Elania, Arachne in a different world

1.49 Don’t Eat the Yellow Mushrooms!

Velariah seemed to not mind. Rather she put a hand in my hair as I kissed her. Her lips were soft and sweet and I felt heat rise within me. It didn’t fade at all when I broke away from the elf.


“El?” She whispered. “What was that?”


“That was me making it up to you,” I whispered back.


I put a finger on her nose, put two hands in her hair, and ran them through it.


“You sure it wasn’t more?” She sounded hopeful and disappointed at the same time.


“I think it may very well be,” I whispered back.


I still felt so nervous, it almost made me nauseous, but at least I’d pulled through. Whatever happened from here, nothing would take that small victory from me.


“Elania,” She whispered again.


She then took me in for a tight hug, pressing herself against me closely. So tight that I could feel her heart beating - as rapidly as mine. I held her back with my pedipalps and I could feel her beating heart amplified through them. She proceeded to press her face against mine so that her mouth was close to my ear.


“Elania, you make me so happy,” She whispered.


“I can feel that,” I whispered back, a hint of a joke in my voice.


“Really?” She whispered again. “How sensitive are those grabbers of yours?” She joked back.


I was glad she was able to lighten the mood by making a joke like that. It seemed to put my nerves at ease.


“Very,” I answered. “Also, better not hug me too tightly, I don’t know what my fangs do at night. Don’t want to have you accidentally dying while we sleep.”


“I trust they know what they are doing,” The elf answered.


She seemed to be more confident than me in my own body.


“Shame there are no windows in this room,” Velariah continued. “I would have loved to see your face right now.”


“You better not turn on the lights,” I warned her.


“Nah, I won’t, I’m too tired to even see properly, unfortunately.” She remained quiet for a few seconds. “Maybe tomorrow.”


“Thanks, Vel,” I hugged her again. “Good night,” I whispered.


“Good night, Elania,” She whispered back.


It took some time for my heart to slow down, but ultimately it did and I fell into the best sleep I’d had in a long time.




I awoke with hair on my face and an elf tightly clasped in my arms and legs. It seemed they had unconsciously decided to take Velariah in a firm hold.


“Good morning, El,” Velariah said, as I stretched my arms.


It would seem she was already awake.


“Morning, Vel. Also, what’s with that nickname?”


“What? You don’t like it?” She smiled.


“I’m fine with it. It’s just that you didn’t seem to be the person for nicknames.” I smiled back.


I was preparing to stand up when Velariah put her arms around my neck and dragged me back down.


“Hm?” I asked without words.


“There’s a storm outside, it’s raining like crazy. We could stay here for a while.” She said.


“Huh? Seems that witch was right after all, huh?”


It was a wrench in my plans for dungeon exploring, but staying like this truly wasn’t so bad, after all.


“How do you know anyway?” I inquired further.


“Elly told me earlier.”


“Did you go out of the room and then sneak back in and worm yourself into my arms again?” I grinned.


“Guilty as charged,” Velariah confessed. “Now would be a great idea after what happened yesterday.”


“I’m not sure…” I started. “Also, what’s with this light? There are no windows, but this feels like natural morning light.”


“Magic.” Velariah shrugged. “My father made sure these lights were crafted in such a way that they would not hurt your eyes in the morning. I think it’s pretty neat.”


“Hmm, for sure,” I said, as I shifted around in the pillows. “Will Elly warn us when this storm is over?”


“You sure want to see that dungeon, don’t you? Yes, she will warn us. Until then, it’s just me and cuddles!”


She seemed awfully happy about this rain. It seemed to be mighty convenient for her, too. It made me wonder if it was raining or whether it was just an excuse to stay in bed with me.


I sighed, “Fine, have it your way.”


“You meanie!” She pouted. “I can’t help that you’re so cute!”


I grinned. “Now you’ve done it,” I closed my legs and pedipalps around her frame. “If Elly doesn’t show up, you’re going to be trapped here all day.”


“Oh no, whatever will I do?” Velariah joked. “Maybe this?”


I had recently closed my eyes again and suddenly found Velariah kissing me. I opened them again to see hers closed as her lips were on mine. Our noses touched and I held the back of her head, enjoying her sweet touch and scent.


She broke away and I was slightly disappointed. My heart was working overtime as it pounded like crazy again. I could feel my face turn red, but I didn’t feel embarrassed anymore.


