End Times Dust Light

Chapter 971

Chapter 973: Lamb House

The city of Xin is changing very quickly. Although hundreds of thousands of civilians were nothing in the past, I am afraid that there are not even the population of a small county. However, in the last days, more than 90% of the population was lost, and the surviving population in the country was only tens of millions. Putting it here in Jinzhong, a city of more than 100,000 is already very rare.

After the end of the world, most civilians lived in the city for the first time. Looking at the familiar streets and tall modern buildings, everything seemed so strange and familiar.

The enthusiasm of hundreds of thousands of people is unimaginable. In order to restore Xincheng’s urban functions as soon as possible, hundreds of thousands of people work more than a dozen hours a day. If it is not for saving night lighting energy, they will also work overtime at night. Work.

Even so, Xincheng’s recovery speed is not fast. This is not because some people are lazy, nor is it because Xincheng is too big, but the focus of Xincheng’s work is on the construction of fortifications.

Modern cities have no fortifications. Extensive roads extend outside the city. The war has changed the appearance of the city. The city walls have been cancelled, and now they are being rebuilt. It must be said that it is a kind of irony.

The war of mutant creatures is completely different from the war of human beings. When encountering a large-scale wave of zombies, it is unthinkable without a strong city wall. Millions of zombies flood into the city from all directions, and civilians have no way of fighting back against the murderous zombies. Power, can only use the city wall to block the zombies outside the city. Even if it is normal, a mutant creature suddenly comes in from the corner of the corner, it will cause a **** storm in the city, and the city wall still needs to isolate the intrusion of the mutant creature.

The city wall of Xincheng was built along the edge of the city. At the same time, taking into account the zombie tide and dark tide that may occur, the entire city wall is extremely strong. The foundation alone is tens of meters deep, and some walls are as high as two or three. Ten meters thick and thicker than the ancient city wall, it is perfectly possible to drive two cars side by side on it, taking into account the use of military camps.

Zhang Yechang even proposed a plan for a super large base. Xincheng’s suitable living environment is only four to five million people, but the surviving population of the entire Jinzhong area is definitely not that number. In other words, in the near future, Xincheng will Faced with population pressure.

The development of Xincheng also requires a large population of support. A hundred thousand people seem to be a lot, but under the premise of lack of population mobility in the last days, this population is really nothing.

According to the calculations of the staff, if the population of a base is less than one million, it will face a sharp decline in population resources in the near future. At the same time, population also means productivity, intellectual talents… and it also involves the inheritance of civilization. The base of worrying awareness should put population issues first. Lu Ziming agrees with the views of staff such as Zhang Yechang.

However, the future development plan of Xincheng proposed by Zhang Yechang shocked Lu Ziming. I don’t know if it was affected by the legendary super city of the giant spirit world. In Zhang Yechang’s plan, the future Xincheng city will be based on the current Xincheng city. Expanding ten times for the Lord, the length of east, west, south and north reaches an astounding one hundred kilometers, several times larger than Shanghai before the end of the world, and it is determined to be an independent small kingdom.

Lu Ziming really didn’t know that Zhang Yechang’s crazy idea came up like this. How much manpower, material resources and time need to be invested in this, I’m afraid it may not be built in a few decades.

I don’t know how Zhang Yechang persuaded others, but most of them supported this plan and named the plan a super city blueprint.

In fact, Lu Ziming still agrees with this crazy plan from his heart, but considering the span of time and countless unknown factors, it is really unclear whether this plan can be completed in the end.

In other words, it will take four to five years to build the city wall of Xincheng. God knows what freaks this plan will turn into in the future.

Lu Ziming shook his head, not thinking about the annoying things in his mind, with a blessed expression on his face: “I really don’t know how the four of you women get along. You don’t want to, but you want to show tolerance. Looks like, if I find another sister for the four of you, I suspect that my sexual life will end here.”

Lorland raised his head and understood Lu Ziming’s words deeply: “I was taken back by you. I can only accept my fate. Who made me like you? Never want to escape from my palm in this life!”

The two talked and laughed and came to the entrance of a sheep miscellaneous restaurant. There is Lorrain’s favorite lamb soup. Whenever he has time, Lorrain likes to come here to drink a bowl. The whole body is really warm and enjoyable.

There is no planned economy in Xincheng. From the very beginning, Lu Ziming never thought of establishing a food rationing system in Juntun, completely liberalizing the civilian market. As long as he has the ability to open a five-star hotel in Xincheng, Lu Ziming will not Intervene.

However, Lu Ziming’s control on grain has never been relaxed. 50% of the grain produced on the land must be sold to Xincheng first, and the rest can be freely traded to prevent people from hoarding grain and creating food famine.

“Go! Let’s go in for a bowl of mutton soup, and then bring a few skewers of grilled mutton to Li Juan and Xiangxiang.” When I think of this mutton soup, the soup is white as milk, rich in flavor, crispy and soft, delicious and delicious. Not getting tired, just let Lu Ziming drool.

Because this mutton restaurant is delicious and authentic, Lu Ziming and a few women often come here. The boss actually used Lu Ziming to make an advertisement. This reminded Lu Ziming of past celebrity endorsement advertisements, but he did not expect that he would have one day. Becoming a celebrity, why doesn’t this boss give some endorsement fees? It’s really stingy!

The two of them just walked to the door, and there was an exclamation from the door, and then a dark shadow flew towards them. Lu Ziming stretched out his hand and grabbed it, dragged it outward and grabbed the dark shadow in his hand and removed it. Sombra’s strength: “Boss Wu, how do you train a trapeze!”

Black Shadow is the boss Wu of this mutton restaurant. Boss Wu with a panicked face is unsure. Seeing that the person in front of him is Lu Ziming, he hurriedly cried out: “Lu Shuai, someone eats without paying for it, and beats!”

Such a thing happened on his own territory, Lu Ziming said with displeasure on his face: “What’s going on… Speak slowly!”

Boss Wu pulled Lu Ziming into the room. The room was not big, about 20 bungalows, with more than a dozen chairs and benches. Candles were lit in the room because of the lack of electricity in Xincheng.

“It’s her…, she ate five bowls of mutton soup, three catties of lamb chops, and a leg of lamb. She actually used Liuli to pretend to be a crystal to pay the bill, and she beat people!”

Lu Ziming looked in the direction of Boss Wu’s finger. A woman under twenty years old stood in the middle with her hips akimbo. She was dressed in a nondescript dress, unlike an unaffordable look, with a European face and blond hair. A pair of big sapphire eyes was looking up and down at Lu Ziming.

When Lu Ziming’s eyes crossed with the woman, a burst of heart palpitations traveled all over his body, making Lu Ziming unconsciously vigilant, as if his prey was being watched.

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