Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 401: The Dripping Night (10)

Once the wine had vanished from our cups, we flung the now empty vessels to the ground.

It was a time-honored tradition of the Crescent Alliance symbolizing an “irreversible choice”. Once shattered, the glass couldn’t be pieced back together—a metaphorical crossing of the Rubicon River, ensuring there was no turning back.

That’s right. I was now standing at a point of no return.

My steps were resolute, unwavering. Whether moving forward or backward, nothing would impede my progress.

“Archdukes, heed my command.”

“We will do as you ask, Your Highness.”

Stepping onto the shards strewn across the ground, I could sense the friction between the broken pieces through the soles of my shoes.

“There are traitors still lurking in the palace. Track them all down and execute them.”

The banquet held today exclusively gathered Demon Lords and archdukes. However, our initial plan was to meet with the families and nobles serving the archdukes tomorrow. They were all currently residing in the palace. None of them know what happened just now.

“Show no mercy. Kill them all indiscriminately, regardless of their race, gender, or age. Starting from the elderly who look like they will die from old age soon to the infants who have yet to even see the light of day, slaughter all those who are even of kin to these traitors.”

This was a war under the guise of a purge.

Although there are several reasons why these archdukes chose to follow me, if I were to pick one out, it would probably be because of how much they would profit. From today on, the land that has now become owned by the dead will be distributed entirely to the seven archdukes.

The demon world will no longer be ruled by 26 archdukes.

It will now be ruled by only 7 archdukes.

“As you command.”

The archdukes placed their right fists on their chests in a salute before taking their assassins and leaving the banquet hall. They must have prepared beforehand as the sound of blood-curdling screams could soon be heard in the distance.

“Ivar, carry out the mission written here.”

“Yes, Master.”

I pulled a note out from my sleeve and handed it to Ivar. Her eyes went wide once she saw the contents of the note. She turned to look at me with eyes that looked like they were asking ‘Really?’.

“There is currently a large anti-magic spell being cast over the entire palace. You will have to fly considerably high up to accomplish your mission.”

“……As you command.”

Ivar bowed her head before breaking one of the tall banquet windows and flying into the night sky. The only people remaining in the room were me, Paimon, and Daisy. If you exclude the dozens of corpses, that is.

The banquet hall had become silent.

Paimon gently placed her hand on top of mine.

“I am still at a loss for words, Dantalian. What has just happened……?”

“Things happened, and here we are.”

I smiled wryly and glanced at Daisy. I was gesturing for her to leave since I wanted to speak alone with Paimon. However, Daisy played dumb.

“I am your bodyguard, Father. Now that Miss Ivar is gone, I cannot vacate my position as well.”

“In that case, you can keep watch at the door.”

“This is unexpected. Did you not say that your side is where I constantly belong?”

You are the one who made me your witness, so allow me to stay. This was what she was implicitly saying.



I hesitated for a moment, but I eventually nodded. Daisy has the right to observe. It might’ve been selfish of me to want to spend time alone with Paimon.

“I knew that Barbatos would approach the archdukes.”


“I blatantly let the fact that I was going to meet the archdukes and that you were going with me spread. From Barbatos’ perspective, she would have seen this as a betrayal. It was inevitable that Barbatos would come in contact with the archdukes.”

Paimon listened to me seriously.

“So you took action first.”

“Indeed. I possess seven archdukes who are particularly trustworthy. I contacted them first before Barbatos could possibly act.”

Barbatos will present the archdukes with a scheme soon.

This scheme is a trick.

Our true goal is to root out the untrustworthy eight archdukes from the fifteen. Afterward, control over the remaining areas of the demon world will be given to the seven.

I smiled.

“Sure enough, Barbatos tried to come in contact with the archdukes only two days after I contacted them first. The seven archdukes had to trust me at that point.”

Including the Serpent Archduke, the seven archdukes who were chosen by me.

In the past, they had witnessed me having intercourse with Barbatos. They knew better than anyone else that my relationship with Barbatos was out of the ordinary.

Therefore, to the seven archdukes, instead of ‘Barbatos is scheming something on her own without Demon Lord Dantalian,’ they believed ‘Barbatos and Dantalian are plotting something together again’.

“Even now, the archdukes firmly believe that tonight’s event is a purge that Barbatos and I have plotted together.”

“That’s impressive……Dantalian.”

Paimon smiled radiantly.

She pushed herself deeply into my arms, embracing me with her warm body. We ended up in a position where our chins were on each other’s shoulder.

It was comfy.

Until now, I’ve been embraced by many women. Barbatos, Laura, Sitri, Ivar, etc. However, Paimon’s embrace felt the warmest. Paimon was like a ray of sunlight. I enjoyed her touch.

“But the archdukes will realize the truth eventually. That is my only concern.”

Paimon whispered directly into my ear. Her voice felt like a tranquil melody. Like an unaccompanied cello going along with a specific rhythm.

“This lady is not confident that the archdukes will choose you over Barbatos at that time……. Oh, I am not saying that I do not trust you, Dantalian. I am sure that you will handle everything well, fufu.”

“There is no need for concern, Paimon.”

I pulled out a dagger from my waist.

“It is all the truth, after all.”


