DxD: Matsuda!

200 days as a devil, and Issei is dead!

     I can't believe it! 200 chapters of this lame DxD story! I have already surpassed the goals I have set for myself to surpass many other DxD fan-fiction out there and carry this story past season 4. Even if Truck-kun came for me now, I would be happy with what I have put out for you guys! I hope I can get to chapter 300 and beyond!

     To celebrate this mild-stone I may take a few days off to reread my story from start to finish. Hell I might even read other stories on this site too ha-ha! If you have liked this so far, then make a review and like the chapters! Thanks for reading everyone!

     After Issei turned the car-park into a parking-lot, our attack group began to make our way to the site for battle against Sig and George.

     Yubelluna, Akeno, Kuroka, Koneko, Xuelan, Azazel, Asia, Kris, Issei, Vali, Phis, and Kiba make their descent and meet me there. On my way down, I go into my Satan Gold form, and equip my Mjölnir.

     I use Mjölnir to summon storm clouds to the location where George is, and thunder and lighting crackle through these summoned clouds. I landed and met my group.

     My party is taking a bit to get here due to killing off the few remaining reapers while dodging their life stealing attacks. While I was watching them a figure steps out of the dusty area and four dragon arms holding swords for a total of six, appears like a mini boss. It was Sig from Kyoto.

     With his white hair dancing in the wind created by my thunderstorm he says,"Nice to see you again lord Gremory, shall we fight or talk?" In response to his question I raise my black hammer, Mjölnir and call down a bolt of thunder that wraps around my body like armor and begin to walk in his direction....

      As the two of us were going to engage, Kiba stepped between us and he said,"Mat let me take him on?!" I stop and look at him....

     I say,"Sure, but take off your gravity seals, and you must kill him! if you don't I will have you get married to another woman so you can be a harem King...."

     Kiba shutters at my words and puts on a weird expression and undoes his seals while saying to Sig,"Sorry I was intending on just having a good fight, but with the threat of another woman being tossed at me,I will have to claim your life today!" Then in front of Kiba, he summons his six dragon knights and they surround the happy Sig.

     From behind me out of nowhere a new and powerful grim reaper shows himself his robes and weapons are a notch higher in quality and this screams main boss!. My team finally also arrives and Azazel comes to my side.

     Azazel asks the reaper,"You are different from the others who might you be?" Azazel enters his Balance Breaker state while he listens.

     The grim reaper says,[I am Pluto and I am here to capture the enemy Ophis there. It seems you have deceived the alliance and have been working with the Khaos brigades leader!] His mask he wears is that of a clown.

     Azazel shrugs and says,"That's rich coming from the guy working with the Hero faction, but whatever come with me Pluto!" And Azazel shoots to him and pushes him into the air for a fight, it is obvious that Pluto is an Ultimate-class grim reaper and he is faster than most devil Knights!

     I then turn my sights to George hiding in a small barrier trying to protect the last key to hold Ophis here. He sees me looking and decides to open a portal to call more grim reapers to save him. So in-between me and him a mist opens a gate to Hades realm and hundreds of strong reapers pour through the gate.

     I have my team form up near Kiba's fight so we can defend ourselves better due to the number of reapers coming to surround us. When I looked to see what's going on with Kiba I was surprised at what I saw!

     Somehow Kiba traded places with one of his dragon knights and Sig is unaware of this fact. And the Kiba standing there that looks to be the puppeteer of the others is actually one of his dragon knights!!! Just when Sig dropped his guard the real Kiba behind him burst with intense speed from all of his training with Issei and me, and decapitates the stunned Sig! Siegfried's head rolls to Kiba's feet and Kiba retrieves his six swords! Kiba looks at the dead Sig and says,"That's for Xenovia!"

     Wow he actually killed him by being threatened to have a second wife!!! The girls put up shields to keep off the reapers while we prepare to counter attack.

