DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

[82] : Mika’s Gaze! Diarmuid’s Last Stand

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As a seasoned warrior with countless battles under his belt, Diarmuid possessed vast experience.

In the brief exchange of blows, he had already grasped the perilous nature of his situation.

"He's seen through me completely!"

Bitterness filled Diarmuid's heart.

Despite his opponent's youth, he had already surpassed him in the realm of martial arts.

Diarmuid knew that this was a manifestation of a higher level of skill, a realm beyond his current reach.

But he couldn't give up.

"For my Master!"

With unwavering resolve, Diarmuid's twin spears danced with even greater ferocity.

He sought to push past the limits of his own skill, to display a different fighting style, hoping to escape his opponent's grasp.

But it was futile.

Transparent World, the pinnacle of swordsmanship in the Demon Slayer world, possessed a unique characteristic.

It didn't merely "see through" an opponent's techniques but rather the opponent themselves.

Although a Servant's body was comprised of spiritual energy, they still possessed the same physical structure as a human.

Therefore, once Mika had perceived Diarmuid's body through Transparent World, all of his movements became predictable, devoid of any mystery.

This was, in essence, a unique advantage stemming from Mika's status as a transmigrator.

He possessed abilities that defied conventional understanding.

In different worlds, similar techniques often developed along divergent paths.

For instance, swordsmanship in the Demon Slayer world culminated in Transparent World, a skill-like ability.

It was a realm attainable only through the Demon Slayer style of swordsmanship.

In contrast, swordsmanship in the One Piece world revolved around wielding flying slashes, a domain exclusive to those who practiced that world's unique swordsmanship.

Different sword styles in different worlds embodied distinct philosophies.

This led to certain techniques appearing almost mythical to those unfamiliar with their underlying principles.

This was the consequence of differing worlds and the contrasting philosophies embedded within their respective sword styles.

Therefore, from Diarmuid's perspective, rooted in the Type-Moon world, Mika's Transparent World was utterly incomprehensible.


The sounds of clashing steel echoed through the abandoned factory as Mika meticulously analyzed Diarmuid's attacks, seamlessly deflecting each blow.

Their figures darted across the ground, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

Slashes of sword energy and spear thrusts tore through the concrete floor, further shattering the already dilapidated structure.

Their battle raged from the open space into the factory's interior and back out again.

As the fight progressed, Mika gradually deciphered every nuance of Diarmuid's spear techniques.


Mika stomped his foot, propelling himself forward with his shield raised, slamming it into Diarmuid.

Mika had observed that Diarmuid's spear techniques relied heavily on footwork.

His agile movements formed the foundation of his relentless assault.

He aimed to seize control of the battlefield through a constant barrage of high-speed strikes.

"In that case, I'll disrupt your footwork first."

Faced with the oncoming shield, Diarmuid swiftly retreated.

For a spearman, maintaining an optimal distance was crucial for gaining an advantage.

This was especially true for a dual-wielding spearman like Diarmuid.

Furthermore, his two spears differed significantly in length.

Therefore, maintaining the correct distance was paramount to his fighting style.

However, a sudden wave of frigid air plunged him into a predicament.

Cold air emanating from Mika's shield condensed into a thin layer of frost on Diarmuid's body.

Simultaneously, a sheet of slippery ice rapidly spread beneath his feet.

"He's anticipated my every move!"

Realizing that his fighting style had been completely deciphered, Diarmuid leaped backward.

He had to escape this unfavorable environment.

But in the next moment, a searing blast of flames revealed the error of his choice.

In a battle between evenly matched opponents, one should never jump recklessly.

Mid-air, even the most skilled warrior was rendered helpless.

"Take this! Blazing Sword Slash!"

Mika's greatsword, engulfed in flames, cleaved through the air, unleashing a fiery wave of energy towards the airborne Diarmuid.


A deafening explosion rocked the factory.

Bright flames erupted from the point of impact, engulfing the surrounding area.

