Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 363: Prof Glen Jonas

"There are people with innate affinity alone and then, there are people with racial affinity along with innate affinity. It might sound cool, but those with racial affinity are known to struggle more to awaken their Skill and to find the equilibrium between the elements. A slight mishap could break their entire hard work.

But let's not forget that they are the strongest once they successfully awaken their Skill. In some rare cases, people can control both elements individually."

Professor Glen continued to explain the elements and attributes. He did not forget to mention their advantages and disadvantages on several occasions. He went on talking without a break and students were enthusiastic to hear about their affinities.

"Any questions?"

Glen concluded his sermon and waited for any questions. There was no response and he gladly moved to the next topic.

"Now, shall we learn how to use your affinity?"

Professor walked to a wall of the hall and slightly tapped on it. At the very moment, the wall disappeared and students saw numerous training equipment placed in an orderly fashion.

"To invoke your affinity, be it an element or an attribute, you need something that can help you channel your powers. These are for your training and you may choose one, wisely!"

The last word felt important to Jonathan as he kinda missed half of the session in the forenoon. Thus he waited for others to select.

His eyes wandered for Sabryna and he saw her picking up a sword. A boy who had Ice affinity selected a spear. A girl with Defence affinity chose a shield.

'So that's how it is.


By the time Jonathan had decided to pick up a weapon, all the high-quality ones have been taken away. The remaining ones were damaged and low-quality ones. Since he cannot raise his voice to complain, he walked from one end to the other as he scanned the pile of props with interest.

Though those who laid their hands on high-quality ones retreated quickly without looking back, there were yet many to select a suitable weapon. Jonathan thus was able to use the crowd as his cover.

And as time went by, there were less and lesser students to pick weapons. When Jonathan finally found a suitable ally for combat, there were still four students searching for something useful.

What caught Jonathan's attention was a 52-inch long diesel-red coloured rod with a diameter slightly over an inch. It was a blunt weapon and Jonatha could see several cracks. Yet, he could also feel a sense of power emitting from it.

The unexpected happened when he tried to lift it casually. It easily weighed over 6 kilograms and puzzled Jonathan to his core. When he realised that it would be a struggle to lift it with one arm, he used both of his arms to take it out of its place.

"What on earth is this thing made of?"

Jonathan couldn't help but mumble to himself as he scanned the heavy-weight object top to bottom. His eyes reflected curiosity as he walked with it and joined the group. Without causing a ruckus, he placed it gently on the ground, near his feet.

The last to choose a weapon finally joined the group and the professor walked to the centre of the hall wearing a pair of gauntlets. It wasn't fancy in colours and decorations. Just a pair of gauntlets.

"What you had chosen now, will not be your final choice. As you venture more into knowing your affinity, you might be forced to take a weapon that you dislike. But you'll have no other go than accepting the reality."

Glen brought his hands before his chest. A brief moment of closed eyes and the students saw a faint aura enveloping the gauntlets.

Then the professor opened his eyes and turned around twirling on his right foot and punched forward!


The boom that the punch created made many feel dizzy. Fellow students supported them while others gawked at the sight that unfolded in front of them.

"The w-wall!"

A feminine cry made them realise that they were a stupefied bunch of students as they stared at the wall. The crumbled centre and the circular crown around it was a sight to behold.

"This is how a weapon helps us to channel our strength."

When Glen turned around, the air around him was completely different. He had an aura that made many feel the fear of their parents' beatings.

"The weapon is not only an object for channelling but also efficient execution. Your powers are worthless if your weapon can only concentrate your energy, ultimately to disperse without any use. It must be able to meet your expectation and spirit with which you wake up from your sleep and work out your day."

The four walls of the hall resonated his voice with vigour and Jonathan felt an unspeakable sensation in his heart. It is as if he is at the right place at the right time with the right weapon.

Glen took off his gauntlets and his childish demeanour was back.

"Now, I want everyone to practice using the weapon you have chosen. If your choice is in synchronisation with your affinity residing in your soul, then you'll feel something, something that encourages you to go on.

Until each one of you has achieved this feat, we will not proceed further."

Glen casually walked to a corner as he spoke. He sat cross-legged at the corner and closed his eyes. With the pair of gauntlets resting on his lap, he began to meditate.

The students immediately dispersed inside the hall and occupied a spot for them. The air turned chaotic as noise rose exponentially.


Glen shouted and his voice produced a pressure that pushed students away from him. The entire hall went silent in fear for the instructor. Even after he closed his eyes, the students hesitated to move.

Yet, within a few minutes, there was noise rising from them.

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