Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1031

“Some people say I’m rude, some say I’m unruly, and some say I’m full of nonsense. These comments are not wrong, but I take them as compliments because I have achieved so many achievements.”——Trump

On November 9, 2016, Donald Trump received 276 electoral votes, exceeding the winning standard of 270 electoral votes, and was elected the 45th president in the history of the United States.

As a”mudslide” in American politics, he is the most criticized president in American history.

Trump fulfilled his promise after taking office. During the campaign, Trump made a promise to cut taxes, saying that he would cut taxes for middle-class workers and families, cut taxes for American companies, and strengthen American companies. competitiveness.

In April 2017, the White House issued a brief tax reform outline that was only one page in size on A4 paper. The main content was to significantly reduce the corporate tax rate from 35% to 15% and reduce the personal income tax brackets from 7 to 3. Repeal the estate tax and double the amount of tax-free income.

Afterwards, the Trump administration announced a detailed tax reform plan. Its tone and content were basically consistent with the outline, except that the top corporate tax rate was lowered from 15% to 20% in the April outline.

Also at the beginning of the election, Trump made a promise that after being elected, he would repeal Oguanhai’s health care reform plan (the Affordable Care Act) and redesign a new health care plan.

After he came to power, the first executive order he signed was related to the repeal of the Aoguanhai medical reform.

At the same time, Republican lawmakers have also begun to intensively prepare a new health care reform bill to replace the current law.

On February 22, 2017, the Trump administration also revoked the”toilet order” left over from the Oguanhai era.

This law requires all public schools to allow”transgender” students to choose bathrooms and locker rooms based on their”psychological gender” rather than their”biological gender.” It has caused huge controversy in the United States.

“My dad is really crazy. He seems to really want to be a good president for the American people, but does he know how many people his plan will offend? If it doesn’t achieve the expected results, people will attack him.¨¨ ”

“And there are people working against him in every sector of the country. The Clinton family was so well-connected in politics that we all tried to persuade my father to keep a low profile when he first took office, but he didn’t listen at all.”

Martin advised:”Don’t think too much, if he is willing to keep a low profile, then he is not Donald Trump.”

It can be said that Trump’s character was cultivated from an early age.

This guy received a typical”white strongman education” since he was a child. The children of the Trump family were instilled with such a concept by their parents when they were growing up. :”You are a killer, you are a king, you are a strong one.” It means that you have to be ruthless, you have to defeat everything, and you have to be a ruler. In essence , Trump is asking them to be a master.

A bad boy, he was a school bully and ran rampant in school. He not only disobeyed lectures and disrupted classes, but also liked to bully his classmates. Later, he became more and more unruly, and even went to get some knives with his friends to extort pocket money from the school.

He went too far and was kicked out of school, and was eventually sent to the New York Military Academy by his father.

As an adult, Trump, who ran the family business, once talked about the power of genetics on a show:

People are divided into winners and losers. He will be selected by nature and DNA, and he will either succeed or fail.

This competitive and conceited mentality runs through all stages of his life.

Therefore, this kind of person is very easy to become complacent and rampant.

Not only Trump, but also many white people. This is true for elites, because the general environment of white society does not pay attention to keeping a low profile and hiding behind. On

June 10, Trump continued his drastic reforms.

According to the policy, the United States will significantly reduce the number of immigrants and plans to reduce the annual admissions of 1 million immigrants to 500,000 per year within ten years.

After the reform, American citizens will not be able to apply for green cards for their parents or siblings.

Secondly, the Trump administration.

Announced support for a major skills-based immigration reform proposal, replacing the”low-end immigration system” with a”points system” and raising the immigration threshold.

According to the proposal, new immigrants must be proficient in English, have the job skills required by the United States and have a stable financial situation.

, and cannot apply for government benefits.

Finally, Trump also ordered the expulsion and repatriation of undocumented immigrants, claiming that all 11 million undocumented immigrants will be driven out of the United States.

The Trump administration also signed a document called”Stop Foreign Terrorists.

“”Enter the National Protection Plan of the United States”.

This order was called the”Muslim Ban” by civil society groups and the Democratic Party.

This executive order requires that within the next 90 days, Iraq, Syria and Syria will be banned.

Citizens from seven countries, including Iran, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Libya, have entered the United States.

In addition, Trump also suspended the original refugee admissions program for 120 days in order to conduct adequate background checks on the refugees.

The U.


plan to resettle Syrian refugees was suspended indefinitely, reducing the number of refugees the U.


planned to accept from around the world this year to 50,000, a reduction of more than 50%.

Just a month later, Trump signed another one.

A travel ban.

This ban requires citizens of eight countries to enter the United States starting from October 18.

According to this ban, citizens of Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Yemen and Somalia are not allowed to enter the United States.

Enter the United States, and some Venezuelan officials are also prohibited from entering the United States.

At the same time, in order to prevent illegal immigration from Mexico, Trump signed the Department of Homeland Security.

“` 〃Two executive orders aimed at strengthening border security and tightening immigration policies, and claimed that they would use federal funds to start building a wall on the US-Mexico border within a few months.

The Trump administration launched a”zero tolerance” policy, A large number of illegal immigrant families are intercepted at the Mexican border, and the adults are held in temporary detention centers, while the children are taken over by government agencies and sent to relatives, foster homes, or shelters. While the policies promised in the election were put into action, Trump also did one thing.

He sent a large number of unemployed workers to Guinea, and at the same time, a large number of machinery and equipment from closed factories went to Guinea. A huge cargo ship carrying machinery and equipment crossed the Atlantic and arrived in Guinea.

Guinea’s industrial aquatic products have made another great leap forward.

Martin was secretly happy that the movie shooting was even faster.

“Use steel cables to hang the ship and hang the surrounding blue screens.”

“I need to rock the boat”

“Amber, there is a fixed device under your feet. When the ship rocks, you need to stand firm.”

(Brothers, please take care of me. Please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.).

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