End Times Dust Light

Chapter 960

Chapter 962: Happy but sad

Luolan half-pushed half-a-half, even if it was Lu Ziming and half a woman, Li Juan had snatched it by herself after all. Although there are many things that are unclear, but some things can’t be fooled. Lu Ziming was too uncomfortable to express his attitude. He didn’t see Leng Meiren and Xiangxiang’s murderous eyes wandering on Lu Ziming’s body, looking at Lu Ziming uncomfortable.


Lu Ziming immediately pushed Zhang Yechang to the front desk: “This matter should be handled according to Professor Zhang’s intentions. If other people have any opinions, put them in their stomachs or say them in a place where no one is behind, as long as I don’t let me hear them. It’s OK…”.

Lu Ziming still underestimated Zhang Yechang: “You are welcome, everyone. Today is Lu Shuai’s festive day. As the saying goes, people are happy when they are happy. Today Lu Shuai rescues his wife alone in a crowd of enemies. Do you want to… Shuai Lu said…!”


“that’s for sure……!”


I feel happy in my heart, but there is a bitter and deep hatred on my face, and I can’t tell whether I am happy or joyful: “Okay! Everyone is quiet, we are here to celebrate the big event, what if Lu Tianxing makes a surprise attack at night manage?”

Old Qian thought that Lu Ziming was deliberately shitting: “How could Lu Tianxing launch a sneak attack at night? I should think about getting out of Jinzhong like this now!”

The always steady Lao He objected: “Lu Shuai’s consideration is not unreasonable. To prevent any accidents, Lu Tianxing’s current situation is indeed not good, but we can’t take it lightly?”

“Yeah! He is right. According to normal judgment, Lu Tianxing was indeed the weakest time, Xincheng’s mission was not completed, and he did not have the strength to attack again. At this time, he really has to consider how to retreat from Xincheng. Instead of thinking about attacking Xincheng again,” Zhang Yechang said, “But things can’t be viewed this way. Lu Tianxing launched an offensive against Xincheng for no reason, which has run counter to the military committee’s usual practices and is in an unfavorable situation. Using human shields to attack Xincheng, such a crazy behavior really can’t use common sense to speculate on Lu Tianxing, so it is difficult to conclude that Lu Tianxing will not be crazy enough to continue to attack Xincheng, especially after we have mastered the initiative. , And even more to prevent Lu Tianxing’s dog from jumping over the wall, so you can’t relax with Lu Tianxing, but you should be more careful than before…”.

Zhang Yechang looked at Lu Ziming with a smile: “Young people should relax when they should relax. Too tight is not good. This victory is rare. If you want to celebrate, you should celebrate. It is a superior person to maintain a sense of worry at all times. You should have a clear head. This is very good, but your subordinates don’t think so. They think that you are mean and unkind, which will make people discriminate. Do you think this is the truth!”

How old man Zhang likes to pant when he talks, he has finished talking good and bad things, he is really slippery and impeccable!

Lu Ziming wanted to spit the old guy to death, and stuffed himself with a hot woman, insisting that it was for the good of Xincheng and himself, and he could not ignore the overall situation because of a little disagreement.

Although he was very reluctant, he also knew that Zhang Yechang was right. It would be inappropriate for him not to marry Li Juan and to throw it to anyone. It is safest to put it in his own home.

The matter was finalized like this, except for not earning the consent of Xiangxiang and Leng Meiren, two sisters were recruited for them at once, making everyone feel uncomfortable, but Zhang Yechang’s big hat was pressed down, and he could only pinch his nose to recognize.

“You are happy in your heart!” Xiangxiang pinched Lu Ziming’s waist and eyes fiercely.

Leng Mei’s small mouth pouted, and angrily said: “Be happy, I finally hugged the beautiful woman, there are still two at once, be careful of your body…, you will lose the kidney!”

Does anyone curse their own man like this? Didn’t you just find two women, you didn’t see that even the old money married the third concubine, and the dead tree sprouted new sprouts…

“It hurts!”

You are angry, why don’t you send it to Zhang Yechang? Who am I to provoke? I can’t get through this day, go away…!

Lu Ziming left Xiao Cao and Xiao Xia: “You two have a hard time during this period of time. Lead the elites of the first and second battalions to ambush outside Xincheng to prevent Lu Tianxing’s dog from jumping over the wall and doing it backwards. Explain clearly to the soldiers that they will be added tonight. Meals and wine will wait until Lu Tianxing has completely failed before drinking. When it is poured, it will be rewarded by meritorious deeds…”.

The two patted their chests to make Lu Ziming feel relieved: “Lu Shuai, don’t worry! The first and second battalions are the elites of Xincheng. The reason for this is still clear. Guarantee to complete the task!”

The celebration banquet was held as scheduled. According to Zhang Yechang’s request, Lu Ziming commended the combatants for meritorious service.

Now Lu Ziming’s identity is becoming more and more embarrassing. This is also an important reason why Zhang Yechang let Lu Ziming marry Li Juan. The combination of the two avoids the outbreak of problems. The legitimate opponents will give awards, and Muhou will not appear. The crown is nondescript.

After all, no one wants to rebel, at least they will not talk nonsense, this archway is considered to be erected.

When Lao He showed Lu Ziming’s army statistics in Xincheng, he was taken aback by him and found that his strength had expanded tenfold, and the number of troops alone reached 25,000. Many people, if you don’t deal with it, things will really go wrong.

The family business suddenly became so big that Lu Ziming was a little unexpected. This is almost the strength of an army, and it can’t be controlled without adjusting the army’s organization.

Fortunately, after Li Juan joined, Lu Ziming suddenly changed his identity. Although he has not been officially recognized by the Military Commission, it does not prevent Lu Ziming from making major military adjustments.

Although there is a large number of troops and three divisions can be established, after discussing with Zhang Yechang, Lu Ziming and Zhang Yechang believe that it is not the time yet, which will easily lead to arrogance, which is not conducive to future promotion of officers. Therefore, the original Xincheng four battalions were all upgraded to four brigades, instead of directly reorganizing at the division level, gradually reducing some old and weak troops, reducing the entire Xincheng force to four brigades of 20,000, and temporarily not setting up the position of brigade commander. Afterwards, they will be promoted according to their military merits, and this will produce an upward incentive mechanism.

Of course, these adjustments cannot be made overnight, but the reorganization of the army is already imperative. If the wind is released in advance, the stable rebels can be gathered together.

Li Juan is still the commander of the army, but this commander has been emptied by Lu Ziming and can only take charge of the logistics of the Xincheng army. The real power lies in Lu Ziming’s hands. Naturally, no one will make irresponsible remarks. Li Juan is also considered Go back to the old line.

Complaints and dissatisfaction are still unavoidable, especially some high-ranking officers at the Jiutunhe Plain Base, who have almost lost their military posts. They are re-selected according to Xincheng’s assessment. All those who disobey the reorganization will be removed from their posts for the people, and all the rest will be sent in. A one-month simulation training is conducted in the trial field, and those who are qualified will be re-appointed as officers at all levels. This approach is unimaginable in the old system that can only be promoted and cannot be demoted, and only a dictator like Lu Ziming can. Do it out.

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