This was Mika's Nen ability, "Right Flame."

Wielding the power of both fire and ice, Mika swiftly gained the upper hand in what was initially an evenly matched battle.

The intense flames filled the factory with thick smoke, obscuring both combatants from view.

Not far away, Diarmuid, wounded by the explosion, was momentarily relieved by the concealing smoke. However, the rapidly approaching footsteps shattered his hopes.

Although the smoke hindered visibility, Diarmuid couldn't escape Mika's pursuit under the watchful eye of En.

In an instant, they clashed once more within the dense fog.




The sounds of spear and sword colliding echoed through the smoke-filled factory.

Diarmuid was no longer the one dictating the pace of the battle.

Mika had seized control.

Having deciphered Diarmuid's fighting style and gaining insight into his every move through Transparent World, he had become the dominant force.

"If I had to choose the Servant least likely to emerge victorious in this Holy Grail War, it would undoubtedly be Diarmuid," Mika mused as he relentlessly pressured Diarmuid with his Ice Shield and Blazing Greatsword.

In this Holy Grail War, the most qualified victor was undoubtedly Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes.

If he were to fight seriously, he could likely end the war overnight.

But that was an impossibility.

Even during their final confrontation, Gilgamesh hadn't truly exerted himself.

His attitude had shifted from underestimation to acknowledgement, but nothing more.

Apart from Gilgamesh, the most likely victors were Merlin, Artoria, and Iskandar.

Their strength and qualifications were undeniable.

Among the remaining Servants – Diarmuid, and Hassan-i-Sabbah – Mika believed Hassan-i-Sabbah had the highest chance of winning.

With Hassan-i-Sabbah's reconnaissance skills, once the identities of all the Masters were confirmed, his Master could utilize their exceptional command abilities to orchestrate a devastating Master-elimination strategy.

This was Hassan-i-Sabbah's unique path to victory.

However, such a strategy was highly unlikely to succeed for Diarmuid.

Therefore, in Mika's eyes, Diarmuid had the lowest chance of winning this Holy Grail War.


Why did Diarmuid have such a low chance of winning?

Mika believed it was due to his excessive ordinariness.

Diarmuid's overall configuration was simply too average, too mediocre.

He lacked any decisive, game-changing abilities.

Average physical prowess, average martial arts skills, and average Noble Phantasms.

These ordinary abilities combined to create a Servant who was, in essence, entirely ordinary.

Of course, this "ordinary" was relative to the standards of top-tier Servants.

If a Servant wasn't even considered top-tier, they had no hope of winning the Holy Grail War.

However, if Diarmuid's chances were solely based on the shortcomings of his peers, Mika had nothing more to say.


Mika swung his shield, forcing Diarmuid to stumble backward.

As the battle progressed, Diarmuid's movements became increasingly sluggish as the frost continued to hinder his agility.

"This won't do. I can't let this continue."

Sensing the growing stiffness in his body, Diarmuid frantically searched for a solution.

Soon, he found a way.

"Is he using the burning buildings to counteract the effects of the frost?"

Mika smirked as he watched Diarmuid strategically retreat towards the areas engulfed in flames.

"In that case, let's make the flames burn even fiercer!"

In the blink of an eye, Mika's body was ablaze.

He was rapidly converting his aura into flames.

Fierce flames erupted from Mika's body, spreading outwards and igniting the surrounding structures.

Soon, the entire factory complex was engulfed in a raging inferno.

Feeling the intense heat radiating from all directions, Mika roared with laughter. "If you enjoy the flames so much, then let's have even more!"

The scorching flames weren't limited to the buildings.

The flames that enveloped Mika's body burned with ferocious intensity.

Sensing the rapidly rising temperature, Diarmuid decided to retreat.

The environment had become far too hostile for him.

"A wise choice!"

Mika wasn't surprised by Diarmuid's decision.

After all, his opponent was the most formidable knight of the Fianna, a warrior with vast battle experience.

