Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1059

DC fans often say this:”DC movies like to tell plots that are deeply dark and human.”

Indeed,”darkness” has almost become synonymous with DC movies, not only in movies, but also in comic style.

DC’s storylines are very fond of telling human stories, so they are in sharp contrast with Marvel’s comic style.

The movie”Deadpool 2″ once complained about Cable (a superhero under Marvel Comics who first appeared in”Uncanny X-Men”):

“Farke, you are so dark, are you sure you are not from DC?”

This meme can also tell what DC’s movie label is.

But Martin’s”Aquaman” has subverted DC’s previous dark style line, and it seems to be a big hit.

In the original timeline, It was precisely because of the success of”Aquaman 1″ that Warner began to plan to change DC’s movie style.

The style of the subsequent”Wonder Woman 2″ was quite fresh – although the plot was still telling. Humanity, but Diana’s cuteness and vividness make the audience feel relaxed and happy, and there is not much dark style.

There is also”Shazam”, which is directly comparable to”Deadpool”, with a more joyful style of sand sculpture heroes. Some people like the change, and some people complain about it.

Some people think that”Aquaman” represents the beginning of DC’s overtaking of Marvel. Some people think that the change in style of”Aquaman” will bury DC.

However, as for the future, it is a vested interest. In their view, with the success of”Aquaman”, DC will have another superhero that can be used to make money.

In fact, in the history of DC comics, Aquaman is Arthur.

·Although Curry is one of the founders of the Justice League and has a high status in DC comics, he has been criticized for his super powers and character issues, and his popularity has always been lower than that of Superman, Batman, and The Flash, and even Not as consistent as Wonder Woman.

“,《Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times believes that it was Martin who used his super powerful directorial skills and the magic wand of the film industry to accomplish miracles that perhaps even”Harry Potter” might not be able to accomplish, making”Aquaman” a hit Became the savior king in the DC comic book movie.

Kevin Thomas believes that Martin’s secret is”balance.”

This”balance” is reflected in all aspects of the film – such as the balance between the majestic and bizarre and fresh and soothing in the film’s screen, such as the balance between the majestic and gorgeous beauty of the two protagonists Aquaman and Mera, such as the film’s narrative A balance between epic creation and grassroots rise.

And it is these”balances” that constitute the audience’s wonderful experience of coexistence of depth and romance when watching movies.

Kevin Thomas also believes that the special effects of”Aquaman” have also achieved the”masterpiece” of the Hollywood film industry.”

《The shooting budget of”Aquaman” is US$170 million, which can only be regarded as above-average in today’s superhero movies with A-level productions everywhere.

However, in terms of the scheduling and action design of the large scenes presented in the screen, it far exceeds many competitors of the same size or even high size.

In terms of visual effects, it can be said to be perfect.

The gorgeous underwater world has made countless people crazy about it.

Kevin Thomas believes that this is a manifestation of Martin’s extremely intense imagination.

Like James Cameron, Martin also has a magnificent imagination.

And when these imaginations come to life on the screen through the blessing of special effects, the illusion-like expression gives the audience a first-class experience. If you just watch the movie for the”cool” elements, Aquaman can already satisfy everyone. the needs of some audiences.

Kevin Thomas scoffed at the criticism from many commentators that Aquaman’s story lacked depth.

He believes that clear narrative and easy to understand should be the characteristics of comic movies.

In terms of the nature of the story, Aquaman does not choose a concept similar to understanding darkness and believing in light, nor does it have heart-catching lines such as I save today and you save the world. The main theme is a simple and cliché.

To put it bluntly,”Aquaman” is the story of a prince who goes through all kinds of hardships to regain the throne.

The use of narration and editing allows the protagonist’s experience to be divided into linear levels, making the character’s charm and memory points greater than the story itself.

In Kevin Thomas’ view, this may not be a new idea and attempt. Although Aquaman’s story is simple, it also lacks a bit of Zack Snyder’s ingenuity……….

Very good dramatic ups and downs, which well establishes the character’s image, and is enough to grab the audience’s attention. From the perspective of the core purpose of the origin movie to tell the story clearly and attract new people into the trap, the story of Aquaman is not the most exciting. , but it is the most stable………

The simple three-act play has the standard starting and ending, and the arrival of the climax of the drama matches the classic line in the film:”Heroes are better than kings. Kings only go to war for their people, but heroes fight for everyone.”

It is enough to satisfy most people. The audience was excited.

In fact, the passionate middle-class style that Martin gave to the”Aquaman” movie not only affected DC’s follow-up plans, but also affected Marvel’s”Thor” series of movies.

As a muscular man, why did your”Aquaman” sell so well?

Marvel’s”Thor 1″ follows the traditional path of classical muscular heroes, a continuation of the style of the 1970s and 1980s.

What”Sword of the King”》、《conan the barbarian》、《”Clash of the Gods” (old version) is all in this style. The protagonist is tall and muscular, and he strips down and starts fighting at every turn.

But judging from the box office performance of”Thor 1″, this style is now outdated. Today’s audiences don’t like such pure tough guys who fight with punches and kicks.

Dwayne”The Rock” Johnson’s”Son of Zeus” and Vin Diesel’s”The Last Witch Hunter” are all in this style, and they were all flopped.

This resulted in the two representatives of the tough guy faction having to find other ways to combine muscles with other aspects – such as climbing stairs (“Skyscraper Rescue”).》)、For example, extreme sports (“Extreme Agent”), and finally just get together to do drag racing (“Fast and Furious 9″)》)

《The hot-blooded secondary style of”Aquaman” was a big hit, which found a way for Marvel.

In fact, Marvel itself has already figured out a bit of the flavor, switching from the style of”Thor 2″ to this aspect.

But now seeing the great success of”Aquaman” has also given Marvel Studios great confidence.

They decided that”Thor 3″ will become the culmination of”The Second Style”.

The contrast between a muscular man and his cuteness is something that Marvel will definitely capture.

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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