Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 960

Chapter 960: Keep moving forward

The life of the fugitive fleet gradually entered daily life. People worked and lived according to a unified schedule, maintaining the daily life support system of the battleship. Most of the work was concentrated on the production of food and oxygen.

No one knows how long this journey will take. It may take at least a hundred years. In theory, they are only the first generation on the fleeing fleet, and there may be second and third generations behind… until the nth. generation.

No one of the first generation will survive when the fleet finally reaches 6 places, their remaining lives will inevitably age and die in this endless voyage, becoming the cornerstone of future civilization.

This is a journey that only goes out, but does not arrive.

The fleeing fleet flew past the sun, then passed the orbit of Mercury, leaped over the orbits of the eight planets again, and finally left Pluto, then minus, plunged into the rocky Kuiper belt.

Kuiper belt objects are some clumps left over from the formation of the solar system. 4.5 billion years ago, there were many such clumps orbiting the sun closer to the sun. They collided with each other, and some joined together to form the earth and other terrestrial planets, as well as the solid core of gas giant planets.

Far away from the sun, the clumps there are in deep freezing and have been preserved intact. Kuiper belt objects may be such remnants, which were already there when the solar system first formed.

The Kuiper belt is known as the boundary of the solar system and is the source of most comets in the solar system.

Some astronomers believe that because Pluto is about the same size as the asteroids in the Kuiper Belt, Pluto should be excluded from the list of the nine planets and be included in the Kuiper Belt asteroids; while the moons of Pluto should be considered It is the companion of Pluto.

At a position of 4o to 5o astronomical units from the sun, on a low-inclination orbit, it used to be considered a void and the end of the solar system.

But in fact, it is full of ice-covered objects with paths ranging from several kilometers to thousands of kilometers, and it is extremely lively, the Kuiper Belt. The formation of these objects in the Kuiper Belt: If explained according to the accretion theory of planet formation, it is that they collide and attract each other during their orbiting the sun, and finally adhere to celestial bodies of different sizes.

Although the Kuiper Belt seems to be extremely crowded and lively from the description of the information, Hao Zhi and the others only discovered after they actually arrived here. It is still an endless void world, and the road in front of the dark cosmic background is blurred.

Therefore, although the battleship group had nothing in front of them, they had to reduce and pass.

Because in such a high voyage, the “eyes” of the battleship are almost blind. According to the time of 20 million kilometers per hour, the battleship flies 5555 kilometers per second, and the farthest detection range of the shipborne radar is 100,000. About kilometers, the maximum limit has been reached.

That is to say, in this case, once there is any meteorite ahead, the time left for you from present to avoidance will not pass for two seconds. For such a high-flying warship, two seconds are completely impossible to evade. The only action that can be done is to use laser weapons to sweep obstacles.

But this is still a situation that large meteorite fragments are relatively easy to deal with. If it is only an egg-sized meteorite, it is impossible to hit it with a shipboard laser weapon from 100,000 kilometers away, even with radar positioning coordinates. How lucky do you have to get a hit?

When Hao Zhi and the others realized this problem, the battleship Blue Space had been destroyed by a meteorite of similar size. Almost in an instant, a high-impact meteorite chipped a piece from the visual porthole. A hole the size of a pea, and then the entire hull seemed to have been ignited from the middle, and it instantly exploded and burst into flames.

All the flames were continuously tilting backwards during high flight, and the destroyed ship hull was scattered into wreckage and garbage in one second. It was very uniform and maintained an almost constant degree, forming a line of wreckage. Long thin gray lines of space junk flying forward at five thousand kilometers per second.

Among those space debris, there are 100,000 human corpses who were still talking and laughing just now.

They died without pain, no time to react, no chance to say goodbye to relatives and friends, no chance to confess to God.

The people on the Blue Space are very kind, and most of them come from the high-level intellectuals in the original earth world. Therefore, it is one of the few warships that have not had any riots. From the beginning of take-off, most of the crew members The most thing they do is to pray and organize conversations continuously, and provide psychological counseling with each other, so as to adapt to the needs of space navigation more quickly.

They are positive, diligent, optimistic, obedient and conscientious.

However, their luck was so bad that they became the first cannon fodder in this dangerous space.

Also because of their sacrifice, Wang Yanke and Hao Zhicai immediately made the decision to reduce the fleet immediately, passing through the Kuiper Belt at a low of 5 million kilometers. The coverage of the Kuiper Belt is about 10 AU, which is equivalent to 1.5 billion. Kilometers, it took the entire fleet almost twelve days to fly away from this rocky area.

Then began a crazy increase, back to the height of 20 million kilometers.

Soon, they passed Haumea and Makemake, two dwarf planets that have never been observed by humans. They are very small, like a giant egg pulled by some mysterious force. In the past, human beings only proved the existence of these two asteroids on gravitational data. Until the later period of the earth, after the ability of humans to explore the stars has been greatly developed, they should have paid attention to the middle structure of the solar system, but there was no such time.

They put a lot of energy into the sky survey defense network, and the ten interstellar fleets are busy enough for a while, so there is no such thing as that mood.

Therefore, humans have never reached such a long distance in deep space. Every step that Hao Zhi and the others take out from this position is a big step in human history.

Hao Zhi suddenly remembered that in an old movie “Lord of the Rings”, when two children set foot on a journey for lofty goals, the Hobbit servant who had just come out suddenly stopped at the end of the cornfield at the entrance of the village, Frodo Baggins then asked strangely why he didn’t leave.

He raised one foot suspiciously and said If I take this step, I will walk outside the village…

Hao Zhi’s mood now is a bit similar to that of the loyal servant. He looks at the dark space of the universe, and will start staying if he is not careful. This is the first time that mankind has been so far away from home. One minute of driving, the possibility of going home is ten times smaller… The earth seems to have become a distant past after more than ten days of sailing, a star billions of kilometers away that can’t even be seen by the light. , There is no brilliance at all.

From this, Hao Zhi thought of his own life. He was born a hundred years ago, before he was three, five, or even ten years old. The details that were gradually blurred, the past gradually faded away from him, and you began to doubt it. Has it really existed? The more you recall what you have experienced, the more you will feel that only now is the only real thing that has existed.

He began to feel scared, a completely elusive fear in his heart…

When the back has become as far away as the front, I seem to be on the Tower of Babel, where I can’t see the edge at both ends. The only driving force that supports me is the illusory hope that I must persist in living, but the hope is true. Does it exist?

The ghost knows…

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