Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 404: The Spider and Viper (1)

The cliffs stood like folding screens along the coastline.

A temple that was worn away by sea winds, had already crumbled over the cliffs long ago. The sea buried the colossal rubble beneath its waves.

The Demon Lord Castle, <Sky Garden>. The island that once floated across the sky had lost its owner. After losing its magic power, the Sky Garden gradually descended. The fact that Paimon’s funeral was held on the same day the Sky Island created a huge wave in the nearby ocean as it sunk was a complete coincidence…….

Now, the once-beautiful garden, which bloomed with flowers throughout all seasons, was no more. The lush thickets that disregarded the changing seasons were gone. Everything was submerged in seawater, slowly sinking into some unknown abyss. It seemed unlikely that they would resurface ever again.

“My dear comrades.”

I turned around.

“The leader of our Liberation Alliance, Demon Lord Paimon, has passed away.”

In front of me were a dozen people in black robes. I couldn’t see their faces because of their hoods. Nonetheless, we already knew each other to a certain degree. They were the executives of the Liberation Alliance which Paimon had spent centuries to create.

“She did so in my very arms.”

“What were her final words?”

A woman asked. I recognized her voice.

General Manager Anna de Bis. She handled the Batavia Republic side of the Liberation Alliance. Not only was she basically treated as second-in-command directly under Paimon in the alliance, but she was also a prominent authority figure in Batavia. Adding to this, she had also moved her army with me back during the Lily War.

I spoke with no emotion on my face.

“Her last words reflected the honor and nobility that defined her. Even in her final moments, Paimon yearned for peace and the equality of all beings. She drew her last breath, entrusting me with the task of ensuring the continuation of her ideals.”


“—Is that what you think I would say?”

The executives froze in place.

Anna de Bis carefully spoke up as if trying to figure out my intention.

“What do you mean by that?”

“It wasn’t a noble or honorable death. Paimon met her end in the most gruesome manner—through assassination.”

I continued as I glared at the robed executives.

“She was not even given the time to properly give her last words. Paimon spent most of her final moments protecting me. Despite the assassin repeatedly stabbing her neck, tearing into her back, and savagely attacking her like a wolf, Paimon didn’t emit a single groan or scream as she endeavored to protect me.”


“Once she finally fell, Paimon whispered one thing to me. ‘Do not cry,’ she said. I guess you could call those her last words.”

The executives went silent. Curse me all you want, Paimon. If necessary, I will even use your last words politically. There was no hesitation here.

“Up until her last breath, Paimon was only concerned about the person before her. That was the kind of person Paimon was, and that was my lover and your leader.”


“Why are we crying out for republicanism? Is it because an incredibly lofty ideal exists there? Or is it because, as exceptionally noble intellectuals, we must be held accountable before history?”

I could feel the night air flow around me. The air wasn’t stagnant. Whenever I spoke with precision and skill, I would feel as if I were melting into my surroundings. It was like that even now.

“No. We always start with the trivial. We simply cannot stand idly by when tragedies and suffering unfold right before our eyes. When a beggar on the street struggles to breathe, we, too, feel suffocated. When a slave is whipped in the market, we, too, feel anger. It is at that point that we begin…….”


“I witnessed the most noble lady die in the most miserable manner before my eyes. At that moment, I felt an unbearable sadness and anger. And I will never forget it.”

I pulled out a piece of cloth from my pocket.

It was a handkerchief made from a piece of clothing with Paimon’s blood on it. A preservation spell was cast on it, so the blood wouldn’t become discolored any time soon. I didn’t explain anything to them, but the executives of the Liberation Alliance could tell what it was due to the atmosphere.

“Comrades, I, Dantalian, pledge to you. I will mourn and commemorate Paimon’s death until my final breath. The form of my mourning will be in revolution. I will restore justice to what is right, bestow universal sympathy on the sorrowful, and wield the lash where anger is due.”

I spoke solemnly.

“Will you join me in this even unto death?”

The executives silently stared at me from beneath their hoods. A moment of silence went by like this.

After a while, an individual with a small frame removed their robe. It was a dwarf. Jack Bonhomme, the executive whom I comfortably referred to as Jacquerie, was the mercenary captain who supported me during the Lily War.

“I agree to appointing His Highness Dantalian as our new leader.”

The other executives stirred.

Jacquerie was the most active member of the Liberation Alliance, essentially serving as the vanguard. He ardently worshipped Paimon and embraced republicanism like a religion. A ripple effect occurred as such an enthusiastic figure declared their support for me.

“I believe that among everyone present, I have spent the most time with His Highness Dantalian. If you trust my judgment, I ask you to extend that trust to my words as well. His Highness Dantalian is someone who will spread republicanism across the continent.”

“The time he has spent with us is too short.”

Anna de Bis retorted.

“I’m not questioning His Highness’ sincerity, but I am concerned about his lack of experience to lead our alliance.”

“Yet, in that brief time, he has achieved so much.”

Jacquerie looked around.

“Who toppled the Frankia Empire and seated republicans in the government? His Highness Dantalian. Who thwarted the royal family of Sardinia and liberated the free cities? His Highness Dantalian. And not long ago, he declared the abolition of all slave systems, irrespective of race.”

