Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 162 - strange man

Inside the room, Tao Tao and Song Zhi were also preparing to go to bed.

Tao Tao said to Song Zhi, “It looks like Fang Ying is here for you!”

Song Zhi was stunned.

His face instantly turned ashen.

——Fang Ying is a woman with a husband, and her husband is his colleague! She actually gave birth to such a dirty mind? This is too disgusting, isn’t it?

Taotao saw Song zhi’s expression and knew what he was thinking!

She pursed her lips and smiled, “You misunderstood, people don’t like you.”

Song Zhi was stunned again.

Tao Tao thought for a while and said, “It should be said that Fang Ying is here for me, she is jealous of me, this is the reason. But she chose to attack you… this is the result.”

Then she analyzed the questions Fang Ying asked her in the evening to Song Zhi.

Song Zhizhi frowned.

Tao Tao continued: “Look, all the questions she asked about me were related to family background, property, and education. In other words, she was suspicious of me, didn’t believe that I could pass the qualification examination for worker, peasant, and soldier student, and felt that Did I become a researcher because of nepotism…”

“And she has been asking me about you, all of which are related to your work… Maybe she is wondering if I rely on you to open the back door so that I can go to the Agricultural University and take the postgraduate entrance examination.”

Song Zhi understood, “She thinks that if she hits me, she can hit you. So she is looking for evidence that I opened the back door for you and various units.”

Tao Tao nodded.

But Song Zhi still found it unbelievable, “But how is she going to attack me? Wouldn’t it be better for her to ask Liu Xiaoxuan directly for the questions she asked you about me?”

Taotao shook her head, “It’s impossible for her to ask Liu Xiaoxuan about you, their relationship between husband and wife is not good, you are the same year as Liu Xiaoxuan, but your level, title and salary are higher than Liu Xiaoxuan, she asked Liu Xiaoxuan to ask about you, It will only make Liu Xiaoxuan angry… Now there are no other family members in the satellite city, she can’t inquire at all, so she can only come to me and ask you about you, and she can only ask side by side.”

Song Zhi suddenly realized.

After a pause, she squinted at Song Zhi again, “You usually don’t have any clues at work or in the unit, right?”

Song Zhi stared at Tao Tao with a pair of dark eyes.

Taotao giggled, “I don’t care about her, I’ll give her a show tonight, and I’ll set her words well tomorrow.”

Song Zhi was a little worried, “You let her sleep outside, in case she gets into a quarrel… I’m afraid we won’t be able to sleep all night.”

Taotao, “No, Dahuang Dahei won’t let her cry. They are much better than her.”

Later, as Taotao said, Fang Ying spent the night outside, quietly, refusing to say a word.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Tang Liren got up.

Usually she is not so early.

Just thinking that Fang Ying was still outside, she was really afraid that something would happen, so she gently opened the door to see—

Fang Ying was tightly wrapped in the quilt and fell asleep on the straw mat against the wall.

Da Huang and Da Hei were lying on the opposite side of Fang Ying, in their den, when they heard Tang Liren open the door, a dog raised his head and gave Tang Liren a sleepy look, then lay down again; the other The dog was too lazy to move, and wagged its tail.

Seeing that Fang Ying was fine, Tang Liren felt relieved, opened the door and opened the window wide, and then began to do hygiene and housework.

Some villagers picked up water and brought it to Taotao.

——This was arranged by Jiang Hongzhi. Taotao had little strength and could not carry water, so he let the men in the village take turns going back and forth twice a day to help Taotao fill the water tank.

Tang Liren thanked the people loudly.

Fang Ying finally woke up.

She got up quickly.

Tang Liren had already gotten through with Taotao, so she was very polite to Fang Ying, and she didn’t make things difficult for her yesterday.

Fang Ying washed up, then had breakfast.

Tang Liren’s breakfast was hand-rolled noodle soup with tomato and egg flowers. Except for the bowl of peach peach, which was poured into the chicken soup that was simmered with cold water last night, everyone else’s noodle soup was exactly the same.

