Emergency Doctor Mercenary Road

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: The Past Has Become A Cloud Of Smoke

Chapter 21

“Old Bell, take care of your son, Mandy, pay attention to vital signs and report to me at any time.” Lu Fei said with his back to the hospital bed.

The two agreed, and Lu Fei looked at the four fully armed PMCs standing there.

“Who was injured and who was seriously?”

The four of them looked at each other and pointed their fingers at each other, the white man pointed at the woman, the woman pointed at the big man, the big man pointed at the black man, and the black man pointed at the big man.

“Okay, I’ll take a look at the big man first, you all took off your body armor.” Lu Fei took off his gloves, took the alcohol gel, washed his hands first, and put on a pair of gloves again. ”

The big man took off his body armor and clothes, revealing his upper body with thick chest hair.

“My name is Vasily. Thank you for saving our captain. It may not be good to help kill people in the future. You can cut people and beat people.”

“I don’t cut people or beat them, I save them,” Lu Fei said, carefully looking at Vasily’s hairy, muscular chest. Then he listened to the sounds of his heart and lungs, activated the scanning function, and “looked” at the injury to Vasily’s internal organs. And he touched Vasily’s ribs.

“You look miserable, but the injury is not serious. You were hit by four bullets in the chest and abdomen, not large-caliber rifle bullets, submachine gun bullets are more likely, with small caliber and low kinetic energy. But because of the close distance, the right side The sixth and seventh rib is cracked. You will have to take a video later to confirm, and you can go to fight the bear after resting for a while.”

The big man grinned, both ugly and scary.

Lu Fei pointed at the young black man and said, “You were shot in the shoulder, don’t hold back, come and sit. The rest of you all sit down and rest.” The three of them sat down one after another, only the female man stood still.

Lu Fei didn’t even ask why the female man didn’t sit. The scalpel cut open the black man’s clothes on the left shoulder, tore them left and right, and started the operation. The black man was hit in the shoulder by a pistol bullet, similar to the previous Grant’s gunshot wound. Lu Fei followed the general procedure, injecting morphine, incising the wound, debridement, taking bullets, suturing the muscles, suturing the skin, cleaning again, and tying a large piece of gauze around the wound.

The black man is handsome, and the whole operation was as if he had never heard of it. He didn’t move like a mountain, and said in a calm tone: “I am Dewey, you saved the captain, you saved all of us, but if you ask for it, you can’t answer it.”

Lu Fei smiled at Dewey: “Tough guy, you’re fine. After 10 days of recovery, the stitches can be removed. After a month, you can kill whoever you want.”

“Substitution, you come.” Lu Fei pointed to a gentle-looking white man who was slightly older.

“Hello doctor, my name is Raphael, let Ada come first, I’m fine.” The white man shook his head.

“Come on, she’s not serious, but her buttocks are injured. There’s not much blood on the outside of this woman’s pants, and the clothes on your arms are soaked with blood. I’m a doctor, listen to me.”

The female man looked at Raphael, shook his head, and said succinctly: “Don’t give up, go, pretend to be a hero, and even scream when you draw blood during the physical examination, what are you holding on now.”

Raphael smiled shyly, sat in front of Lu Fei and stretched out his right hand.

Lu Fei cut off his sleeve, put a morphine injection on his shoulder, took the medical alcohol on the table, and slowly washed the wound. Then the wound is cut, the wound is debridement, the bullet is taken, the muscle is sutured, the skin is sutured, washed again, and the gauze is put on.

“Your bleeding is a lot, it is estimated to be more than 400ml, and the arm muscles are not small. You need to rest for a month, and don’t exercise vigorously, especially shooting, for the next month. You can’t do push-ups, including similar exercises. “Lu Fei started the car off guard.

Raphael was not as motionless as Dewey, the black man, with many expressions on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently, but he didn’t say a word. Raphael waited for Lu Fei to finish work, and immediately let Lu Fei see the female man Ada.

Lu Fei said to the three: “You are responsible for clearing the field, and your back is to the hospital bed, Ada, right? You go to the bed inside and lie down.”

Without saying a word, Ada went in and lay down on the hospital bed. Lu Fei didn’t hesitate, and immediately opened the pants on his right buttocks and pulled them left and right. After all, the doctor has never seen anything, and he helped deliver the delivery. He didn’t do much during his internship. Every time Lu Fei complained, he would deliver the delivery. Production, what kind of absurdity is this?

Lu Fei took a shot of morphine first, then glanced at the wound, and scanned Ada’s right buttocks. To Ada: “It’s not bullets in your right hip, it’s shrapnel,”

“Yes, today’s robbers are so mad that they even used grenades, but the robbers who throw grenades are inexperienced. The body bounced back to the side. It pierced my buttocks. By the way, handsome doctor, I have a small request.” Ada said a little shyly.

“Tell me, you are all good today. If there is anything I can do, please tell me.” Lu Fei has always liked people who talk nicely.

“I’m not married yet, and I will have scars on my buttocks in the future. It must be ugly. It will be very, very, very, very, very,” Ada said before she spoke.

“It’s very disappointing, right, I understand. When the shrapnel is taken out, I will suture the wound with a cosmetic needle. You can ask me to remove the stitches. After wrapping you up, your buttocks will be beautiful. Do you want to have a micro-surgery of the buttocks? A little, by the way.” Lu Fei said with a smile.

Ada smiled shyly, “Then there’s no need, I’m good enough.”

turned his back to the three big men, he couldn’t help wiggling his back and couldn’t help but want to laugh.

Lu Fei didn’t talk nonsense anymore. He first disinfected the skin with medical alcohol. After slightly opening the wound with his left hand, he carefully inserted the tweezers into the wound with his right hand, and slowly clamped the shrapnel, took it out slowly, and cleaned it gently. For the wound, I went to the medical cabinet to find beauty needles and threads, carefully sutured the inner and outer layers of the wound, disinfected the surface skin, and fixed it with gauze.

