Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 459

Chapter 455: God And God

In the multiverse era of infinitely high combat power, the power of mortals does seem insignificant.

Even “Captain America” Steve Rogers, who has the peak physical fitness of human beings, is an ordinary mortal in front of Oaks, who can create the gem of life and force the universe back with one shot.

But mentally, Oaks has never regarded himself as a **** above.

He is at most the leader of a large organization now, and he has the privilege to make his own decisions when it comes to urgent matters, such as the 838 universe.

But more often the Trail Blazers League still has to hold a meeting to vote.

However, Steve’s words are also true. In other words, the top leaders of the Trailblazers Alliance can still communicate with him as a human being because of their long-standing friendship and because of their relatively less exaggerated avatar contact with power.

But subconsciously in their hearts, they already regarded Oaks’ body as a higher-level creature——

Even Sol.

Now even the leaders of the various countries on earth have treated him at least at the level of the Asgardian royal family.

“Sorry, I… seem to have overlooked some identity issues.”

Oaks’ mood was a little down.

“Don’t think too much, Oakes.”

It was Carol Danvers who spoke.

As the former “Earth’s Strongest Superhero”, when she first returned to Earth, she gave others the same feeling as Oaks is now.

Powerful, even inhuman.

However, after the unified action of the “Emerald No. 1” planet of the Pioneer Alliance, Carroll also lost the mysterious aura, and was recognized by everyone as a human hero again.

From mortals to near gods to mortals.

“At the end of the day, this is also the inevitable result of responsibility.

You have to take on responsibilities that others can’t, and naturally you will look different, but Captain Rogers didn’t mean to distinguish you from us. ”

Carol looked at Steve, who was scratching his head, and pouted, and said to Oaks seriously:

“You are the pride of the earth, but it’s also time for you to pursue your dreams. The earth has the foundation you laid. If we have to find another one, wouldn’t it be too useless.”

“Yes, that’s what I meant.”

Steve quickly agreed:

“Look, you’re not too young, even Tony has children…”


Oaks was defeated in embarrassment under the babble of the centenarian and the laughter of the crowd.

But he found the same old bachelor – Sol.

Since Jane and Sol broke up, this fifteen-hundred-year-old former prodigal son, now a bachelor, has not been in contact with other women.

However, he obviously still has an obsession with Jane. It is the face of a man, especially an old man. If Jane does not take the initiative to contact him, he will never take the initiative to contact Jane.

Having spent so much time in the universe for Asgard, Thor, while not as miserable as Universe 616, is not as free-spirited either.

After all, although he is only a prince, he is also the commander of the Asgardian wars.

“You mean… God’s problem?”

Thor originally thought that Oaks was going to come to him to talk about Loki, but he did not expect to talk about Loki, but he was talking about the difference between gods and mortals that Loki told.

“There is indeed a saying, and in the universe, the gods of each **** system have their own spheres of influence, and usually they only respond to the prayers of believers within their sphere of influence.”

Sol scratched his flowing blonde hair, a little embarrassed:

“Because if the clergy overlaps, it is still possible for a stronger **** to hear the prayers of the other’s believers…

For example, the strongest thunder **** I worship, Zeus, the **** king of Olympus, he once reflected to his father that some of the prayers he heard were my believers…”


Zeus really exists, and, the strongest Thor? The strongest of all the gods of the thunder and lightning priesthood?

Should Tony’s Hercules mecha suggest that he apply for a trademark first?

“What’s the matter with the Olympus gods? Isn’t the Eternals claiming to be from Olympia, and then the prototype of the Olympus gods in human mythology?”

A portion of the Eternals left Earth in search of their brethren, and Orcs didn’t know how they were doing, but wasn’t it without Olympia?

“Well, when the Eternals were on Earth, the **** Olympus also came to Earth.

However, as the guardian of the Nine Realms, the father’s beliefs that existed before, and the local gods were nothing more than that, naturally they would not allow foreign gods like them to assign Midgard to their territory. ”

Many secret Sol has only recently learned about it, and he was also surprised at the time:

“So when the two sides were about to go to war, the Eternals who had some friendship with their father came out and proposed a compromise.

Instead of the Olympians, they spread their **** names in specific areas of the earth, but the Olympians had no dominion over the earth, and both father and Zeus agreed, and the earth mythology became like this.

After all, Zeus is famous in the name of omniscience. ”

“Uh… and this matter, it’s no wonder that Tina is a little disapproving of the name ‘Athena’, and she has to correct it every time.”

