Entertainment: Playing exciting games made Yang Mi divorce

Chapter 41 Industry rules? If you act like a dog first, I won’t do it!

"How much money are you prepared to invest?" Xie Dajing asked.

"Six million to eight million!" Ye Su gave an estimated fund.

"Almost, that's enough! This is a small-budget movie in itself."

Xie Dajing nodded, and couldn't help but ask: "Where did you get the funds? Where did you pull it from?"

"I earned it myself."

Ye Su suddenly said proudly and told Ming Zhen's story.

"Good boy!"

Xie Dajing was also surprised, "You've really made a name for yourself, but it's such a waste of time. It would be much better if we raised investment earlier."

"I don't want to flatter those people and treat them like dogs." Ye Su said with some disdain.

Many people believe in a reality, that is, people who come out of college and have no background have to: first be a dog, and then be a human.

This is how leaders in various industries teach young people.

Especially if you are studying directing, making a movie requires funds, and you have to be a dog for some people.

Not capital.

But some seniors.

Start working as an assistant or something, just like a dog.

Then if you do a good job, these seniors will introduce you to some resources and connections, which is your reward for being a dog anyway.

Of course, you can also choose another option, which is to invest yourself.

Ye Su obviously chose the latter, even though it was much more difficult.

"You boy!"

Xie Dajing didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The more unremarkable one is, the higher one's self-esteem is.

As for Ye Su, he obviously had plans in school and had seen through many things, so he would rather go on his own.

Thinking about it, he was just like that. He stayed in the school to teach as soon as he graduated. He was very lucky.

"Then why did you come to me?" Xie Dajing couldn't help but joked.

"Lao Xie, you are different. You are the person I respect most in my life. You are the teacher I respect most in my life. Once I am a teacher, I will always be a teacher."

Ye Su immediately looked serious, but in the next second, he changed the subject again and said pitifully: "So I should come to you when I need it. You can't help me!"

Good guy!

Xie Dajing was speechless and said with great emotion: "I say you don't know the world, but you are also sophisticated. You say you want to be shameless, but most of the time you are very shameless. You are such a brat that I don't know how to evaluate you."

"Lao Xie, this is called knowing the world but not being worldly, being strong but not sharp, being realistic but not snobbish. This is an attitude towards life and sticking to one's own principles." Ye Su said with a smile.

Xie Dajing was stunned for a while, then suddenly stood up suddenly.

"Let's go! Get off work!"

"Ah? Lao Xie, it's still early before get off work, don't skip work because of me." Ye Su said quickly.

"Get out! You don't have such a big reputation. I don't have to work in the first place. I just came to have tea. Go home and ask your wife to cook you something delicious. I and I will have two cups today." Xie Dajing was not angry. said.

"Oh oh oh, that's it."

"Bring the wine!"


An old man and a young man walked out of the campus from the back door. Xie Dajing lived in the community behind the college, which was very close. He could walk there every day.

"By the way, Xiaoye, you haven't said where your trouble is yet." Xie Dajing asked as he walked.

"I need an experienced assistant director. It's best if he can help me organize a crew." Ye Su said.

Xie Dajing complained: "How about I help you find the actors and help you shoot the movie."

"That's not necessary. I already have a candidate in mind." Ye Su didn't feel embarrassed at all. Anyway, he asked for it first. If it didn't work, he would call his old classmates together.

"Don't tell me, you are so lucky. There is such a person. I can help you contact him."

Xie Dajing seemed to suddenly remember someone, so he took out his phone and dialed the number. He hung up the phone after saying a few words, sighed and explained: "Actually, this Xiao Ning is also my student, ten years older than you, but At that time, he studied photography and took directing as an elective. He was also a proud and arrogant person. Unfortunately, he had suffered a lot in society over the years. Later he realized the reality and it was useless to beg his grandfather to sue his grandmother. He came to the college some time ago. He came to me looking for a job."

"That's senior brother." Ye Su was not surprised. To be honest, he was still a time traveler, yet he was in such a miserable state.

"That's right. I called him home, and we happened to have some drinks together. You can chat with him and use it if you want. He is still very experienced." Xie Dajing said.

"If it's suitable, I can't ask for it. What I lack now is experienced senior brothers and sisters." Ye Su said with a grin.



When Ye Su saw the person coming, he couldn't help but froze.

It turned out to be him!

It was Ning Hao, the original director of the script film "Crazy Stone" written by Ye Su. He really didn't expect to see him here, and he was still his senior brother.

"Brother!" Ye Su greeted in surprise.

"Are you... that Ye... Su from Celebrity Detective?" Ning Hao looked incredulous. After all, Ye Su's name has been on the hot searches recently, and it's hard for him not to pay attention to it.

But what makes Ning Hao feel incredible is how can a variety show star and a star be in the home of the deputy dean of teaching at the Kyoto Film Academy?

"Make a movie? Ask me to be the assistant director?" Ning Hao quickly understood what the teacher meant by asking him to come. He exclaimed with a look of surprise, and at the same time, there was a strong look of envy in his eyes.

He was also a director, but unfortunately he was in trouble, getting worse as he got worse. Finally, he asked a teacher to give him a job to support his family.

Because he really couldn't survive anymore.

Ye Su also looked sad. Hearing Ning Hao's experience, Ning Hao in this life was still doing well after graduation, but later became increasingly miserable.

In his previous life, "Crazy Stone" was filmed by Ning Hao in 06. After that, Ning Hao became famous and slowly reached the peak of his life.

But in this life, Ning Hao has never filmed "Crazy Stone", so it is still 2014 and he is miserable.

This is the case in the directing industry. Once you have a famous film, it will either have a high box office or win awards. In this way, investors in the industry will be willing to come to you and be happy to invest in your film.

Otherwise, it will be very miserable. The worse it is, the more no one will invest, and you will have to be a dog for others, otherwise you will almost never get ahead.

Just like Ning Hao's development, the film he made while a student won the Best Director Award at the Kyoto Student Film Festival. Later, he made a film with his own funds and won the gold medal in the "Asian Digital Competition" of the Asian DV competition unit of the Hong Kong International Film Festival. This is almost That was his peak, and then it just went downhill.

The harder you work, the worse you get, and the more you resist, the worse you get. This is a portrayal of real life.

The saying that the harder you work, the luckier you will be, is actually deceptive. It cannot be said that hard work is useless, but hard work is definitely not an inevitable factor in your success.

"Brother, are you willing to accept my invitation?" Ye Su extended the invitation again.

"Of course, Director Ye, I can't ask for anything more!" Ning Hao looked excited, with a hint of respect. He didn't want to quit, he still wanted to make a movie.

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