Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Chapter 1018

Look at this TV screen talking about”We need to target IS”、”We can’t add enemies to ourselves” Trump, Martin thought to himself:.

“How much benefit did Trump receive from Goose Ross? Also, is China also involved?”

He wondered, if there is really any PY transaction between these three parties, can he take advantage of it?

Guinea’s construction pace will be accelerated. Recently, France, Egypt and other countries have begun to be wary of Guinea’s development.

In the last two days , Within ten minutes, the topic returned to domestic issues.

Due to the recent personnel vacancies in the Supreme Court of the United States, many Republican members of Congress were worried that the new judges appointed by Oguanhai would tilt the Supreme Court towards liberals, so they asked to wait until the next president. After taking office,

Hillary and Trump also have significant differences in the selection of judges.

Hillary hinted that she would appoint a liberal judge who would reject the Citizens United lawsuit.”Federal Election Commission Case” to oppose corporate donations to political campaigns and protect everyone’s right to vote.

Trump said he would choose a staunch conservative judge to defend the American Constitution like the late Justice Scalia. , including the Second Amendment that allows people to own guns.

Yes, Trump is opposed to banning guns.

In the final stage of the debate, an audience member finally asked the two about the energy issue that had not been mentioned in the previous debate. The candidate asked.

The middle-aged white man asked:”May I ask you two, if you are elected president, how will you protect the environment while avoiding the unemployment of a large number of workers? Trump immediately reiterated his support for”old energy” industries such as coal, saying that the United States not only needs wind energy and solar energy, but also coal, oil and other resources, and the coal industry’s development of”clean coal” can also avoid certain environmental pollution.

“Although it is not completely environmentally friendly, as long as it can stimulate the local economy and employment, certain environmental sacrifices are necessary.”

Later, he criticized Aoguanhai’s environmental protection policy, believing that this policy had done too much harm to local coal companies, causing foreign companies to”take advantage of the opportunity.” Therefore, it was necessary to revitalize the American energy industry to allow American workers to obtain benefits. More jobs.

Hillary has always been an”environmentalist” persona. During her answer, she reiterated her support for new energy.

“America should become a clean energy superpower in the 21st century.”’”

But then the conversation changed and he also said that in order to solve the employment problem, it was necessary to revitalize the economy of coal-producing areas and help local workers find jobs.

Trump immediately scoffed:”Look, look, this is the face of a veteran politician. In order to get votes, she can completely ignore the contradictions in her words. Then I want to ask Ms. Hillary, what specific measures have she taken? , can we vigorously develop coal enterprises while protecting the environment?”

Hillary didn’t even look at Trump, as if she didn’t hear what he said, and ignored the question, and just said to the questioner:”I The team is already formulating a comprehensive energy policy plan to ensure that the United States can maintain energy independence and is not dependent on other countries.”

Then the two talked about how to protect American jobs, while pointing the finger at the East – well, That’s right, it’s China.

The world’s factory is no joke.

Trump loudly said:”Everyone should be vigilant. China’s dumping of steel has hurt American companies and workers, and their products have begun to occupy every aspect of our lives.”

Hillary also said in a stern tone,”I After taking office, he will launch a more severe anti-dumping investigation against China.

” , and a lot of his funds are flowing in China.”

Trump immediately said:”My building is made of Chinese steel. That’s because Chinese steel is cheap. But after I came to power and started implementing anti-dumping policies, Chinese products will have no price advantage, so all American businessmen, including me, will naturally no longer purchase Chinese products.”

Trump’s scoundrel-like sophistry amused Martin, who was watching TV.

Also amused were a large number of Americans.

What’s even more interesting is that they think what Trump said makes sense.

When businessmen pursue profits, of course they choose”cheap and easy-to-use” products, so it’s still due to policy.

In fact, for the American people, most of them are really not that disgusted with Chinese products. Instead, they think they are cheap and beautiful, and much better than American products. After all, most people still like to save money.

0 ·····Asking for flowers···· ···

Why were electronic products and cars from the”small days” able to occupy the American market?

Isn’t it just because of the reason of”cheap and easy to use”?

It’s a pity that the”little life” is after all an”economic colony” of the United States. Not long after he became proud, he was treated as a”fat pig” and slaughtered for meat by his American father.

But for a sovereign country like China, the United States has no good solution. After all, its own products cannot compete, so it can only engage in local protection.

With less than ten minutes left, the last question in the debate finally became less explosive.

It even caused the audience to laugh knowingly


An audience member smiled and asked:”Ms. Hillary, Mr. Trump, I would like to ask you both to tell me one good thing about the other.”

In this debate full of personal attacks, this question seemed to inject A touch of”joyful atmosphere” made the scene less tense.

Then Hillary made a subconscious move that was captured by the TV camera.

She rolled her eyes wide.

Obviously, she was very, very, very unhappy about praising Trump.

Countless laughter erupted in front of the TV.

Later, Hillary cleverly avoided praising Trump directly when answering, but instead praised Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, who was present.

“I have known Ivanka for a long time, and she is a very capable and knowledgeable woman. Hillary deliberately placed an accent on the word”women”, apparently sarcastically mocking Trump’s disrespect for women.

She continued:”The achievements of his children reflect Trump’s strengths, well, I love Ivanka.”

And Trump said:”Although I don’t agree with all of Hillary’s views, I still have to respect her spirit of never giving up.”

“she’s a fighter’”

“I think this is a great feature.”Trump said.

When he mentioned the word”fighter,” Trump also pronounced the accent, most likely implying that Hillary is aggressive.

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