Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 973

Chapter 973: Super jump

The scientific community has its own conjectures about the consequences of matter entering a black hole. However, whether a living body will die if it enters a black hole is another question.

According to intuition, a living person enters the black hole and is drawn by strong gravity. It stretches longer than the spaghetti, so it is strange to survive.

But this is just the intuitive judgment of ordinary people. It is a judgment made in daily environment. It does not represent the most scientific view. In fact, the great human physicist Stephen Hawking, who is also an authority on black hole theory, once proposed one. This kind of conjecture is that the event horizon of the black hole will save the “information” of matter before the object is involved in the black hole, and store it permanently inside the event horizon. In fact, one day, this information will still be released back. In the universe, although some information may have been disturbed, it is still preserved.

It is like comparing a person to an ink bump, falling into a leaking pool. The swirling water flow in the pool is equivalent to a black hole. The moment the ink bump touches the water vortex, it has been “black” by itself. Recorded in the water flow, then, before the water flow is completely shed, this information about the characteristics of the ink ball will be recorded with the vortex forever and will not disappear.

However, even if you block the leak and then use some high-tech methods to extract the ink mixed in the water, it is impossible to completely recover the ink lump that fell into it.

Therefore, even if this theory is established, Wang Yanke can obtain personal information about Hao Zhi from the black hole, memory and thinking characteristics, etc., and then transfer it to a living body, it will no longer be the original Hao Zhi, and the information will be lost. Or, being completely distorted, only an idiot with a system disorder can be restored.

The second conjecture about black holes comes from the space physics community, who believes that black holes are nothing more than ordinary vortices caused by massive objects compressing space.

Just like the example mentioned before, if the three-dimensional space is a balloon, then press hard and the concave part can be regarded as a black hole. When the space is squeezed to a certain point, the three-dimensional and three-dimensional will interact with each other. The moment of contact, space penetration, and entering the black hole is actually going out from the other end.

This thing composed of two spatial black holes (there is also a saying, black hole and white hole) is called a wormhole.

After all, on the surface, it seems that black holes absorb matter without restriction, while white holes eject matter without restriction. The intuitive connection is self-evident.

It’s just that the white hole only exists in the conjectures of theoretical physics, and there has never been anything about it, and humans have never seen a white hole.

As for the other end of the black hole, where is the opening, no one knows…

Wang Yanke’s guess was that Hao Zhi did not die, but was “thrown out” by the powerful black hole, and went to a distant place that they could not currently reach.

But that’s too boring, you can never find it back, what’s the difference between being dead?

Everyone felt like they had crushed a huge rock. It was heavy and lost Hao Zhi. This is something that no one wants to see. It seems that everyone who lacks this escape journey can talk about it, but without Hao Zhi, everyone’s heart There is no bottom line.

Without too much time to grieve, Wang Yanke wiped away his tears and began to command everyone to reorganize the team and gather all the fugitive warships scattered in the nearby star fields. In addition to the few warships lost when crossing the space channel, there is still left. Twenty-one battleships.

At least, the main force of the fugitive fleet has been preserved.

This is the precious achievement of Hao Zhi’s sacrifice. There can be no more losses. The energy of the battleship has been consumed by more than 90% when fighting the black hole gravity. Most of the mechanical parts of the battleship have been damaged to varying degrees, and the personnel panic. , Many people have a nervous breakdown and become a mess.

Everyone needs to clean up, and then think about the next step.

Even if you want to find Hao Zhi, you must first determine your position!

Li Weigong turned sideways and showed the data he had just collected for everyone to see. Only one line of text was displayed on the warship’s computer: “The navigation system cannot confirm the current star domain. The information database currently stores zero data on this star domain. .”

Humans have used high-powered telescopes to observe the entire Milky Way galaxy from the earth, and draw a picture of the Milky Way galaxy with the positions of all galaxies and stars.

But even so, we know very little about the Milky Way itself. From the data point of view, humans can only estimate the diameter and size of the Milky Way, and can only estimate that the number of stars that may exist in the Milky Way is between 1.5 billion and 400 billion.

In other words, the upper and lower error is so large that it is unimaginable. There are almost 2.5 billion stars in the unknown world, and such a huge number of stars are all in motion.

They are all constantly rotating with the Milky Way itself, the speed of the star system’s flight is fast or slow, the relative position between the star system and the star system is also constantly changing, and the direction of rotation is also uncertain.

It’s like four thousand people are running fast in a circle, some people run fast, some fat people slow down, some old people die while running and stop, and the people behind change to avoid him. Some people feel that it is exhausting to run a big circle on the periphery, so they lazy and run towards the center. Some people want to escape from this circle to go to the toilet, so they squeeze out. The relative position of each person is constantly changing.

Therefore, in theory, drawing a star map of the Milky Way is of no value.

The Milky Way is not the Earth, the surface of the galaxy and the ocean are fixed, you can compare it for a few hundred years and it will look the same.

It can be said that the picture of the Milky Way stars can only represent the general image of the Milky Way galaxy at the moment it was drawn. This “picture” of the stars must be simulated by a single-level computer when the operation of each star system changes simultaneously. It makes sense.

Obviously, human current technology can’t do this.

Some people say that when all the beaches on the earth are added together, the Milky Way has as many stars as there are grains of sand.

Shrink you, put you in the middle of any two grains of sand on the earth, and let you guess which beach you are on now. This is how Wang Yanke and Li Weigang feel about their environment.

Although there is no eyebrow, but one thing is certain, that is, they are far away from the solar system and are not anywhere in the periphery of the solar system that humans can recognize.

Humans can still simulate the positions of some star systems around the solar system, so if the navigation system does not store any data of this star field, you must be outside the known range.

And the range of the star system that the navigation system of the human warship can accurately grasp has reached more than 2ooo light-years…

After trying to understand this question, Wang Yanke’s forehead shed a drop of sweat.

After passing through the space channel opened by Hao Zhi, they unexpectedly arrived at a strange star field that is 2ooo light-years away from the solar system!

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