Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 39: Walpurgis Night (4)


I was standing still.

The first thought to go through my head was that it’d be nice if I had something to fiddle with in my hands right now. I couldn’t sort out my thoughts. I didn’t expect them to bring up Andromalius’ case like this. I also never heard that Demon Lords cherished one another.

“That whore is speaking nonsense again. I never heard about us being able to hold a hearing or whatever.”

“Rank 10 and higher have the authority to request a hearing.”

“Eh? Seriously?”

“Although it has been more than 500 years since it was actually used. Paimon, you are trying to make a big deal out of some vagrant’s death…….”

The Demon Lords started a heated discussion.

Think. I have to think.

This is the only opportunity I have to do so. I have to think of an idea while they’re arguing. The reason why a couple of Demon Lords are against a hearing isn’t due to the fact they like me, but because they dislike Paimon. The chances of them personally helping me is extremely slim.

The woman that’s using a childish tone and complaining is probably Rank 8 Demon Lord Barbatos and the man trying to prudently calm everyone down is most likely Rank 5 Demon Lord Marbas. They are all prominent characters in <Dungeon Attack>. Rank 9 Paimon represents the demon faction that is on relatively friendly terms with the humans, Rank 8 Barbatos belongs to the side that holds unconditional hostility towards the humans, and Rank 5 Marbas is neutral. The differences in each of their personalities naturally lead to conflict even here.

Why was Paimon attacking me when we were meeting for the very first time? I couldn’t understand. Damn it, I think my processing speed is slower than usual since my intelligence stats had dropped. I contorted my face greatly as I turned the bolts in my head desperately.

‘Andromalius might have been a part of Paimon’s faction.’

Then did that mean this attempt at a hearing is simply because she wants to show people that she cherishes those in her faction?

‘Was Paimon the kind of person to act this politically in the game?’

An immediate ‘no’ came to my head.

Befitting her insidious way of speech, Paimon is a perverted character. She would even go as far as to disguise herself as a human and go hunting for both men and women in human cities. In the game, Paimon and the protagonist also meet for the first time in a human city like this and the fact that she’s a Demon Lord quickly becomes revealed the moment she throws the protagonist an amorous glance.

Afterward, Paimon would persistently bother the protagonist due to the fact that he was the first man to not fall for her looks. The way she bothered him wasn’t normal either as she would do so by sending countless armies of monsters after the protagonist.

— As I am at death’s door, could you not bestow upon this lady a kiss?

Even during her dying breaths, she didn’t stop her advances towards the hero. The hero thought about it quickly before giving in to the maiden’s teary eyes and giving Paimon a kiss. That was the protagonist’s first kiss. Despite being surrounded by dozens of harem members, a Demon Lord took his first kiss before anyone else.

There was a time when a bunch of players debated whether Paimon was actually a pure woman or just a simple ragged towel. Regardless, not only has she never dropped from the top 10 heroines ranking, but people would actively ask the developers to make her a capture target along with Laura De Farnese.

As a side note, I dislike Paimon. I experienced 2 Game Overs because of her, after all. You’re immediately killed when you lose to the other Demon Lords, but Paimon was different as she would turn you into a sex slave if you lost to her.

‘Paimon may be a pervert, but her principles are simple.’

In short, she’s pro-humans. She likes humans, copies humans, and tries to protect humans. Even when the relations between demons and humans gradually became worse, Paimon and a couple of other Demon Lords would refrain from indiscriminate slaughter.

Even though it was for a severely selfish reason like not wanting to lose her playthings, at the very least, she would justify her actions on the surface by saying, ‘As a Demon Lord, you will tarnish your dignity if you enjoy committing slaughter.’ Despite cherishing herself to a terrifying degree, she was a woman who would act as if she incredibly cherished authority and dignity in front of others. In other words, she’s a very unique Demon Lord.

‘On the other hand, Andromalius was a bastard who typically treated humans like insects.’

I came to the deduction that there is an incredibly slim chance that Andromalius could have been a part of Paimon’s faction. Therefore, it’s clear that Paimon is asking for a hearing with another goal in mind and not for the sake of Andromalius. In other words–the goal isn’t Androlamius, but me.


