and creating dimensions.

That all changed when I met Victoria. In only a few years, I completely stopped even caring about my dimensions, and I convince Victoria to let me basically keep willing sex slaves.

How long have I done this? I don’t know. I think that I have now spent the majority of my life lazing around with Victoria, and sleeping with various women.

As her senior, I was clearly setting a very bad example for Alice. But luckily, she didn’t seem to care for sexual things. No matter how many times Victoria tried to seduce her.

This life lasted without change for a very, very long time.

That was until Erika showed up. Suddenly, and without warning, Victoria and one of her wives was taken in by her.

Victoria does have a lot of lovers but, Erika hasn’t even been here that long. Hell, for a period of a hundred years, all they did was try to get her back. Like their lives were put on standstill without her being with them.

Even I wasn’t immune to her draw. She got together with her own lovers, Sofiel, and Victoria. Even Alice fell to her.

It goes without saying that I was completely enthralled by Erika. I mean, I don’t think that I have ever kidnapped anyone before.

And now I have done it again. It happened because the girls were pampering who they kept calling their daughters. It only took a little bit of eavesdropping to realize that the two girls were Erika’s daughters.

Once I realized that, I went into a frenzy. Sure, she has other lovers, and she wasn’t even my lover, to begin with. But the idea that she got with a man, and had children, made me lose it completely.

Putting Erika to sleep was easy. From what I heard about her, it was surprising that she still hadn’t figured out how to resist sleep magic. But it was lucky for me that she didn’t.

Fighting off basically a hoard of extremely strong and loving wives, was the hard part. Hell, even Victoria raised her hand against me.

Though, I know that she didn’t use her full strength. None of them did. They were just trying to stop me from taking their precious wife.

I had no other options apart from taking her and locking her and me in my room. Because of a spell, only I can open the door. Something that probably pisses Nadia off.

Now, I’m bruised, bloody, and my clothes are messed up. My clothes will fix themselves, but I will have to go to one of our healers to deal with these wounds. Though, if I recall correctly, Erika should know how to use healing magic. Not like she would be crazy enough to heal the woman who kidnapped her...

It irks me greatly that I, a powerful creator, would be put in such a position like this. Sure, Alice did help as well but, all of the other girls were strong as well.

I didn’t even realize we had this many strong people living with us. Maybe it’s time for me to stop messing around and actually get back to work? Or at least, be up to date on what happens around here.

Erika should be waking up soon. Unfortunately, I don’t think that I calm down before she does.

*Erika’s POV*

The hot woman was still fuming in front of me. Looking at where I am, it was clearly still a room in our house. Of course, each room has magic on it so only those who own the room, or those the owner wishes can enter the room, can actually go into it.

Which is why she is able to keep everyone out. I bet Nadia is pissed off since, you know, this whole security system was her design. Hmm… her fuming mad facial expression must be very cute…

Oh, right, kidnapped. I should probably take this more seriously…

As for the woman, whose name I still don’t know, her clothes were already beginning to repair themselves. Even though I was tied up, I still used cleaning and healing magic on her since she still had blood, dirt, and bruises on her body. Her clothes were definitely made by Victoria, so they have a cleaning and self repairing system baked into them.

???: “Why would you clean and heal me? I just kidnapped you!” She yelled with a confused expression and tone.

Erika: “Because you were hurt? Besides, I already know who you are, I just don’t know your name.” I say with a shrug.

Well, my hands are tied so it was more like a slight shoulder shrug. I stifle a chuckle from this funny situation that I find myself in.

???: “Since you’re so cooperative, could you answer my question?” She asked with one of her hands on her hip.

Erika: “Sure.” I answer.

???: “Who is the father of your children?” She asked.

Erika: “Petra is adopted, Eri, who is the one that looks like me, is a science baby.” I explain.

???: “Science baby?” She asked with a head tilt. Cute!

Wait… should I be thinking that the woman who kidnapped me is cute? Eh, she is cute, so there is nothing wrong with stating the facts.

Erika: “It’s sorta hard to explain. You see, there is this Outer Goddess who dreamed that she had a child with me. When she woke up from her dream, she had accidentally made said child a real thing. Eri is 50% me and 50% her.” I explain calmly.

You know, I am getting tired of explaining this…

???: “Oh? That’s good. I was just worried that you were lying to Victoria and the rest, and that you weren’t a lesbian.” She said with a relieved tone.

After saying that, she undid the rope that she used to tie me up. Said rope was very special, considering that I couldn’t even make it budge at all.