     Just when I was going to use Second Stage and turn this place into a lightning hell, we notice Issei and Kris having another Kyoto moment?!

     Everyone including Pluto, George, and Azazel have open mouths at what we are seeing here! I thought what we witnessed in the battle of Kyoto was the pinnacle of obscenity with the breast zombies! I was horribly wrong!

     Azazel starts to laugh out loud and points at Kris and Issei,“It’s here! Yes! Poke it now! Grope it! Touch it! Hahahahahaha!! Hey, George and Grim Reapers! Our breast couple will release the infamous power of breasts! It’s the finishing move of the Gremory group!” Thanks Big G, for not making me be Issei in this life!

     Kris opens her battle Kimono in shame exposing her impressive rack, and Issei uses his bare hands to touch her breast while yelling,"TRANSFER!!!!" The fuck! He is transferring his Gift ability to her boobs! I thought they were just joking in the anime when Sirzechs said that to Issei in the sleepover episode!!!!

     Kris's breasts are glowing red in bright power and then the red light shoots into Issei and he seems to be getting power...His gems in his armor seems to be saying something other than BOOST!

     [Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust Bust!!] 

     Issei then launches countless dragon blaster attacks from his Bishop form just laying waste to every grim reaper and making George look like he will pass out, but when Kris's breast started to shrink to nothing Issei started crying right there! But I have to agree that Kris looks kinda sad with a flat chest! Then I feel a pinch on my side from Koneko giving me a dirty look?! How did she know I thought small breasts were sad?! It must be a cat feeling.....

     At the moment we were preparing for our victory party.......

     A loud glass shattering sound is heard over the game-field and a portal in the sky opens with a lone figure flying down to join in the fun!

     A man I know all too well looks at me and smiles then he greets me."It's been a while Lord Gremory, well it is too bad you're now a pureblood devil at this late stage! You could have joined us and helped to change the Underworld, ha-ha!" This man is truly insane!

     I growl in anger and say,"Shalba Beelzebub you piece of shit! It is unfortunate George saved your sorry ass that day! Today there will be no second chances......"

     Shalba then moves his cape to the side and reveals a small boy..... Leonardo of the Hero faction! His eyes look covered in dark shadows and it is obvious he is under magical control.

     George yells,"Shalba why do you have Leonardo?! What do you plan to do with him?" It seems that Pluto vanished when our newcomer arrived... Seems the two are working together and both betrayed the Hero faction!

     Shalba smiles and says,"Annihilation Maker here is going to help me kill all the devils in the Underworld! That's right... I will erase all of the traitor devils there and we will repopulate it with real devils! We don't need these weak devils to cause the Underworld to rot in peace!" In his hand he creates a strange symbol with demonic power.

     He then placed it on the boy's head and the kid screamed loudly in immense pain...... His shadows under his feet spread out in this entire realm. I can tell that he was forced to open his Balance Breaker prematurely, this will definitely shorten his life to nothing! The entire dimension began to shake and crack.

     From the shadows a massive figure began to form and grow, this creature is close to 700 feet tall making Great Red look small! It is a massive disfigured Anti-monster.... Not only that but at least 12 other assorted giant Anti-monsters from around the big one!!! The largest one lets out a massive roar that vibrates the air and ground! This roar makes my dragon roar sound like a kittens purr!!!

     Then Shalba creates a massive magic circle under the group of monsters...... He then snaps his fingers and all of the monsters just vanish! We thought we had to fight them? But no he just sent them away!

     Issei, thinking we had to fight as well, asks,"W-What did you do with them?"

     Shalba smiles like a man that just ordered the genocide of all of a continent,"I said it before, I am killing all the devils in the Underworld! especially all of those snotty breast loving children! Those devils are useless to me. Rejoice Red Dragon for you won't have to sing and dance anymore! Oh and those creatures have holy light power and can create new Anti-monsters. They are programmed to hunt and destroy all of the city's in the Underworld!" With the realm collapse, George just teleports away exhausted.

