Dueling life in a futuristic world

(83.3 – Duel) Lucky Descent

Duel Overview


[ Draw Phase ]

 The wounded General’s eyes narrow as he stares intently at his deck of cards, his fingers hovering lightly above them. The air is thick with tension, the only sound coming from the natural wildlife of this resort. Suddenly, he turns to me, his voice booming with anger. “You too will pay for what you did to my comrades, in one way or another… DRAW!”

[ Standby Phase ]

 I furrow my brow and draw in a deep breath. “Don’t forget what they did to mine first,” I remind, my voice low and steady. “My actions today were anything but unprovoked. Your men knew the risks of charging into a line of duelists, I assume?” I glance down at my disk and declare confidently, “Either way, the result is what we see now. The effect of Destiny Hero - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer activates, bringing him back to the fight.”


 A circle of flames begins to swirl onto the battlefield, positioned between Starving Venom and Artifact Scythe. Gradually, the figure of the Destiny Hero emerges from within the flames, with his imposing wings and large tail being the final features to take shape.

[ Main Phase 1 ]

 General Tychon gazes at the card he just drew, then closes his eyes. In a hushed tone that I only catch because of my earphones, he remarks, “She certainly has all the correct answers; a given since she is that man’s daughter.” He opens his eyes again. “But those connections don’t really matter just yet.”

  After taking a moment to consider, I choose to ignore the comment. While my father may be the leader of a family notorious for its involvement in assassinations, while somehow also conducting other business publicly. I sure as hell didn’t learn how to explain myself from him.

 The General finally looks at me and announces, showing his drawn card. “From my hand, I activate the spell ‘Bond Between Teacher and Student’. Since I have a Dark Magician present on my side of the field, this card allows me to special summon ‘Dark Magician Girl’ from the deck!”


 As the General’s hand glows with a bright, pink light, the card he’s holding suddenly erupts, engulfing the entire battlefield. The light then converges, shaping itself into a feminine figure who emerges to the right of the dark magician. Despite being slightly shorter than the dark magician, she bears similar fair skin. Her bright green eyes complement her long, blond hair, which cascades down to her middle back.

 Dark Magician Girls’ outfit consists of an off-the-shoulder garment that extends to her upper thighs, ending in a pink skirt. The garment is mostly blue with pink trimmings and a few touches of yellow. On her head, she wears a pointed hat that is similar to the dark magician’s, but in blue, with pink rings and a pink spiral on one side.

 To complete her ensemble, she wears boots that reach halfway up her thighs. Her wand, which is blue, also bears a spiral design similar to the one on her hat, except it is yellow.

 Following the summoning of his Dark Magician Girl, the general makes an announcement. “My spell also allows me to set a card directly from my deck. I will take advantage of this by setting ‘Dark Magic Attack.’” After resolving his spell card, he continues, “Additionally, Dark Magician Girl has an effect that grants her 300 attack points for every Dark Magician card in the graveyard. As there are currently two Dark Magicians in the graveyard, she will gain 600 attack points, bringing her total attack power up to 2600.”


 As Dark Magician Girl stands, a purple aura descends around her. It converges on her short staff, creating a mesmerizing display of energy.

 ‘So, he whipped out DMG… Weird pick for a dark magician deck, especially since he’s not playing the other magician girl cards… Unless he’s got them in his deck and just didn’t draw them yet.’ My eyes narrow on the duel overview on my duel disk’s screen. ‘But dark magic attack is a pretty good card. He set it from the deck so he can’t use it this turn. But even if he could, it’s not like I have any back row.’

 Seeing me not respond, the general grins, revealing another card. “Now! Since I have ‘Dark Magician’ and ‘Dark Magician Girl’ on the field, I can activate this spell! ‘Dark Burning Magic!’”


 My eyes shot wide open and I reel back. “What? Since when did you have that card!?” I exclaim, my voice hurried and squeaky. “For fuck’s sake! Did you also get this far by being a lucky bastard!?”

