DxD: Matsuda!

Matsuda’s First Crush!

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      As the teleportation light settles, we find ourselves in the Occult Research Club-room. When we left Romania it was early morning, but due to time zone differences it is now lunchtime in Japan.

     The group greeting us consisted of Grace, Siris, Murayama, Aika, Kyouko, Xuelan, and Coriana. Well there was one other individual in the room curled up on one of the couches!

     Matsuda, or rather Roshi, on the couch cries out,"Master, why did you betray me?! Oh I am so hurt! sob sob!" I just give my idiot familiar a dead look.

     Aika giggles and says,"Fufu, My master dear, your turtle here was trying to look up the twins' skirts pretending to be you, and then both girls kicked him in the balls! Oh and Asia, dont heal him!"

     In the meantime all the girls are giving everyone hugs and helping to store away our suitcases till after school. Rose and the girls all go to take fast showers so they can finish the last part of our school day. Rias insisted that we get back to our normal schedule. Well she has been gone awhile so she loves class time.

     Coriana asks me,"Mat, will you be going to class or will you be doing business in the club?" She is so sexy in her secretary mode.

     I tell them,"Roshi will finish off my day, and I will do my devil work and make calls. Since our ability to circle the outside was cut off, I have many who want to know what's going on." At this point Grace with a happy smile hands me my coffee with some Irish Cream.

     Coriana then nods her head and tells me,"Alright then I will have my familiar to cover me in class and help you get caught up."

      Azazel waves to me and said,"Alright Playboy, I have to get to class, and I will send you documents on Ingvild's Sacred Gear and some books on vampire lore and history, see ya later Kid!" Fuck he likes to mess with me! Well I guess it's the way a family member would harass their own, right?

     After the many goodbyes to the girls, the last one Kyouko says,"I-It is my turn to sleep with you tonight Matsuda. So please don't be late, alright!" She then fled in her gym clothing to go teach her class.

     I had gotten a text from Kala saying [Bastard, Sera still has not called my name, so I might see you later you jerk! Love the lonely mother.] I just burst out laughing after reading that! She is so cute, she can't even be fully mad. It's like a Tsundere tantrum.

     While I make circle calls, Grace is giving me a shoulder rub as an excuse to touch me while she is in maid mode. I ended up calling Serafall, Yasaka, Venelana, and Benemue. These women of mine are more or less my, 'away wives'. Fortunately they are all doing well, and I told Venelana to pass all the information to Grayfia who is sleeping.

     Serafall is unfortunately super busy thanks to the attack on Romania, so we could not talk much. The same thing applied to Benemue. She did tell me she took the weekend off so she can come to the house.

     Yasaka said she would want me to visit her this week, and of course without a second thought agreed. She also told me to summon Kunou due to her wanting to visit her father. I just laughed and promised! I told her I would send Kunou back with gifts. When she heard the word gifts she sounded like a 6 year old child at Christmas. I have found that Yasaka is weak to any gifts I give her!

     naturally while I called my wives, I was processing all the devil contract work, due to my mental ability to multitask. While my ears and mouth can carry on the conversation uninterrupted, my hands and eyes focus on doing paperwork like I was two separate people doing the work.

     After the calls are all done the summon circle lit up and my executive officer of the Gremory Enterprise came swaying over with her briefcases in tow.

     Sakura greets me,"Hello boss! I brought the latest documents for you to take care of. Also the investor meeting will be on Thursday night in Tokyo for you to attend. Please choose a plus one for a formal evening. dinner with other business giants." I give her a kiss and hug and have her sit on the couch while I go through the workload. Grace normally snubs others but the two were in the same peerage for so long that she even gave her tea.

     I then tell her,"Well then due to recent calls I will bring Yasaka this time. She would definitely get a kick to act as a blond trophy wife, ha-ha!" Yasaka loves going on dates so this is perfect, and her noble manners will impress the other business people! Plus, Aika loves creating dresses for my girls.

