Enlightenment Through BDSM

Ch 29: ❤ You can’t make me choose between heaven and a different heaven!

That’s not fair… Why couldn’t she get naked and touch me? That’s how it usually works between girlfriends, right? She had mentioned the idea of taking it slow, but we were Mistress and Servant, right? Surely that meant we were beyond slow.

It dawned on me that maybe that was the reason. People were pretty quick to that sort of thing in the outside world, even myself with the couple of girlfriends I’d had. Here though, Kalia made the rules, and what was the point in having that power if you weren’t going to use it every once and a little while?

“Touch me,” I mumbled, still squirming, still rubbing myself.

“I’m sorry, I must have misheard. It almost sounded like you gave me an order instead of a request?”

I winced, biting my lip. God, just the insinuation of something like that made me even wetter, even hornier. “Please touch me, Miss Kalia.”

“Mmhm,” she said, getting on her knees and crawling towards me. I could barely see the outline of her ass as she made her was over, swaying back and forth, got a great look down her shirt honestly, but it still felt hollow, knowing we weren’t going to completely go into it, but I still held out hope that I’d get something really good out of it.

“But, I do need to punish you as well,” she said, curling up around my knees, just far enough away to not brush up against me. “After all, I know it was a command you gave me earlier. So, I will touch you, but not everywhere.”

“Not every—” I managed to get out before here hand fell on me, grabbing the hair at the base of my neck and tugging back. “Ugh!” I let out, more in surprise than from any physical reaction sensation.

She continued holding my head back, forcing me to look into the tent ceiling as she spoke. “Tonight, I’m only going to touch you on your hair. Still a reward, what you wanted, but not everything you wanted since had the nerve to be so demanding. Understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” I said, grunting as she craned my neck back even more. It really wasn’t what I’d wanted, what I’d expected at all, but why oh why did just the little bit of force on the back of my head feel so good?

“Good girl,” she said, releasing my hair. I was just about to look down again when she added, “And stay looking up until I say otherwise.”

That was it, of course. My muscles locked into place, the ones holding my neck back anyway, as I heard her moving around next to me. I couldn’t see what what happening, wasn’t sure why I had to stay this way, but I’d already been impudent once, and I wasn’t about to start asking unnecessary questions. In fact, I didn’t have to ask anyway, I soon realized.

Something fell on my face. I shook a bit, probably would’ve jumped back and tried to throw it off me if I wasn’t under her spell, both the literal one keeping me looking straight up and the one in purely in my mind forcing me to ravage myself, but then I realized what it was. Thin black cloth, slim strings, a slight musky smell, damp…

“Hold those for me, dear,” she said. I heard her giggling as she did. “I’ll be honest, I had a hard time keeping my hands to myself last night, and I can’t go two nights in a row just watching. But still, you aren’t allowed to see me naked tonight, weren’t a good enough girl for that, so you can be my hanger instead!”

There was a playfulness to her voice that was so utterly put on it was ridiculous, but somehow that made everything more real, knowing that she was enjoying toying with me as much as I was enjoying being toyed with. And so I sat there on my knees, her wet panties draped over my face, unable to move them or even my own head, knowing she was touching herself right next to me, watching me as I was now plunging into myself with two fingers, the other hand mauling my own chest.

And then I felt her hand again, grabbing at the top of my head this time, fingers digging into my scalp. “Don’t worry though, I haven’t forgotten your reward, so I’ll keep one hand free for that while I entertain myself with the other.” God that felt good, better than anything I could do to myself somehow, even though she was only allowing herself to touch the top of my head. Why hadn’t anything ever felt that good before? This wasn’t something unique to my new body; I’d had a scalp and hair before, right? But I haven’t had her, though…

Punishment or not, I had to have had the way better end of this deal, either that or she was just really good at self control. I had struggled to maintain any sense of quiet before she’d started massaging my head, but after that I couldn’t hold back, letting out each and every moan, grunt, sigh, and scream that rose up through my body. Emi would hear it all, but she already had to know what was going on in here anyway, right? What if she thought something was wrong though, came to check on us? Kalia was focused on me, presumably, and I couldn’t even check the entrance to the tent.

That was the thought that sent me over the edge, the image the mousegirl’s dumbfounded face as she poked her head through the tent flap. I knew logically that she wouldn’t actually be there, but my brain chose to ignore that fact, that image burned into my memory, reality as far as I was concerned. It took everything I could to remain upright while my body shook, Kalia intensifying her fingers pressing into my skull.

And God, it still wasn’t enough.

“My my,” my partner said, taking her hand away and eliciting a whimper from me at the loss of it. “That was pretty fast, pretty intense just for me touching your hair. But I think you can keep going…”

Yes, please, I thought to myself, unable to vocalize anything, but I wasn’t prepared for where her hand fell next. I know it sounds absurd, but I’d somehow forgotten the top of my head wasn’t the only place I had hair now, and her fingers stroking the back of my pointed ears sent a shock throughout my whole body and one of my screams into the night.

“Fuck!” I shouted, right hand tensing up as my left still dove inside of myself. My breasts weren’t enough anymore, not right then, so I took that free hand down and started rubbing the top of my slit, coaxing my clit out of its hood even more than it already was, shouting out with complete reckless abandon now as her fingers danced across my ears, and then finally pulled away.

I was about to whine, about to complain, still didn’t expect what was next. She grabbed the base of my tail, pulling back the same way she had when she grabbed my hair before, digging into it as she did. It was without a doubt the most intense thing I’d ever felt, the combination of her hand there, my hands going at my pussy, her thong still hanging on my face, the scent and taste entering my mouth as I gasped for air, convulsing, shaking, falling over…

The last thought as I was falling was that I might accidentally see Kalia. I didn’t want that, not even because it might mean punishment, but because I knew I hadn’t earned it yet. Fortunately, the little triangle of cloth stayed on my face as I fell, laid itself down over my eyes, blocking my vision from whatever secret pleasures were being had around me.

I did hear her, finally, coming down from her own orgasm in a series of pants and moans from the sounds of it, finally collapsing next to me as well, draping her arm over my stomach and pulling me close. 

Guess the “no touching anywhere but hair” rule is over, for now…

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