 With a furrowed brow and a low voice, he expresses his displeasure. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t reduce all of my hard work to mere ‘luck.’” He moves his head from side to side while continuing. “Even then, I must admit that luck plays a significant role in dueling. I, for one, have faith in my deck to provide me with the cards I need to secure a win. Perhaps having some trust in your own deck would benefit you as well.”

 I immediately scoff and roll my eyes while responding to the General. “Don’t come at me with the ‘Heart of the Cards’ bullshit. I’ll have you know, General, that I build my decks with the assumption that luck won’t be on my side,” I assert confidently. My eyes narrow as I focus on the single card in my hand: Skullcrobat Joker. “Preparing for anything but the worst is a foolish exercise,” I continue. “I would be surprised if you, as an army General, didn’t know this firsthand.”


 He narrows his eyes at me and remarks. “Ha! What would you know about preparing for the worst?… Don’t answer that, I have stalled for enough time.” He looks over at his summons and declares. “‘Dark Magician’, ‘Dark Magician Girl’, go! Dark Burning Magic!”

 As his two summons hover into the air, they share a quick nod before directing their wands towards me. Suddenly, a ball of ominous energy materializes at the tips of their wands, emitting a crackling sound of dark lightning. The sphere rapidly grows in size, and the lightning spewing from it intensifies, creating a bizarre heat and an overwhelming scent of ozone in the air.

 Taking in a nervous gulp, I say. “I see… Since my monster is being destroyed anyway, I chain the effect of Destiny Hero - Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer. With his effect, I target DPE itself and ‘Dark Magical Circle’ on your side of the field. Destroying both.”


 Like last time, the flames around Phoenix Enforcer grow and intensify to dangerous levels, even to the Destiny Hero itself. Then, after getting white hot, DPE throws itself at the magical circle present close to my opponent, destroying both in a flurry of flames.

 “Now that it was destroyed, this activates the graveyard effect of DPE. Special summoning a Destiny Hero in the next standby phase.” I inform as I watch the flaming wreck close to the General disappear.


 “Are you finally done delaying the inevitable?” The General asks sardonically. “If that’s all, then prepare to bid farewell to your precious summons. Witness the power of my Dark Burning Magic!” He shouts, holding his hand out for effect.

 The massive sphere of dark energy, with an ominous black hue, finally breaks free from the control of the two magicians. It hovers in the air before soaring over to my side of the field. As it approaches, I can feel a tingling sensation on my skin and a sudden rise in temperature. The sound of crackling energy fills my ears, and I can smell a faint scent of burning sulfur. The sphere moves with purpose, heading straight for my summoned creatures.

 As the sphere lands with a thud right next to Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom, it bursts into a blinding explosion that radiates light into every nook and cranny of the surrounding park. The sheer brilliance of it overwhelms my vision, rendering me temporarily blinded. The explosion is accompanied by a deafening roar that threatens to shatter my eardrums, but the barrier around me does its job in muffling the sound. Amidst the chaos, I catch whiffs of a strange, burning smell that lingers in the air for a while. The screams of my monsters are barely audible amidst the commotion, but I can see them getting destroyed in the duel overview on my duel disk’s screen.

 When the light fades, I slowly open my eyes and gaze at the empty field in front of me. The two magicians standing beside my adversary are gazing at me, their eyes gleaming with a fierce and resolute determination.

 Without missing a beat, my opponent holds out his arm again and shouts. “Battle!”

[ Battle Phase ]

 ‘Fuck! This is bad! I have the life points to tank it, but this is going to hurt like shit!’

 “I’m sorry it had to come to this, but, as you say, you knew what you sighed up for.” He glances at his monsters and announces. “Dark Magician! Attack her directly! Black Magic Attack!”


 Dark Magician raises his staff, and dark energy begins to gather near its tip. Gradually, an orb forms, similar to the one before. However, this time, the growth stops as the sphere nears the size of the magician’s head. The dark energy seems to pulsate within the orb, ready to be unleashed at any moment. Dark Magician swings his staff with precision, and with the sound of a whooshing wind, he shoots the orb in my direction. The orb grows bigger as it hurtles towards me, crackling with energy, and I can feel the heat emanating from it, making the hairs on my arms stand up.