Fang Ying was inexplicably relieved.

Tang Liren asked her kindly, “How was it last night?”

Fang Ying was stunned.

She held the bowl silently and said nothing.

Of course she didn’t sleep well yesterday.

– She slept in the open air, with two dogs on the opposite side. Those two dogs have been busy all night! At the beginning, Fang Ying didn’t know what was going on, because there were no lights, and it was pitch black everywhere. She could only hear the two dogs jumping around like crazy, they kept going. He gasped for breath, and barked in a low voice…

It wasn’t until later, when Fang Ying heard the sound of chewing and swallowing, that she understood that the two dogs were hunting for food less than five meters away from her!

Fang Ying just felt creepy!

She is in the yard with the dogs, why are the dogs eating?

what are they eating?

Yes, is it the voles? Or a snake? ? ?


She also has voles and snakes around her?

Fang Ying was too frightened to move.

She wanted to call for help.

But before the word “save” could be shouted out, the two fierce dogs gave her a whining warning!

She wanted to pat the door for help, and begged Bai Taotao to let her into the office, even if she built a floor in the office… it would be better than here!

But as soon as she moved, the two furious dogs barked at her again.

In the end, Fang Ying didn’t dare to move or call for help all night, so she wrapped herself tightly with a quilt, and cried silently until the middle of the night before falling asleep.

When she woke up this morning, she also saw the two dogs lazily falling asleep in their den on the opposite side!

Their belly is round and they don’t know how much they have eaten!

As for what did they eat?

At night, Fang Ying didn’t know, but in the morning when Tang Liren came to clean the yard… Fang Ying saw it.

——The two dogs are well trained. After catching live animals at night and eating them, they will pile up all the bones and things they can’t eat by the door.

When the master gets up in the morning, he will sweep away the remains of the bones with a broom and a dustpan.

So Fang Ying could see clearly! Those two dogs ate at least a dozen voles! Because the head of the voles by the door, the claws without meat, etc. piled up into a hill!

There’s even some blood!

After Tang Liren finished sweeping the floor, she splashed a basin of water there and used a broom to wash off the blood on the floor!

Fang Ying stayed with the dogs last night.

Oh no.

The dogs stayed across from her…

But there is no barrier between the two sites. What if there are voles, snakes, etc… that jump to the site where she sleeps?

At once……

very scary.

Now Tang Liren uses such a gentle tone to ask Fang Ying if she slept well last night?

Fang Ying wanted to cry, but she didn’t dare.

What she didn’t know was that she slept in the game room where Xiao Feibai and Niuniu were playing last night. Of course, Tao Tao does not allow snakes and voles to appear in the place where his son is playing, so under the grass mat, a thick layer of dried rat repellent is spread, and a circle named “” Elderberry” plants are all rodent-repellent.

Of course, in order to repel snakes, Taotao also planted the plant “Snake Exterminator” in the entire yard.

The name Snake Miemen sounds scary, but it is actually a very cute plant, with bright and delicate yellow flowers, exuding an elegant fragrance, and it is very beautiful.

But snakes just hate this smell and won’t get close easily.

However, Snake Slayer can block all kinds of snakes, but it can’t block the overwhelming voles. After all, Taotao’s warehouse has a lot of food.

There are always courageous voles who want to escape and steal the food in the warehouse. Last night, the dogs found a hole that had just been dug out by the voles. Can’t move.

Tang Liren was very satisfied when she saw Fang Ying’s cowardly appearance, took a mouthful of noodles, and asked, “I don’t know if your lover will come and pick you up today.”

Taking another sip of the noodle soup, “…what if he doesn’t come?”

Saying that, Tang Liren smiled and looked at Fang Ying, “It’s okay, if he doesn’t come to pick you up today, you’ll stay here for one more night!”

Fang Ying was taken aback, the delicious and hot tomato and egg noodle soup was no longer fragrant.

