Dungeon Defense (WN)

Chapter 378: Encounter of Two Heroes (6)

“I understand your need for a moment of sympathy. Therefore, I will take the role of the bad guy.”

Elizabeth broke the silence.

“The Marquis is already dead. We must deal with the enemy that is still alive in that dead individual’s stead. Be it Genova or La Spezia, we must know precisely where the imperial army is headed.”


Sympathy was sympathy, but this was the time for a meeting. They couldn’t let themselves be taken by grief. Furthermore, by referring to the man by his position of ‘Marquis’ before his death, Elizabeth had expressed her sympathy indirectly…….

“The Consul is right. However, I am of a different opinion. The Empire can choose to go to Genova or La Spezia whenever they desire. Therefore, it would be pointless to establish a plan according to the imperial army’s route.”


“First and foremost, we should establish a strategy around the point we have to protect the most.”

It was an extremely logical and correct statement. The Duke of Milano also nodded in agreement.

On the other hand, Elizabeth smiled. It was a smirk. It looked like she was more smirking at herself instead of at them. The Grand Duke had no idea what about their conversation just now warranted her to smirk at herself.

The jeer lasted for only a moment. Elizabeth naturally continued the conversation.

“That is a good point. Which location do you think is more important, Grand Duke?”

“Genova is a strategic point that must be protected at all costs. It is a large city, our nation’s naval base, and, above all else, it is affluent. La Spezia cannot compare to it.”

The Grand Duke continued with a voice filled with confidence.

“The general situation will not change even if La Spezia were to fall. However, the same does not apply to Genova. It is one of the leading cities in our nation. If Genova gets handed over to them with Parma, then the people will tremble in fear.”

“This old man thinks differently.”

The Duke of Milano objected.

“Genova possesses splendid and sturdy ramparts. The city would easily be able to endure for a year if the enemy were to attack. But the same does not go for La Spezia. I believe that there is a strong possibility of the people revolting. If we do not assign enough men here, then we would be presenting the entire city to the Empire on a silver platter.”

“Duke, the ‘enough men’ part is the problem here.”

The Grand Duke let out a small sigh.

“With the number of troops under my command, it would be difficult for me to protect two cities at the same time.”


The two nobles looked troubled.

Were they going to protect one city with certainty, or were they going to take the risk to protect two cities at once……? The positions of the two high nobles had completely swapped since the last battle. Now the Grand Duke was proposing a safe path while the Duke was pointing to a risky path.

This was because of the utter defeat that the Grand Duke had experienced at the hands of the Empire. He came to fully realize how formidable their opponent was. He wanted to avoid taking even the slightest risk if possible. That was the Grand Duke’s honest opinion.

“Is this not a simple problem?”

“Have you thought of a good solution, Consul?”

Elizabeth nodded.

“We simply have to raze La Spezia to the ground ourselves before the Empire can reach it.”


Raze to the ground? What did this woman say just now? Elizabeth repeated herself more firmly right as the Grand Duke of Florence was starting to doubt his ears.

“Quickly dispatch troops to La Spezia and raze down both its wall and its people. Set an example by purging the ones who retaliate. It would be better to get rid of the city than hand it over to the Empire.”

“Are…… Are you mad!?”

The Grand Duke stared at Elizabeth in shock, but Elizabeth’s gaze remained unwavering. Anger boiled in the Grand Duke’s chest almost instantly.

“We do not have the right to destroy La Spezia!”

“The lord of that territory, Marquis Rody, was branded a traitor. Is the erasure of such territories, not an entirely natural procedure?”

“You are only able to suggest such an idea as someone who is not a citizen of Sardinia, Consul.”

The Duke of Milano also didn’t try to hide his displeasure.

“In this critical time when we must unite to fight against the Empire, you are proposing that we sacrifice even more lives. I find it hard to believe that you are suggesting such a thing with a rational mindset.”

“It is simply a necessary strategic measure.”

Elizabeth responded calmly.

“Both Genova and La Spezia cannot be defended at the same time. Handing La Spezia over to the imperial army would only empower them needlessly. In that case, our choice is clear. We must destroy La Spezia.”


The Grand Duke’s mouth trembled.

He did his best to hold back his anger as he spoke slowly and clearly.

“The Habsburg Republic must be blessed to have a consul like yourself.”


“How does it feel to be sitting in this small room, wielding the power to freely judge the necessity of tens of thousands of lives? Does this authority taste sweet, Your Excellency?”

The Grand Duke slammed his right hand down on the table. In the end, he couldn’t hold back all of his anger.

“I, as the General of the Kingdom of Sardinia, hereby order! No longer shall any act of deliberate harm or abandonment of our fellow countrymen be justified under any pretext!”


“Consul, you should especially be mindful of this. Should there arise a situation where you perceive the lives of our people as inconsequential merely because they are not your own—I give you this warning with my family and honor on the line: This is our land.”

A curtain of heated tension fell over the room.

While within this mood that felt like it could erupt at any moment, Elizabeth mumbled.

“I see. How beautiful.”

It was a reaction that didn’t match the situation. The Grand Duke furrowed his brows.

“What do you mean by that, Consul?”

“It is as I said. I did not know that witnessing someone unwaveringly adhere to their principles was such a beautiful sight. I see, so this is how it feels…….”


The Grand Duke remained perplexed by the response, as it didn’t address his question directly. When he glanced at the Duke for some clarity, the Duke simply shrugged in return. Strangely, there was no hint of haughtiness from the other party, adding to the growing sense of confusion.

Elizabeth smiled faintly.

“My assumption is as follows: The imperial army will head to La Spezia. The imperial army left Parma two days late. During those two days, they must have already made contact with the citizens of La Spezia and prepared for a rebellion.”

