Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 396: The Dripping Night (5)

“……Barbatos. I have always chosen you and I will continue to do so.”

“Kill that bitch Paimon. With your own two hands.”

Barbatos growled like a wolf. 

I stared intently into Barbatos’ eyes. It wouldn’t be wise to refute the other party when in this kind of situation. Barbatos was currently extremely worked up and forcing me to make a choice. I have to display a docile gesture here.

“I will kill Paimon whenever you desire.”

“Then there’s no problem. That’s the one thing I want most in the world, after all.”

“However, why she has to be killed now, is something you have to persuade me on.”

Barbatos furrowed her brows.

“Persuade? Did you just tell me to persuade you?”

“Paimon is the head of the Mountain Faction. Although she has lost some support, she is still incredibly popular. A person in that kind of position cannot be killed thoughtlessly, Barbatos. If you do not wish for the Demon Lord Army to fall apart, that is.”

It was my turn to bring my face closer to Barbatos’. I got so close to her that if either of us budged our heads even slightly, our lips would touch.

Once my eyes got accustomed to the darkness, I could see Barbatos’ face better. Barbatos’ cheeks were red. It was evident that she had been drinking before I arrived. The scent of herbs and alcohol brushed past my nose.

“All I hear is you telling me that you can’t kill her.”

“I’ve made it clear: you must provide a compelling reason why she has to be killed right this instant. It has barely been a year since the Demon Lord Army consolidated under a common banner. We have strategically posed as the Habsburg Empire to leverage this guise until we amass enough strength. And yet, you’re telling me to throw all that into the dirt?”

I raised the corners of my mouth.

“Is that your wish? You have quite the sophisticated preference.”

“Watch your tongue.”

“I—I devoted all my sweat and blood in order to create this Empire!”

I gripped Barbatos’ hand that was holding my collar with my right hand. Barbatos, don’t think for even a second that you’re the only person in the world who can threaten someone. We’ve been equals for quite some time now.

“Who was it that brought success to the Crescent Alliance Expedition which had been throwing out the lives of troops for two thousand years? Me! Who took the lead to subjugate Baal who had deceived the Demon Lord Army for three thousand years? It was me! Who established an empire to ensure our victory does not fade into a fleeting miracle but etches itself forever in history? Me! It was me, Barbatos! Amidst the scattered blood on the ground, there is no blood that did not come from my hands, and amid the screams that fill the sky, there is no scream that did not originate from my blade!”

I removed Barbatos’ hand from my collar.

“There is only one reason why the Plains Faction and the Mountain Faction are able to coexist like this despite the trivial factional disputes between you two. —It is because I am dating both of you, damn it!”

A loud audible slap rang out as Barbatos struck my cheek. My head was turned away, but I immediately brought it back. If you’re going to hit me, then hit me as much as you like. Even if you take out a sword and pierce my heart, you cannot stop my mouth.

“That’s right. The Empire is able to maintain itself because I am sleeping with the two of you. This is the truth. Or what? Have you become afraid of facing the truth, Barbatos? It seems you have become quite a coward during our time apart for half a year.”

“You son of a bitch……!”

“And you’re the person who fell for that son of a bitch for being a son of a bitch.”

Barbatos slapped me again, but nothing changed. The only thing that was different was the taste of blood spreading in my mouth. Something must have gotten torn somewhere inside my mouth. This was actually good timing. The smell of blood from my mouth should help calm Barbatos down.

“Do you think I became brothers with Beleth for no reason? Do you think I became lovers with Sitri because I had nothing better to do? Do you believe that I became close with the nastiest man in the Plains Faction and the most short-tempered woman in the Mountain Faction out of pure ‘coincidence’?”

Barbatos raised her hand again, but I predicted it this time. People say three times the charm, but I have never lived my life as an idiot who’d let the same thing happen three times. I had no desire to let myself get struck for the third time.

I grabbed Barbatos’ wrist with my left hand. Both of Barbatos’ hands had been caught by me now. We lost balance once Barbatos tried to struggle. I used my advantage over her to push her to the ground.

“I am mediating the factions while throwing away my feelings and body!”

I pinned Barbatos below me as I shouted.

“I poured out my friendship, dedication, and affection! Every possible thing that could be seen as my sincerity! Yes, thanks to this, I’ve become the most wretched man in the world! What a wonderful feeling! But what does it matter? My trivial emotions are so insignificant that they can be sated by a glass of wine!”

Be it Paimon or you, Barbatos, everyone is too consumed by their emotions.

I know. Emotions can become strong at times. It is thanks to that intensity that emotions are sometimes mistaken for one’s sincerity. However, sincerity and the truth are different!

Saying something sincerely doesn’t make it the truth! No matter how much you shout about getting rid of Paimon, that doesn’t automatically make it so that it’d be okay to get rid of her! Why do you all disregard this simple truth?

What’s so important about a person’s emotions?

Jealousy? Resentment? Is it fine to destroy the Empire for those emotions? Rip apart the Demon Lord Army that had finally united as one? Are you saying that with a sane mind, Barbatos!?

