Dreamland Guide

Chapter 15 - After death

   Bishenghua and Xiaoqi both heard their hairs stand up.

   Especially Mo Yu is standing in front of a gray mirror and talking, and the light in Aoki’s studio is too dim. It was almost twelve o’clock, and they worried that something strange would also appear in that mirror.

   It’s time to change some bright light bulbs for him. As a landlord’s lifetime flower thinks so.

   “What happened later?” Xiao Qi asked Mo Yu with concern.


I’m scared. Mo Yu said.

   I think my voice should be audible throughout the building. But the strange thing is that none of my roommates seem to know, only Li Qian rushed in.

   Li Qian hugged me and comforted me softly, helped me back to bed, coaxed me to sleep, and comforted me that ghosts are only my own soul, and told me not to be afraid.

  Li Qian is my roommate. She is actually more superstitious than I am. Not only is she obsessed with looking in the mirror, but more importantly, she is obsessed with the person Situ. As long as Situ said, Li Qian would be like a decree, and could not tolerate others to say no. She often said that she was destined to be Situ’s person in her life, no matter how many women Situ was out there, she was willing to be with Situ.

   For the convenience of meeting Situ, she also rented a house outside. In fact, we all know that Situ doesn’t like her at all, and has never been to where she lives. It’s just that everyone is sisters, not to mention breaking.

   That day, she happened to come to see us in the bedroom. She stayed with me all night. The next day she said that Situ had returned to MIT and her house was very empty. She told us to move over and live with her.

  The little sisters all moved in one after another. I didn’t move because I was about to take the final exam.

   In those few days, I was left alone in the dormitory, and Li Qian sometimes came over to accompany me. She looked at my soullessness and said that 80% of me had lost my soul in the mirror.

   After the final exam, Li Qian came to me and said that she called Situ and knew how to get the soul back.

   I remember that summer vacation, which was Sunday, I followed her to where she lived.

  The other sisters are not there, she said they have all gone out part-time.

   There are two mirrors that are as tall as a person in her room, like two doors, hinged together and can be folded.

   At twelve o’clock, she opened the two mirrors and turned them into a large square mirror.

   She asked me to stand in front of the mirror. I saw myself in the mirror, split in half by the seam of two mirrors.

   I looked into my eyes, imagining that the biological wave emitted from my body was reflected by the mirror, and then reflected by my pupils, oscillating back and forth between me and the mirror.

  Slowly, I felt that the air between me and the mirror became a bit dignified, as if there was some substance.

   Li Qian said that my soul has been formed. She began to slowly turn one of the mirrors to form an angle with the other mirror.

   She told me not to move, saying that when the two mirrors were closed, my soul would be captured and “I” could be returned to me.

   I thought, what should I do when the two mirrors are closed? Unless I am also locked in the mirror, how can my soul return to me?

   But I was quickly attracted by myself in the mirror and forgot to ask questions.

   When the mirror was turned to form an angle, I saw two myself in the mirror, one in each of the left and right mirrors.

   I stood there and didn’t move at all, but the “I” in the two mirrors was slowly moving.

   When the angle between the mirrors was close to 90 degrees, I saw the third “I”.

I know this is the principle of plane mirror imaging that I learned in junior high school physics, but I still find it amazing, especially when the third “I” drills out of the gap between the mirrors little by little, it seems to be restoring The process of the formation of a person’s soul.

   “I” just appeared little by little, and then split into two “I” little by little.

   Then, I saw four “me”.

   The angle of the mirror continues to decrease, and the “I” in the mirror continues to move.

   Like the endless cycle of evolution of life, I saw the fifth “I” again. Repeat the process for the third “I”.

   Li Qian is still turning the mirror, maybe because the mirror is too heavy, her movements become very slow.

   I saw six, seven, eight, nine…

   As the angle of the mirror gets smaller and smaller, I see more and more “me”.

   The mirrors on both sides are about to touch my body, and I can’t count how many me are in the mirror.

   The space has become very narrow, and the light is also very dark. I find it very boring and depressing. I want to go out, but I can’t make a sound or move forward. Except for my eyes, I can’t move my whole body.

   I can only look in the mirror, looking at “me” one after another. Those “me” are real and illusory, I don’t even know which is the real me, or my soul.

   I suddenly found that the faces of each “me” are a little different, some are clear, some are dim, a little youthful, and some are old. I started looking at it one by one until I saw the thirteenth face.


  Moyu stopped at this point. UU reading www.uukānshu. com

   The studio is so quiet that everyone’s breathing can be heard.

   Xiao Qi bit his dry lips, opened his mouth to say something but didn’t say it. Still the lady boss was outspoken and asked: “What’s the matter with the thirteenth face?”

   Moyu and the body trembled slightly, before saying for a long time: “I don’t know how to describe this face, but I know that it is what I will look like after death.”

   I spent my whole life unafraid, and I couldn’t help being terrified at this time. She stroked the short hair on her forehead and cursed softly: “Wipe, I won’t look in the mirror anymore.”

   Xiao Qi couldn’t help standing up, walked behind Mo Yu, and wanted to reach out and pat Mo Yu’s shoulder. He wanted to tell Mo Yu that mirrors are always just mirrors, and that things like souls are fake. But before his hand touched Mo Yu, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he could feel the cool breeze of someone on his neck.

   Xiao Qi was taken aback, turned his head suddenly, and saw Aoki coming behind him at some point.

   Xiao Qi said: “Why are you scary?”

   Aoki said, “You know it’s so scary.”

   Xiao Qi looked back at Mo Yu and his hand that was about to put Mo Yu’s shoulder, knowing that Aoki was right.

   spent his entire life asking Aoki: “Don’t sell it anymore, what’s the matter?”

Aoki said: “She was controlled by a clever hypnotism, and you can understand it as a witchcraft. Her memory should be until she saw her after death. From her narrative, it should be It’s been seven days since last Sunday. She didn’t even know or remember everything she did in the past seven days, including singing at the Ruhua Bar.”

   “In other words, she has been sleepwalking for the past seven days.”

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