Against such an opponent, one shouldn't rely on hoping for mistakes; they were unlikely to occur.

Opportunities had to be created actively.

"Explosive Flame Sword!"

The moment Mika's blazing greatsword collided with Diarmuid's weapons, a violent explosion erupted.

"Damn it!"

Diarmuid instantly leaped back as the explosion engulfed him.

However, the attack was too sudden, leaving him no time to fully evade it.

The powerful blast sent him hurtling through the air.


He smashed through the factory's outer wall, landing hard in the open space outside.

With exceptional skill, Diarmuid managed to regain his balance mid-air, ensuring a relatively stable landing.

Despite this, the burns and frostbite covering his body were evident, significantly weakening his condition.

A panicked cry echoed from another part of the factory complex, untouched by the flames.

Moments later, a figure rushed out from the building.

"Go back, Sola-ui!"

It was Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri, Kayneth's fiancée and Diarmuid's current Master.

After Kayneth lost his magical abilities, she had seized the Command Spells from him through torture, becoming Diarmuid's new Master.

Seeing the extent of Diarmuid's injuries, she immediately began casting healing magic.

Feeling his wounds slowly mend, Diarmuid spoke with gratitude. "Thank you for your assistance, Sola-ui."

"But please, leave this place immediately. This is not a battle you should be involved in."

Although Mika had promised not to harm his Master, that wasn't a justification for Sola-Ui to interfere in their fight.

Following Diarmuid's words, Mika leaped out of the burning factory.

Diarmuid's expression hardened as he met Mika's gaze.


Recalling the severity of Diarmuid's injuries, Sola-Ui's heart ached.

Despite her deep affection for Diarmuid, she couldn't deny the obvious difference in their strength.

Diarmuid was no match for the man before them.

If this continued, Diarmuid would likely perish.

The thought brought tears to Sola-Ui's eyes.

She had only just become Diarmuid's Master.

They hadn't even had a chance to create lasting memories, and now they were about to be separated forever?


"I won't accept this!"

Staring defiantly at Mika, Sola-Ui raised her hand, her voice trembling with emotion. "By the power of the Command Spell, I order you to achieve victory, Lancer!"

As the Command Spell activated, magical energy surged through Diarmuid's body.

His power increased exponentially, his aura pressing against Mika's.

"Thank you once again for your support. I, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, will claim the Holy Grail and offer it to you and my former Master!"

"Please, leave this place and seek safety!"

"Yes, I understand, Diarmuid!"

With a lingering gaze filled with reluctance, Sola-Ui turned and retreated towards the factory, leaving Diarmuid to face his fate.

"As they say, the hardest burden to bear is the kindness of a beautiful woman, Diarmuid," Mika chuckled, observing Sola-Ui's departure and the resolute expression on Diarmuid's face. "So, how do you intend to handle this affection?"

Diarmuid's eyes darkened.

Mika's words brought back memories of another love he had experienced, a love that had prevented him from fulfilling his duty to his former Master.

"My wish upon descending into this world is to offer unwavering loyalty to my Master, to fight for him until my dying breath."

"I have no other desire."

These words, spoken as much to himself as to Mika, seemed to reinvigorate Diarmuid's spirit.

Feeling the surge of power granted by the Command Spell, he brandished his twin spears with renewed agility.

"Enhanced by a Command Spell, huh?"

"Then I'll have to go all out as well!"

Diarmuid's eyes widened in alarm.

He hadn't realized that Mika hadn't been fighting at full strength.

Before his eyes, Mika plunged his greatsword into the ground and shoved his hands into his pockets.

Suddenly, a gauntlet appeared before Diarmuid, gripping the hilt of the greatsword.

Simultaneously, five more gauntlets, each wielding a different weapon, materialized around him.

Then, these six weapons grew to an immense size in Diarmuid's vision.

Each weapon now appeared taller than the entire factory building.

"Are you ready?"

"My attack is coming!"

Mika declared with a confident grin.


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