Chapter 710: My Name
Adam had to go a long way to defeat the three Commanders and activate all the statues. All to see the External Artifact.
However, his goal was not the External Artifact but what was supposed to be hiding under the round platform.
All the time Adam was in the fortress, the black particles directed him downwards, there were no more paths further down in the fortress, and therefore Adam's monster had to be close to the External Artifact.
For this reason, despite his interest, Adam did not rush towards the stream of light coming out of the depths. He waited for a while, then cautiously stepped forward, keeping his full focus.
Silvana realized that the choice was made, now they had to get it right.
'The main thing is to take your time. Perhaps the monster is already waiting for you and ready to attack, or possibly your fight will be arranged by the External Artifact, who knows?'
Step. Step. Step.
With a silent nod, Adam headed forward. The echo of his steps spread around, hitting the cold walls of the caves, rippling back in waves.
His heart gradually beat faster, feeling that now he was closer than ever to moving forward. Sure, it already happened because of the incident with the Two Walls, but this was the exception to the rule.
Reaching the edge, Adam lowered his head, the red light covering his face and even changing the color of his ocean-blue eyes.
His gaze, unhurriedly lowered to the bottom, with many expectations but no knowledge of what actually lurked below.
This was not the first time Adam faced an External Artifact, so he knew that they were very different from ordinary Artifacts and that was primarily reflected in their appearance, unique shape, and size.
Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.
The External Artifact of the Fortress of the Lone Serpent trembled slightly as it floated in space a few meters above the ground.
It possessed a complex geometric shape - an icosahedron, a massive red crystal with twenty faces, flat surfaces maintaining perfect symmetry.
The icosahedron was much larger even than the Fume Throne, the artifact was the size of a building and even the Mighty Commander could hardly lift it, despite his great physical power.
Around the crystal, at a distance of one or two meters, hovered thirty triangular flame shards, one at each corner. The shards were pointed to the sides with their sharp tips like spikes.
From time to time, dense waves of energy more like hot flames passed between the shards and the artifacts.
And... this was all of it.
"What the hell...?"
Adam's lips quivered as his eyes went blank for a moment. He was impressed by the sight of the External Artifact, but other than that he had also expected to see his opponent here.
Trying to make sense of the situation, Adam concentrated as black particles appeared around him. As before they were pointing down.
'Adam, try to go lower. Perhaps there is a secret passage below as there was with the Stone Mimics. Your energy isn't wrong, there's the monster you need out here.'
In response, he only muttered slowly.
"Well, I hope so."
Without a moment's hesitation, Adam jumped down finding himself close to the External Artifact.
He glanced around, but the artifact was in a small, empty cave where there were clearly no secret passages.
In such cases, Adam always consulted with Silvana, this time he was about to do the same, but something stopped him.
[Adam... What are you waiting for...?]
Suddenly, he heard the serene voice of his closest ally.
"Agh...? What makes you suddenly decide to talk at a time like this?" Adam raised an eyebrow in confusion.
[Hah... You're still too young and inexperienced...]
Instead of answering, Adam only received another sneer in his direction.
[Don't you feel that...? Take a closer look at this artifact... I'm sure... You can understand it if you put in the effort...]
As usual, there were no direct answers from the Evolution Tree, only riddles, but Adam had long ago gotten used to that.
Taking a deep breath, Adam simply stared at the External Artifact, watching as the massive crystal, the icosahedron slowly rotated as well as the multitude of shards.
Now and then the crystal trembled, this happened a few times upon first glance, but Adam didn't pay it any mind back then.
It looked like a simple quivering due to the large amount of energy inside, but... very soon Adam realized that it wasn't.
His eyes went wide with realization as his face turned slightly pale.
"Wait... It's afraid...? This External Artifact is feeling fear and trembling like some scared beast...?"
Silvana wanted to ask what was going on, but she quickly realized that Adam wasn't talking to her.
[Yes... It is exactly like that... However... I, like you... do not know the reason for its fear...]
Then, the Evolution Tree made an offer:
[Adam... We don't know the reason... but... You can just ask it...]
Before Adam could say anything, he felt a stream of active energy run through his right arm, forcing him to reach forward.
Adam didn't resist the urge and soon his fingertip was close to the burning crystal.
Gentle streams of flame swirled tentatively around his finger before gradually engulfing his hand.
Then, Adam's eyes shone brightly and the External Artifact shook even more violently.
After the fiery, blinding flash, all that remained was the darkness familiar to Adam.
He turned around and realized that he was in his inner space, staring at his Evolution Tree.
[Adam... You're looking in the wrong place...]
Feeling a pleasant warmth from behind, like sitting around a campfire on a freezing night, Adam glanced back as his eyes went wide in awe.
The External Artifact hovered amidst the darkness, it was only a temporary guest, but the artifact was ready for dialog:
[The human being...]
A voice sounded from the crystal, quite unlike the Evolution Tree's one. If the Evolution Tree sounded like a perpetually disgruntled and grumpy old man, the crystal sounded like a young, frightened maiden.
[Do you... want to hear my name...?]