Erika: “Please, I’ve been a lesbian for two lifetimes. Just even the idea of a man touching me is enough to make me want to both throw up, and kill them. Most likely at the same time.” I say with a laugh.

???: “Good to know. Now, I shall let you go.” She said gesturing to her door.

Erika: “Hold up! I at least demand to know your name.” I exclaim.

???: “And why is that?” She asked with another head tilt.

Hey! Stop using my own power against me!

Erika: “Look, you kidnapping me greatly irks me. And I have a negative feeling towards you because of it. At least tell me your name.” I answer with a sigh.

???: “Hmm…” She said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “I refuse to leave until you do. The longer I stay, the more worried my wives will get.” I say with a smug tone.

???: “Haha! Not even Victoria has demanded something of me, let alone threatened me. I knew that I would like you the moment I first heard about you.” She said after laughing hysterically for a few minutes.

Erika: “Cute laugh.” I say.

???: “Cute? How odd… everyone else, including Victoria, says that my laugh is scary…” She said with a thinking pose.

She did a thinking pose to mask how her face is now as red as a beet. I wanted to tease her more, so, I did.

Erika: “It is sorta scary, but in a very cute way.” I reply with a shrug.

Ah, finally free to shrug once again. My future shrugging crimes will go unimpeded.

The woman turned even redder, and even refused to look me in the eyes. Is this what they call, gap moe? Ah, thank you various forms of entertainment that I recently consumed for informing of character archetypes.

Feeling pepped up, I got up from my seat, then walked up to her, and tried to look her in her pretty eyes. To which she responded by looking away each time I moved to meet her eyes.

Erika: “Hmm… say, you’re really cute. You like me, right? Why don’t we start dating?” I whisper with a seductive tone into her ear.

???: “…”

Erika: “All you have to do is, tell me your name. I’ll even give you a kiss as a reward.” I offer with a sultry tone.

???: “My name is Hilda.” She answered.

Erika: “Ah, good girl! And what a pretty name you have.” I say while patting her head.

Hilda: “Can… can you kiss me now?” Hilda asked with a blushed face.

Erika: “Sure, sure. What kind of kiss do you want? Romantic or passionate?” I ask with one of my hands on my chin.

Hilda: “Romantic.” She answered.

Without further ado, I grabbed her by her slim waist, then planted my lips on hers, and closed my eyes. Before doing so, I could see that her eyes were closed as well.

I didn’t use my tongue or anything. She asked for a romantic kiss, so that was what I gave her. As per usual with me, the kiss lasted fifteen minutes. Before separating our lips, I licked hers a small bit.

Erika: “How was it? Good, right? Marry me, and we can do things that feel even better than this.” I ask while rubbing her back and staring directly into her eyes.

Hilda: “I… I have to ask Victoria first. Having a sexual relationship with you is fine but, I can sense that you don’t wish for a relationship that shallow with me.” Hilda answered after I released her from my grip.

Erika: “That’s fine. Nadia did the same.” I replied with a smile.

Hilda: “What!? Nadia married you as well?” Hilda asked with a shocked expression on her face. Cute!

Erika: “That’s right.” I answer with a nonchalant tone.

Hilda: “And Victoria agreed?” She asks.

Erika: “Yes.” I reply.

Hilda: “Then… I need some time to get my feelings sorted before I ask Victoria about me marrying you. Originally, I was just planning to seduce and play with you but, clearly, we both want to be together.” Hilda said with a sigh.

Then she returned to how she usually acts. Ah, gap moe… what a wonderful thing!

Erika: “Okay. I’ll wait for you to do so.” I reply with a smile.

Hilda: “Thanks. I should have realized my feelings for you sooner. Victoria is the only other person I have marked after all.” Hilda said with a chuckle.

Erika: “Really? Interesting… anyway, I have to go calm down my other wives.” I say with a giggle.

Hilda: “Other wives? Already claiming me as yours, huh?” She said with a raised eyebrow.

I answer by giving her a smirk before walking away. After walking to the door, I opened it and then walked out of her room. After closing the door, I realized that all of my wives, also Anna, and both of my daughters, were waiting outside of the room with their weapons drawn.

Wait… when did Eri even get a weapon? I mean, I did lend her a few while training but, she never kept one of them. And she usually fought with magic… Yeah, it's really cute to see a small girl expertly hold a big ass sword.

Erika: “What?” I ask with a head tilt.

Everyone looked extremely confused by our current situation. The first one to speak up was my dear wife. Oh, wait… I have a lot of dear wives… I meant that Victoria was the first to speak up.