     I charge up my hammer and get ready to throw it at him, in the meantime Azazel along with Kuroka and my Queens prepare an escape teleport circle due to this realm breaking down.

     Just as I was starting to throw my hammer, Shalba cast a strange restraining spell like one of Saji's ropes and captured Ophis and pulled her in front of himself and laughed at me,"What are you going to do Gremory boy? Now that I have her I can regain my strength and my partners can help me get my wish of the perfect Underworld, hah-aha!" Shit now I cant hit him.....

     Kuroka cries out to me,"Matsuda come into the circle now, it is going to activate! I can't hold it anymore! This realm is being pulled into the Dimensional Gap and everything will end! Please get in now, -nya!" She is crying thinking I will stay to kill him..... I thought about it... I can survive for a short while in the Gap. But without food and water I would starve.... Fuck! My gear just warned me that anyone who stays will die.....

     I immediately step into the circle with regret on my face, but I see all of my lovers smiling that I chose to live....

     However there was one of us that could not stand it and stepped out of the circle... Issei in his armor said,"I have to save her! And I can't let Shalba live for another day, so he can kill all the kids! I-i will kill him..... I can survive in the Gap for a while in my armor so look for me!"

      Azazel tells Issei as the lights of teleportation get brighter,"I will immediately make a [Dragon Gate] and summon the two of you back! So stay alive brat, and kill that bastard!" I hear in Azazel's voice a hint of doubt and worries.

     Kris crying tells Issei,"Come back to me safely!" Seeing her face my heart starts to hurt remembering the dream I had....

     I commanded him,"Issei come back in here, I know for a fact if you stay you will die brother, so come with us! We will find a way to save Ophis!" My heart is tightening even harder and my voice is cracking....

     Thanks to both of us wearing our balance breakers our crying faces are not shown! Issei then gives me a thumbs up and says,"The Breast Dragon Emperor is going to save the children and the girl! I know Matsuda, my brother.... But you said it before! your visions are not always right! Just take care of my family while I am fighting! Thanks for everything till now brother, plus I need you to go and stop those monsters! That's your job as King!" His voice too is shaky but our vision is cut off as we are now in the Gremory home!

     I just drop on my hands and knees with my head laying on the floor... My heart hurt, and it took everything in me to keep from yanking him back into the portal forcefully! Even at the moment we left my gear said he would die.......

     Rias, Grayfia, and Venelana seeing me in my Satan Gold armor and audibly crying rush to my side..... Right now I can't hear what they are saying, but when Grayfia and Venelana heard from the others what just happened the two knew from last night why I am unresponsive.

    Azazel immediately starts to make the magic circle for the Dragon Gate to summon Issei, I have finally recovered my thoughts and immediately summon Tiamat! She can help with the circle and make it stronger!

      Tiamat in her humanoid form, sees me upset and I ask her,"Please help Azazel with the dragon-gate to rescue Issei and Ophis!" She sees my expression, nods then immediately starts to assist him....

      My Grayfia asks me,"Are you doing better?" To her question I just put on a sad smile.

     I tell them,"I won't break down anymore.... We have our home to protect! I don't want to lose anything or anyone else right now! So fully evacuate and prepare everyone for battle against those monsters... Lets just hope Issei is successful!"

     Azazel tells us,"We are summoning the two of them now!" He and Tiamat finish the ritual and........

     I see 8 Pawn pieces tumble to the ground similar to how they fell in my dream...... My gear is sending me urges about this event....

     I yell to everyone,"Don't touch them, they were contaminated by Dragon Eaters poison! I will purify it with my Power of Creation first!" I know it was that poison because of Vali's condition, but how did Issei get poisoned? George was gone so he could not summon that monster anymore?!

     When I covered the Pawn pieces with my power, they seemed to glow white then the Pawn pieces all turned into dust and vanished in particles of white light?!

     I just utter the words,"What the fuck?!"


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