‘Was I ever hostile towards Paimon? There’s no way that could have happened.’

In the first place, if you exclude my interaction with Andromalius, then this was my first time meeting any of the other Demon Lords. However, if I’m right, then Andromalius wasn’t the issue right now. In the end, there was no way that I could have gotten personally involved with Paimon. I couldn’t find an answer. I felt frustrated. Since I didn’t know the other party’s intent, it felt like I was at the bottom of a pitch-black ocean and trying to swim.

‘Damn it, where could I have…….’

It was at that moment. Something small wrapped around my right hand.

I turned to my side in surprise. Lapis was looking at me.


Her two clear, and yet firm eyes were looking at me silently. I experienced something remarkable at that moment. It was something that probably happened only five or six times in a person’s entire life. I know full well what you’re feeling right now, and as I know you more concisely and accurately than you know yourself, it is for this reason that I will be on your side no matter what, this was what her eyes were telling me. Lapis was able to say this to me without a single word, expression, or gesture. As there were no words, there were no misunderstandings, as there were no expressions, there was no exaggeration of emotions, and as there were no gestures, there was only sincerity.

My surge of desperation vanished.

Only tranquility remained. I felt a type of gratitude I would feel when meeting someone who was well-disposed towards me, someone whose inner thoughts were no different from what they portrayed on the outside. A Demon Lord’s ability doesn’t only let them read other people’s emotions. It also allows them to harmonize their emotions with others.


Lapis and I looked at each other for a brief moment. As we were doing so, the people around us continued to argue. I suddenly felt like my contemplation about Paimon’s inclination was funny. All of the thoughts I had until now hadn’t vanished. It’s just that I was now able to look down at those thoughts from above.

‘That’s right. There is no reason for Paimon to be hostile towards me.’

I smiled. It was obvious. I have only done something noteworthy once. If I were to connect that one action with Paimon’s tendencies, then it was easy to figure out why she would use Andromalius as a pretext to pressure me.

The heated discussion between the Demon Lords was gradually coming to an end. Rank 5 Demon Lord Marbas spoke up in a low tone.

“I have the highest rank among the ones present here. I believe that it would be fine for me to handle the proceedings of the hearing. I am worried that there will be some bias if someone of a lower rank were to handle the proceedings.”

He gave Ivar of the Keuncuska Firm a glance. Ivar bowed in apology. Ivar was the original host. Marbas was reprimanding him for not being able to calm the other Demon Lords down.

I thought differently, though.

‘The Keuncuska Firm most likely sat on their hands deliberately.’

I quietly asked Lapis a question.

“Paimon is also the Keuncuska Firm’s customer, isn’t she?”

“Yes. Torkel, one of the highest executives of the firm, is in charge of her. He is someone that you have met once yourself, Sir Dantalian.”

“That old goblin, huh.”

It was the goblin who showed up out of nowhere to talk about the plague a little more than a month ago. He’s in charge of Paimon, is he? To think he would retaliate like this because I refused to discuss anything with him without Lapis.

Marbas walked to the center of the ballroom.

“Rank 9, the Demon Lord of Destruction, Paimon’s request for a hearing has been accepted. This has been acknowledged by myself, Rank 5, the Demon Lord of Control, Marbas. The party in question is Rank 71, the Demon Lord of Many Faces, Dantalian.”

He looked at me. This most likely meant I had to step forward as well. I regretfully let go of Lapis’ hand and walked out with slightly nervous but casual steps. I could feel Lapis’ concern behind me. You don’t have to worry, Lapis.

‘I have never played <Dungeon Attack> unfaithfully to the point of being beaten by some NPC.’

With Marbas between us, I stood and faced Paimon. Paimon was looking at me with a perverted smile, but I didn’t let it bother me as I smiled back at her.