She opened her eyes and smiled. “Seems you liked that.”


I nodded. “Looks like I did.”


“What made you decide to do that to me yesterday?” She asked.


“I don’t know,” I admitted. “I’ve been wanting to move further, but I didn’t know how to. I still don’t know exactly how to go about this, but I really like you, Vel. I know it’s illogical for me, but I don’t know any better.”


“That’s good enough.” Velariah smiled. “We can work from there.”


“Thanks, Vel.” I hugged her again and relaxed in the pillows.


“I hope it puts your emotions at ease now, at least somewhat. I can see you’ve been struggling with them for a while now.” The elf said softly, as she relaxed as well.


“Yeah, you can say that again,” I replied with a sigh.

We lay there for a long time, simply enjoying each other’s company and touch. I had never felt this good before. Now that I had truly confessed, I could feel my worries fade away like snow in the sun. I couldn’t believe how I had worried so much about all this. Velariah seemed to dispel my worries with mere whispers of affection. It truly allowed me to feel things that were completely strange for me but very welcome, nonetheless.


I almost cried, too, but I managed to get a hold of myself before it happened. I didn’t want the elf to start worrying about things.


A while later, I heard a knock on the door.


“Lady Velariah, Miss Elania, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining brightly again.”


“It seems you weren’t lying after all.” I smiled as I looked into Velariah’s eyes.


“Now, why would I lie?” She smiled back.


“Really?” I grinned. “I could give you…’’ I started looking at the limbs that still held her. “Four and two and eight, that’s fourteen, well thirteen now, reasons.”


“Hmmm, it does feel nice, I have to admit.” She said as she tried to get away.


I suddenly released my hold which caused her to roll out of the pillows because of her momentum. She almost hit the wall and I grinned at her antics.


“Sorry, not sorry.”


“I’ll get you back for that, sometime.” She looked at her pack, which sat on the box of sulfur in the corner.


She walked up to the pack and opened it. I couldn’t help but stare as she did so.


“There’s still these mushrooms - we should check if they work on you as soon as we can. I forgot about them yesterday. They still seem fine.” She said as she opened the smaller bag.


“Whoops, I totally forgot about them too. How are we going to check?”


“I’m afraid we are going to have to make a cut, I guess.”

She didn’t look too happy when she turned around.


“Uh, I guess so,” I replied.


Velariah quickly put on some clothes before opening the door and running to what I assumed was the kitchen.


She returned with a large knife which made my heart sink.


“Was it really necessary to get the largest knife you had?” I looked at it in fear.


“Chill, I wasn’t planning on just stabbing you with it. This is the sharpest one we have, so it should hurt the least when I cut. Would you like me to use a painkiller too?”


I shook my head.


“If you’re careful, it would be better to do without any external influences. I have no idea what effect they may have.”


“Fair enough,” Velariah said, as she took out a completely yellow mushroom and cut it in half with the foot-long knife.


I never imagined I’d use imperial units.


Maybe it was the knife ruining my brain?


She rubbed the mushroom halves across the knife’s edge and walked over to me.


“Where should I cut?”


“Seriously, you look like a psychopath with that knife,” I answered, “I guess an arm would be best?” I suggested.


“Can do.” She took my arm and I soon felt the cold cutting edge.


I looked away, not wanting to experience this with my own eyes.


It was for my own good.


This was my idea.


I squinted my eyes.


“You done molesting my skin?” I asked.


“Already done.” She said.




I turned my head and saw a small wound on my arm. She had created an X with two incisions and was now rubbing some mushroom paste in the wound.


“Did you ever have to deal with this kind of poison?” I asked.


Velariah shook her head.


“I haven’t. But I did hear stories about Allina’s squad having to drag people back in a hurry because they had been paralyzed. How are you feeling?”


“I’m fine. Are you sure these are the right type of mushrooms?” I asked, as I felt nothing happening.


“I don’t know. I’ve never used them myself.”


“I guess there is only one way to check.” I started grinning.


“Uhm, you’re talking…?” She stammered.




She sighed. “I guess you’re right.” She walked to her bag and retrieved a blue vial.


She handed me the vial and walked back to the kitchen with the knife.


