Eldest Senior Brother is Ordinary

Chapter 106 - : Brother! I! Breeze! Help! ! ! ! ! ! !

After a day of fermentation, Lu Changsheng’s testimony under the sword mountain of Shumen spread all over the world.

   was the first to know the monks in Zhongzhou, and soon received the news from Dongtu, Nanling, Ximo and Arctic.

  Overnight, Lu Chang created a topic for the world to discuss.

   proves with a sword, this is not a trivial matter.

   From ancient to modern times, how many people can prove it with a sword?

   And how old is Lu Changsheng? It has only been three years since entering the Taoism, and this achievement has been achieved. It is enough to be called an unprecedented person, and no one coming after.

   So this news is even more terrible than the appearance of a **** beast in Zhongzhou.

   Lu Changsheng used his sword to prove his way this time.

   And soon, several peerless arrogance put down their arrogant words, wanting to defeat Lu Changsheng in order to prove their swordsmanship.

   Dongtu, a peerless Tianjiao openly talked about defeating Lu Changsheng at the Tianjiao Conference.

  However, before waiting for Lu Changsheng to receive the news, the voice of Li Yang, the holy place of Yin and Yang, sounded for the first time.

   “Sword defeats longevity? Tianda’s joke, Tianjiao conference, why should Brother Changsheng take action? Then see how I suppress you.”

   “Brother Changsheng, this small role does not require you to come forward, let me come!”

   Yes, Li Yang stood up for the first time.

  As Lu Changsheng’s few friends, Li Yang felt obliged to stand up and respond!

  However, with this response, he was so angry that Tian Tuo, who was arrogant about to vomit blood, clearly challenged Lu Changsheng, and Li Yang stood up.

   And the most embarrassing problem is that Li Yang is a son of Yin and Yang, and it is really not bad in terms of identity!

  If it is really a small role, he has nothing to say, but it is the Yin and Yang Shengzi who came out and made him vomit blood.

   “Hum, you are still a son of Yin and Yang, I didn’t expect to be a vassal! Everyone, Lu Changsheng, made you do this. It seems that the so-called Yin and Yang Son, but so!”

   The opponent responded strongly, and since his face was torn, he would tear it to the end.

  It was only very quickly, Li Yang also gave back.

“It’s ridiculous. The frog at the bottom of the well is worthy of the frog at the bottom of the well. Brother Lu is the arrogant of heaven and peerless. I admit that my strength is not as good as that of Brother Changsheng, and my state of mind is not as good as Brother Changsheng. And you are different. You are just a frog at the bottom of the well. Nonsense, I will kill Dongtu directly!”

   This retaliation by Li Yang was simply overbearing, and even threatened to kill the Eastern Territory, demonstrating the dominance of the Son.

   is not just Li Yang, but soon Daqian Wangqian Yiyuan also took the initiative to speak out.

   “Dongtu Tianjiao? I haven’t heard of it, but I dare to yell at my longevity emperor! Really a frog at the bottom of the well. What are you doing in front of my longevity emperor?”

  Doing Yiyuan’s active voice, supporting Lu Changsheng.

   Then several dynasties, including the Sun and Moon dynasties, also followed one after another.

   Even the sound came from the Zhongzhou Academy of Literature, the meaning is very simple.

   “Humiliate my literary saint, cut!”

   One after another, several holy places also spoke out in support of Lu Changsheng.

   This time, Dongtu was much quieter.

   And for all the above things.

   Among the holy sites in Shumen, Lu Changsheng didn’t know at all.

  He is still asleep.

In the dream, he saw the breeze, rubbing the Dan mud on the side, and he was making alchemy at the main peak of Daluo, without disputes, no worries, and occasionally facing the sea, spring blossoming.

   “Brother Changsheng!”

  However, with a shout, Lu Changsheng woke up.

