动物王国(english version)

Chapter 10: Introduction of the Persecuted Races

As Shui finished his immense dialogue, Yuan began to hear a great rumbling outside. The landing platform opened and soon he was engulfed in embraces and kind words. All around him were races that he had never seen before. They were those of the races barred from the dynasty kingdoms. The lost variety of the persecuted races swarmed around him.

 This was a decade-long operation to extract the most well fit of the long suppressed Shajing Linja. The 5 beasts were the great fighter apprentices of the Wuji Martial Order. They had utilized the last of the full power amulets to travel an immense distance to the Wuji Planetary system to bring Yuan here.

 The roster was now full and the second of the Great Steps Forward were beginning. Far away, in the depth of the Marble Stronghold, the elders could hear the echoes of celebration. Yuan did not understand his own importance. His race didn't. And that was their largest flaw.

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