DxDanmachi: Voyager of Worlds Ability

[69] : Enuma Elish Unleashed! Mika’s True Potential

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Gazing upon Mika and Lancelot, who relentlessly pressed forward, Gilgamesh's eyes were filled with icy rage.

His hatred for them had reached its peak.

However, he couldn't deny their undeniable prowess as warriors.

Facing such formidable opponents, Gilgamesh resolved to unleash his most powerful Noble Phantasm.

He extended his hand, and a golden key materialized in his grasp.

With a twist of the key, an intricate pattern spread across the void before retracting back into his hand.

All that remained was a golden sphere of light.

As the sphere ascended, a peculiar sword gradually formed in Gilgamesh's hand.

But could this truly be called a "sword?"

This Noble Phantasm possessed a bizarre form.

It had a hilt, a guard, and a length similar to a longsword.

However, the part that should have been the blade differed drastically from any ordinary sword.

It was a three-sectioned cylindrical structure, its tip twisted into a spiral-shaped blunt edge.

"It has appeared... Gilgamesh's most powerful Noble Phantasm, the Anti-World Noble Phantasm of Rank EX, Enuma Elish."

While Noble Phantasms varied in form and function, they also possessed distinct rankings.

The lowest rank was D, followed by C, B, and A.

Beyond A lay the EX rank, signifying an immeasurable power.

If D-rank represented a value of ten, then C-rank was twenty, B-rank was thirty, and A-rank was forty.

EX-rank, however, transcended fifty.

Fifty was EX, and so was one hundred.

Apart from their rank, a Noble Phantasm's characteristics also influenced its power.

In terms of offensive capabilities, Anti-Army Noble Phantasms surpassed Anti-Unit Noble Phantasms, and Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasms surpassed Anti-Army Noble Phantasms.

Enuma Elish, however, was an Anti-World Noble Phantasm.

An Anti-World Noble Phantasm of Rank EX – its existence was undeniable proof of its status as the most powerful weapon in this Holy Grail War.

Seeing the Noble Phantasm materialize in Gilgamesh's hand, Mika halted his advance, despite being mere steps away.

This seemingly insignificant distance now felt as vast as the chasm between heaven and earth.

Mika knew that he could no longer reach Gilgamesh and sever his arm under the oppressive pressure of the Gate of Babylon.

Therefore, he had to prepare to evade the devastating attack of Enuma Elish.

No other Noble Phantasm in this Holy Grail War could rival its power, not even Artoria's Excalibur.


Mika made a swift decision. His previously stowed shield reappeared, charging towards Gilgamesh in his stead.

Lancelot's charge remained uninterrupted, his borrowed Noble Phantasm aimed directly at Gilgamesh.

Meanwhile, Mika sheathed his father's greatsword and leaped onto the massive gauntlet, using it to propel himself backward.

"Have you finally sensed it?"

"The premonition of death etched into your very being!"

"But it's too late!"

The three cylindrical sections, resembling a grinding millstone, rotated in sync with the celestial movements, each carrying the weight and energy equivalent to tectonic shifts.

The immense magical energy surging between them defied calculation.

After all, Enuma Elish was the first sword forged by the gods in Sumerian mythology, imbued with the divine craftsmanship of creation.

Held aloft by Gilgamesh, the primordial sword spun with increasing velocity, each rotation faster than the last.

At that moment, the entire battlefield fell silent, overwhelmed by the sheer power emanating from Gilgamesh's sword.

Even those who had focused their attention on Enuma Elish from the moment it appeared were rendered speechless.

"Run, Irisviel! Kiritsugu! My intuition tells me this attack will be devastating! Retreat!"

Driven by her instincts, Artoria swiftly withdrew from the battlefield, reaching Irisviel and the others.

"Saber, take Irisviel and Maiya and go! I'll follow behind!"

As her Master, Kiritsugu Emiya understood the potency of Artoria's Instinct skill.

Instinct was the ability to instantly discern the optimal course of action in combat.

With Instinct, Artoria could predict trajectories through the wind and her intuition, allowing her to evade projectiles and gunfire.

It also halved the effects of visual and auditory interference.

Artoria's Instinct was ranked A, bordering on the realm of precognition.

Therefore, Kiritsugu immediately heeded Artoria's warning.

