Echoes Of A Dream

Chapter 22: Chapter 22: The Opposer (Part 1)

**A breeze went through the air as the uppermost conversation began between Anima and his dad.**

**Anima:** So it was all true.

**Soulani:** Yes, I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Anima could only sit there silently, trying to understand what was going on. He would answer a couple of questions, then three questions came into his mind. But the first question would bother him the most: what Christian said to him about his dad being the "Anomaly." He didn't know what it meant, what it was, or why people considered anomalies to be executed.

**Anima:** I have a question. Why did Christian call you the "Anomaly"? What does that even mean? What did he mean that you were not "born without a dream core" and get executed at birth? What the fuck does all this mean?

**Soulani:** Let me tell you a story.

**Anima:** A story?

**Soulani:** Yes, a story. The reason why we, people who weren't born with dream cores, are considered dangerous and unfit to live and considered "Anomalies."

**Soulani:** I won't go into full detail to cover it, but Mr. Arakin should teach you about it after you learn the last four Rejections, as this story happens during the fifth Rejection.

**Anima:** Hmm, okay.

So Soulani would start narrating the story to Anima.

This story takes place during the fifth Rejection, or the last Rejection that has happened so far.

There would be an innocent boy who wasn't born with a dream core, who wasn't shined by the light of God.

This story takes place a couple of hundred years ago when the fifth Rejection happened and still has an effect on the world today.

A boy would be born without a dream core.

Before anyone could know, this boy would change the course of history as we know it.

Before this boy was born, being born without a dream core was fine after the third Rejections when humans learned how to dream walk during the great war between angels and demons. But before the third Rejection, every human would be born with a dream core. We just didn't know and didn't learn how to dream walk until then.

After the third Rejection, doctors would examine babies at birth and check for dream cores and see some babies weren't born with it. This was fine, but doctors would eventually name them anomalies as the percentage to be born without a dream core was 2 in 10 billion people, an extremely rare thing.

It still has been an unexplainable phenomenon, but high-level dream walkers say it's because "God's light doesn't shine on them," which, if being born with a dream core is a blessing from God, it would make sense.

People would belittle people who weren't born with dream cores, and they would be looked down upon in society, but never executed until he was born: the man who changed everything. His name would be Luther Carlos.

He would be born with hair and grey eyes.

Nobody would think much of it, even just some strange case as someone born without a dream core, another "Anomaly." But that wouldn't just be a normal case for this boy.

He would walk west.

Little did anyone know that in only 20 years, this boy would eventually be a man who would oppose all the gods and oppose the entire world and take the world for himself.

Chapter 22 end

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