“It’s done, Ada, you can’t wash the wound with water for three days, and disinfect it with alcohol every day. It will still be beautiful in the future.”

After working on the injuries of the four people, let them sit down and rest and replenish some glucose. Lu Fei went to see Captain Bell. Captain Bell was already a little conscious at this time and was slowly waking up. Old Bell was a little excited and a little worried. Seeing Lu Fei coming, he hurriedly got up and patted Lu Fei’s shoulder, nodding to him.

Thanks from men, especially old men, are reserved.

“I don’t care what’s going on with your father and son, but it’s best not to make the patient very excited now. If you have something to do, let’s talk about it tomorrow.” Lu Fei said to Old Bell seriously.

“Of course, I’m also a doctor, let’s talk to the side.”

“I have a few words with old Bell, Mandy watch it.” Lu Fei said loudly.

Old Bella landed and flew to the side, sighing for a long time before telling the whole story.

The old Bell family has always lived in the town. He is a doctor. There is a small ranch at home for his wife to take care of. Family life is very happy. Old Bell and his wife are very affectionate and inseparable. Everything is going smooth. But there are unforeseen circumstances and good fortune. Mrs. Bell has a physical examination of mid-stage lung cancer, and the tumor has adhered to the thoracic tissue, so surgery cannot be performed, and chemotherapy and radiotherapy have not worked. Within a year, Mrs. Bell died.

Old Bell was distraught, and used alcohol to cover his sorrows all day long. The daughter, who lived with Old Bell, had another accident. When the daughter injected penicillin into a cow at home one day to treat a disease, she accidentally stabbed herself in the hand, while Old Bell had an accident. My daughter is allergic to penicillin. Old Bell was very drunk at this time and slept very deeply. In this way, my daughter died in the greenhouse due to penicillin allergy and difficulty breathing.

A few days later, little Bell, who was working outside, found out the reason for his sister’s death. While heartbroken, he turned his face with old Bell. The father and son became strangers from then on, and it was not until this time that Little Bell thought that he was going to die, so he came back and said goodbye to his father.

Old Bell told the past, while tearing and sighing. Lu Fei patted Old Bell and said, “No one can stand this. Both of you father and son are miserable people. Your daughter’s death was an accident. You are a doctor yourself. The daughter who is allergic can’t help her much. The important thing is to look forward, the father and son are reunited, and when will they give their son a wife and give birth to a third generation, it is meaningful to continue life. ”

Old Bell nodded: “This time, because of you, I finally turned the corner. Who did you learn first aid skills from? It’s so powerful. I dare to say that ordinary field doctors are far inferior to you.”

“I have logistical support, equipment and drug support. It’s not surprising that I have your support.” Lu Fei was rarely humble.

“The patient is awake, Dr. Jack, come and have a look.” Mandy came over and said to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei and Old Bell walked over together, PMC’s sturdy foursome, they also came to the bedside when they stood up. Lu Fei waved his hand and drove them away like flies.

“What the fun, your captain is still very weak, so many people come, the air is cloudy, go and come back later.”

“Thank you doctor, how are my brothers.” Little Bell asked softly.

“Don’t talk, it’s all right, it’s just a minor injury. They’ve already treated their wounds. You can worry about yourself. It is estimated that you will have to rest for a month or two, with at least 1000 ml of blood flowing. You can’t move yet, at least tomorrow. Move you, and then go to the big hospital to take a film and do a detailed examination.”

“Mandy, you give Captain Bell a drip with anti-inflammatory drugs, and a few other PMCs take anti-inflammatory drugs, and then say sorry to the residents who are queuing outside the door for an appointment to see a doctor. It is closed today. Please postpone the appointment. You also have a rest.”

“OK. I’ll go right now.”

“I’m so lucky today. I thought I would die in my hometown. I didn’t expect that the doctor in my hometown saved me. I’ll talk to my teammates a few more times, then rest and call Raphael for me.” Bell Seeing Lu Fei’s stinky face, he said quickly.

Lu Fei called Raphael, walked over to Ada and sat down. Looking at Raphael who lowered his body, he put his ear to Bell’s mouth, nodded from time to time, and glanced at Lu Fei. After a while, Raphael came back. Bell also closed his eyes and rested. Raphael came back and called several people together and whispered a few words.

Raphael turned around and pulled Lu Fei aside, and took out something for Lu Fei. Lu Fei took it and saw that it was a golden badge with the head of a fox.

“Officially introduce our team to you. Our team belongs to PRIS, one of the largest security contractors in the world, and we are an elite team – the Wild Fox team. We are not the mercenaries that ordinary people think, and provide security protection legally. PMC organizes employees. The usual business is to protect, **** politicians and stars, **** important materials, rescue hostages, etc. Most of the business is the list given by the state and government organizations, and there are also some rich people and big companies who hire us. So we are A legitimate mercenary is a mercenary who saves more people and kills less. You saved all of us, especially the captain, and won our friendship and respect. This golden badge is the symbol of our team, and you will be great in the future. Trouble, as long as you speak, we will help you solve it. You definitely don’t have to doubt the company and our energy.” Raphael said seriously.

“I solemnly introduce our team members. Captain Bell, the one lying there, nicknamed Wild Fox or Captain; I’m Raphael, vice-captain, and my nickname is Cobra; that girl is Ada, nicknamed Ocelot; The black spirit boy, Dewey, is nicknamed the bison; the big man Vasily is nicknamed the polar bear.” Raphael said, pointing to the people he introduced, and everyone waved to him one by one.

(end of this chapter)

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