Entertaining Into Bitterness Drama

Chapter 28

Chapter 28: Four Feet

Lin Jinxiu’s residence is very quiet and elegant. It is said that she personally arranged it. Unlike Gao Jialiang’s house, which combines Chinese and Western styles, all the furnishings in her house are antique.

Two flower stands were placed in the yard, and a pomegranate tree was planted in the year Lin Jinxiu was born. Covers a cool shade in bright white sunlight.

The hall is open and cool outside.

Since Mercury arrived at Lin’s house, she liked to sit on the rocking chair and look at Lin Jinxiu’s book collection to pass the time. Although Lin Jinxiu did not go to school, her grandmother taught her to read. It’s just that most of the tomes collected by Lin Jinxiu are ancient books, filial piety and Buddhist scriptures, etc. The typesetting method is vertical, the fonts are mostly traditional, and there is no punctuation. It is not interesting for non-professionals to read.

When the wind blew through the hall with the fragrance of grass and wood outside, Mercury often lay on the rocking chair and fell asleep without reading more than ten pages.

The girl who takes care of her in Lin’s family is called Liufang. Although she is a few years younger than her, she is quick and diligent, and she is a meticulous person. In the past few days after Mercury was brought home, Liufang was probably the one who knew the most about her changes.

Lin’s father and Lin’s mother were worried about her feet and didn’t have the heart to pay attention to other changes in her body. Liufang was different. She spent a lot of time with her, and took care of her daily life and diet. I saw her with my own eyes Clothing habits have changed. I no longer love those thick and dignified skirts, but prefer thin, soft and comfortable skirts.

In the past, the second lady liked, but she bought a lot of dresses that she didn’t take a look at. Dresses with bright colors were hung in the closet, and those dresses used to be pressed against the bottom of the box.

There are also hair, cut and permed, sometimes draped lazily behind the back, sometimes **** at will, and more formal, they will use two hairpins in one plate, but the restraint and meticulousness of the past are gone. , kind of… Liufang couldn’t tell, she just felt that the change in the eldest lady was too great.

He returned to the house with tea and saw the eldest lady fell asleep on the reclining chair again, the tulle covering her feet was also falling aside, Liufang had no choice but to put down the tea cup and went up to pick up the tulle Cover her again.

Because the medicine was applied, the mercury on these feet has been drying, but Liufang felt that the woman’s feet were so big and exposed. She fulfilled her wishes, meaning to cover with a veil.

It’s jasmine tea, added rock sugar, and washed with cold well water. This is another habit that is different from the old lady. In the past, the size was probably influenced by the old lady’s habit since childhood. When drinking tea, she only drank strong tea, bitter tea, and never added anything else, and it had to be hot.

It has changed so much in a few days, Liufang can only be like Lin’s mother, attributing this to Lin Jinxiu’s serious crime in Gao’s family, the whole person is not normal, so I don’t dare to stimulate she.

Mercury has always been very accurate in grasping the psychology of others, deliberately misunderstanding them, and at the same time making some changes in all aspects of life, so that they can quickly accept this Lin Jinxiu who is different from before.

Father Lin is the one who accepts the best, seeing his daughter’s change, he also praised her with a smile: “Isn’t this more beautiful than before, it’s very good, girls should wear bright clothes at home Look good, you used to be more old-fashioned than what your mother wore.”

The couple, including the Gao family, all believed that Lin Jinxiu’s change was to please Gao Jialiang, and only Gao Jialiang did not believe it.

Gao Jialiang left the house since Lin Jinxiu entered the door and never went back. He lives in a classmate’s house near the school and is busy with a youth club activity at the school. A group of them is planning to run a youth newspaper. Master Gao asked people to come and call him several times, but Gao Jialiang made up his mind not to go back.

The fifth miss, Gao Jiayun, found out where the third brother was, and came to look for him quietly.

“She went to change her little feet for me?” Gao Jialiang heard Gao Jiayun say this, and the whole person couldn’t believe it.

Does he still remember what the other party said when he went to see Lin Jinxiu before, the dismissive attitude towards him, and the irritable temper of smashing things for his sake? Gao Jialiang waved his hand: “Forget it, she can’t be for me for anyone.”

Gao Jiayun circled around him, “Oh, third brother, you believe me, I heard the Lin family say that, she is an old woman three years older than you, marrying you like this A handsome and talented man with knowledge and looks, he must like you very much in his heart!”

Her tone was both proud and smug, but also with disdain for Lin Jinxiu, “Don’t look at her high posture, see that you haven’t gone back, don’t worry, she even has small feet You can’t even do it, just to please you. If it’s not for you, what else can she do, you don’t understand a girl’s heart at all.”

Gao Jialiang was somewhat persuaded by her, and doubted: “Really?”

Gao Jiayun: “Of course! Third brother, let me tell you, you can’t be so wooed by her, so what if she is willing to solve your little feet for you? If you don’t have a common language, you will not be happy! You can’t give in, you must fight to the end!”

Gao Jialiang: “I know, we are not suitable, what I want is a new woman who shares my ideals, knows my ambitions, and can accompany me to progress together, not her kind woman.”

“Huh—” Gao Jiayun suddenly lengthened his voice and teased: “Third brother, who is your mysterious sweetheart, and you still refuse to tell me—”

Gao Jialiang inadvertently raised his eyes and saw a young female student with long hair walking in at the door, he immediately kicked Gao Jiayun to signal her to shut up, a smile quickly appeared on his face: “Student An Zhi , why did you come here?”

