Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 205: 'Old' friend

When Adam exited his room, his saw his guild mates were already in ranks, forming nine big groups. The first eight groups all had around 5000 men in them, each led by a Division Leader.

As for the last group, there was as many as 10000 monsters in them, and those were the troops under Xilzror. The Dragon had done a good job recruiting monsters, although they didn't have as much discipline as the humanoids.

Adam was secretly happy with his Division Leaders who had managed to instil obedience in their subordinates bones so quickly, and trained them to fight as a group.

That was quite the achievement because his own orders were promoting individual fighting, although it was to pick the best members possible, achieving to bind them together with seemingly such strong ties was a great thing.

Adam took the lead and led his men to the portal. As they walked through the settlement though they finally saw how many men would be entering the dimension. There were so many people they couldn't even count them.

They were several hundred meters from the portal and yet the area in front of them was packed with people, maybe the rumours about millions of people entering were true after all. Adam had his guild stop as he slashed the air in front of him with his palm.

His Division Leaders felt a strange power was surrounding their leader's hand, but they didn't think about it too much. However, the next moment they were shocked. Wherever Adam's hand passed, space was tear open. That was a skill only Heroes could use!

But Adam had understood the Sovereign Concept of Space. The three skills, Flying, Space Tear and Teleportation, each unlockable by entering the Gold, Hero and Legend Ranks were all skills related to the Concept of Space but that could be emulated by a strong power.

For Adam, understanding 1% of the Space Concept allowed him to use Fly without any cost, and only using his understanding over the Concept of Space. It also allowed him to use Space tear, although it costed him Aura to launch. He could feel that he needed to understand at least 10% of the Space Concept to use use the skill using only his Concept, but he wasn't there yet.

Space Tear was a simple skill, in essence. If one wanted to reach a certain point in the shortest time possible, all they had to do was to travel in a straight line from one point to the other. In a three dimensional world, the simplest mean of doing so was flying.

But there come the concept of teleportation many knew. Instead of drawing a straight line between two points, they would fold the paper and pierce the paper, interlinking the two points. This was the concept of teleportation seen by many on Earth.

Well, Space Tear was similar. One would slash open space, but in reality would pierce two holes in space. Then, entering one of those tears, or holes, would lead to the other hole.

As Adam entered the hole, he exited through the other, which happened to be a few tens of meters in front of the portal leading to Providence, ten meters above the ground.

Everyone looked up when they felt space tear open. This was one of the downsides of Space Tear, the user would literally tear space open, and this needed a strong power to be achieved, so anyone capable of feeling energy even a little bit would feel the disturbance.

And the people present in front of the gate were all the leaders of the different factions present here, so they all had some status and would have seen Heroes travel at least once. It was unexpected for a Hero to come here, so they looked up.

However, they were shocked when they saw the status of the person who appeared. That wasn't a Hero, but a Silver Rank! Had it been literally anyone else, they would have simply thought it was a junior who used the portal made by a senior and who wanted to show off, but this thought disappeared from their minds when they saw the identity of the man.

Valiant Heart, the legendary Sovereign who had been stirring trouble with the dragons. Moreover, as Adam left the portal he began flying in the sky, and as the portal behind him closed they could feel that the power seemed to be attached to Adam, as they had the same feeling.

Many began feeling pressure, was that really the man they would have to fight? In an instant, everyone present began treating Adam as their greatest enemy, they knew he was the one they would need to defeat if they wanted to have any resources.

For many, they treated Providence as a dungeon, and Adam was the final boss for that dungeon. And the longer Adam floated in the sky, the stronger the pressure was getting in their mind.

Adam didn't do so to pressure them though, but because he was searching through the crowd. He saw several familiar faces, such as the ethereal beauty Thalia, the Orc Sovereign Yokgu Adam met in the Mirage Desert, or Cilliore, the granddaughter of the Great Elder of the Centaurs. He nodded in greetings to them all, but he did not join them.

Instead, he began flying toward the last group, whom members surprised him. They were a group of ten, but of them only three interested him.

One was Victoria, the princess of Azure Sky, another was a male standing close to her, and the last was the strongest in their group, a beautiful northwoman who could only be the Imperial Princess.

But the one who surprised him the most was the male companion of Victoria, because he did recognize him. He was Arno, the young adventurer he had to save during the first ever quest he did in Epoch, the son of the village's blacksmith and who was bitten by a snake.

He landed in front of the group, and as he did he looked at Arno up and down with a funny look, and finally said "It would really have been a shame for you to die that die, looks like I performed a good action. But I wonder how exactly you managed to become an SS Class."

Arno laughed good naturedly and said "I didn't expect to reach those heights either. We should talk about it later when we both have time." Adam nodded and looked at the other members of the group.

He first nodded at Victoria with a smile, who returned the greetings, before he finally looked at the last member of the group. He extended his hand toward the Imperial Princess and said "Greetings to you, your Highness. My name is Valiant Heart, but you may call me Adam."

Adam could see the faces of the other members of the group he hadn't greeted had their face change, because of the lack of respect Adam showed. As a member of the empire, he ought to bow before a member of the Imperial Family.

But Adam certainly wasn't going to bow before a girl who may become his disciple. Moreover, this could serve as a first test. If she really was so vain to trouble him over not bowing to her, then he wasn't going to trouble himself with her.

Thankfully, the princess seemed to have some manners as she smiled warmly and said without a hint of displeasure "It is an honor to meet you, I heard so many things about you. If I call you Adam, then you must call me Helena."

She shook his hand with her warm smile, being smiled at really was a great feeling. Adam's first impression of the princess was a good one, he would have to continue observing her though to decide whether she would become his student or not.

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