Oaks finally understood the entanglement among them. The Eternals were under great pressure in front of the two Heavenly Father-level Lord Gods, and they made a lot of effort in the spread of Greek mythology.


“What the **** is the City of Omniscience?!”

“Uh, to put it simply, the meeting place of the gods? I only recently learned that Baldur used to go there to fool around when he was young.”

Sol touched his chin, and without hesitation, betrayed his brother’s gossip:

“The most important institution there is the Council of the Gods, which is mainly used to mediate the contradictions of the major gods and make some decisions together.

When I used to sneak away, it was mainly to watch Zeus’s solo show——

He is known in the universe for his dazzling golden lightning and flamboyant appearances. ”

Sol shrugged regretfully:

“It’s just that my father disapproves of Zeus’ unrestrained style, and my mother usually doesn’t suggest that my father and Zeus, the god-king, get too close…”


Oakes smacked his lips.

Why is this different from what he imagined!

And Odin is such a decent guy, he won’t run to Earth and be the king of nightclubs, okay!

Why didn’t Frigga let Odin associate with Zeus?

Don’t you know how open Olympus is?

Frigga’s hometown of Wanaheim has Frey and her sister… the best, could she still have a good impression of Zeus, a god-king-level big stallion that is countless times more pitiful than Frey?

Among the countless gods, the most unrestricted and the most shameless **** king, actually in charge of the thunder of judgment!

The myth of Olympus on Earth is not known whether it was added by Asgard or the Eternals. Zeus’s tastes are peculiar and eccentric, but it is not wrong to him.

In case Odin and Zeus got close, what strange change happened, and Frigga couldn’t cry to death?

Oaks had countless gossip thoughts in his mind in an instant, and finally decided to ignore them.

As long as they don’t come to earth to do things, the universe is so big and they can do whatever they want.

“Then what’s my current situation? Loki said that I have faith in me, and after I returned to the universe, those ‘hearings’ became stronger and stronger. What’s going on?”

“That is indeed the believer’s ‘prayer’, but it requires extremely devout belief. You didn’t even announce the name of God… Maybe it has something to do with the origin of your ability?”

Saul thought of Oakes’ unusual point:

“Didn’t you say that you are also a cleric? There are myths in your inheritance, right?”


Oaks hadn’t thought about it at all.

The belief of mortals in Celtic mythology has been transferred to themselves because the gods themselves have long since disappeared?

No, maybe this is just an incentive. If Oaks hadn’t done something so big, it would never have triggered such a situation.

Moreover, how many extremely devout believers of Celtic mythology are there now?

His own devout disciples, Rendehui, can catch a lot of them.

“Anyway, there shouldn’t be any harm. If you’re interested, you can occasionally respond to prayers and show a miracle or something…”

Sol weighed the storm battle axe in his hand and suggested with a smile:

“You can also control Thunder, do you want me to teach you two tricks that look powerful but can only be used to bluff?”

“…that’s how you treat your followers?”

Oaks looked strange, but Sol shook his head again and again:

“Now I am sincere, except for the planet directly sheltered by Asgard, other places, even Midgard, myths are regarded as fairy tales!

There are too few mortals in the entire universe who truly believe in God and who can transmit their prayers to God. ”

“Uh… well, I’ll take care of this matter. Are you really not going to find Jane?”

Oaks hesitated for a while, but patted Sol on the shoulder:

“Her recent situation may not be very good.”


Sol was startled, his eyes widened:

“Jane what happened to her?”

“She has cancer.”

Oaks sighed, he just got the news from the clone.

It was Dr. Selvig who found him and said this. They tried all the methods, but they couldn’t do anything about Jane’s condition. They could only find Oaks here.

After the examination of Ox’s clone, Jane Foster’s body tissue was cancerous due to the previous invasion of ether particles, that is, reality gems~www.readwn.com~ If it wasn’t for Ox’s life magic to supplement her aether particles The life force absorbed, Jane should have died of the disease even five years ago.

But what makes Oakes’ clone a little embarrassing is that this disease is really not something he can easily cure.

Because of cancer, the stronger the vitality, the stronger the cancer cells.

It is not difficult to completely eliminate cancer cells, but it is difficult to be related to the reality gem.

Similar to the relationship between Wanda and the Mind Stone, there are also particles of the Reality Stone left in the simplified version.

Without resolving this matter, Jane will not be able to recover completely.

Therefore, the ontology of Oaks must be able to solve this matter.

Oakes didn’t mind giving Sol the old bachelor a chance, though.

Who told him to be a forceful, savior of love?

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