She looked at Tang Liren blankly, and said quickly, “Yes, if Liu Xiaoxuan is not available, then I will… go back by myself! He is also very busy with work…”

Tang Liren, “Who told him not to come to pick you up, don’t feel sorry for your daughter-in-law! Fang Ying, listen to your aunt, if he doesn’t come to pick you up, don’t leave! It’s delicious to live here anyway, completely No worse than staying in his unit, right?”

Fang Ying wanted to cry again, “No, no… He’s a man, his work is important, I, I still can’t bother him too much. If my aunt doesn’t have time to pick me up today, then I’ll… go back by myself! “


Tang Liren laughed secretly in her heart, but she shouted: “This stinky man who doesn’t care about his daughter-in-law, we have to take good care of him!”

Fang Ying couldn’t express her bitterness, she ate a large bowl of tomato and egg noodle soup with tears in her eyes… not even a drop of soup was left.

After breakfast, Taotao called Fang Ying in the room.

Fang Ying leaned over.

Tao Tao’s Fang Ying is also very enthusiastic. She doesn’t have the embarrassment of yesterday. She asked Fang Ying a series of questions. Do you like rice or noodles in your hometown…

I have to say that Taotao is too beautiful, as long as she doesn’t embarrass others and her tone is gentle and kind…

In addition, Fang Ying was too scared to sleep in the first half of the night last night, but fell asleep in the second half of the night but was woken up by Tang Liren early in the morning. She didn’t get enough sleep, and her emotions were easily led away by Taotao.

In the morning, Taotao had a rough idea of ​​Fang Ying’s family situation.

Of course, Fang Ying came to her senses later, and grabbed Taotao and asked a few questions… about Song Zhi.

Most of the questions she asked were about Song Zhi’s work, and she was very stubborn to ask clearly what Song Zhi was in charge of in the satellite city.

Tao Tao thought it was a little funny.

Song Zhi is a very famous person in the industry. After all, in this era, doctors in their early thirties are really rare.

Fang Ying didn’t know what Song Zhi was doing?

Taotao pondered for a moment and said, “I heard that his department is dedicated to tossing solar energy?”

——As it happens, Taotao and Song Zhi have been discussing the issue of clean energy these days. Mainly because the Great Northwest is too suitable for wind and solar energy.

So take it out and sell it now.

Fang Ying quickly asked, “What is solar energy?”

Taotao, “To start a satellite in the sky, it must have energy… that is electricity! But we can’t let the satellite carry a battery, right? If the battery runs out, who will replace it? So the satellite has two big wings, that is, the solar battery. Board. Just bask in the sun, it can be converted into power!”

Fang Ying’s eyes widened, “So advanced! No need to burn coal? You can get electricity just by basking in the sun!”

“Yes, it is!”

Fang Ying didn’t speak for a long time.

Tao Tao looked at her carefully.

After a while, Fang Ying came back to her senses and asked Tao Tao again, “What about you? What are you growing in your greenhouse? What are you studying?”

Of course, Tao Tao would not tell Fang Ying about her core projects.

So she smiled and said, “I’m a tree planter! The country thinks that the Northwest is too desolate! It’s a pity that such a large piece of land is so desolate, so I was sent here to plant trees.”

Fang Ying looked at Tao Tao suspiciously, “You’re so thin… can you plant trees?”

Tao Tao’s expression gradually became more serious.

“Did you suffer from poverty when you were young?” she asked Fang Ying.

Fang Ying hesitated for a moment, “I was born in 1950, how could I have never suffered from poverty! When I was eating when I was a child, a few grains of rice fell off the table, and my grandmother would scold people, she insisted that we pick it up and eat it. …”

Taotao, “People all over the country are starving! Residents in cities may be better, and the situation in individual villages may be better. But the basic situation is not optimistic. Therefore, the country wants to open up green areas and put wasteland such as the Great Northwest. Turn it into fertile land and grow food crops suitable for growing here, so that the people of the whole country will no longer go hungry.”

Fang Ying was silent.

After a while, she smiled again, “Then your allowance and bonus must be very high, right?”

Tao Tao glanced at Fang Ying.