Victoria: “How… why did she let you go?” Victoria asked with a confused expression.

Erika: “I seduced her.” I reply with a shrug.

Victoria: “Erika… can you not take this seriously?” Victoria said with a sigh.

Erika: “Huh? But I am serious?” I reply with another head tilt.

Everyone: “Can you not do crazy things every five seconds!?” They all yell.

It took a lot of coaxing to get them all to calm down. According to them, I was asleep and held captive by Hilda for an entire day. Which was why my two cute daughters were already awake by the time I got out.

Currently, to calm everyone down, I suggested that we all take a bath together. Considering that it was a bath with my lovers, my daughters were not included in this bath date.

Victoria: “Did she tell you her name?” Victoria asked while soaking in the bath next to me.

A sort of hierarchy was established in the bath. Victoria sat to my right, Sofiel sat to my left, and Alice sat on my lap. Clearly, these three are my main lovers.

Everyone else sat side by side of each other. All forming a line in the bath. Oh, Lilith was also here. Being the pervert that she is, she suggested that everyone should line up based on breast size. Such a suggestion was quickly shot down with a bop to her head. Of course, the head bop was given to her by me.

Erika: “Yes, her name is Hilda. Pretty cute and fitting name if you ask me.” I reply while playing with Alice’s pretty and soft hair.

Victoria: “I see… You know, I think that she had the right idea.” Victoria said with a thinking pose.

I don’t like where this is going…

Erika: “What do you mean?” I ask nervously.

Victoria: “I have the urge to lock you up and throw away the key.” Victoria replied with a scary tone.

Everyone else: “I agree!”

Erika: “…”

Did I end up turning all of my wives into yanderes? I mean, yanderes are hot but, I don’t think that I can deal with an entire harem of them…

Oh, right. Before we got into the bath, I washed each and every one of my lovers. Then they did a terrifying thing where they took turns bathing me. Luckily, they didn’t fight. I mean, at least, not physically...

But, whenever it was someone else's turn, unbeknownst to the one washing my body, all of my wives looked at them with a death glare, before switching back and forth to look at me with a look of desire.

Once the bath was done, we all went our separate ways. I, for one, needed a break after my last job. Speaking of the bath, that was quite possibly the most terrifying experience I have ever been through. Women in love sure are scary…

I was going to head back to my room, but then I remembered my promise to Sachael. As such, I asked a random maid to lead me to her room since, I didn't know which room she stayed in.

Knocking on the door, it only took a few seconds for it to open. A maid had opened the door. She opened it because Sachael definitely wasn’t going to take her attention away from her game to get the door.

The maid then gestured for me to sit down on the couch opposite Sachael. The girl I came here for didn’t even notice me at all.

Erika: “Sachael? I’m here to talk about that game.” I say after faking a cough.

Sachael: “Eeh? Erika!? Don’t scare me like that.” Sachael replied with a shocked tone.

She was spooked so she ended up throwing her handheld game console in the air, before frantically being able to catch it before it fell and broke. She must have been really absorbed into her game to not even realize that I came into her room...

Sachael: “Anyway… Erika, what happened yesterday? I got upset since you stood me up.” She said with a pout.

Erika: “Oh. I’m sorry. I got kidnapped so I couldn’t make it yesterday.” I reply in a nonchalant tone.

Sachael: “…”

Sachael: “You aren’t joking…” Sachael said with a sigh.

Erika: “Nope. I would never willingly break a promise with a cute girl.” I say with a laugh.

Sachael replied, “I know.” Before getting up from her couch and sitting down right next to me on the couch that I am sitting on.

Then we talked about the game she was playing for… uh… well, the sun is down, but it was up when I came to her room. So we talked for at least for a few hours.

Though, it’s not like we talked about the game the entire time. After hearing her talk about it for a decent while, I ended up taking out my handheld game console from my inventory.

I had the same one that she was playing on so, I just went to the online store and bought the game she was playing.

Huh? Didn’t I already buy every game? Well, this one just came out, and oddly, there weren’t any preorders for it. As such, I didn’t own it.

After it finished downloading and installing, which didn’t take long since the internet in this estate is literally the fastest in the world, Sachael and I played it together.

Although I dislike backseat gaming, Sachael was very respectful. And she didn’t help me unless I asked for her help for certain parts. She mostly just watched me play it.

We only stopped playing because her maids said that it was her bedtime. Checking my phone, it was only 9:35 PM. A decent time to sleep, I guess.

