Enmity of Atlas

Interlude: Ren Incantum 19

“‘We enter together a new era for this world, an epoch based upon love for your fellow man, begone of the savagery we once knew. And our past sins can never be forgotten, the men we’ve slain in cold blood, the bones upon which this empire has been built. But no longer must we cower; no longer must we fear; no longer must we shirk away from the responsibility we have been given! We will unite every corner of this world under our banner, under my name! This is no longer just a dream, and no hallucination of mine. It is a vision, a destiny, something we will see done, that our children and their own may live in the peace we were never allowed to know in our lives! That is what we are: benevolence, progress, peace, the very first, and the very greatest!’

-an excerpt from (The name is scribbled out)’s coronation”

-an excerpt from Ren Incantum

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