Fang Ying, “It is said that your family’s economic conditions should be good. If you stay in your hometown or teach in Kyoto, the conditions are much better than staying here. If the allowances and bonuses are too small, you will not come… Yes Bar?”

Tao Tao smiled but said nothing.

Fang Ying asked again, “Hey, how much are your allowances and bonuses?”

Taotao told the truth, “Is there a subsidy, 20 catties of flour a month, plus a living allowance of 10 yuan, and then there is a project allowance of 5 yuan a month, and there is no bonus.”

——These days, agricultural scientific research workers are so poor. Therefore, Deng Gaoyun and the others are desperately trying to participate in multiple projects. If they participate in one project, they can receive at least a monthly allowance of five yuan, so that they can live on.

Tao Tao is not bad, that is, she has been trapped here for the past two years because of the birth of a child. As long as she returns to Beijing to participate in the teaching of Agricultural University, she will earn some additional income in terms of class hours, which is better than Deng Gaoyun and the others.

However, when Deng Gaoyun graduates and becomes an official employee of the Agricultural Research Institute, he can start evaluating professional titles, and earn wages based on professional titles.

The day is still very busy.

It’s just that I can’t explain what a “dream” is to someone like Fang Ying.

No matter what.

Fang Ying obviously didn’t believe it, “Then you only have 15 yuan and 20 catties of flour a month?”

Peach peach jaw head.

Fang Ying gradually became arrogant again, “Then you still wear a Shanghai brand watch? Can you wear a woolen coat and leather shoes when you go out in winter?”

I haven’t waited for Tao Tao to answer–

Fang Ying justified it and said, “Oh, I see! Your family Song Zhi’s salary seems to be quite high. I heard that he has more than 70 yuan a month? Well, if you are the only one who spends it, it is enough. But now you have two children! Tsk tsk…”

Speaking of which, Fang Ying regained her sense of superiority.

Tao Tao was speechless.

——Song Zhi’s monthly salary in the satellite city is 137 yuan. Moreover, he is still an honorary professor of the University of Technology and the University of Aeronautics, and even participated in the compilation of teaching materials. He also has teaching assignments in both schools. Just waiting for him to overcome the technical problems here, he will also return to Beijing to teach, so that he can choose the students he likes and really form his own scientific research team.

With the addition of several salaries and allowances, Song Zhi earned at least 300 yuan a month.

I don’t know where Fang Ying found out that Song Zhi’s salary was only 70 yuan a month.

However, Taotao didn’t want to continue talking to Fang Ying anymore.

“Oh Fang Ying, your dark circles are so serious! You can use Xie Fuchun’s duck egg powder to cover it up… Do you have any?” Taotao asked.

Fang Ying: …

“Duck egg powder?” Fang Ying asked suspiciously, “Who is Xie Fuchun?”

Tao Tao was startled, then laughed, “It’s nothing, nothing…”

Xie Fuchun is a century-old cosmetics production unit, which is now incorporated as a state-owned factory. All kinds of cosmetics produced are counted by the number of pieces, and each variety does not exceed 1,000 sets.

Xing Xing is the wife of the minister and occasionally needs to accompany her husband to socialize, so she gets a set of cosmetics every year. She will keep the suitable ones, and if she doesn’t like the unsuitable ones, she will distribute them to her family’s sister-in-law and sisters.

Tao Tao got a box of duck egg powder and an eyebrow pencil last year.

Duck egg powder has nothing to do with duck eggs. It is actually a box of powder cakes. It is jokingly called duck egg powder only because the box is oval like a duck egg.

After listening to Tao Tao’s words, Fang Ying became more and more suspicious.

However, no matter how she asked, Taotao would never talk about this duck egg powder again.

After a while, Liu Xiaoxuan arrived in a hurry.

He was obviously more sophisticated, and instead of empty-handed, he came with two bottles of Shaoxing rice wine.