   Without any fatigue, for a Jin Dan monk, sleep is no longer needed, Lu Changsheng occasionally sleeps, mainly idle to do nothing.

   Open the door.

   is Xu Jian’s voice.

   “Brother Changsheng, a big event happened.”

   Seeing Lu Changsheng open the door, Xu Jian spoke immediately.

   “What’s the big deal? Is Lord Linglong coming?”

   Lu Changsheng was a little flustered.

   “No, no.” Xu Jian quickly opened his mouth, and then he told Lu Changsheng about the Eastern Land.

   After half a ring.

  Lu Changsheng understood the context.

   “I really didn’t expect that Brother Li Yang is such a person who is so devoted and righteous. He is a good brother and deserves deep friendship!”

   Lu Changsheng could not help but secretly.

   “Brother Lu, that person did have some excesses. The Holy Lord said, if Brother Lu is angry, we will send elders from Shumen Holy Land to arrest him and serve him with severe punishment, how?”

  Xu Jian said seriously, not like a joke.

   “This is not necessary.”

Lu Changsheng shook his head and crossed the border to catch people, which was too fierce. Lu Changsheng was not soft-hearted, but he felt that it was unnecessary, and the old saying was good. How to do it yourself?

  Either do something or do nothing.

  Lu Changsheng understands this truth very well.

   So he had no idea.

Xu Jian nodded and said: “Brother Lu, he is really broad-minded. He can bear it when he encounters this matter. Master once said that true arrogance must endure things that ordinary people can’t bear, and ordinary people cannot. Suffering, Brother Xu today learned from Brother Lu!”

  Xu Jian said seriously.

   And Lu Changsheng was silent.

   Can this be learned?

  What have you learned?

   I said nothing, you can learn something?

  Can you not be so exaggerated?

   is on the shelf, don’t you feel tired?

  Lu Changsheng sighed, there is nothing to say, he is also used to this situation.

   “Brother Xu, the Lord said yesterday that I would leave a sword, and I hope Brother Xu will take me there!”

   Lu Changsheng said, he did not forget the business.

   “Brother Lu did not think of the sword at this moment, thinking about the swordsmanship all the time, living for the sword, and dying for the sword, Brother Lu, I thoroughly understand!”

  Xu Jian was shocked. He bent down deeply and paid his respects to Lu Changsheng.

   Lu Changsheng: “”

  Lu Changsheng didn’t speak a word, and Xu Jian immediately took the landing to imprint Kendo before his death.

  It is not difficult to brand such things as Kendo.

   So it was solved quickly.

  After resolving the matter.

   The Lord of Shumen also enthusiastically made Lu Changsheng come to the hall. Since Lu Changsheng was in office, there must be a corresponding command arrow.

   It was just then.

   Suddenly ~www.mtlnovel.com~ A voice sounded.

   “Report! Someone sent a letter saying that it was for Lu Changsheng and Brother Lu!”

   sounded, everyone in the hall could not help frowning slightly.

   “I think it should be a letter from some admirers.”

  There is an elder’s opening, and judge directly.

  Someone sent the envelope soon.

   The envelope is still a little wet.

   Lu Changsheng was inexplicably curious.

   After opening the envelope, glanced, Lu Changsheng’s face could not be changed slightly.

  In an instant, everyone in the hall was curious and looked away.


  Changsheng Lu, your brother Liu Qingfeng is in our hands, if you want to see a living person, come to the Beiming Palace!

  Remember, don’t let the second person besides you see it, otherwise, I can guarantee that Liu Qingfeng will die!

  【Brother! I! Breeze! Help! ! ! ! ! ! ! 】


  Do not let the second person know!

   The first two sentences and the last two sentences have beautiful fonts, and there is some scribble in the middle sentence.

   It’s just as if someone else already knows.

   “It’s bold!”

   The Lord of Shumen suddenly roared, angry.

   But soon, he could not help looking at Lu Changsheng.

   “Who is the breeze?”

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