Paimon tilted her head, and—.

I gripped the handle and stabbed into Paimon’s neck.

Red blood sprayed out into the air.

For a moment, Paimon let out a scream. At the same time, the strength in Paimon’s hands that were holding me got stronger. I could clearly feel each of her fingers pressing down on my back. With an uncontrollably trembling voice, Paimon groaned weakly.


I swung my dagger and stabbed it into Paimon’s back. The blade dug deep into her body. Paimon let out another pained gasp. The blood flowing out from her body covered my gloves.

It wasn’t a normal dagger as it was coated in a deadly poison.

I stabbed the dagger into the back of Paimon’s neck again. Once I did, the strength holding Paimon up finally gave out as she fell over powerlessly.

I supported her collapsing body with my left arm. Paimon fell to the ground ever so slowly, looking up at me with stunned eyes as she was held in my left arm.

“Hau……hggh, phh…….”

Paimon’s lips moved as if she was trying to say something. However, her words couldn’t take shape, drowned by the ceaseless flow of blood from her throat. All she could manage was to continuously cough up blood.

“The slave system will be completely abolished. Whether for demons or humans, no exceptions will be made. Your life was the only request Barbatos had for agreeing to the abolition of slavery.”

“Hgh, hfff……kgh…….”

“From the moment you prioritized me alone over the freedom of all, Paimon, you were already dead.”

I looked down at Paimon.

“You shouldn’t have said those words earlier. That was your last chance, Paimon. Your final opportunity. We cannot go back now.”

“Dan, talian……hghh……Dan, talian……”

“So I will carry on in your stead. Just as I promised you on that night. Forever.”

Paimon slowly raised her right arm.

Placing her palm against my cheek, her blood-soaked hand felt much hotter than usual. Her hand was shaking without end.

“I, love you…….”


“I love you……so do not cry……Dantalian…….”

And then, Paimon’s hand fell.

While drawing a long red arch down my cheek, it fell powerlessly.

Everything had ceased.

The weight, beat, and sensation that I felt in my arms, everything changed. What remained was no longer Paimon but a vibration that resembled an aftershock. I tried muttering “Status”, but there was no reaction.


I kissed Paimon.

The smell of blood assaulted my nose, but I paid it no mind as I continued. It was red and warm.

After an uncertain amount of time.

“Your Highness.”

I heard Ivar’s voice. I turned to see that Ivar had already returned through the window and was now approaching me. Ivar flinched the moment our gaze met, and she stopped in place.

I spoke flatly.


“……I’ve notified Demon Lord Barbatos. The case has been settled. She replied saying that she will immediately rally her army and ravage the territories of the traitorous archdukes.”

The note I gave Ivar instructed her to contact Barbatos. This was why Ivar was surprised when she received it. She didn’t know what was happening behind the scenes and that I was scheming with Barbatos. 

Nor did she know that Barbatos had given the archdukes a fake command to ‘capture Dantalian and Paimon’.

And that I had given a secret command to seven of the archdukes.

This was all a part of the plan Barbatos and I had devised.

“Good work. Daisy.”

“……Yes, Father.”

“Go out and capture one of the assassins.”

After leaving the banquet hall, it took less than three minutes for Daisy to return with an assassin dressed as a maid. I made a quick gesture with my chin which Daisy responded to by slicing the assassin in two with no hesitation. The assassin was unable to even let out a sound as they died.

I put the dagger I was holding in the assassin’s hand.

I then removed the gloves I had been wearing and set them on fire.

“Daisy, you had left my side because I ordered you to check the vicinity to see if there were any more assassins. During your absence, an assassin managed to slip in and attack me. Paimon tried to protect me at that moment and ended up meeting a misfortunate end. Do you understand?”


“The one to kill Paimon was an assassin, and the assassin was ultimately hired by the remaining archdukes.”

This was the information that was going to be revealed to the public.

The Demon Lords of the Mountain Faction were certain to be furious. The betrayal by the archdukes would undoubtedly incite their anger. Some Demon Lords might even suspect me of orchestrating this, but the critical issue was who would sway the opinions of the Mountain Faction.

With Paimon gone, the sole person capable of leading the Mountain Faction was Sitri. She trusted me more than anyone else, meaning she wouldn’t harbor even the slightest suspicion. Even if a trace of doubt arose, I only needed to deceive her.

Since the traitorous archdukes will all be killed along with everyone close to them tonight, every third party that knows the truth will be buried in the dirt.

My authority will be maintained.

With Barbatos, Sitri, and Marbas’ support, everything will continue as it were. If you exclude Paimon’s death, the balance between factions will be preserved.

Nothing will change.

“Let’s go.”

I lifted Paimon in my arms.

“To the imperial palace.”


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Well, this is a pretty big turn of events. I’d probably have more to say about it if it weren’t for the 3-day funeral I had to go through and all the mental strain that put me under. My dad is definitely not in a good state anymore. In a sort of dark irony, it’s like I held a funeral for Paimon as well. I wonder how many people this will devastate. In all honesty, there was probably a lot of foreshadowing to this. 

This afterword feels like a mess. I’ll wrap this up here and get some rest. This week has been rough.

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