Liu Xiaoxuan put the wine in Song zhi, and he first exchanged a few words with Song zhi, greeted Taotao and the newborn, and then blushed, and said to Song zhi—

“Song Gong, I’m really sorry! My sister-in-law Fang Ying ran away to cause trouble for your family just after giving birth… I’m so sorry, I’ll take her away…”

Then she called out Fang Ying’s name.

Fang Ying came out of the back room and saw Song Zhi holding the bottle of yellow wine brought by Liu Xiaoxuan, her expression changed instantly, “Liu Xiaoxuan, do you want to die! Do you know how much those two bottles of yellow wine are worth? I brought it from my hometown!”

——To be precise, it was her mother-in-law who asked her to bring it, saying that it was for the young couple to recuperate their bodies so that they could raise another child.

But Fang Ying had other thoughts.

She has been reluctant to eat these two bottles of yellow wine, also because she knows that yellow wine is rare. She wanted to bring back these two bottles of wine when she returned to her parents’ house. Anyway, she had something she could get her hands on.

So Fang Ying rushed towards Song Zhi, trying to get the yellow wine back.

Liu Xiaoxuan grabbed her in time and shouted into the room, “Sister Song! I’m Liu Xiaoxuan, I’m here to pick up Fang Ying… Thank you for taking care of her yesterday! Now that you need to take good care of your body, I won’t bother you. You’re up, we’ll come back to visit you when you’re out of confinement…”

Then he grabbed Fang Ying and left.

Fang Ying was about to die of anger, “Liu Xiaoxuan, you are ill! You gave those two bottles of rice wine to someone… Have you asked my opinion? You say you are an intellectual all day long, then you have respected it. me?”

Liu Xiaoxuan was even more angry.

At this time, he had already pulled her out of the research station angrily, and simply let go—

Fang Ying was pulled by inertia and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the scientific research station was built on a hillside, with a flat and dense grass in front of it. Although Fang Ying fell to the ground, she was not injured.

She patted her pants and stood up again.

Liu Xiaoxuan glared at her, “Then you came to my colleague’s house without saying a word, have you respected me? Have you ever considered that Song Zhi’s wife has just given birth to a child, and the family needs to recuperate, so it’s not suitable to spend energy to see guest!”

Fang Ying disapproved, “I don’t think she’s doing well!”

Liu Xiaoxuan took a deep breath.

He doesn’t want to quarrel with her here, it’s not good-looking.

“Let’s go, go back and talk!” Liu Xiaoxuan walked towards the lake.

Fang Ying chased after him. After thinking about it, she asked him, “Hey Liu Xiaoxuan, what is Xie Fuchun’s duck egg powder…?”

Liu Xiaoxuan was stunned for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at her, “What, what do you want to do?”

His fierce attitude made Fang Ying even more puzzled.

“I’m just asking, why are you so excited?” Fang Ying muttered.

Liu Xiaoxuan took a deep breath again and tried to calm down, “Don’t ask if you ask… Even if you ask, you can’t afford it!”

Fang Ying was stunned.

Liu Xiaoxuan has gone far.

Fang Ying chased after her, “How much? Liu Xiaoxuan! How much does it cost you to talk? I’ll ask if I don’t buy it…”

Liu Xiaoxuan was so upset by her that he had to say: “The original price should not be expensive. But I heard that the factory only makes 1,000 sets a year, and if it is sold or resold in private, one hundred yuan can’t buy the same!”


Fang Ying took a deep breath.

——So Bai Taotao has this duck egg powder in his hand?

Fang Ying, “That duck egg powder is made of… duck egg shells? What’s the use? Covers dark circles?”

Liu Xiaoxuan glanced back at her again, with a strange expression, “How do I know what that is? But it should have nothing to do with duck eggs, it’s an oval box like a duck egg… During the New Year, when the family members of the unit performed, Mrs. Song didn’t Does her duck egg powder come out to wipe the face of a lesbian?”

“It should be used for makeup… I also heard the fuss from lesbians, and then I knew it was called duck egg powder. Who told you to take Joe and refuse to get along with everyone? Even I know that duck egg powder is for makeup. , you don’t know!”