“And yet, here you are, telling me to destroy the Empire with my own two hands. Fine, Barbatos. I made a promise to prioritize you always. If this is something you genuinely desire, then I will gladly comply. But…….”

I clenched my jaw.

“Don’t you think you should at least try to convince me?”

The sound leaking out from my mouth was closer to groaning. I was chewing on my words over and over again before spitting them out.

“You want to step on the Empire I created? Sure. You want to make it so that the sweat and blood I had shed were all for naught? Fine. However, don’t you think you should at least try to convince me, Barbatos……?”

At that moment, a single strand of something flowed down from Barbatos’ eyes.

“It hurts, Dantalian.”


“I know that, despite going through an assassination attempt in Batavia, you still tried to make that republican meeting or whatever successful for Paimon’s sake. In the end, you almost died because of Paimon.”

Barbatos’ expression was contorted.

It was the first time since the day she learned of Paimon’s betrayal during the Crescent Alliance and angrily stormed out into the endless rain of arrows that her face had become this much of a mess.

“It was also Paimon who threatened your life the first day we met. She’s also the culprit who dragged you to the bottom during the Crescent Alliance. The same thing happened last winter as well…….”


“I’m fine with dying to Paimon. That’s something I can accept. But Dantalian……if you…… If you end up dying because of Paimon……I will truly resent everything.”


“I won’t let that happen, you bastard…….”

Barbatos’ golden eyes were hazy as they were drenched in tears. I couldn’t say anything as no words came to mind.

“If you end up dying, then it will undoubtedly be because of Paimon. I don’t even want to see that bitch’s face anymore……. Please kill Paimon.”

“I won’t die.”

“Don’t lie!”

Barbatos shouted.

“One wrong step is enough to kill you! Don’t try to reassure me with lies!”

There was no way out of this.

Barbatos doesn’t know that the assassination attempt was fake. I kept it a secret, after all.

Even if I revealed to her now that it was fake, that probably wouldn’t be enough to convince her. She’d ask why I had put on such a performance and I would have no choice but to answer that it was for Paimon’s sake.

Although the situation could probably be resolved with little effort if I lied to her…….

That was something I couldn’t do.

I genuinely do not wish to become a fake person to Barbatos……. I’m fine with performing before Paimon and tricking Ivar with lies. But when it comes to Barbatos and Lapis. To them, I can’t possibly do that…….

What could I have accomplished without them?

It’s impossible for me to trick them. Plain and simple, it cannot be done…….

“Paimon will ruin you, Dantalian! I know she will……. If you won’t kill her, then I’ll kill the bitch myself!”

“No, Barbatos. Think about the Empire……our new Demon Lord Army.”

I barely managed to hold back the feeling that was surging up my throat. However, I couldn’t stop the excess from leaking out.

“For our future……both Baal and Agares have died. Conquering the continent is impossible without the Mountain Faction’s help. Be rational……and keep your head on your shoulders.”

“What point does that future have if you aren’t around?”

Barbatos spoke.

For some reason, I couldn’t see her expression properly because it was hazy.

“You’re as important to me as the entire continent, Dantalian. It’s fucking shitty, but that’s how it’s become. I can’t control it. Conquering the continent……may be important to me, but you’re just as important……. I can’t choose only one side…….”


“It’s fine if we can’t conquer the continent in a hundred years. It’s fine if it becomes a dream that can’t be accomplished in two hundred years, a thousand years, two thousand years, or even three thousand years……. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, so please stay at my side……. Don’t leave me by myself anymore…….”

And then, Barbatos raised her head and pressed her lips against mine.

Something landed below Barbatos’ eyes. It had overflowed from the edges of my eyes and spilled down. It flowed down Barbatos’ pale cheek as it descended.

—Where did things go wrong?

If this is the wrong question, it would probably be more appropriate to ask, “Since when did I try to hide the fact that something had gone wrong?”

It was uncertain who withdrew their lips first. It could have either been me or Barbatos. However, the one thing that was certain was the fact that I stood up afterward.

Our faces were both a mess. I could tell that my expression had escaped my control. The Count Palatine and Regent of the Empire were not in this room. It was simply two individuals drenched in moisture.

I gazed at Barbatos.


Barbatos, shook her head.

I couldn’t endure any longer and rushed out of the room. It was already late in the night, so the palace hallways were empty. The only thing present was the sound of my footsteps and my shadow following after those steps.

Daisy was quietly standing in front of my room. She must’ve heard my approach as she bowed.

“Welcome back, Fath……?”

Once she raised her head and saw my face, she paused mid-sentence. No, it would be more appropriate to say that her words were cut off. Nevertheless, I couldn’t see Daisy’s face that well. In truth, there was no reason for me to look at it carefully. I ignored her as I threw the door to my room open and shut myself inside.

I grabbed a nearby bottle. It didn’t matter what I grabbed, as I simply wanted to grab whatever I could. I then tossed it.

The sound of ceramics shattering echoed.


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. Been a bit busy pre-winter holiday trying to get as much work done as possible. Will also be a bit busy this holiday since I plan to spend some time with my dad. I hope everyone has a merry Christmas. I’ll try to get the next chapter out before New Year’s.

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