“Paimon has the right to question Dantalian and Dantalian has the right to answer Paimon. I will keep this hearing short in consideration of it being Walpurgis Night. Therefore, both parties should refrain from giving lengthy speeches and keep the hearing to immediate questions and answers. We will decide which side is correct through our longheld tradition of voting.”

The Demon Lords that were spread throughout the ballroom slowly gathered. They got right next to us like some spectators that had come to watch a boxing match and proceeded to look back and forth between us with intrigued gazes.

“I first bestow upon Paimon, the one who requested this hearing, the right of questioning. Proceed, Paimon.”

“I thank you graciously for listening to this lady’s request.”

Paimon looked around the room with a pleasant gaze. It seems acting coquettishly was a habit of hers. To my right, I could hear Rank 8 Barbatos say ‘Sheesh, what a whore’ in an annoyed voice. I just now came to the realization that the only Demon Lords to speak in a loud voice were the ones above rank 10. Everyone below that kept their mouths shut.

This most likely represents how amazing they are. The person in front of me as well.

“I wish to first establish the facts.”

Paimon’s smile was directed towards me. I could clearly see the hostility behind her smiling eyes.

“Dantalian, 9 days ago you murdered Rank 72 Demon Lord Andromalius. Is this correct?”


I nodded placidly.

“You murdered them despite knowing that they were also a Demon Lord. Correct?”

“That is also correct.”

“Therefore, you intentionally murdered a Demon Lord. Despite being a Demon Lord yourself. To everyone who has come here to attend Walpurgis Night, we know better than anyone else that being a Demon Lord is a hellish role.”

Paimon looked around the room again.

“I do not wish to come here and repeat the argument about all people having one personality. Nonetheless, there is one thing that is certain. We possess too many ‘us’ inside of us. The emotions of others continue to mix and mix with our own emotions making it hard for us to distinguish what is yours and what isn’t yours. As there is nothing that exists for us Demon Lords to resolutely call ‘me’⎯⎯.”

A silence fell over the ballroom.

“Therefore, we also do not have anything we can call ‘you’ without hesitation. The only personal pronoun that is allowed to us is ‘us’. This is a Demon Lord’s fate. This lady believes that this is a duty that we have no other choice but to endure as people who have become Demon Lords. Nevertheless, there is an exception. And that is other Demon Lords like us.”

She spread her arms out in an exaggerated manner. This gesture seemed natural to her. The way she moved made it apparent that she was very used to giving speeches.

“Within this hellish world where we must constantly exert our minds to distinguish whether our emotions are ours or not, at the very least, when we are next to another Demon Lord, we do not have to have such concerns. When we are with other Demon Lords, it feels as if we have become normal people who can feel their own emotions, say what they want, and think about what they want. Only when we are with each other can we feel ‘ourselves’. This is why Demon Lords are precious.”

Paimon strengthened her tone.

“We may antagonize, be hostile to, and fight one another, but we also acknowledge one another. We have no other choice but to do so. Only seventy-two of us exist in the world, after all. That’s right. Even among Demon Lords, Andromalius was complete garbage. Despite this, none of us tried to kill Andromalius. This is only natural! Was he not a fellow Demon Lord who was placed upon this world with the same duty as us?”

She lowered her arms and quietly glared at me. She didn’t try to hide her hostility anymore. She was denouncing me openly for everyone to see.

“And yet, Dantalian struck Andromalius to death without any hesitation. This lady cannot help but express her doubts. Is he truly a Demon Lord like us? How could another Demon Lord kill another Demon Lord with such ease? This lady is not questioning Dantalian as an individual. As the representative of the seventy-two Demon Lords that exist, I call into question whether this man has the right to be a Demon Lord.”

Even the smallest of whisperings had disappeared. While everyone held their breaths as they continued to watch us, Paimon spoke firmly.

“This lady suggests that we confine Dantalian in the prison of the Eternally Frozen Land for 300 years.”


TL note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I’m sorry but I’m probably going to take a day or two off from translating because I had a high fever yesterday and very bad food poisoning. I still feel feverish, but I wanted to get this chapter out. I’m just hoping for a full recovery before my trip.

I’ll see you guys when I feel better again.

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