Fang Ying blushed and asked again, “Then…why does Bai Taotao have something so expensive? How can she afford it?”

Liu Xiaoxuan’s face became gloomy. What he hated the most was that she was always compared with others, and he was compared with others, but she could never see herself clearly.

“She has it, you must have it too?” Liu Xiaoxuan asked, “Then why did she graduate with a master’s degree at such a young age, didn’t you?”

Fang Ying was stunned.

After a long while, she stomped her feet fiercely, “Liu Xiaoxuan, what do you mean!”

Liu Xiaoxuan didn’t even care about her, and walked away in big strides.

Fang Ying pursed her lips and chased after him.

In the following days, Fang Ying never came to the oasis again, and Tao Tao’s life became calmer.

At the end of August, Taotao gave birth.

Zhou Chunni enthusiastically invited the villagers to put a full moon wine for Xiao Chimo.

The enthusiasm of the villagers made Tang Liren feel a little overwhelmed. But it is precisely because of their enthusiasm that Tang Liren also has a good impression of this barren and poor place.

At the end of September, Oasis ushered in the harvest season of the second season of potatoes, and the villagers are even more grateful and respectful to Taotao!

——Nothing else, just because in the past, the oasis could only sow a season of potatoes every spring, and harvest it in May and June that year, that’s all.

So Taotao taught the villagers to go to the duck pond to sweep the duck manure, add water and evenly sprinkle it on the land where the grain had been harvested. Sprinkle some water.

According to Taotao, this is in the retting field: in the next year, these fields composted with duck manure will produce even more potatoes!

At the same time, Taotao did not forget to let them continue to open up wasteland.

At the beginning of the year, it was the busiest time for the first production team of Lingxi Oasis. At that time, the men had to plant trees, turn over the ground to plant potatoes, and open up wasteland. The women are building greenhouses, duck ponds and fish ponds. They also go to the oasis and burn the dead grass picked up in the oasis into ash, sprinkle them on the reclaimed wasteland, and bring straw mats on them. shower…

In June, following Taotao’s arrangement, they removed the straw mats covering the newly cultivated wasteland, revealing the fertile and moist soil, and planted another wave of potatoes.

And because potatoes don’t like heat, Taotao taught them to grow potatoes together with other crops.

Plant a row of potatoes, plant a row of green onions; plant a row of potatoes, plant a row of cotton; plant a row of potatoes, then a row of corn…

Other crops are not many, but can grow very tall. Once it grows tall, it quickly blocks the sun’s rays for the potatoes! In this way, sun-loving plants get sunlight, and shade-loving plants can grow safely.

By the end of September, most of the crops planted on the newly reclaimed wasteland had been harvested!

The villagers were so excited!

You know, they shoulder the task of planting trees assigned by the state, and at the same time they also plant food to support themselves.

They have been very tired and hard. Except for the three months when the road was blocked by heavy snow, they had to work almost every day and never had a day off. The reward that can be obtained is just… potatoes that are not full at all.

For them, this year is the most tiring year. Both men and women, they all hurried out the door with their farm tools at dawn, and they were busy until dark before returning home.

Everyone laughed and joked, saying that this year, men and women are so busy that they don’t even have time to sleep. No wonder there are no new pregnant women…

But this year is the most happiest year for them.

Potatoes have been harvested for two seasons in a row!

Even in the newly cultivated wasteland, the output of potatoes is not too much, but at least one thing is certain: I can eat enough this year!


There are many other crops available this year!

Onions, cotton, corn needless to say…

Don’t look at the small greenhouse, the various fruits and vegetables that can be produced have already made the whole village taste the fresh and sweet taste! Coupled with the duck eggs distributed over the duck pond, the ducks will be distributed soon at the end of the year, and one person can also be divided into two according to the head count!


Such a good life…

In the mouth of Comrade Bai of the scientific research station, the original words were: “Folks, this is not a good day, this is just the beginning! Our life will get better and better in the future!”

Why not make people emotional!

The excitement of the villagers also affected Tang Liren.

But after taking care of Taotao for three months, it was time for Tang Liren to leave.