It was weird seeing these two perverts act like professional maids. Most people wouldn’t even be able to tell that they were perverts on the same level of Lilith. Ah, Sachael probably doesn't know about them being perverts either...

Sachael doesn't seem like some interested in sexual things at all.

Though I was kidnapped, and I did technically get some sleep, I still decided to go to bed as well. So I went back to my room after saying goodnight to Sachael.

I got onto my bed, after changing into my sleepwear, and then I felt a wave of exhaustion hit me all at once. Being kidnapped is tiring business it seems.

This night was the first time I have slept in this house where my sleep was interrupted.

There was a knock on my door that woke me up. The interruption I didn’t mind because the one who knocked on my door was Eri.

Eri: “Mommy? Can I sleep with you?” Eri asked.

She was currently wearing some very cute nightwear.

Erika: “Of course, dear. Come here, this bed is pretty big.” I answer with a giggle.

Eri: “Yay!” Eri said with a happy tone before jumping on the bed and cuddling up right next to me.

I was still tired so, I ended up falling back to sleep quickly. That was until I heard yet another knock on my door. This time it was Petra.

Petra: “Mom? Can I sleep with you?” Petra asked with a nervous tone.

She was also wearing cute nightwear just like her sister.

Erika: “Sure thing dear. Your sister had the same idea as well.” I say with another giggle.

Petra looked a little confused by my statement until she saw Eri calmly sleeping right next to me. She then wordlessly got into bed and snuggled up to me the same way Eri did.

I didn’t blame them for wanting to sleep with me. This was the sleeping setup that we had back in Anna’s dimension after all. And what mother could resist letting their cute daughters cuddle them on both sides while they sleep?

When I woke up in the morning, my two daughters were both gone. I panicked slightly until I saw a note on my nightstand. The note said that Eri went out with Victoria, and Petra went out with Sofiel.

Thinking back on it, they did talk about going somewhere with each other yesterday. Eri wanted to go to the amusement park, and Petra wanted to visit the aquarium.

Being the good wife I am, after taking a nice bath, I went around looking for my wives.

Though Victoria and Sofiel were busy, everyone else was still at home. Those two were intent on spoiling our daughters so, for the next two weeks, I took all of my wives on various dates.

A hundred years, a thousand years, or even a million years. I will never grow tired of pampering or spending time with them. I know this for a fact.

Of course, the desire I had to go back to work was still a thing. The only reason I haven’t left yet, was that I wanted to make sure my daughters were stable first. So, hearing that, would you be surprised to hear that I stayed home for an entire year?

Well, I did. I traveled the world with my lovers and my daughters. I even went on a double date with Nadia and Victoria, which was very fun.

Since I had time, I ended up marrying all of my lovers. That includes Hilda, who I started dating shortly after I got back home. They all currently wear identical rings. They were designed by Victoria. Not using her family seal, though. Yes, I wear a wedding ring on both hands.

I went a little overboard in spoiling my wives and my daughters. Though, they didn’t seem to mind. Petra and Eri were both fully accustomed to their new living situation.

Petra, thanks to the help of Sofiel, finally came out of her shell, and she no longer worried about whether or not she deserves something.

Eri, on the other hand, didn’t change one bit. She told me that she can change her form whenever she pleases. But right now she wants to stay looking like a child.

On this very morning, I had woken up to an unknown woman hugging me… She woke up at the same time as me, and was staring at me with a smile on her face.

I actually had a slight idea who this was. The woman has long black hair. And her eyes were both bright gold. Considering what Eri could do, I can only assume that this is Alice.

How did she get into my room? Ah, I gave free access to my room to all of my wives. A dangerous decision? So far, it doesn’t seem to be.

It’s mostly them taking turns with who will sleep with me. Of course, my daughters are a part of the list that keeps track of each of their turns. Yes. I made a list.

Some of them would end up wanting to do sexual things with me. Some didn’t, and just wanted to cuddle to sleep with me. Surprisingly, Lilith never tried to do anything sexual with me at all. The little pervert sure is quite cute when she is sleeping.

Erika: “Excuse me but, who might you be?” I ask while looking at the woman.

???: “Hm? Ah, It’s me, Alice.” Alice said with a yawn.

Erika: “Why the change in look?” I ask with a curious tone.

Alice, instead of looking like a child, now looked like a mature woman. Her breasts were bigger than mine, and she was also taller than me.

