DxD: Matsuda!

Heracles touched my bottom line!

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     Kiba, Xenovia, Asia, Irina, Rose, Koneko, Akeno, Yubelluna, and I arrive at the teleportation station in the north-western district of the capital city, Lilith!

     Gasper with a happy smile says,"Over here everyone! I am so happy to see you guys again!" I just pat his head and Koneko gives him a big hug. He looked around and asked,"Where is everyone else?"

     I started to tell him and ended up being cut off halfway through my words,"Rias is at the house and Issei is-" A massive explosion is seen and felt at the outskirts and we see.... Saji's Prison Dragon form fighting and buildings are a flame! My gear is telling me I need to get there yesterday!

     Activating my Satan Gold form and pulling out Mjölnir, I use my supersonic fast-flight and accelerate swiftly! My gear is making my heart feel like I will lose something special if I don't get there in time......

     What I see as I am close makes my vision turn red in rage..... Tsubaki is being pushed back hard by Jeanne of the Hero faction. This is not what has touched my reverse-scale, no the true crime is....

     Heracles laughing and enjoying stomping on the back of my wife, Sona! Seeing her agonized, and crying-out, with her Queen being prevented from saving her just made me snap! Infusing a massive amount of demonic power into Mjölnir, the black head of the hammer grew to the size of that asshole stepping on Sona! I then hurled it at an angle down on him knocking him off my wife. The last thing he heard before getting pinned into the ground with his limbs comically sticking out from my massive hammer, was a sonic-boom!

     As I pick up my broken wife I glare at the bitch fighting with Tsubaki and growl,"If you do anything more than breathe, I swear to Heaven I will kill you then reincarnate you as a devil that turns you into a stray devil for the world to hunt and kill! Just try me you fucking whore!!!" As I threaten her I pull out a Phoenix tears I have had for a while and use it on Sona, as she wakes back up looking at me, she smiles.

     Tsubaki stood at our side as my group finally caught up and I said,"Yubelluna spell 2." She smiles and casts her sealing magic on the stund Jeanne and now she is unable to move her body. This is the spell she is best at next to bomb magic, it seals the target until the caster is defeated.

     Asia starts to heal the others and Kiba rescues Saji who has passed out.... The rest of Sona's peerage comes with children they saved from an overturned bus that was obviously attacked by the two ass holes. I then move to the impaled giant and lift my super heavy hammer from his back, I then stand on his back.

     I smile and say,"You had fun stepping on my wife right?" SNAP! I stepped on his lower spine,"Made you feel like a real hero right?" SNAP! I then crushed his leg,"Just because she is a devil you can do what you want right?" SNAP! The other leg is wasted,"What about devil children? Kill them while you're at it?" SNAP! One of his shoulders was turned to powder,"It's a good thing you're like a woman or this lesson would have no meaning." SPLAT! And I finish him with a nice kick into his man bits!

     I reach down and pull out his healing potions and some strange injector with some kind of poison or drug. I then say to the crying broken man,"Since you did not kill anyone here, I will let you off with this light punishment, next time I will cut off your head and bury it in your asshole literally..." I then walk to the restrained Knight and search her body for the same things he had on him. She gave me a defiant look for groping in all her private areas, where she actually had her healing potion stashed. I tell her,"Don't give me that look! My women are literally ten times better than you in every-way, I have no lustful thoughts of you...."

     As we were going to fully wrap up here, a mist came by and George appeared, he then sighed and said,"I was gone for just a moment to deal with the flames and you guys got captured,and damn did you piss someone off again big guy?!" The pile of mangled flesh only moaned to answer.

     George then said,"I guess this is you venting your anger for killing the Red Dragon in my realm right? Well sorry it was not me but the devil who betrayed us! With Samail's poison he is definitely dead." My group can't retort and say Issei might be alive in the Gap because this guy can freely travel there and kill Issei if he knows he is vulnerable....... I was unaware of what was happening inside of Gasper when he heard his buddy Issei, who just had a child at the same time with him is now gone!

     My gear did not warn me of any danger from Gasper, because all of it was aimed at the Hero faction magician.......

     At this time when Gasper staggered forward, young Lord Bael had come up to our group and was witnessing the sight! He too looked shocked to find out Issei had died....