Tang Li and Tao Tao sighed, “When I first came, I really didn’t like your place, I felt too poor and too bitter! We used to suffer in Ruyi Village, but the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the land is fertile… What is it! But look here, the oasis is a little better, but if you take a step outside and find a grass on the ground…you will be happy for a long time!”

“But now, seeing you directing them and planting so much food, oh my heart… I’m really happier than them! Okay, peach, Mom won’t talk about you anymore, you’re willing to stay here Teach them to farm here, then stay!” Tang Liren said.

Taotao said seriously: “Mom, you have to write down what this place looks like… Remember it firmly. Come back in a few years. I promise, this place will be the same every year! You don’t recognize it at all!”

Tang Liren rolled her eyes and discussed with Taotao, “Then you and Song Zhi can do construction here! I’ll take the two children back?”

Tao Tao frowned.

Tang Liren persuaded, “Feibai is already three years old. When I go back, I will send him to kindergarten. In a few years, he should go to primary school!”

Tao Tao, “I will build a school here and let him go to school here.”

Tang Liren: …

When it comes to this, it will always turn into a quarrel between mother and daughter.

So Tang Liren braked in time, and Tao Tao stopped talking. After all, Tang Liren will be leaving in a few days, so why bother at this juncture.

In the next month, it was mid-October, and it was time for Tang Liren to leave.

This time, Zhou Xiaoni also went back with Tang Liren. Zhou Chunni couldn’t bear her sister and wanted to send her to the county town together. Zhou Chunni’s children were also reluctant to give up their aunt, and they all shouted to send…

Zhou Chunni thought that the autumn harvest is now over, and the weather has cooled down. Maybe this year will be similar to last year. If there is a small cold wave in advance, it will not only block traffic, but also cause prices to rise. Ni went to the city, and by the way, bought all the winter clothes that should be purchased at home!

So Song Zhi and Jiang Hongzhi discussed it and decided to go to the city together!

In this way, on a sunny day, the two families got into an empty truck that Song Zhi contacted after transporting the supplies and was about to return to the city, and hurried to the county seat in the bucket.

When you arrive at the county seat, you must first find a place to live.

Because Song Zhi had made an appointment for the return bus to wait at the State-run Hotel at the Railway Station at 12 noon tomorrow.

But Jiang Hongzhi thought it was too expensive to live in a hostel, so he asked people all the way, and finally found a local near the train station who was willing to rent a house temporarily, and spent two yuan to rent two houses, one in his house and one in Songzhi’s house. between.

After putting down her luggage, Tang Liren asked to go to the photo studio to take pictures.

So the two families went to the photo studio together to take pictures one by one. Tang Liren also specifically explained that she wanted a group photo of Xiao Feibai and Xiao Chimo, as well as a single photo of their brother.

Even Taotao and Song Zhi also took a lot of photos.

After taking the photos, Song Zhi took everyone to a state-run restaurant for dinner. After eating, everyone went to the black market next to the train station to go shopping, ready to buy souvenirs for Tang Li and Zhou Xiaoni to take back to their hometown.

When you buy a big bag and a small bag full of hands, it’s time to separate.

Everyone was red-eyed.

Here, Tang Liren explained to Tao Tao with tears in her eyes, “The sky is big and the earth is the greatest health! You must take care of yourself first. Only when your body is healthy can you take care of the family… Work is very important, and so are children. It’s important. If you can’t bring two dolls one day, don’t hold back and send the dolls to your hometown… The family will always be your support!”

Then she explained to Song zhi, “…I feel at ease with you, I also know that you have peach in your heart, you are good to her, but you, the biggest problem is that you treat yourself as a robot. You still You are young, you don’t care about staying up late, you don’t care about physical exhaustion… But you always have an old day! Don’t you hope that when you get old, you can’t move in bed when you are sick, causing a burden to Tao Tao? If you don’t want to, take good care of yourself body, you know?”

Song Zhi’s eyes were red and he nodded with tears in his eyes.

