Dueling life in a futuristic world

(87) Dubious Convos

 Time passed painfully slowly. While both Light and the medical projection that went in after him advised me to get some rest, I couldn’t just go back to sleep without at least reading up on the news about what happened in the Station. My curiosity nagged at me until I picked up my phone from my duel disk and went to the first news page I could find on Globalnet.

 What I found were news articles filled to the brim with conspiracy theories. But between those theories were excerpts of sourced information that came directly from the Union Army. They told of a Protectorate plot to take out elite duelists as to cripple the possible recruitment pool for the Union Solid Vision Forces.

 Included in this plot was a defector: General Tychon, who, according to these Union sources, was already being investigated due to connections to the Protectorate Central Intelligence Apparatus. To support this, they showed excerpts of ‘Decrypted Communications’ between him and a Protectorate agent.

 However, based on what I know, I can confidently say that this is complete bullshit. General Tychon maintained until the very end that he was there to recruit me for the Union Army and that he was working solely for the Union. If Tychon was already using the forceful approach, why would he lie about who he worked with? Moreover, if he was genuinely working for the Protectorate, then they would’ve been daft not to try to at least offer me a deal first before going in, guns blazing.

 I know that the Union is just trying to cover their own ass with all of this. Besides, the Union will never have to punish General Tychon for his ‘Treachery’, as they found him dead next to the majority of his forces on the hotel deck…

 Reaching the casualty report, I can’t help but lean back on the hospital bed and take in a deep breath, a wide sense of dread washing over me. Hesitantly, I continue reading the article.


 According to Union investigators, this Protectorate-backed terrorist attack involved the participation of 50 infiltrators. Of these, 18 have been captured will be transported to unmarked Union POW camps following interrogation. Notably, two commanders were among those apprehended. One of the commanders, identified by the Union as Lieutenant Vanessa Hagiwara of the Union Army, has claimed to have been an unwilling participant in the attack. However, her case is currently pending trial.


 ‘So the General’s lackeys survived? Well, probably not for long. They know the Union perpetrated the attack and I’m sure they would grasp at every opportunity to leak that to save their reputations. They’re not lasting long.’

 Still, something else doesn’t add up here. There is no way there were only fifty combatants. I counted more than 50 just on that force that charged us, and there were undoubtedly more supporting them.

 Regardless of the discrepancy, I continue reading. They go on to retell the events of that day in a way that matches what Light told me, so I skim over them until I get to the part where my name gets mentioned.


 Among the NWDA students who were made to remain by Protectorate infiltrators, one notable name stands out: Yuumi Matsunaga. This 18-year-old orphan hailing from Dragoon City revealed herself as a natural Penta-Summoner two months ago and is currently the only known natural Penta-Summoner alive. It is theorized that the infiltrators considered Yuumi a priority target and that the earlier deal was a way for them to concentrate their efforts on her capture/elimination.

 During the incident, a group of 32 combatants, led by General Tychon himself, attempted to breach the hotel where the NWDA students were standing their ground. However, their efforts were thwarted by the unexpected gallantry of the 18-year-old Penta-Summoner.

 The young heroine engaged in a one-to-one duel with General Tychon, who was notorious for his exceptional dueling skills as the General of Union Solid Vision Forces. Although this duel remains undocumented, it resulted in the defeat of General Tychon, marking the end of the threat as station security contained the remaining fragments of the infiltration force.

 At the time of this article’s publishing, Yuumi Matsunaga is currently unconscious while undergoing treatment for the injuries she sustained because of this encounter. However, it is expected that she will make a full recovery.


 The article goes on with an interview with a spokesperson of the Union Army, but by this point, I’ve had enough. ‘Sure! Praise me more for being careless!’ I draw a deep breath in and try to calm myself, but my head still ends up in my hands as I look down at the sheets and whine, “They completely ignored everyone else who was there! For fuck’s sake! Why am I the only one being made out to be a hero!?”