“Two days?”

“I moved from Venice two days ago. Despite this, the imperial army did not move immediately. Thus, it can be concluded that their departure was delayed because they are plotting something.”

The Grand Duke of Florence furrowed his brows.

“Could it not be possible that they were simply delayed due to them making preparations to leave?”

“That is extremely unlikely. The imperial army knew beforehand that we would move. They most likely made preparations to leave long ago.”


The Grand Duke turned to look at the Duke again. The two high nobles were both confused. What evidence or proof did Consul Elizabeth possess to exude such confidence? The Consul appeared like a considerably impatient person to the two nobles.

“The issue is what will happen after La Spezia is captured. The imperial army will not travel to Genova.”

“Then where will they go?”

“Florence. The city under your rule, Grand Duke.”


The Grand Duke opened his eyes wide.

“There is no way that they would. If they head south to Florence, then they will be showing their backs to me. Why would they take such a risk—”

“Florence is your main base. No matter the situation, you will have to leave Genova and pursue the imperial army.”


“You will be venturing out of the safety of your castle walls and into a perilous and open field. That is the imperial army’s goal.”

Elizabeth chuckled.

The Grand Duke and the Duke were involuntarily captivated by her presence. The Consul, who had been rumored as the most beautiful woman on the continent since her childhood, had an enchanting aura. Both high nobles were momentarily stunned, like soldiers ambushed during a march.

“Is this not amusing, Grand Duke? The Empire is forcing you to choose one or the other.”

“Between what options?”

“Will you protect the people of La Spezia, or will you protect your people in Florence? You will undoubtedly have to choose between the two. It will most likely be at this point that you will reveal what sort of person you are……. Fufu. He has quite the wicked hobby.”

Elizabeth smiled.

Her smile was flawlessly radiant, yet the Grand Duke sensed an inexplicable unease. Neither the smirk from earlier nor the smile she was displaying now were directed at the people sitting in this conference room.

“……What an amusing speculation. For such a scenario to unfold, the imperial army must accurately follow the path Your Highness described. Exactly what basis do you have for you to be so confident in the enemy’s movement?”

“Grand Duke, I know the Empire very well.”

Elizabeth continued with her smile still on her lips.

“This is a typical tactic employed by the Empire. They utilize their opponent’s principles as bait to lure them into a scenario where there are only two choices.”

“……That is too abstract. We cannot possibly accept that as proof. It would be outrageous to operate an army while relying on such information.”

“Oh, I see. So this is abstract.”

Elizabeth placed a hand on her chin. She was clearly enjoying herself.

“As you have rightfully stated, Grand Duke, I am but a mere mercenary from a foreign land. Even the mercenaries I have hired receive their pay directly from Sardinia’s royal coffers. Should you, as the appointed general, issue your command, I would have no choice but to dutifully follow.”


Elizabeth continued to smile as she stared right at the Grand Duke.

“How about we make a bet?”

“A bet?”

“As you have deemed, you can continue to reside in Genova. However, as a precautionary measure, I will proceed south to Florence. In the event that the Empire does indeed launch an attack on Genova, I will swiftly alter my course accordingly. Once that occurs, I shall wholeheartedly support your plans without any further objections.”

The Grand Duke didn’t shy away from Elizabeth’s gaze.

“And if the Empire does proceed south like you suggested?”

“It will be my victory. You will then have to take my opinions into serious consideration when planning future operations.”

“Is there nothing else you want?”

“That is all.”

The Grand Duke and the Consul stared at each other for a while.

“……Very well, then. I will take that bet.”

“Grand Duke!”

The Duke reprimanded the Grand Duke in a low tone.

“We must not involve haphazard wagers in determining the fate of the nation!”

“It is fine, Duke. This wager will benefit the kingdom, regardless of who emerges victorious.”

The Grand Duke of Florence still had his gaze fixated on Elizabeth’s face.

“If I win, then the Consul’s army can advance from the south, allowing us to surround the imperial army on both sides. Similarly, the same strategy can still be applied if I were to lose this bet. Isn’t that right, Consul?”

Elizabeth simply smiled in return instead of giving an answer.

The Duke of Milano remained cautious as he issued a warning.

“There is still a risk of being divided and conquered if you make the wrong move.”

“I will take all necessary precautions. If needed, I will mobilize my fleet to leverage the seaways.”

“I understand. If you are so resolute in your decision, then I will not stop you…….”

Elizabeth lightly tapped her table with her knuckles.

“We have arrived at a decision, then. I shall be taking my leave now since I must depart south as soon as possible.”


The image of Elizabeth that was being projected in the magic orb faded away until it was gone completely. The Duke of Milano’s image soon disappeared as well.

Now left alone in the meeting room, the Grand Duke of Florence clenched his fists tightly. Being forced to choose only between two options was a rationale typical of politicians. It was nothing more than rhetoric to rationalize their decisions.

In his heart, the Grand Duke of Florence was certain. Having only two options was just a delusion, and he was determined to prove this to be the case…….


TL Note: Thanks for reading the chapter. I actually didn’t have enough of the next chapter translated to be able to release it immediately a day after I posted the last chapter. Tehee. Well, here it is now. On a work-related note, that new guy who joined the EN team quit on Tuesday. Very cool of him. I don’t really know the exact reason. I think it was because of some family business. I’d say I’m disappointed, but the guy wasn’t that great… He was absolutely terrible at translating story dialogue. His sentences made almost no sense and had to always be changed. I don’t know how that’s even possible.

Welp, I’ll just pray we get another person soon… I’ll see you guys in the next chapter.

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