I pulled up my fangs, uncorked the vial and deposited a drop of venom in the small glass tube. I corked it again and shook it vigorously. I held the resulting orange vial in my hands as Velariah returned with the cleaned knife.


“I like how I don’t have to tell you a thing.” Velariah smiled as she locked the door again.


“I mean, it’s pretty clear to me that this is not something we want to screw around with,” I replied.


“Bit of a shame I didn’t think to do this when we exposed you to this poison.” She replied with guilt in her voice.


“I mean, it should be alright. It’s pretty clear I’ve got some good poison resistance. I doubt it was necessary. You’re right though, we should stop thinking about it too lightly, I don’t know the exact effects of this inherity yet…”


“Can you try walking around, just in case?” She asked.


“Sure,” I stood up and found I could walk around without issues. If this was the same paralytic poison that downed Nira, it did not affect me whatsoever.


“You sure about this?” I asked the elf to confirm what she was about to do.


“It’s the only way to be sure. The only issue is that this anti-venom does not remove paralytic effects. We have other potions for that, which I do not possess myself. It’s not dangerous in this controlled environment, though. I can simply wait out its effects.”


“You aren’t afraid of what I’m going to do when you’re paralyzed?” I grinned.


“I’m looking forward to it, actually.” She grinned back.


This elf was such a freak.


She pulled up her sleeve and cut herself with the knife with two quick motions and pressed the mushroom paste in the wound.


After rubbing the paste in, she handed me the knife and sat down in the pillow pile. I put the knife in the sink and walked back to the elf, who was now laying down.


“Vel?” I asked.


“Hbrgrgrl.” She tried to produce words but failed.


Holy shit, that stuff was strong. She went limp within mere seconds.


I walked over to her and rolled her to her side. I heard that was the safest thing to do when somebody was paralyzed.


I raised one of her arms in the air and released it. It instantly fell down again.


“Okay, turns out we did not get scammed. Now what?” I asked.


“Grblbl.” She sounded again.


“Seriously Vel, I can’t understand what you’re saying, could you speak up, please?” I teased her.


“Mrgmrmrmr” She sounded again, angrily this time.


I should use this stuff on Seralyn. Screw using it on her arrows, let’s use it on her instead!


“Okay, okay. I’ll stop now. Actually…” I turned her over to face me and I lowered myself. “Is that what you meant by teasing?” I said as I lowered my head to the pillow next to her.


I still had to dress myself. I could see her eyes grow wide. It seemed this poison did not completely paralyze its victims. She could still blink too, it seemed.


“Poor little Velariah.” I smiled. “It seems we got our answer, though. Thank you for helping me confirm.”


It seemed this resistance worked against more than just lethal poisons. I was glad it did, it would be quite the shock to find out I could still be knocked down by this stuff in combat. So far, we were lucky to have avoided anyone that used this type of venom and, with this newly gathered information, it seemed I wouldn’t have to worry about it.


I decided to get myself dressed while waiting for the poison to run its course. I put on the black shirt that was still in the sink and my golden tag. I decided to comb my hair again as well, seeing as I had nothing else to do.


“You hanging in there?” I said, as I finished and turned around.


“Getting there,” Vel replied.


“Oh, it seems you can talk again, neat.”


“Yes, unfortunately, I cannot stand to slap you yet.”


“Now why would you do that?” I asked, as I lowered myself to look at her again.


“You’re such a tease!” She said with difficulty.


“Hey, you’re the one who started it.” I fired back.


I sat there for a few minutes as I watched Velariah struggle to sit up. I couldn’t help but smile at her efforts to move her limbs.


“These mushrooms would be great for Seralyn,” I said. “Any chance we can cultivate them?”


“We could try. Maybe Elly can set up something with the help of the local florist. She’s a good friend of Elly, but I can’t make promises on whether it will work. These mushrooms grow where they grow for a reason.”


“Seems you do understand the basic concepts of growing stuff after all,” I spoke as Velariah managed to sit up, albeit with her arms supporting her.


“Well, duh. I just didn’t know about that fertilizer of yours. I wonder what my father did with it. We didn’t get to ask him before he left.”


If he was that swift with leaving, it probably went exceptionally well. I think he wants to get this infrastructure set up as soon as possible. Speaking of, I wonder if that farmer planted those cherries yet. Seems like it would have been a great time to plant. This rain from today should allow them to grow quickly.