 Done whining, I lay back on the pillow as my arms drop to the sides. Staring at the ceiling, I sigh, “I just hope they won’t try to stake me out for an interview when I finally get back… Or the army.” As soon as I say that, I remember something else. ‘Wait… Oh, fuck, I totally forgot to ask Light about the draft situation…’ “Huurrr, that’s going to be a pain…”

 Still, it isn’t like I can do anything about that stuck in bed, so I try my best to put it in the back of my mind and look back at my phone. ‘I should tell everyone I’m awake.’ From there, I open my messaging app.

 For no special reason, except that it is listed first, I open the group with Aiko, Mia, and Yasuna. There, I send a simple message.

 [{Hey girls, guess who just woke up…} Yuumi ]

 A few moments pass before I get a response.

 [{Yuumi!!!?!?!??!?! Omfg!!!!! Are you safe?!??} Mia]

 [{Holy shit, sleeping beauty is finally back. Do you know how long you were out for?} Yasuna]

 I wait for Aiko’s text, but she doesn’t send anything back. ‘She’s probably with Mia.’

 [{Yeah? Five days? I’m in hospital rn and I honestly feel like shit. But the doctors tell me I’ll be out today. How about you girls?} Yuumi]

 [{Not that bad. We got cleared, like, a day ago? Fucking interrogators n shit.} Yasuna]

 [{What? What did they want with you?} Yuumi]

 [{*Shrug* They just asked about what happened, not much. We’re in our rooms now. Think they’d let us come and visit you? Mia’s been worried sick about you all this time.} Yasuna]

 [{YASUNA!!! I told you not to say that…*embarrassed*} Mia]

 [{*Laughing* Really? You’ve been worried, sweety? Well, they would probably let you three in if I told them, but I’m getting out today. No point in coming for a visit… Unless you’re missing me that much…*wink*} Yuumi]

 [{Aikooooo come protect me! Your sister is getting bullied! *Sad*} Mia]

 [{Hey Yuumi… Stop bullying my sister pls… She’s sensitive.} Aiko]


 A light chuckle escapes my lips. ‘Good to see them joking around after all of that.’

 [{Well… I guess I will. Seriously, I just wanted to tell you girls that I’m fine for now. Let’s leave the heavier stuff for when we meet back up in person?} Yuumi]

 [{Sure, works for me. See you soon, I guess.} Yasuna]

 [{You better not be lying about getting out soon… See ya.} Mia]

 [{Same!} Aiko]

 As I look up from my phone, a sigh of relief escapes my lips. “Right, one down, one to go,” I tell myself as I open my second group chat and start typing.

 [{Hey bitches, guess who’s back from a five-day coma?} Yuumi]

 [{The biggest lesbian of us all?} Nana]

 [{The big bad bitch who took down a Union General in a 1v1?} Neko]

 [{Or just our precious little kitten who is gravely misunderstood?…*wink*} Haru]

 I look away from my phone, my face blushing up with cringe and embarrassment.

 [{… Fuck all of you sluts. How long did you have that shit planned for?} Yuumi]

 [{Since Haruna woke up, thank her.} Nana]

 [{Praise me…} Haru]

 [{*Petting* Here, here. Now, how are you three doing? Especially you Haruna…} Yuumi]

 [{*Rolling eyes* We’re fine, honestly we’ve been more worried about you… How’s your arm?} Neko]

 [{Hey! Both of you! Rule 3…} Nana]

 I narrow my eyes, shaking my head while typing.

 [{Seriously, Nana? Don’t you think that’s kind of inappropriate here? Haruna?} Yuumi]

 [{Nope, actually I was about to point it out. Now you both know the rules so the council finds you guilty of braking rule 3… Show us those fun bags!} Haru]

 I lean back on the pillow, and annoyance creeps up on me. Our chat group has a set of rules, and those who break them face appropriately naughty punishments. Rule 3 orders anyone who brings up a serious topic over text to send a picture of their bare breasts.