Meanwhile, Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, respecting Artoria's chivalrous spirit, also retreated, carrying his Master away from Gilgamesh.

"Hold on! The Holy Grail War just started, and you're already resorting to this?!"

Sensing the overwhelming magical energy emanating from Gilgamesh, Merlin had already made his escape.

Of course, he didn't forget to take Kariya Matou with him.

If he had been left behind, Kariya would have undoubtedly perished.

"They've all fled?"

Iskandar expressed his disappointment as he watched the retreating figures.

At that moment, the numerous wounds he had sustained were rapidly healing.

The previous clash with Artoria and Diarmuid had resulted in injuries for all three combatants, but with the support of their respective Masters, none had gained a decisive advantage.

"As expected, defeating two opponents simultaneously is a difficult task. With Merlin's enhancements, their teamwork was impeccable. Even with my Noble Phantasm, I couldn't secure a decisive victory."

"However, next time will be different!"

Iskandar's eyes gleamed with satisfaction.

His desire to clash with legendary heroes had been fulfilled, and he had gained valuable insight into their combat styles, Noble Phantasms, and skills.

Despite not achieving victory this time, Iskandar was certain of one thing.

The next time he faced Artoria and Diarmuid alone, he would emerge victorious.

"However, that golden mongrel is the most troublesome opponent..."

Gazing at the torrent of magical energy rising in the distance and sensing the disruptive effect it had on his Reality Marble, Iskandar knew he was at a disadvantage.

"It seems we must rely on strategy from now on."

With that thought, Iskandar turned and retreated.

Now was not the time for a decisive battle. He needed to ensure his Master's safety.

"Awaken, Ea! The stage is set for your grand entrance."

A violent tempest swirled around Gilgamesh's sword.

The shield that had charged towards him had been utterly obliterated by the Gate of Babylon.

And Lancelot?

He stood mere inches away from death, facing the judgment of Enuma Elish.

Unbridled ecstasy filled Gilgamesh's eyes as he swung his sword downward, determined to obliterate the world that had dared to humiliate him.

"Enuma Elish! The Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth!"

The sword of creation descended with unstoppable force.


Ea, the god of wisdom/earth/creation and water in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, responsible for separating the "heavens" from the "earth."

The sword known as Ea, "Enuma Elish," was the primordial blade that witnessed the creation of the world in the Age of Gods.

Its purpose was to cleave the chaotic heavens and earth, giving them distinct forms.

Now, the divine sword, swirling with a tempestuous storm, was about to reenact the miracle of creation.

Clad in golden armor, the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh, declared with unwavering arrogance, "Behold! This is Enuma Elish, the Star of Creation that Split Heaven and Earth!"

The heavens and earth trembled in response.

An immense surge of magical energy erupted, shaking the very foundations of the universe.

The tip of Gilgamesh's descending blade wasn't aimed at anyone in particular. It didn't need to be.

Enuma Elish cleaved not only his enemies but the very world itself.

The sky, the earth...

Everything within Iskandar's Reality Marble, Ionioi Hetairoi, crumbled and disintegrated under the devastating power of the rotating blade.

"By the power of Command Spell, return to me at once! Berserker!"

Having retreated to a safe distance, Mika used a Command Spell to summon Lancelot back to his side.

While he had instructed Lancelot to buy him time, he had no intention of sacrificing him.

Compelled by the Command Spell, Lancelot swiftly returned to Mika, his body bearing the scars of battle.

He had sustained significant injuries while shielding Mika from Gilgamesh's relentless assault.

Fortunately, Mika had summoned him back before he could be struck directly by Enuma Elish. Otherwise, his fate would have been uncertain.

"Go to Kariya's side and let Merlin heal you. I'm not proficient in healing magic."


With a brief acknowledgement, Lancelot vanished from Mika's side.

"This is a disaster..."

Standing atop the colossal gauntlet, surveying the scene below from the sky, Mika couldn't help but sigh.

Under the destructive power of Enuma Elish, Ionioi Hetairoi was on the verge of collapse.

The once vast desert landscape had been torn asunder, the earth ripped apart like a fragile sheet of paper.

The resulting chasms relentlessly consumed Iskandar's soldiers.

The sky above, a testament to the Reality Marble's imminent destruction, was riddled with cracks.