Velariah moved her legs in kicking motions.


“Knowing him, he made sure that everything is planted by now. Did you see the hurry he was in?” Velariah said.




“Anyways.” She stood up and almost fell again. I quickly stood up and reached out to support her. “Thanks for that, Elania. As I was saying, we should see if the others are already at the guild hall. Get me something to eat while we’re there. I’m starving.”


“Yeah, I guess you don’t get to experience all the benefits that I’m experiencing.” I laughed at the reference to my eating capabilities.


“I assume that means you’re not hungry?” She asked.


“Did you see me go at it yesterday?” I frowned at her.


“Good point.” She noted. “Also, I hope I can get my hands on some of that coffee soon. For some reason, I seem to be craving it…”


I laughed. “Have I told you that it’s quite addictive yet?”


“Damn, couldn’t you have told me that earlier?”


I shrugged. “Figured it would be fine. Besides, if we’re going to the dungeon today, we could get our hands on some more, no problem.”


“Good point again,” Velariah noted once more. “We should certainly get some more.”


“Seems someone is addicted. Can’t blame you though, I really do miss it myself…”


“Aww, poor half-spider.” Velariah pouted.


“You making fun of me now?” I turned to her.


“I wouldn’t dare.” She giggled.


This elf…


“Anyways, let’s go to the guild and hope it doesn’t start raining again.” Velariah offered.


She opened both doors and asked Elly, who was drinking some tea while reading, to help her with her armor.


“You think Dworag managed to get done what I asked for?” I asked Velariah as I was putting on my own chest plate.


“No way.” She answered. “He’d have to work together with Coldanus. I wouldn’t expect it done anytime soon.”


I shrugged. “Oh well, I doubt it’s going to be of use in the dungeon.”


“Because?” Velariah asked.


“Aren’t dungeons usually pretty tight? I doubt there would be much room for us to maneuver.”


“Not all dungeons are like that,” Velariah explained. “Though, I guess that does apply to most low-tier dungeons.”


“Interesting,” I said as Velariah opened the doors. I picked up my spear and headed out after her.


The cobblestone streets were still wet from the rain earlier on. I had no doubt they would dry quickly. The sun was shining very brightly and the temperature was close to tropical.


“Hmmm, today is way too nice to delve underground,” I said as I basked in the sunlight.


“This was your idea, no backing down now,” Velariah stated strictly.


We made our way to the guild hall and found all three of our companions waiting in our usual spot.


There were a fair amount of people inside and even a group of only humans talking in their incomprehensible language. They did glance over to me once or twice but didn’t seem too interested. I would imagine they had already heard about me. I wondered what their business here was.


It would be nice to run into some humans who weren’t complete dicks for once.


“You’re late,” Seralyn said.


I wasn’t too surprised at her comment.


Velariah explained that it was because of trying out the mushrooms. She made up some completely phony story that it took her an hour to get back on her feet. I think in reality it was closer to fifteen minutes.


Nira seemed to be doing much better. Her wings were completely cleaned and I couldn’t make out any scars on her arms anymore. She thanked us again for helping her out yesterday. She said she thought about joining our party last evening and concluded she would like to try. She wanted to at least stick with us until the wand was repaid.


Velariah tried to object but Nira was dead-set on making sure she repaid that debt.


She didn’t dare to object anymore after that. It was just a personality trait she would have to live with if Nira was to join our party. I would have probably done the same. I hated owing debts.


Nira was very quiet after that. Velariah got herself a hearty breakfast. The others and I made do with a drink, it seemed they had already eaten before we got here.


When Velariah finished she asked how things were looking.


Nira seemed to be eager to delve into the dungeon we discovered and, judging from her appearance, she seemed to be in a good enough state to do it.


Healing magic was quite something else.


She and Draco both inquired about my leg, but I replied that killing things in the dungeon was one of my goals to try to get it back. I told them the pain was very light now and didn’t bother me in any way.


“Neat,” Seralyn exclaimed. “Seems I finally get to see a dungeon for myself.”


She wasn’t the only one looking forward to it. I would hopefully get some answers myself, at last.


Thanks to my wonderful new patrons <3

Melting Sky

(56 chaps on patreon rn... still building...)

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Also, there is going to be some action soon and a fair amount of fluff after that. You've been warned.


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