The female student named An Zhi is fair-skinned and beautiful, with a quiet temperament, and walked slowly with a neat stack of paper, “I’m here to deliver the manuscript.”

Gao Jialiang immediately stepped forward to take it, “Oh, so, it’s really hard for you.”

An Zhi: “It’s not hard work, we are classmates and friends of a club, and we should all work hard for the newspaper. I have done far less than you.”

Gao Jialiang immediately said: “How come, I also read the manuscript you wrote. It is very well written. I am going to publish it in the first issue.”

Only then did An Zhi smile: “I’m not famous, is that okay?”

Gao Jialiang: “Of course, your words are thought-provoking, and I am touched when I read them.”

Gao Jiayun suddenly snickered when he saw the two of them talking. Leaning up to look at An Zhi, “Brother, who is this, why didn’t you introduce me to him?”

“Don’t make trouble!” Gao Jialiang motioned her to leave quickly, Gao Jiayun deliberately pretended not to hear, An Zhi generously stretched out his hand to her and introduced himself: “Hello, I’m An Zhi, Gao Jialiang’s classmate .”

“Hello, Sister Anzhi!” Gao Jiayun shook hands with her and winked at the third brother, “I like Sister Anzhi when I see it, I think Sister Anzhi and my third brother are very suitable, a talented man and a woman. appearance…”

Gao Jialiang interrupted her angrily: “Don’t talk nonsense any more, you go home for me, no more!”

To drive Gao Jiayun away, Gao Jialiang explained angrily: “She has always been open-mouthed and likes to joke, don’t care about her.”

An Zhi shook her head, “Of course I won’t be angry with her because of this joke.” She paused, “Actually, I heard about your family.”

Gao Jialiang hurriedly explained: “I don’t want this. I don’t like the relatives appointed by my family. I just want to be with the people I like because of the common ideal.”

An Zhi pursed her lips and whispered, “I think so too, so I think you did the right thing, you have the courage to fight, I think you are very brave.”

Sending Anzhi away, Gao Jialiang once again strengthened his determination to fight against this feudal marriage.

Master Gao urged him not to go home several times, and he was ruthless.

“How long has it been since you came back? Are you not going to want me as a father, or are you never going to go back to Gao’s house again?!” Master Gao got angry, holding a cane whip in his hand to prepare hands-on.

Gao Jialiang held his neck, but did not speak.

Master Gao: “Go to Lin’s house, apologize to me, and bring your daughter-in-law back.”

Gao Jialiang said: “I don’t have a wife!”

Master Gao whipped him fiercely, “How dare you say that!”

After two strokes, the eldest wife rushed to block, “Don’t fight, Jialiang has this temperament, it’s not that you don’t know, just tell him well, why beat him!”

Master Gao threw down the cane, “You are used to him.”

turned his head and pointed at Gao Jialiang: “If you don’t go to Lin’s house to apologize and pick up someone, you will stay at home and not be able to go out for a day!”

“Why!” Gao Jialiang was excited, “You can’t limit my freedom in life, I have the right to leave!”

Seeing that Master Gao was about to do something again, the eldest wife hugged Gao Jialiang’s head and face, “Don’t hit my son!”

In the end, Gao Jialiang was forced to go to the Lin family. He could endure being beaten by his father, but he couldn’t watch his parents quarrel for himself, and he couldn’t watch his mother wipe tears for himself. He felt that the ideals in his heart collided with the cruel reality, making it difficult for his family and loved ones.

On the way to Lin’s house, he felt resentment and pain in his heart, and resented Lin Jinxiu, the culprit of all this. If she hadn’t been making a fuss about going home, this wouldn’t have happened.

He went to Lin’s house with a straight face, met Lin’s father and mother, was taken to Lin Jinxiu’s yard, and saw the woman who was leisurely reading a book and drinking tea.

Compared to his miserable situation, her leisure is too much to hate.

Mercury was still recovering from the injury on his foot, and when he saw him suddenly appear, he still sat there steadily, “What are you doing here.”

Gao Jialiang tried to kill her with his eyes, with a very reluctant tone, “Come to pick you up.”

Mercury: “No need, you can go back by yourself.” She lived peacefully at Lin’s house, and she doesn’t really want to go back to Gao’s house now.

Gao Jialiang couldn’t hold back his anger for a moment, and asked loudly: “I’m here, what do you want?! I warn you, enough is enough!”

Mercury is also not used to his temper, she always treats people whatever others do to her, she grabs the porcelain cup at hand and smashes it at Gao Jialiang’s feet, “I can’t learn well. Shut up when you talk to people, and **** off anyone who is angry with you, don’t run up to me and yell.”

Obviously, this young man was taken care of by his parents and couldn’t resist the power of his parents, so he had to put his anger on her ‘soft persimmon”. He didn’t necessarily know who was the source, but the word filial piety was on top of his head and he didn’t dare to move, so he had to turn his head to deal with what he could deal with.

Gao Jialiang clenched his fists, “Who are you doing this to? Don’t you just want me to apologize to pick you up after going home?”

“But I tell you, no matter how much you play, I’m not going to like you, and your feet, and even if you do this, I’ll never care how you are. ”

Mercury laughed, “Wake up, what dreams are you doing in the daytime, where do you get the confidence that I am for you? Saliva, like a watering can, has a limit to self-love.”

He didn’t go back to Gao’s house, he simply hid in a classmate’s house.

He will never see that hateful Lin Jinxiu again!

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