 I brace myself for the attack, lifting my arms up in a cross formation. The anticipation is palpable, and my heart is pounding in my chest. Suddenly, the sphere lands with a resounding thud next to me. The explosion that follows is deafening, and I feel the heat and force of it wash over me. My body is launched into the air, and I can feel the wind rushing past me as I am propelled roughly two meters away from my initial position.

 I land on my back, and right away a shooting pain floods my senses, my muscles throbbing from having absorbed the impact. “Thhhaaa!!! Shit!!!” I let out a shout before my body goes limp. Gasping for air, I try to handle the pain by taking deep breaths. “Ahhh… That… Ah… Hurt…”

 The General comments on this. “I bet it did.” However, he adds right after. “But this isn’t over just yet! Dark Magician Girl! Direct attack!”


 With her staff held high, Dark Magician Girl channels her power, gripping the weapon with both hands. A pink energy orb begins to manifest at its peak, causing her skirt to flutter in the gusts created by the pressure emanating from the spell. Despite the distraction, she remains steadfast in her concentration, much to the admiration of her master watching on from the side. The sphere grows in size, matching that of her head, and she grins with confidence at her creation. With a swift motion, she swings her staff, sending the attack hurtling towards me.

 Fixated on the orb coming right at me, I mutter. “Oh, for fuck’s sa—”

 I am interrupted by a thunderous explosion bursting mere meters away from me. While I’m already on the floor, the pressure wave still washes over me. It makes me roll while pieces of shrapnel take the chance to tear up my uniform and, subsequently, my skin, leaving a convenient trail of blood behind.

 When the dust settles, I am left on the face down on the soft floor, my arms stretched out behind me. I turn my head to the side and inhale deeply, but instead of air, I taste the metallic tang of blood mixed with saliva, making me cough. The only sound I can hear is the ringing in my ears, and as I move my arms to try to push myself up, a piercing pain shoots in my in my chest. My body aches all over, making it hard to focus. Still, with effort, I’m able to stand up, and right now that’s all that matters.

 I take a moment to examine my appearance and find that my uniform is in shambles. Tears and tatters have marred its once-pristine appearance. The yellow shirt I’m wearing is cut up in multiple places, and my skirt appears to be shorter overall, with some areas missing entirely. In addition, my black stockings have holes that reveal bloody wounds on my legs. Despite the state of my uniform, my exposed arms are in even worse shape. They are covered in minor cuts and scrapes.

 However, decency is at the bottom of my list of priorities at the moment. As I look up, I notice the General’s gaze fixed upon me, his lips pressed tightly together. I force a fake smile and begin to speak, my words stumbling out hesitantly. “Tchis—Is that… All?”

 In a neutral tone, he responds. “There’s blood coming out of your mouth.”

 With my left hand, I rub my lips, then ask. “Y-Yeah… What of it?”

 He furrows his brow, causing his eyebrows to raise, and lets out a deep sigh as he leans his face onto the surface of his left palm. The sound of his frustrated breath is audible even for me. Suddenly, he clenches his fingers into a tight fist and lets out a shout that reverberates through the park. “God dammit! Why do you also not know when to give up!!?!”

 Following a nervous laugh, I say. “I don’t know… Maybe because you give me no other option but to win this duel?”

 His eyebrows raise once more, and he shifts his gaze towards the makeshift fortifications, muttering, “I see… Your friends, right?”, he turns back to me. “ I should’ve guessed… You went through all of this effort to protect them.”

 Nodding lightly, with my eyes closed and a trace of blood running back down the corner of my mouth, I respond. “Thanks for understanding that, at least.”

 The general strokes his shin and looks down, seeming lost in thought. He then looks back up at me and suggests, “What about a draw?”

 Cocking an eyebrow, I ask. “What about the conditions?”

 He agrees with a solemn nod. “Yuumi, the Union wants you. Your friends are just a bonus. Surrender yourself and your friends are free to go as they please.”