     At that point the teleportation circle lights up and a small figure comes flying out of it and lands in my lap! I am shocked to see that it was Phis. Grace breaks her snob rule again and brings some deserts for the Dragon God.

     As I pat her head I ask,"How are you doing Phis? I hope you were good while I was gone." She only nods while taking the food given to her. So I continue,"I met your other half, and they named her Lilith. Lucifer is using her as a bodyguard. Sorry I was unable to bring her to you."

     She stops eating and then rubs my shaved head and says,"As long as Mat comes back that's all I want." She then just goes back to eating?!

     I just throw all common sense out the window and give her a tight hug! She just keeps eating like I did nothing. But I swear to Big G, that I saw happiness in her eyes when I did that! And no that was not a lewd hug, you bastards! I just really liked that she missed me, even over her other half.

     Sakura looked like she remembered something,"Oh boss, I almost forgot, one of our actresses requested to meet you!" She looks like she is trying to hold in her laughter, that does not seem ominous?!

     I tilt my head in confusion,"An actress from our Entertainment division wants to meet me, why? I thought I have met the top ones already? I met the singers too, right?"

     Sakura continued,"Well apparently you are or were her number one fan! She still has all the letters you sent her everyday for a year straight!" She smiles like a devil.

     Matsuda has entered open mouthed statue mode! 99% of all brain activity has stopped!

     Sakura continues with the torturer session,"She was so sad when her letters stopped arriving a year and a half ago, she thought her fan died. But when she found out that her number one fan was in fact the boss of her company, she became excited to meet with you, Ufufu!"

     I just smile at my shame, and I say,"Ah, well you see, I gave up on porn and Adult AV video's back when I turned 16. I lost interest in girls that sleep around you see. I just was not finding them attractive anymore." I remember when I turned 16, how my heart broke when my first dream lover was a porn star, so sad of a day!

     With a knowing smile, Sakura screwed me,"Sorry to tell you boss, but Momo Momozono has not sold her body at all! In fact during the sex scenes, that is just a devil woman using magic to take her place, just like the actors do with Satan Gold and Lady Rias." She smiles waiting for this fact to sink in and 3, 2, 1 , 0!

     I cant help it,"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ophis just moves to the other desk next to me because I am interrupting eating time.

     Matsuda Tanaka at the age of 16 who decided to grow up and burn all porn to the ground, just gave up on his first crush like that! Little did he know his poor crush was framed! All of his old fantasy's rushed through his mind at light speed, even the shameful ones of the three perverts watching all of her videos over and over!

     Out of curiosity I ask,"Is she a devil under the Gremory?"

     Sakura shakes her head,"No she is a human, but she had been considering it for a while. but due to still being young she has remained human for now. Oh and she is a big fan of yours, boss! You guessed it, she loves Satan Gold!" Ugh, I am turning red from embarrassment. Now that I know the truth behind her Rider Pinky Show, my old feelings are rushing back.

     I sigh and know I might regret this,"Sure, I will leave it up to you about meeting with her. She is a part of our company and she brings in a lot of profit, so I will go with your plans." Sakura squints her eyes and pulls out a huge stack of envelopes.

     She goes to Coriana and says,"Sister Coriana, can you make extra copies for everyone, you will love all of our bosses past mail, Ufufu!" Coriana takes them and Grace also looks interested.

     Before I could destroy them Coriana used magic to copy them and send the first batch to the house!

     I was currently leaping towards the vanishing letters yelling,"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Then I hit the floor in despair! I made fun of Vali for his chuunibyou book! But my shame is even worse! Thats it, suicide is the only option left for me now! Goodbye cruel world!

     Phis just pats my head while the girls read my letters and she says,"Matsuda, I will not read your shame alright, so hang in there!" My tears are running down my eyes and there is one girl who is still on my side!

     I thanked her,"Phis thank you!" She then stabs me....

     She says,"I will have Asia read it to me!" Big G here I come!


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