     My gear is telling me to collect the restrained woman and move back because Gasper was going to awaken his power due to hatred. So I grab the stunned woman under my arm and move back to my team and have everyone move the kids back! I honestly don't care about the lump on the ground, if he dies it's his fault...

     With no life in his eyes Gasper looks straight into George's eyes and says,"It's your fault that Issei is gone......." His voice then changes to an unearthly sound and he utters one word,[DIE!] This scene reminds me of the anime when Issei lost Asia and he just went nuts!

     Gasper's eyes were solid black and spreading from his body in all directions the environment vanished into complete darkness that even devil sight can't make out, we can see one another however. The woman under my arm is shivering due to feeling something I can't feel... Fear!

     As Gasper roars at George, his body turns into a living shadow that is distorted with a pair of glowing red-eyes and he points then declares,[I WILL KILL YOU.......! I WILL KILL ALL OF YOU TILL NONE OF YOU ARE LEFT.......!]

     George panic's and tries to escape using his mist and the darkness begins to eat all of his gears abilities and even the countless spells he casts! No matter what action he takes it is countered and absorbed by Gasper's darkness! Many red glowing eyes appear and freeze all spells cast by him.

     While creating distorted shadow creatures to swarm onto George Gasper yells,[......DEVOUR........DEVOUR......... I HAVE DEVOURED IT........ YOUR MAGIC AND MIST DON’T WORK........ I ATE ALL OF IT..........]

     I say to my panicked comrades,"Don't worry... He is still our lovable Gasper, he is just really pissed at the Hero faction for spreading their evil upon the world, let the little guy vent!" Jeanne, still in my arms, looks at me with complicated feelings about my words.

     Jeanne asks me,"Are you really Jesus Christ? Why be a devil and not a human?" I see the doubt of her actions and I smile.

     I tell her,"Then I ask you.. You're a church girl and working in the Hero faction, you have helped to release 666 upon the world, so which one of us is the real devil? And which one of us is the real Hero?" Her eyes opened wide at my words, and I saw that she truly had no idea her fun and games would end the world..... Sigh, she really is just a stupid girl.

     As it seems that George has met his unfortunate end. Gasper finally runs out of juice and collapses to the ground! Koneko and Kiba rushed to retrieve our companion. We then gathered the children.

     Jeanne says to me,"I won't resist anymore... I surrender to you. Sorry....." I then let her stand at my side, well my gear will warn me if she tries anything funny, so I will trust her words for now.... She looks like she can't believe I would just take her words and trust her! Even Vali was redeemable. Since I do not know the story anymore, I have to make gut feelings about others now. I think she can be saved? Or maybe I am just a sucker for pretty girls? Probably the latter if I am being honest....

     The children are excitedly speaking to one another nodding their heads! In the distance we see the biggest monster approaching the city and the children smile and point to it like they are waiting for something really good to happen?! One of the girls says to me,"Satan Gold now that you have saved the pretty women, your rival will show up now and help save the day!" Um, are the secret cameras filming me? Ah she means saving my wives and Jeanne too?

     The youngest boy sees our confusion and says to us,“I made a promise in my dream. When I was sleeping because I was scared of the big monster, the Breast Dragon appeared in my dream.” The boy said happily and energetically,“He said he will come here soon so I shouldn’t cry. He said he will definitely return when we make a magic chant!” He then uses his index finger to draw a circle in the air, and all the other children copy his motion! Wait, that's an actual magic spell!!!

     “I have to draw a circle like this, and press the middle like this! Zoom Zoom Iyaan♪! He said he will definitely return when I do this! Everyone else had the same dream as well! My friends also had the same dream as me! The children in the other class also had the same dream! Everyone had the same dream!”The boy looked up at the sky and sang. The song is a song made for him and the children who love him. All the other children sang with him.......

     “♪-THERE IS A BREAST LOVING DRAGON LIVING IN THE EDGE OF A CERTAIN COUNTRY-♪” The whole bus load of children sang the song of Issei's stupid show.....

     Then it happened. A sound of glass shattering was heard from the sky of the capital. When we looked up, a dimensional crack was seen in the sky. Then they appeared from the crack.



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