Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 414: Continent Manipulator (3)

Ο * * * Ο

The tasks concerning Frankia unfolded smoothly according to Dantalian’s plan, encountering no obstacles along the way.

Despite having accepted the request of the southern nobles of Frankia, the Brittany army half-heartedly suppressed the rebellion in the territories they were entrusted with, leaving the nobles overwhelmed with stress. Above all, these nobles were also receiving criticism from all sides.

– How can they call themselves Franks while seeking assistance from their archenemy Brittany to quell a rebellion?

– It is despicable that they are leaving the embrace of Frankia after all this time to pursue autonomy and independence.

– Despite them receiving a golden opportunity to liberate the unfairly enslaved commoners, some of these nobles are selfishly prioritizing their own ambitions and abandoning their noble obligations.

This was the average criticism voiced by the majority of Frankish nobles and commoners alike.

However, the southern nobles held firm. They were most likely confident in themselves. The southern regions of Frankia weren’t ravaged by civil war and they even gained new territories during the Chrysanthemum War. In essence, their stance was ‘No matter how much the weaklings clamor, we’ll forge our own path.’

At that moment, an incident occurred.

A group of roughly two hundred rebelling Sardinians, who had been conducting guerrilla warfare, abruptly surrendered to the Brittany army. The public was not informed exactly why they had surrendered. However, this was also preplanned as the leader of the two hundred rebels was a member of Dantalian’s Liberation Alliance.

These Sardinian captives were officially the subjects of the southern Frankia nobles. Naturally, the Brittany army had an obligation to deliver the captives to the nobles. However…….

“We will not hand over even a single Sardinian captive!”

At that moment, Saintess Longwy stepped forward.

Having shed her girlishness entirely, this beautiful woman with orange curls was now a mature lady. Jacqueline Longwy, who was currently the most esteemed and praised saintess on the continent, had abruptly refused the exchange of prisoners.

“No. What nonsense is this? Why are you refusing to hand over the prisoners?”

“You people are handling the commoners too barbarically. Did you not subject all the prisoners we handed over last time to hanging? I cannot condone any further atrocities. On behalf of Goddess Athena, I cannot forgive your actions.”

From the perspective of the nobles, this was utterly absurd.

“When quelling a rebellion, somewhat harsh punishments are only natural. It appears that the saintess is blinded by mercy and is trying to twist the dialogue.”

The rebels were not innocent civilians; they were nothing but a disease that had to be suppressed and eradicated. Yet, Saintess Longwy was coming forward recklessly.

“In the first place, you people are not the rightful rulers. You are oppressors meddling from abroad. It is not surprising that the Sardinian people would rise against you.”

“W-What nonsense……!”

“This maiden is only an individual and is incapable of overturning Her Majesty the Queen’s decisions.”

Saintess Longwy continued firmly.

“We may assist you in quelling this rebellion, but we will not turn a blind eye to wanton loss of life. The Brittany army adheres to the laws of Brittany.”

It was an absurd argument.

The nobles were already frustrated because the Brittany army they had hired at a great expense was not putting any effort into quelling the rebellion, but Saintess Longwy’s remarks were like pouring oil on a fire. If Saintess Longwy hadn’t constantly interfered with the suppression, the rebellion would have been quelled long ago.

In short, Saintess Longwy was nothing but a nuisance, endlessly spouting pointless words. There was probably no one more irritating than her right now.

The nobles immediately publicly protested against Saintess Longwy’s “childlike ignorance and noticeably lacking rational consideration”.

– Did Brittany bring mercenaries or philanthropists?

– Either return the fees we paid immediately and withdraw your troops or impose an appropriate punishment on the saintess for interfering in national affairs indiscriminately.

Tensions rose sharply on both sides.

Saintess Longwy’s reputation was not something to be taken lightly. She was synonymous with Brittany’s symbol. However, surprisingly, Queen Henrietta sided with the nobles rather than the saintess.

“Humanity knows no boundaries. No one person can possess another’s humanity. However, in addition to the inherent humanity each individual is born with, humans enter into a second humanity, that is, sociality, under their own implicit or explicit consent.”

Queen Henrietta spoke in the makeshift courtroom. Saint Longwy was kneeling politely on the cold ground. It was a chilly winter day and the ground was unforgivingly cold.

“In the realm of this social humanity lies the relationship between rulers and the ruled. The Sardinians of Piedmont are, without a doubt, socially dependent on the eight grand nobles, including the Duke of Marseille. Jacqueline Longwy, despite being mortal, has failed to honor this contract that rightfully deserves to be respected. Therefore, I sentence her to imprisonment.”

The jail sentence startled the masses.

The people were convinced that, though Queen Henrietta and Saintess Longwy clashed fiercely during this uprising, their friendship was not so shallow that it would be damaged by such minor friction. Thus, they expected things to end with an apology, but a prison sentence was instead given.

“However, if you admit your mistake, I may grant clemency.”

The last words added by Queen Henrietta brought relief to the people. As they thought, it was just a gesture of intimidation. By announcing a sentence of imprisonment, she preserved the dignity of the nobles while avoiding actual punishment by urging for an apology. It was a skillful trial.

However, the saintess stood tall, her chin held high.

“I have done nothing wrong.”

The unexpected statement caused everyone to stir.

Queen Henrietta and Saintess Longwy glared at each other intently.

“Are you refusing to admit your wrongdoing in the end?”

