Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1052

Trump’s visit to China can be regarded as getting what he wanted.

Although the Korean issue was put on hold, in just two weeks, Chinese and American companies signed major economic and trade orders worth US$253.5 billion, setting a record.

How else could we say that Trump is a”Chinese spy”.

Although China lost a lot of”face” during his tenure, it definitely gained a lot of”lion.”

During Trump’s visit to China, companies from the two countries signed a total of 34 cooperation projects at two signing ceremonies, with a total amount of US$253.5 billion.

This number not only created a record for Sino-US economic and trade cooperation, but also set a new record in the history of world economic and trade cooperation. new record.

Among these projects, there are both trade projects and two-way investment projects; there are both goods trade and service trade, involving a wide range of construction, energy, chemical industry, environmental protection, culture, medicine, infrastructure, smart cities, modern Silk Road, etc. field.

Among them, investment in the energy sector accounts for more than half.

That’s right, Martin’s actions were so bold that even”Xie Da” was shocked.

Martin is ready to promote the transformation of the”Republic of Guinea” into the”Kingdom of Guinea” within ten years. Guinea is easy to handle domestically, but the key is international recognition.

China, the United States, Russia, France, and England are some of the countries that must be dealt with.

China, the United States, France, and England are basically fine, only Goose and Ross are left.

But it’s soon.

The last stop of Trump’s”Asia-Pacific Tour” is Goros.

Before going to El Ross, Trump first went to India.

The attitude of the Indian leader made Martin see what kneeling and licking meant.

In the words of Indian Prime Minister Modi:”For the future of Asia and the interests of all mankind, we will work together, and we will do our best to meet the expectations of the United States.”

After traveling around Asia, Trump was satisfied and Return.

Martin also returned satisfied.

Trump, who was in a good mood, also made a joke on Twitter, and took a dig at his arch-rival CNN:”We should have a game, including CNN.(CNN)But excluding Fox News, which company is the most despicable, corrupt, or politically twisted portrayal of your favorite president?)?”

He later listed off a long list of media outlets on Twitter, saying:”They are all terrible and I recommend giving the winners a ‘bad journalism’ medal”

“The good news is that their prestige and rankings are so bad that no one pays attention to them”


《The filming of”Aquaman” went very smoothly and has entered the advanced stage.

Martin has been spending a lot of time in the editing room lately.

On this day, he received a call from Sophia:”Martin, turn on the computer, your president’s father-in-law started talking loudly again.”

Martin curiously opened the laptop and entered Trump’s Twitter.

There are three recently retweeted videos on Twitter.

Martin first looked at the source of the video and found it was forwarded from the Twitter of Franson, the deputy leader of the far-right organization”Britain First” in England.

Video content includes:”Muslim beats Dutch boy on crutches””、”Muslims destroyed the statue of the Virgin Mary” etc.

Trump not only retweeted it, but also added the text:”For national security.”

The meaning is self-evident.

The impact of Trump’s continuous forwarding of three anti-Muslim videos on Twitter soon spread.

The first person to give feedback was England, where the video originated.

British Prime Minister Theresa May, who is visiting the Middle East, responded for the first time to Trump’s retweeting of the anti-Muhammad video, saying:”This is wrong behavior. Cooperation between England and the United States should continue, but cooperation with the United States does not mean that we dare not point out the United States when it does something wrong.”

Tenessa May told reporters in Jordan.

While Theresa May officially responded, Trump’s”Twitter” was also being severely criticized by the English Parliament.

American Cable News Network (CNN) It was reported on December 12 that British MPs used”racist”、”France (Spain)”、””Evil” and other words are used to describe Trump. This is the unprecedented”treatment” that the President of the United States has received in the English Parliament.

Stephen Doty, a member of the English Labor Party, said,”The President of the United States has shared his inflammatory and Divisive content.”

Stephen Doty also said on Twitter,”Trump is either racist, incompetent, unthinking, or all three.

Another Labor MP, Chris Bryant, said,”It is unbelievable that this is what the top leader of a country has done. If Trump comes to England, the President of the United States will be arrested.” Our Prime Minister should make it clear that if Donald Trump came to this country he would be arrested for inciting religious hatred, so it would be better for him not to come. Conservative MP

Peter Bone suggested that Trump delete his”Twitter” account.

He believed:”There is no solution. If the Prime Minister can persuade the President of the United States to delete his ‘Twitter’ account, will the world change?” Better? And it also shows England’s influence on the world.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd responded:”I’m sure many of us agree.””

Before the meeting of the English Parliament, London’s first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan (Sadiq Khan) has issued a statement accusing Trump.

He said:”Trump is a villain and he is supporting our country to create division and hatred. despicable extremist organization. I think Tenesa May should first cancel Trump’s visit to England.”

Of course, there is not one-sided criticism within the English Parliament.

For example, British Cabinet Minister Justine Greening said in an interview with the British Broadcasting and Television (BBC) on Thursday morning,”Although I do not agree with Trump’s President Trump’s Twitter (content), but I have to say that I don’t think we should read too much into the President of the United States because of this.

He is only targeting the content in the video, not all Muslims.

I believe, This incident will not diminish England’s long-standing close relationship with America and the American people.

“As president after president comes and goes, in the end, our relationship with America will endure.”Greening added.

Trump also responded to his actions. He explained,”The purpose I want to express is to emphasize border security and national security issues.

He also seemed unfazed by questions about the authenticity of the video, and responded:”What difference does it make, because the threat is real.””

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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