 I can’t help but wonder how Haruna feels about the situation. ‘She doesn’t seem too affected… Perhaps she’s trying to ignore it? I have to talk to her when I get back. Text really doesn’t work here. I can’t judge her reactions.’

 Despite my confusion, I decide to comply with my punishment and lift my shirt to strike a pose for the camera. It’s then that I notice that the hospital staff didn’t bother with a bra when they dressed me. While it might have been for their convenience, it works out well for me in this situation.


 [{Here… *attachment*} Yuumi]

 [{Sorry, Yuumi… *attachment*} Neko]

 [{*Wink* Nice tits, you two! Keep em coming.} Nana]

 [{*Stare* Absolutely… Now, when can we expect to play with those in person? *Wink*} Haru]

 [{*Sigh* 5PM or so, that’s when the doctors told me I was going to get out.} Yuumi]

 [{No chance for a visit?} Nana]

 [{I’m sure there is… But do you girls really want to come here to a hospital while I’m feeling The Worst hangover of my life?} Yuumi]

 [{Hangover sex is hot…} Nana]

 [{Rein it in Nanako… Or else I’ll have you face trial for possibly breaking rule 2…} Haru]

 [{You want a peek at my panties? You just have to ask nicely, baby…} Nana]

 [{Right, you’re clearly breaking rule 2. No need for investigation, horny jail for you.} Neko]

 [ User Nanako has been timed out for 1 hour. ]

 [{Thanks Neko, was about to do that myself… Anyway, just let us know when you’re out, okay? You’ll be staying with us like before.} Haru]

 [{I will? What kind of room did they give us this time?} Yuumi]

 [{*Angry* You won’t believe it! Another dorm room! But this one IS EVEN SMALLER! WE DON’T EVEN HAVE FULL BEDS! THEY’RE BUNKS!} Haru]

 [{And no bathtub in the bathroom either… Why can’t these people understand? It is called a “Bathroom” not a “Shower Room”! Urh! I can’t wait to get back to my room at the Academy island.} Neko]

 [{Come on, settle down girls, bunk beds are not that bad…} Yuumi]

 [{…Yuumi, I want to be there when you eventually roll into a good queen-sized bed with a memory foam mattress and silk sheets… Seriously, raise your standards, girl. God only knows how much you deserve it.} Haru]

 [{*Sigh* Alright, I get it. Let’s just leave it for now. I only wanted to pop in here to say that I’m alright.} Yuumi]

 [{And believe me when I tell you we appreciate it. We were all worried sick.} Neko]

 [{… I was about to type rule 3, but that’s sweet, so I’m letting it pass. Take care, see ya soon *Wink*} Haru]

 [{Same… See ya’ll later…} Yuumi]




 My eyes scan the room for a moment before I open the camera app and lift my shirt up again.




 [{*Attachment*, How about one more to hold you up until then? *Kiss*} Yuumi]


 [ You have been timed out for 6 hours; Reason: {Stop teasing and get some rest!!!} Naeko ]

 With a heavy smile and a light chuckle, I finally place my phone on the nightstand, letting out a deep breath of relief while doing so. My eyes hover to the white ceiling above, and I can’t help but feel a sense of serenity wash over me, knowing everyone is alright.

 “Six hours left,” I whisper to myself, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The faint hum of the machines permeates through the air as I try my best to relax.

 I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the crisp, clean sheets over me, and the faint aroma of the airborne disinfectant. The coolness of the conditioned air around the room seems to engulf my face as I lay down, providing a sense of calmness and comfort. “I can’t wait to be back,” I murmur, closing my eyes and letting out a contented sigh.

 Wow, after not writing text conversations for so long I almost forgot how hard it is to write conversation when I can't go on a 100 word tangent about how someone's eyebrow lifted slightly...

 Joke's aside, with summer up in full force, I'm changing the release windows for this novel from Friday and Sunday to Friday and Monday, the reason is quite simple: I'm finding myself busier on the weekends than on work days, and this change reflects that.

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