Earth Dies

14. Preppers

After some discussion, the three of them decided the best plan was to walk to Bridgette's house, pick up some supplies, and then walk back to Alice's house. Colin had already grabbed everything he needed for an extensive amount of adventuring when he departed his house, and said he hadn't seen anyone on his way to meet with the girls. Admittedly, his house was on the outskirts of Defiance, and he hadn't bothered to travel through the town on his way north to Alice's house, but at this point the three of them cared more about preparing for the future than necessarily meeting up with anyone else.

The three friends walked to Bridgette's house within two hours, Colin walking his bike alongside the two women. As they walked, they blindly speculated about what kind of threat the world was under. Alice suggested an alien invasion, but Colin was convinced it was going to be fantasy-trope monsters and demons. Bridgette wasn't sure one way or the other, but suspected a lot of people were going to end up hurt or dead by the end of this, which put a damper on their conversation.

When they got to Bridgette's house, Bridgette tasked Alice and Colin with raiding the pantry for preserved food and other supplies. She also asked them to check the garage and grab anything that might be useful as a weapon. Alice ended up grabbing a very sturdy walking staff that Bridgette's father must have had at one point, while Colin shrugged and came up empty-handed, claiming that wizards didn't really use weapons much anyway.

The two then rotated back to the house, walking down into the cellar to uncover an absolutely massive supply of stored food. Apparently, Bridgette's parents believed in stockpiling as much food and water as they possibly could, just in case. The pair grabbed a week or two's worth of supplies, but left the rest.

Bridgette came down from her room a few minutes later, her bag full of toiletries, clothes, and other personal effects. She had changed as well, throwing on a ruffled micro mini-skirt so short her ass cheeks hung out underneath it and a sheer camisole top that showed her breasts in all their glory, nipples firmly at attention.

Colin took one look at Bridgette, gulped, and fled the house as if chased by wolves. Alice just stared.

"Where in the world did you get those clothes? And I use the word clothes loosely, mind you."

"You're not the only one who can buy lingerie, hoping to impress someone special. She just never confessed to me until today, so I never had the opportunity to wear it."

"Your parents would have killed us both if they ever saw you wearing that. Holy fuck, B."

Bridgette winked, "That's kind of the idea, right? I've gotta get those holy fucks in to power your healing and my skills."

"You cannot go out in public like that. No way."

"Oh? Why not?" Bridgette asked innocently.

"People will stare!"

"Yes, and?"

"Bridgette! It's not appropriate!" Alice whined, stomping her foot.

"I'm an adult and I will dress how I want. If someone wants to stare, they can stare. If they want to do more, well, I can defend myself - and I've got you to back me up. Or are you jealous that people might be lusting after me? Oh, I know..." Bridgette looked thoughtful for a moment. "I have just the idea."

Bridgette pulled her hands out from behind her back, revealing a second outfit similar to what she was wearing. "I have one for you, too."


"I'm just kidding, I know you won't wear this yet. But I am bringing extras. I've decided to embrace my class skills, which means I need to dress like this."

"More like want to dress like that... you've never been shy about attention." Alice muttered, a little bitterly.

"Maybe so, but you know I'm yours. They can look, but they'll never touch. Only you get to do that." Bridgette reached out to Alice and drew her close, kissing her.

Alice sighed, "Okay, you win. I'm woman enough to admit that it makes sense that you're wearing that outfit. But you know that means Colin is going to have to walk in front of you, so he's not staring at your ass the whole time, right? Since when does the wizard walk in front of the party? Keep the squishies in the back."

Bridgette snickered, "Oops."

Hey all, decided to throw out a few more chapters to keep folks entertained. I haven't figured out exactly what publishing schedule I'm going to try to stick to, but it'll be at least two chapters a week. I've got another ~30 chapters for Book 1 already written and waiting to go, but really want to get rolling on Book 2 before I finalize how often I publish stuff, just so I don't release everything I've written and then make you wait with no content for a while.

Anyway, hope you are enjoying it so far! Beginning is a little rough, just trying to figure out how it works, but hope you stick around.

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