Earth's Alpha Prime



Jay stood in the same corner he had been standing in for what felt like an eternity. Through the maze of transparent notifications floating before his eyes, he could just make out the anxious faces of his siblings. Their worry was apparant, their eyes scanning for any sign of movement.

MJ, Jay's faithful companion, flew into his hands, his tiny form trembling. "Master, I was so worried when I couldn't contact you for the past hour," he squealed, his voice high-pitched with relief.

Jay sighed, finding it hard to believe it had only been an hour since the Orientation had begun; within the Abyss Realm, it had felt like an endless and torturous wait. He gently patted MJ's back, comforting the little baby.

"Master, I just received a flood of information even without higher-tier access to the System records. What exactly happened in there?" MJ asked mentally, his tone laden with confusion.

Jay responded, "Go through my memories. You'll get the full picture."

As MJ sifted through his memories, Qew, her eyes wide with concern, asked her elder brother, "What happened to you? You were completely unresponsive for the past hour, like a statue."

Kay, always the pragmatic one, checked his watch and said, "Brother, what happened to you? Dad called for a family gathering a while back and even invited Olivia over. He wants us there by nine, and we need to leave now if we're going to make it in time."

Jay nodded, trying to shake off the lingering disorientation from the earlier experience. "Let's get going, then. I'll fill you in on what just happened on the way. And Kay, there's something you'll be really happy to hear."

Kay's curiosity was piqued. He knew his brother well enough to recognize that when Jay said something like that, it was definitely worth hearing. Without another word, he hurried along with the rest of the group, making their way out of the underground secret base.

An opening the size of a regular door appeared in the otherwise inconspicuous forest area. It was hard to believe that such a small cave entrance led to the deepest underground facility in the history of mankind.

As the nine of them emerged, three 2nd Gen S.E.E.D Cars, which had been blending perfectly with the background, shimmered back to their normal appearance.

Those three cars have a futuristic and sleek design. They feature smooth, aerodynamic bodies with a metallic silver and black color scheme. The wheels are large and illuminated with a blue glow, giving the impression of advanced technology. 

The car bodies are streamlined, with minimal seams and a smooth surface that reflects the surroundings. The windows are tinted and integrated into the overall design, enhancing the cars' sleek appearance. 

Qew ran towards the one in the middle, her excitement infectious. "I can't wait to drive my new car! At first, I thought Kay was exaggerating, but now that I've tried it, controlling the car with just mental commands is incredibly addictive."

Jay wrapped his arm around Kay as they walked. "Hold your horses, Qew,"

he quipped. "Join us in my car. We need to discuss something."

She retorted, "I can come in my own car through." But Jay's grin and his next words gave her pause.

"Sure, but don't blame me if you're not in the loop. I'm going to discuss something important with Kay on our way, and I'm pretty sure you will want to hear it."

Qew grunted, then reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but I'll drive."

Jay laughed and nodded. As Qew turned to her bodyguard, she commanded, "Sister Esha, you take my car. I'm sending you the access right now."

She swiped on her wristband prototype, and a key-shaped hologram appeared, hovering over her wrist. With a swift motion, it swooshed towards Esha, seamlessly landing on her wristband.

Kay did the same, handing over his car's control to Jon. They all prepared for the journey. Esha and the ex-goon twins, Rahu and Kethu, got into Qew's car. Jon and Ravan settled into Kay's car. Jay, meanwhile, joined his siblings and Moro in his vehicle.

The cars hummed to life, their sleek designs camouflaging effortlessly with the surroundings as they began their journey toward the nearest highway.

Qew turned around to the back seats where her brothers sat next to each other. She quipped, "Come on, spill the beans. What's this important matter you've been hinting at?"

Kay looked at his brother with curiosity, anticipating the news that Jay seemed confident would make him happy. Jay said, "But before I start, Qew, set the car on Auto Pilot. No need to flaunt your multitasking skills right now."

Qew clicked her tongue but still did as he asked, her attention now completely on Jay. He didn't let them wait any longer and began, "Well, before I get to the main point, let me give you an overview of what happened back then. Among the rewards I received, I was introduced to a powerful ability called FRAMES. I was given a choice to pick a sort of blueprint to create a FRAME based on the passive skills I have. I won't go into details—MJ will fill you in about them later. Coming to the point, when I chose a FRAME I liked, I was given a demonstration of its abilities. And at the end of that, I had a conversation with the System."

Qew chimed in, interrupting him, "Are you talking about the powerful entity that has already assimilated over three-fourths of the universe and is about to do the same to our planet?"

Jay nodded, "Exactly, the very same entity. I had the opportunity to learn a lot, including a method to prepare humanity for survival and boost our chances against the GENESIS INCURSION."

Before they could ask any questions, Jay quickly continued, "Don't ask me to explain what it means; those are the exact words the System used. Basically, it's a phenomenon where hostile monsters appear all over our planet. Anyway, you've probably already heard from MJ that because of the heavy losses in the Milky Way Trial Program, every participant now has early access to the Achievement Point Store. Normally, this wouldn't be available until after the Trial Program ended."

They both nodded with curiosity as Jay continued, "There's something called the PLANETARY VIRTUAL SANCTUARY. With a Soul AI overseeing it, this sanctuary will help us adapt humanity and better prepare for the changes Earth will soon face. The initial estimated survival rate of 5% of the entire human population could increase to over 50%. If everything goes as planned, it could even surpass 75%."

Jay held Baby MJ in both his palms and lifted him, turning him to face Kay and Qew. "We have this little guy right here, and all we need is that one item from the Achievement Point Store."

Kay, unable to contain his excitement, snatched Baby MJ from Jay's hands and began playing with him joyfully. It was evident from Kay's beaming face that he was truly overjoyed.


Author Note:

Exclusive artwork for every free chapter is now available on my PATRE0N page! You can find the link in my Discord server.

I'm thrilled to share that I'm taking a big leap forward! Alongside Earth's Alpha Prime, I've launched the first sub-book for EAP.


Chapter Release Rate: 3 Chs/Week.


The first ten to comment for new chapter releases will get '1 ADVANCED CHAPTER' for free on Earth Alpha Prime's Discord server.

In the discord server, I opened a private channel for those Top 10 candidates, where I posted the respective Advanced Chapter.

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