Tang Liren hugged Xiao Feibai again, choked up and said, “Grandma’s baby, your father has been away from you and your mother for a long time, so you must take good care of your mother and your brother! You must learn to write letters quickly, to Grandma writes a letter… When you want to eat, what you want, when you are happy or unhappy, you can write to grandma… When your brother is a little older, your mother will be able to take you back to grandma’s house. Then you can play with Brother Douzi and the others, okay?”

Xiao Feibai nodded again and again, “Don’t worry, grandma! I will protect my mother!”

On the other side, Zhou Chunni was also saying goodbye to Xiao Ni in tears.

Jiang Hongzhi took the time to go to the hawker next to him to buy ten meat buns, also known as two jins of fried melon seeds, cut a piece of sugar cane, tied it with a large cloth, and carried it heavily in his hand, letting Tang Liren Take it with Xiaoni and eat it in the car.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Song Zhi and Zhou Chunni carried large and small bags and sent Tang Liren and Zhou Xiaoni to the train station. Taotao and Jiang Hongzhi waited outside with the children.

About half an hour later, Song Zhi and Zhou Chunni came out.

Tao Tao asked Song Zhi, “Is the train leaving?”

Song Zhi nodded.

Tao Tao couldn’t help but snorted.

Zhou Chunni burst into tears, “Peach, we… don’t know when we can go back to our hometown to see!”

As soon as she cried, her children gathered around, holding the corners of her clothes, and mother and mother shouted.

Jiang Hongzhi held the youngest in his arms and persuaded her clumsily: “In another two years…when the army is bigger, we will go back to our hometown to see together during the Chinese New Year.”

Zhou Chunni cried and nodded.

On this side, Song Zhi also took Xiao Chimo from Tao Tao’s arms and said to Tao Tao, “Take the straps out and let me carry him… in front of me.”

Taotao took out the straps and tied Xiao Chimo to Song zhi’s arms. Song zhi carried a basket behind him, squatted on the ground, and asked Taotao to pick up Xiao Feibai and put it in the bag he was carrying. in the backpack.

Next, he held Taotao and asked Jiang Hongzhi, “Let’s go shopping, are you together?”

Jiang Hongzhi and Zhou Chunni nodded at the same time.

Zhou Chunni smiled bitterly, “I’m not afraid of your jokes, I’ve been in Lingxi for eight years, and this is the first time I’ve entered the city! Where to buy things, how much they cost… I don’t know at all! So Song Zhi, Tao Tao, our family But it’s all up to you! Even if you sell our family, I’m afraid we’ll be happy…”

Tao Tao wiped away her tears, “Sell your home? That’s a good idea! Six people, six dollars!”

Zhou Chunni scolded: “I can go to you! There are six people in our family, which together weigh several hundred kilograms! You only sell it for six yuan?”

Tao Tao laughed.

Therefore, Jiang Hongzhi also followed Song Zhi’s example, tying his youngest son in his arms, carrying a backpack on his back, and putting his third son in the backpack; Zhou Chunni held his eldest daughter with one hand and his second son with the other…

The two went to the market together.

It is said that here in Lingxi, the first snow of the year will fall in mid-November. Once it snows, the road will be blocked by heavy snow, and the entire county will come to a standstill.

Winter is coming.

But last year’s first snow fell at the end of October.

So, no one knows when the first snow of the year will come.

The market is very lively, selling everything!

In the past, Jiang Hongzhi did not dare to come to the county to buy things.

This year, he dared because he became Tao Tao’s assistant and worked hard to take care of the greenhouse for a whole year. From October last year to now, I have received 60 yuan for the whole thing.

This year, the food at home is enough to feed the whole family, so Jiang Hongzhi and Zhou Chunni came to the city, and the main idea was to buy cotton-padded clothes for the family of six!

Taotao listened and gave them advice, “Don’t buy ready-to-wear! It’s too expensive to buy ready-to-wear, it costs 20 yuan a piece! It’s better to buy cotton and cotton-padded clothes and make them yourself! Just keep warm! The other thing is

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