Jacquerie gestured at me with his right arm.

“His Highness has achieved feats that would be challenging for thousands or even millions to accomplish, all by himself, and that too in less than five years. I will not acknowledge the argument that he lacks experience. I dare say with confidence that no one else can lead our cause and realize our principles better than His Highness Dantalian!”

The other executives looked troubled, but they would sometimes nod in agreement.

They generally valued achievements more than authority. In that regard, few individuals could match my accomplishments. In fact, the sole fact that I successfully pushed for the complete abolition of slavery during the Walpurgis Night put me in a unique position.

“We at the Teuton Branch are in favor of this decision.”

“The Moscow Branch is also in favor.”

“The Sardinia Branch also endorses this decision.”

Branch managers began expressing their support for me to become the leader of the Liberation Alliance.

Excluding me, among the twelve branch leaders, there were 9 votes in favor and 2 abstentions. Although those in favor were already well beyond the majority, the crucial point was whether everyone agreed or not. If even one dissenting vote appeared, the alliance could face a potential risk of division.


It was now time for General Manager Anna de Bis to give the final vote.

“When she was still alive, Her Highness Paimon would always speak happily about His Highness Dantalian. Whether it was about what His Highness liked to eat or the remarkable things he did……. Regardless of my boredom, she would continue on and on as if she were a girl talking about her first love.”

Anna de Bis removed her hood.

The blonde elf bore a stab wound on her cheek, a scar from the Lily War where she faced near-death defeat at the hands of Henrietta during the Battle of Saint-Denis.

“Be it my own or Jacquerie, I do not trust either of our discerning eyes. However, I put my absolute trust in Her Highness Paimon’s ability to evaluate people……. Since Her Highness trusted His Highness Dantalian, I will also place my trust in him.”

The final vote in favor.

No one had outright rejected the proposal. Although there were two abstaining votes, it was more like they intentionally abstained because they were concerned that too much authority would be given to me if everyone agreed. In truth, this was no different from everyone being in favor.

I gave a respectful nod to the executives.

“We are many, but also one.”

“For revolution.”

The executives quietly recited the Liberation Alliance’s motto.

There was no elaborate ceremony where glasses of wine were exchanged. The succession of a new leader following Paimon was an event that, for the executives, was neither a cause for joy nor celebration.

The influence that Paimon had led was now all inherited by me.

Sitri, the leader of the Mountain Faction, was, while not militarily, entirely dependent on me politically. My opinions had a decisive impact on the actions of the Mountain Faction. And now, I was leading the Liberation Alliance as well…….

I thought to myself as I put the ruined temple behind me.

I wielded almost absolute influence over both the Plains Faction and the Mountain Faction, had the entire demon world as a trustworthy ally, used the wealth of the wealthiest merchant firm like my own private vault, and had a secret organization spread like a spider’s web across the continent under my control.

I’ve truly become the archetypal Demon Lord.

Ivar would occasionally mutter “Angol Mois” when looking at me. It was a legend passed down among demons. Someday, Angol Mois, a great Demon Lord, will appear and open up all continents to demons.

It was a legend you could pretty much find anywhere, but like a cow catching a rat while stepping back, it felt like Ivar had hit the mark. What a preposterous situation I’ve found myself in…….

Ο* * *Ο

I secretly met with the officials of the Frankish government.

Naturally, the individual leading Frankia’s government affairs is Earl Bercy. Since I’m the Attorney General of the Habsburg Empire and Earl Bercy is the Attorney General of the Frank Empire, our positions are coincidentally the same. We’re also similar in the fact that we’re responsible for our nations since, despite being empires, our emperors are only that in name.

“It has been a while, Count Palatine. Have you been doing well?”

Earl Bercy was evidently tired. There were even rumors that he’d sacrifice sleep just to keep his mess of a homeland together.

“It seems you have lost a ridiculous amount of weight.”

“I never realized running a country could be this difficult. In that regard, you do not seem particularly at ease either.”

“I am also managing a country like you are, after all.”

Earl Bercy smiled bitterly.

While I initially met Earl Bercy while pretending to be Priest Jean Bolle about a year ago, I revealed my identity as Demon Lord Dantalian to him through Ivar while also informing him that I would lend a substantial amount of money to the Frank Empire.

The Earl was considerably surprised, but he didn’t show any signs of hesitation. Earl Bercy was a republican. Since he knew what kind of speech I delivered on Bruno Plains, he seemed to see me more as a definite ideological ally than anything else.

“But what is the reason for meeting so secretly? I hope that this is not related to a matter that may increase my wrinkles.”

“I apologize, but I believe it will.”

I smiled.

“It is about time you started to repay your debt, Earl.”


“This is about the loan I gave you with a 7 percent interest. I would appreciate it if you at least pay back the interest.”

Earl Bercy’s face froze like someone who had just encountered a devil.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Nothing much to say this time. This month has been incredibly busy, so I’ve been barely able to get much translating done. Way too many things at work trying to put their deadlines near each other. This definitely feels like either poor planning from our project managers or our clients. I feel like it’s a mix of both. I’m just going to hope things become less busy in March. 

In any case, I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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