Alice: “I wasn’t particularly attached to that form. And I realized that since I looked like a child, you were very reluctant to do sexual things with me. As such, my new form. What do you think?” Alice asked.

Ahhhhhh! Even her voice was different! It sounded like silk!

Erika: “You’re very beautiful!” I say with a thumbs up.

Alice: “Haha. I’m glad it’s to your liking. I think that I will stick with this form from now on.” Alice said with a chuckle.

After getting up from bed, I realized that Alice wished to stick with me the entire day. So that’s what we did. From bathing to eating, to playing around. I ended up setting aside this entire day just for her.

I didn't even catch a glimpse of my daughters the entire day... The main problem with having my wives absolutely love our daughters, was that they became less dependent on me.

The two cute daughters of mine would now only ever occasionally come to sleep with me. Ah… Mom is sad! How could my daughters abandon me like this!?

Well, the answer is simple, it’s not like they aren’t dependent on me anymore. It’s just that they’re dependent on my wives as well. And also sleep with them.

From what my wives say, Eri and Petra barely sleep in their own rooms at all.

Ah, I forgot to mention, Petra and Eri started attending school a few months ago. Both of them were registered with my last name, Ardent. So, it’s very unlikely that anyone would mess with them.

You know, considering that I basically control the world, as well as being the richest person in it, and all that jazz.

They both attended the same high school. Eri still looks like a child so I’m sure people were very confused at first. They attend an all girls high school, by the way.

Eri and Petra both greatly enjoy learning and going to school. At first, Petra struggled with it. But with Eri and I teaching her every subject, they both became tied for first place. Why do I only bring this up now? Very simple. Petra just brought home a girl…

My wives and I were currently in our garden. Petra and her girlfriend are sitting down with us. The girl was pretty cute, and she seemed to really love Petra greatly.

Though, she was scared of us. Which makes sense. What would you do if your girlfriend said, “Hey, do you want to come to my house, that is the size of a small country, and meet my 10 plus mothers?”, I think anyone would be in a state of panic.

It didn’t help that we made no effort to hide that we aren’t normal people at all. We didn’t try to hide how we can use magic and things like that. Probably because we were testing her or something.

There seems to be an unspoken rule that I, Sofiel, and Victoria were the main heads of this harem. So we were the ones sitting directly in front of them.

Petra: “Mom’s, this is Saito Kaito, my girlfriend. Please call her Kaito.” Petra said with a nervous tone.

Kaito: “…”

Erika: “Petra, does she know about our… special circumstances?” I ask with a serious tone.

Petra: “Yes. I told her a while ago.” Petra answered with a nod.

Erika: “And you, Kaito, do you have a problem with it?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Kaito seems to have finally calmed down so I decided to pose her a question. She was clearly not a first year like Eri and Petra. She didn’t even look like a student either. I’m guessing that she is a teacher.

My daughter picked up a teacher? Well, technically, Petra is an adult. I’d actually be upset if she tried to get with an underage girl.

Huh? I’m a hypocrite because Yui was in high school? Look, she was thousands of years old when I met her. I am completely within the bounds of the law, ask any court of law.

Kaito: “Um… may I ask which part?” She asked with an unsure tone.

Erika: “How much has Petra told you?” I ask with a sigh.

Kaito: “Everything, I think?” She said with a thinking pose.

Erika: “She told you about how I am married to many women, how I can travel to different dimensions and stuff like that?” I ask.

Kaito: “Yes.” She nodded her head.

Erika: “Hm… Petra, how long have you two known each other, how did you two meet, and how long have you been dating?” I ask Petra.

Petra: “Kaito is my math teacher. Though I look young, she realized that I wasn’t actually a teenager. After that, she started treating me like an adult. And we started hanging out at random places from time to time. I confessed to her a few months ago. It took some coaxing to convince her that dating me would be okay.” Petra explained.

Kaito: “I mean, I did have feelings for her but, we were student and teacher. She managed to convince me since she was actually already an adult.” Kaito said.

Erika: “Kaito, what are your intentions with our daughter?” I ask with a serious tone.

Ah, I’ve always wanted to say that! I made sure to say it completely seriously as well.

Kaito: “I wish to marry her once she finishes high school.” Kaito replied with a smile.

You come into my house, drink my tea, eat my sweets, and ask for my daughter’s hand in marriage!? Cheeky.

Erika: “Marriage, really? You two haven’t known each other for that long.” I reply.

Not like I’m one to say…

Petra: “Mom, we really love each other…” Petra said with a nervous tone.

