Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 952

Chapter 952: Stay away from home for the first time

Without further ado, everyone boarded the Ark. Hao Zhi and Wang Yanke finally boarded the ship. When they turned their heads, they looked at the Shura soldiers lined up neatly behind them.

The black-haired Shura walked in front of Hao Zhi and Wang Yanke, and the three stood opposite each other.

“Unexpectedly that the reunion is so short… I thought we still had a chance to fight Sanlily!” Shura sighed, smiled and patted Hao Zhi on the shoulder, “I don’t quite understand human emotions, just like the person just now The punch you throw, the attack can represent a certain emotion, it seems that our machine civilization still has a long way to go…”

“It’s okay, we will be back!” Hao Zhi said meaningfully, taking Shura’s hand from his shoulder, “Don’t worry, we will be back…There is still a fight between us that hasn’t finished. There will be a chance!”

Shura just showed a charming smile, didn’t say much, and suddenly said softly: “Nanpu sad farewell, the west wind curls up in autumn. When I look at my bowels, I don’t want to look back.”

After finishing speaking, leading Wang Yanke to board the plane, the Ark slowly started, and the powerful air current brought up the long cloak behind Shura with black hair…

“Xura seems to want to be friends with you…” Wang Yanke walked behind Hao Zhi and said softly.

Hearing what she said, Hao Zhi stopped suddenly: “Impossible!”

“Why?” Wang Yanke asked curiously, “I always thought you were a person who didn’t hold grudges, Lin Tao, Lu Fang, Li Weigong, every enemy you once became your friend in the end… Asura and the Sky Hermit Why not?”

“Hehe, a few of them are fighting with me. They are closed doors and separated from their families. We can reconcile if we break our heads. It is because we are all people on earth. From the perspective of fundamental interests, it is not a big problem for who wins or loses. .

But Shura is different, Shura is an alien, an alien… he belongs to the old Wang’s house next door! “Hao Zhi laughed haha.

“You just said that we will come back…” Wang Yanke looked at Hao Zhi’s eyes and said, “Will there be such a day?”

Hao Zhi bit his lip and thought for a while: “Maybe, the earth is our root. I don’t know if I will be able to come back alive in my lifetime. Even you can’t guess what the future will be. How can I know? Woolen cloth……”

The stars and the sea, the journey of a long distance, but this is a goodbye, how can there be a reunion!

Two people came to the bridge of the Ark. Everyone was ready. The spacecraft was rising steadily. The bright sky around it began to turn light blue. Gradually, the bright edge of the magnificent earth appeared outside the sight window.

Everyone looks heavy. This time, they are really leaving, leaving the earth and throwing themselves into the endless deep space of the universe. Everyone is making the final goodbye to their home planet…

Everyone lined up on both sides, letting out the position of the main commander’s seat in the middle, and looking at Hao Zhi with their gazes.

“Well, no, no, no…With Ke Ke, why is it my turn to direct?” Hao Zhi understood everyone’s meaning and waved his hands again and again.

Wang Yanke gently pushed him behind him: “Don’t be polite. Among the people here, you are the one who fought the most alien civilizations and the most experienced in interstellar navigation. No one compares. You are more suitable to lead this battleship!”

Everyone nodded and looked at Hao Zhi with encouraging eyes.

“Okay, then!” Hao Zhi didn’t want to grieve, so he walked into the commander’s seat, turned around and sat down, arranged and said, “All departments are in place!”

“Yes!” everyone responded in unison.

Hao Zhi began to call his name loudly: “Navigator!”

Wang Yanke stood up from his position and said brightly, here!

“Radar monitoring!”

Lele stands at attention, here!

“Communication Officer!”

Ryoko offered a military salute, here!

“Fire control hand!”

Deng Xiaoyu snapped his fingers. It’s the boss, I’m here!


Bruce replied loudly, yes!

“Visual monitoring!”

Song Xiaojia’s voice is more penetrating than Bruce, and he responded loudly, here!

“All departments do self-inspection and pre-acceleration preparations. The goal is to focus on the direction of Li Weigang’s escaped fleet. Guys, this time, let’s set off!” Hao Zhi quietly grasped the armrest of the seat, speaking with a little excitement.

“The sailing direction is locked, the target, the coordinates of the galactic plane are 24 degrees 19 minutes, and the ten o’clock direction of the left zenith…” Wang Yanke reported in a high voice.

“After the radar monitoring is complete, the road ahead is unobstructed, there are no major obstacles, and maximum acceleration can be implemented!” Le Le said, staring at the radar screen.

“The whole ship is on guard. The warship will start to accelerate in one minute. Please all personnel arrive at the acceleration buffer cabin, otherwise there will be life-threatening!” Ryoko’s sound like a silver bell broadcast to the whole ship and checked it through video surveillance. Ensure that all personnel have reached the safe area.

“The battleship anti-matter power system is ready to accelerate, please give instructions!” Bruce asked loudly.

Hao Zhi was taken aback for a moment. This warship was also equipped with anti-matter thrusters? When I thought about it, I immediately understood that Wang Yanke had sold her anti-matter propulsion technology to Lu Fang in the early days of the kingdom, and she also said that she had secretly known Zhang Diandian’s residence, but she had always Did not contact her for fear of disturbing her peaceful life.

Later, Zhang Xiaodian also began to study the fugitive spacecraft privately, and it was not impossible for Wang Yanke to help her secretly.

“Okay!” Thinking of this, Hao Zhi was suddenly full of confidence. Everyone is working hard for this ultimate goal. Only then will we have everything we have today. It is time for our expedition, “Speed up with all our strength! Fly to the universe.” !”


Blue light erupted from the tail of the ship, and Bruce calmly and slowly pushed the joystick of the warship, driving the huge fugitive warship to whizz forward and sprint forward suddenly, like a steel monster in the deep space universe. Zhiyao has been left behind.

Continue to accelerate… faster, faster…

The world in front of me has changed from the dark outer space to the deep space of the universe with dots of starlight. Behind it is the azure blue earth that is moving away. The surface of the huge planet is thin and white, and the rivers are crisscrossing and beautiful.

The Earth’s periphery is still surrounded by a beautiful moon ring, although due to the late work of the warships of the land nation, in order to increase the mass of the Crescent base to be close to the original moon, most of the lunar material that has been cleaned up has been transported to the new moon. The moon ring that can be seen now is relatively thin and slender.

There is also the bright yellow crescent base that revolves around the earth. It is like a full orange, with dazzling light reflecting off the surface. It is the most magnificent and gorgeous chapter in the history of human engineering. Today, it is covered in white. The mothership of the fleet surrounded.

The Yuren mothership is still undergoing intense repairs, and you can see that the white warships coming and going are busy day and night. If it weren’t for Wang Yanke’s plan to hold them back, I am afraid that this time the escape would not be completed.

All of this was left behind by everyone, like a picture scroll in a dream, gradually moving away from oneself. In the near future, they will fade out of the picture and shrink into a light spot on the dark background of the universe.

And in front of me, hanging on the dark cosmic background is the sun ahead, a clean and glaring white spot.

Under the action of antimatter thrusters, the Ark was chasing Li Weigang’s fugitive fleet at a high speed of 20 million kilometers per hour, passing the Venus base two and a half hours later, and flying over the sun in more than eight hours. , To the other side of the solar system…

This time, so far away from home!

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