With a resounding shatter, Mika's surroundings rapidly shifted.

Soon, they found themselves back in the harbor.

"Behold, mongrels! This is the pinnacle of my glory!"

The unleashing of Enuma Elish had ceased. Gilgamesh, wielding the supreme Noble Phantasm, arrogantly pointed it towards the remaining combatants.

Despite feeling resentment towards Gilgamesh's disdain, the others couldn't help but feel a lingering fear after witnessing the world-altering power he had just displayed.

They had never seen anything like it.

"Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes... he truly is a formidable foe."

This thought echoed through the minds of everyone present.

"Hmph, as expected of mongrels."

Seeing their silence, the contempt in Gilgamesh's eyes deepened.

"So, you exhausted your trump card, yet you failed to kill a single one of us. What have you achieved? Self-gratification? I imagine your Master is currently fuming at home, cursing your incompetence."

A playful voice echoed from the sky, drawing their attention upwards.

High above, perched atop the gigantic gauntlet, Mika mocked Gilgamesh with a sly grin.

"Mongrel, what did you say?!"

Mika's taunts easily ignited Gilgamesh's fury. He glared at Mika with unbridled rage.

In an instant, the Gate of Babylon activated once more.

Sixty-four Noble Phantasms emerged from the golden ripples, aimed directly at Mika.

"I'm saying that you're the mongrel, Gilgamesh, the demigod who is two-thirds god and one-third human!"

Mika remained unfazed by Gilgamesh's threats.

He waved his hand dismissively, further fueling Gilgamesh's anger.

"I'll kill you, you mongrel!"

Consumed by rage, Gilgamesh swung Enuma Elish, intending to obliterate Mika.

However, just as the Noble Phantasms behind him were about to launch, a flash of light streaked from behind Gilgamesh.

It was Mika's gauntlet.

Having been discarded after its shield had been destroyed, it had remained on the ground, unnoticed by Gilgamesh.

After escaping, Mika had spotted the gauntlet near Gilgamesh and devised a plan.

While Gilgamesh had been preoccupied with unleashing Enuma Elish, the gauntlet had stealthily maneuvered behind him.

To prevent Gilgamesh from noticing its movements, Mika had deliberately provoked him, fueling his rage.

Finally, the perfect opportunity had arrived.

The gauntlet's sharp fingertips pierced Gilgamesh's right arm, severing it cleanly.


The sudden surge of pain jolted Gilgamesh back to reality.

He looked down at his injured arm in disbelief.

The blood-stained gauntlet, clutching his precious Enuma Elish, was rapidly ascending into the sky.

"Wait! That's my treasure!"

He instinctively reached out with his left hand, but his efforts were futile.

Seeing Gilgamesh's vulnerability, Kariya Matou immediately ordered Lancelot to attack.

He yearned to see the Servant who had killed Tokiomi Tohsaka defeated.

However, Tokiomi Tohsaka was no fool.

After witnessing Iskandar's Ionioi Hetairoi consume all the nearby Servants, he had instructed Kirei Kotomine to redeploy Assassin and monitor the surrounding area, anticipating their return.

When Kirei informed him of Gilgamesh's predicament, he acted swiftly, utilizing a Command Spell.

"By the power of Command Spell, return to me at once! Archer!"

Compelled by the Command Spell, Gilgamesh vanished without a trace.

"As expected of Tokiomi Tohsaka. A decisive move indeed!"

Mika couldn't help but admire Tokiomi's quick thinking.

After witnessing the devastating power of Enuma Elish within Ionioi Hetairoi, the remaining Masters and Servants were wary of Gilgamesh and had formed a tacit alliance.

If Tokiomi had hesitated any longer, Gilgamesh might not have escaped.

"But now it's my turn to run!"

Mika thought to himself, clutching Enuma Elish tightly.

Ultimately, their fear stemmed from Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm, Enuma Elish.

But now, it was in Mika's possession.

All eyes were now on him.

"It seems tonight's festivities have come to an end."

"We caused quite a commotion, but ultimately gained nothing. How disappointing."

"Let's go, Merlin!"

Mika chuckled, looking down at the remaining participants.


Merlin, who had discreetly positioned himself nearby, raised his staff.

Enveloped in a shower of pink petals, Mika and Merlin vanished into the night.


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