Elegy for a Star

Chapter 58 – Mail

The group gathered around at the entrance to the Kravana Hall post office. It wasn’t much of an office, really just a nook in the wall blocked by a desk. Behind it, a short woman with an ash blonde bob haircut saluted those that approached. She was dressed in fine military attire, adorned with a small beret atop her head. She seemed to take her job more seriously than others here. “It’s only mail,” Tess thought.

She quickly realized it was anything but “only mail.” The post office lady was named Bree. Rather, Corporal Tealeaf. The Corporal was thorough in her organization techniques. Everything was categorized from regiment all the way down to their handler. Tess hadn’t even known she had a regiment, but she was apparently a part of the 4th regiment, 4th company, under Captain Maupoissant’s handling. She, Gwen, Mairaela and Joyona all were.

A bundle of letters were brought out, wrapped in twine. Gwendolyn took the small stack, thanked Corporal Tealeaf—who saluted once more—and departed. “Want to open them over breakfast?” Mairaela asked the others, “I’m starving.”

Breakfast today was a biscuit topped with a brown gravy and a bowl of kaufe. The thin, dark brown liquid sloshed in the bowl. They couldn’t even give them a cup?! They were expected to drink slowly with a spoon, apparently. The biscuit was stale, but at least the gravy was good, even if it was a little bit cold by the time they got it.

Mairaela didn’t seem to mind, happily digging into the meal with gusto! Joyona had her kaufe downed in seconds by lifting the bowl to her lips and tipping it back. Gwendolyn, with proper manners, slowly sipped at hers with the spoon, taking small, petite bites of the biscuit from time to time. Tess wasn’t feeling particularly hungry, especially after seeing the state of the meal.

“So, Scirocca has been doing some digging into that ledger we found-...” Mairaela started eagerly.

Gwendolyn shut it down, “No work talk at the table. Let’s just enjoy a meal together, open up some mail, and forget about all of the drama for a bit, alright?”

Mairaela was more than happy with the suggestion, nodding her head with a big smile. Even Joyona nodded her head in approval.

Gwendolyn cut through the twine and all but Tess began to dig through for their mail. Tess had been doing well about not feeling left out, but the thought that everyone would be reading their mail while she sat there staring at a plate of cold food was a little saddening. She spoke up, “How about we read one letter at a time? We can share anything we’re willing to share.” She suggested ‘we,’ but everyone knew what she meant.

“Alright,” Gwendolyn said, slapping her letter upon her palm, “Who first?”

“Me!” Mairaela blurted, “Me, me!” She brought her hands up to cover her mouth, chuckling at her own urgency.

“Alright then, Mairaela,” Gwendolyn said, gesturing to the Fey, “Have at it.”

Mairaela—already holding her letter—tore it open and gave it a perusal. She checked over the first couple lines before she began to read aloud:

“Light upon you Mai-Mai,

We miss you! Birdy especially. I wanted to send a picture but we haven’t had the time to pose for an artist. What are you learning about? We are excited for you to return with your newfound knowledge of medicine. Also, we haven’t been getting mail from the College. Is that unusual? Please make sure to have them address their messages to the Amyvelanora post, not Mytenalenor. Round-ears always mess that up…”

Mairaela grimaced as she looked at the others, “Sorry, my mom’s a little… you know.” The others chuckled and nodded their heads.

She rambled through the next parts, “Like Mytenalenor is the only city to exist, um… ignorance… greed…” Mairaela shook her head, huffed and ran her eyes further down the paper, “Okay, here.

“Your father was elected as the Hellebore representative here in Amyvelanora, and has established a regular communique with Avourel Yllaven herself! How amazing is that? I, myself, am still sculpting. I sold the Arfroud last week. I was thinking a trip to Gaallenora would be a nice way to celebrate, but maybe we await your first visit? When does your first year end? What classes are you taking?

“Write back immediately, or I’ll nip your ears. Sorscha watch you. Signed, mom.”

Mairaela looked up and nodded her head, “That’s all.”

Tess smirked and rested her hand upon her palm and elbow on the table, “When does your first year end?” The College divided their lessons into years, most typically, but the Corps didn’t make such distinctions. Only enlistment periods, in which a significant number of Corpsmen didn’t even survive.

“So maybe I convinced them to let me come here under the pretense that I would be going to the College and not the Corps and that I was going to become a great doctor and…” Mairaela took in a deep breath of air, refilling her empty lungs, “...return to my home with the medical skills needed to become a Court politician and bring glory and prestige to the Aulidwuf name.”

Gwen chuckled and shook her head, “Damn, Mairaela. Don’t you think they’ll find out eventually?”

“I’m forty-seven!” Mairaela insisted, a number that raised Tess’ eyebrows. She did suppose that the Fey aged quite differently than humans, “I am allowed to make my own decisions!”

“And hide them from your parents,” Gwendolyn teased, shaking her head, “Tsk.”

“Ugh!” Mairaela groaned, “Fine, you read yours, then.”

“Not yet, I want to see what’s up with that package, Joyona, it looks like it’ll be something big,” Gwendolyn said, nudging the giantess’ arm.

Joyona smirked.

There was a pause before Tess and Mairaela both burst into a fit of laughter. Gwendolyn looked surprised and must’ve thought back over her phrasing. Her face burnt red and she fumed, “You know what I meant!”

“Good dear, Tess, might I be allowed to bear witness upon yonder package?” Mairaela laughed, imitating Gwendolyn’s boyish voice, even if she was greatly exaggerating the royalty in Gwendolyn’s tongue. In fact, Gwendolyn didn’t really have that sort of speech at all.

Tess smirked and replied in her own voice, “If you’re good.” The words caused Mairaela to grin mischievously.

“So what is it?” Gwendolyn huffed, diverting the conversation back to Joyona’s envelope. It did look heavy, even if the Evigkin had no issues with lifting it. With a pull, the envelope came open and Joyona reached in to pull out a stone tablet.

Joyona’s eyes worked over the circular rune and branching spirals laid out across the stones, smirking a moment at the end.


How are you? Mum good. I’m good. Cairn is good. Let us know if you’re good.



Joyona chuckled again, much to everyone’s confusion. It seemed like a really short letter, and they couldn’t tell if this was a happy moment for Joyona. The smile on the giantess’ face made it all the more clear. There was something funny in it, apparently, but everyone was uncertain what. Still, they didn’t want to ruin “Joy’s” good mood.

“Your turn, Gwen,” Tess said, turning her head toward the knight.

However, Gwendolyn looked more nervous than excited.

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