Kaito: “Although we haven’t been together long, I already want to marry her.” Kaito said with a serious tone.

Erika: “Are you sure? Kaito, it’s not just spending 40-60 years together, we’re immortal, and I assume Petra would want you to be immortal as well.” I say with a serious tone.

A marriage with Petra or Eri isn’t a small thing like normal marriage. You have to be sure that you can be together for at least thousands of years.

Kaito: “I am aware. And no. I do not wish to be with her just for the benefits it will give me. I love her with all my heart.” Kaito said with a smile on her face.

Erika: “Petra, give Kaito a tour of the estate. I have to consult my wives for their opinions first before agreeing. Though, Petra, do keep in mind that your life is your own. Even if we don’t give you our blessing, we won’t stop you from marrying Kaito.” I explain.

Petra: “Yes, Mom! Thank you!” Petra said with a bright tone before getting up from the couch, giving me a kiss on my cheek, and running off with her girlfriend.

Petra was their daughter as much as she is mine, though I already agree with her marrying Kaito, I still want to ask them first.

After talking for a while, we all came to the conclusion to give them our blessing and let them marry each other. At the end of the day, we just want Eri and Petra to be happy.

Honestly, we are very protective of our children. The main reason we had to talk amongst ourselves first, was because the more technically inclined of my wives were looking into Kaito.

There were no problems with her background. Sofiel could also tell if someone was lying, and Kaito didn’t lie at all during our meeting. We did our due diligence. Now it was time to leave it up to Petra and Kaito.

Whether or not they can stay together for thousands of years, it is their business, and not ours. Though, it does hurt to see Petra grow up so fast.

At least, I don’t have to worry about her moving out. I mean, who the hell would move out of this place?

It was currently early in the morning, so Petra, Eri, and Kaito had to go to school. Before they did, we called the two love birds back to give them our blessing.

After that, I told Petra to take Eri and head to the car that would take them to school, and leave Kaito with us for a little chat.

Kaito: “Um… Miss Erika? What did you want to chat about?” Kaito asked.

Erika: “Here. Take this box and open it.” I say before handing her a small box.

Kaito: “This is… these rings are beautiful!” Kaito said with an excited tone.

The box I gave her contained two wedding rings. Victoria had made a set for both Petra and Eri at my request. Though, I didn’t realize that I would be giving them away so soon...

Erika: “Use them to propose to Petra when she is done with high school. Though, if you two can’t wait, don’t worry about losing your job, please rest assured, we are very powerful. No one can stop you two from being together.” I explain with a smile.

Kaito: “Thank you. I do wish to marry her as soon as possible but, it would go against my morals as a teacher. I do care about Petra’s reputation, but not mine. But still, I will hold back until she is done with high school.” Kaito said with a serious tone.

Erika: “That’s fine. Would you like to live here? I’m sure Petra would like you living here very much.” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Kaito: “You’d let me live here? If you would, then I accept.” Kaito replied with a smile.

Erika: “Okay. We’ll have a room prepared for you before you get back. Just come back here with Eri and Petra.” I say.

She said, “Thanks!” before hurrying off to Petra and Eri, so neither of them would be late for school.

Victoria: “You know, I never realized how much it would hurt to let someone marry my daughter…” Victoria said with a sigh.

Erika: “Ah, they grow up so fast…” I say with a feigned sadness.

Yui: “Did you really just say that?” Yui asked her rhetorical question with a sigh.

Erika: “I did. Speaking of school, I heard that you stopped going?” I say.

Yui: “I blame you.” Yui said with a pout.

Erika: “Huh? What did I do?” I ask with a head tilt.

Yui: “You stop that head tilting!… What point was there to even go to school, when I can just stay here and live a luxurious life without any effort on my part?” Yui replied with a sigh.

Erika: “You make a valid point.” I say with a shrug.

Yui: “Besides, it’s not like I didn’t finish school. I just did high school and college stupidly fast. Thanks to you for teaching me everything I needed to know.” Yui said.

Ah, that’s right… You know, when I said that I over pampered my wives, I was not lying at all. And I mean, AT ALL!

Being smart is fun and all, but being around other smart people is better. So I ended up teaching all of them everything I know. And I mean EVERYTHING I know.

We now have this fun game where we hold conversations in different languages per person.

Another game we play is giving each other massages. Do you know how amazing it is to have multiple beautiful women wanting to give you a massage? It is life changing.

I wasn’t the only one affected by Petra having a lover. Due to that, I spent the rest of the day doing what I do best. Pampering my wives until they feel better!

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