“The Sardinians of Piedmont did not voluntarily accept the eight nobles as their rulers. The Franks, or rather the nobles who had long been enemies of the Franks, occupied this region by forceful means.”

Upon hearing this, noble spectators in the courtroom rose to their feet, expressing their outrage.

“The validity of our sovereignty was recognized in the Treaty of Florence!”

“How dare you disregard the rights established by several nations!”

The atmosphere grew increasingly tense. The nobles, who had initially planned to simply receive a formal apology and step back, changed their minds. They vehemently argued for punishment to be imposed on Saintess Jacqueline.

Queen Henrietta’s expression twisted in anguish.

“……Do you truly have no intention of apologizing?”

“My resolve remains firm.”

The saintess stood her ground.

“If anything, it is they who should be offering apologies, not this lady. Walking around shamelessly despite unjustly oppressing the Sardinians, they will surely incur the wrath of the goddesses.”

“S-Such an outrageous statement!”

The nobles shouted loudly.

Following this, the queen continued to urge the saintess to apologize multiple times over the course of thirty minutes. However, the saintess showed no sign of compromise. Eventually, Queen Henrietta spoke in a tone noticeably different from when the trial started. To be precise, in a gloomy tone.

“I have reached a verdict. Saintess Jacqueline Longwy shall continue her military duties.”

“Your Highness!”

The nobles’ faces reddened.

Jacqueline Longwy holds the position of deputy commander in Brittany’s army. Although Queen Henrietta holds ultimate authority, meaning the saintess’ position was essentially a figurehead, a deputy commander was still a deputy commander. Allowing her to remain in this role effectively meant she would be receiving no punishment.

As the nobles began to voice their displeasure, Queen Henrietta interjected.

“However, there must be some form of punishment. Jacqueline Longwy, you have taken two hundred prisoners without authorization. By setting it to ten people per lash, you are sentenced to twenty lashes.”

The expressions of the people stiffened.

Saintesses are considered semi-sacred. It would be unprecedented to subject such a figure to lashings. The generals of Brittany’s army stepped forward before the nobles could collect themselves.

The generals rushed in front of Saintess Longwy and prostrated themselves, touching their foreheads to the ground.

“Your Highness! Her Holiness has rendered countless contributions to our nation!”

“Indeed, Your Highness. Lashing Her Holiness is entirely unnecessary!”

“We beg your kindness!”

Queen Henrietta was visibly distressed, her teeth clenched as if she were enduring strong and bitter liquor.

“Allowing her to keep her position as deputy commander and resorting to only lashing is already a lenient punishment. Let the matter rest here without further discontent.”

“Your Highness! The saintess stayed behind in Parisiorum during the Puppet War on your behalf!”

“All those breathing here owe their lives to the saintess. Your Highness, enforcing the law sternly is appropriate, but how can we generals turn a blind eye to this situation?”


The trial had shifted in a strange direction.

The trial clearly began with Queen Henrietta and Saintess Longwy in opposition. However, before they knew it, Queen Henrietta was casting herself in the role of the one “enduring suffering for the sake of justice”. The nobles had suddenly turned into spectators as they watched the trial in a daze…….

“I order for the generals lodging complaints to be given five lashes each as well!”

“Your Highness!”


Queen Henrietta bit her lip.

“This incident is entirely responsible as I have failed to properly manage my subordinate. Therefore, I too shall receive twenty lashes, the same as Saintess Jacqueline Longwy!”

“Your Highness!”


The southern nobles were starting to feel that something was amiss.

What exactly was happening here? Why were the generals suddenly taking Saintess Longwy’s side? Why were they sentenced to receive five lashes each as well? No, up to this point, it may still make some sense, but—why would Queen Henrietta de Brittany herself step forward to also receive twenty lashes?

At this rate…….

“A trial where Your Highness brings harm upon your own royal personage is unheard of!”

“Please reconsider, Your Highness! We beg of you!”

“Damn it! Silence, you fools! The fault of one’s vassals is by proxy the fault of their lord!”

If things continue like this…….

“Do you wish for me to become an incompetent lord who shifts their own faults onto their subordinates!? From now on, for every insolent one who dares to defy my verdict, I shall add five more lashes to my punishment!”

Doesn’t this make it seem like the nobles are entirely the villains here?

“Your Highness…… please, Your Highness…….”

“To have to undergo such shame because of our incompetence…….”

The generals in their 30s, 40s, and 50s shed tears. Saintess Longwy herself was also quietly crying while Queen Henrietta had tears welling up in her eyes. Watching this, the officers and soldiers of Brittany got on their knees and shouted “Your Highness!”

The nobles had no idea what was going on.

However, their experiences as nobles up to this point gave them the necessary instincts to know that if the queen were to be punished here, something terrible would happen to them. From an outside perspective, this would make it seem like their demand for punishment resulted in the queen of a nation being punished as well!

The nobles collectively cried out in their hearts.

‘Th-This must be stopped!’


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Man, 2024 is just straight-up a cursed year or something. I won’t go too much into the details, but my mum ended up breaking two of her front teeth a couple of days ago and now she’s depressed. I don’t wish this experience on anyone… It’s just been really rough. I have no idea why life decided to hit me with this all in a single year and I’m not looking forward to the rest of 2024. I think I’m in the phase where I’m just trying to distract myself.

Ugh, in any case, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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