 I pause, inhaling deeply and wincing at the sharp scent of blood filling my clogged nostrils. The throbbing pain of my many wounds pulses through my body, but I force myself to focus on the present moment. I study the General’s face, taking in the harsh lines etched into his skin and the soft look of pity in his eyes. After a moment of consideration, a grin spreads across my face despite the pain. “I’m afraid not, General,” I reply, my voice strained and hoarse.

 His face contorts with fury and bewilderment, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips twisted into a scowl. The sound of his voice rises to a crescendo as he demands, “Why not?!? Look at you! You’re a moment away from fainting and I’m giving you everything I can, Yuumi! Please! What more do you want?!”

 As I limp over to where I stood before the attack, my grin grows into a smile. “Nothing, General. I want nothing else,” I say, my voice steady despite the pain.

 He holds his arms out, demanding in a raised voice. “Then accept my terms and we can end this useless bloodshed! Is that not what you want?!”

 Still leaning down with a noticeable limp in my step, I reply. “It’s not your terms that I have a problem with.” I look up at him. “You knowingly attacked a station full of civilians and then laid siege and drew fire at a bunch of schoolgirls. Am I supposed to trust that you won’t call your cronies to capture or kill everyone who saw what you did today?” I stop to spit some blood and continue with a hoarse voice. “General, I may be many things, but naïve, I’m not. Now end you goddam’d turn and let’s end this!”

 He takes a step back, his teeth audibly grinding as he draws sharp breaths through his nose. The air is thick with tension, and the silence is interrupted only by the sound of his angry breaths. His fists clench and unclench at his sides as he glares at me like prey. “Is that so?” he says through gritted teeth. “Don’t forget that I gave you a chance to end this peacefully…” With a final, frustrated exhale, he ends his turn.

[ End Phase ]

 I look back down with closed eyes, thinking. ‘I really went and did it now… Either I win this, or I lose everything… No pressure…’

 ‘Oh, you’d lose more than everything!’ The annoying voice in my head returns. ‘Your friends would also lose everything, a shame considering what nice pieces of ass they are.’

 ‘Shut the fuck up, doubter.’ I reply in my head.

 ‘… I’m glad you’re not referring to me as “Ness” anymore, but who the hell is “doubter?”’

 ‘You,’ I reply right away, ‘Ever since I heard your voice you did nothing but relay my doubts, so you’re “doubter” now, enjoy your name.’

 ‘… You bitch…’ I hear the voice say, but I have better things to do than satisfy the voices in my head.

[ Draw Phase ]

 Looking down at my deck, I close my eyes tightly and basically pray. ‘I know I literally just shat on the heart of the cards a couple of minutes ago, but come on. Give me something…’

 As I hesitate, the General begins to mock me. “Are you having second thoughts?” he taunts. “It doesn’t matter what you get. Just draw your last pathetic card!”

 I raise my hand from my duel disk to try to stifle a laugh. Instead of air, I end up catching blood in my hand.

 The General, noticing this, scowls angrily and demands an explanation. “What’s so funny?” he snaps, his eyes darting around the room. “That you’re at the end of your rope? Is that it?”

 I hold my hand up and croak. “No… It’s just that what you said reminded me of something…” I look back at my duel disk with a hardy smile. ‘Now I have to get something good.’ In a swift motion, I draw my turn card.


 Looking at the busted card in just drew, I can’t help but blink a few times while thinking. ‘Huh… that’s literally the best card I could’ve drawn… Maybe Yugi was really onto something.’

 Sorry about ending this chapter here, but the entire duel ended up being way longer than I expected. The entire thing is almost 7000 words long so I'm cutting in two. Don't fret just yet, I'm releasing the last part tomorrow. (Yes, tomorrow, not next release window). AND BY TOMORROW I OBVIOUSLY MEANT TUESDAY!... (Sorry, as of now (17:01) I finished the second part, but it turned out way bigger than I expected, so it's going to take more time to edit and by releasing it tomorrow I can at least sleep on it.)

 This length is due to me wanting to try and write the duels in a more descriptive manner rather than the technical focus of the earlier ones, and that inflates the word count by a lot. Please tell me if you prefer duels like this, or if keeping it simpler is better for you. Personally I like this style better, but I would love to hear your opinions.

 Duel Overview:


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