Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 19 Hot News! Gas Explosion at the Mansion

After he washed his face, Shirou went to the kitchen, preparing breakfast with Sakura like usual. These had almost been his daily routine.

"Let's do our best today too, Senpai." Sakura smiled energetically as she wore her apron. She looked rather cheerful today. 


That morning, there were only two of them at Emiya residence. 

Usually, Taiga would have arrived by now to snag some breakfast on her way to the Academy. But she seemed quite late today. 

As the clock ticked, Shirou and Sakura was busying themselves in the kitchen. 

When Shirou saw how Sakura looked at that moment, he realized that she was really pretty. And, her figure looked more mature and developed than most girls at her age. 

'Come to think of it, she's turned 16 this year.' 

He knew she was quite popular with the boys at the Academy, but he had only thought of her as a younger sister who needed to be taken care of. So, he did not really mind who she was close with. 

Back then, he felt that he wanted to help Sakura after knowing the fact that she had been often bullied by her brother. 

Just like how Kiritsugu saved him that day, he felt that he also wanted to help her. 

Although his ability at that time did not allow him to take care of her personally, he could still be her shelter whenever she was bullied by her brother again. 

However, recently, it had just been registered on his mind that she had grown to be a beautiful woman now. From the once gloomy, taciturn younger sister, to this gentle and caring young woman. What Ryan said back then came back ringing in his mind. 

He felt that time really flew fast in the blink of eye...

He had grown to be a young man. And his foster brother had even moved out of the house already. Shirou almost felt it was too surreal. 

When he thought of the times when they were once children, growing up together–


The sound of broken plate drew Shirou's attention. He looked toward the source, only to find Sakura who was looking at him with shock, and complicated feeling inside her eyes. 

"Do you feel unwell, Sakura? Don't force yourself, you can rest first. I'll finish this quick." 

Sakura was looking at him in silence. From her gaze, Shirou felt that she seemed to look at his right hand intently. 

"Senpai, your hand..?" 

It was only then Shirou realized that there was a red bruise mark at the back of his right hand. 

"Huh?? Ah, maybe I hit something yesterday. Don't worry about it, Sakura. It will get better in a while." 

Sakura opened her mouth slightly, as though she wanted to say something. But in the end, she only nodded slightly to him. She went on like usual as they had almost finished their cooking. 

Bonk! Bonk!! Vroomm~! 

From outside, the familiar horn of Taiga's bike could be heard. She had arrived on their usual breakfast time. 

"Yahoo, morning all~ I am here, Ryan, Shirou, Sakura!" 

Taiga burst in with her usual vigor, looking spirited as ever. 

"Did you forget, Fuji-nee? My bro's not here." 

"Ah! That kid still hasn't visited back home? What a heartless kid, I will have to teach him some manners again! 

But before that... Let's have breakfast first!" 

With that said, they had breakfast together as they chatted idly while watching the news. 

The hot news were almost all about several unknown deaths, accidents and serial killings which occured in recent time. 

When Sakura was about to go to school, she suddenly turned to Shirou and said, "Senpai, could you not go home late after school these times? Listening to the news, it feels really dangerous these days..." 

Sakura advised Shirou with genuine worry in her eyes. She knew the truth behind those incidents. In case he was embroiled within that cruel battle... 

She felt that her world might collapse if anything bad happened to Shirou. 

"Ah, sure, I'll try. You don't have to worry, Sakura. Come to think of it, the boss in my part-time work has also said something similar like that..." 


When Ryan woke up that morning, he found himself overslept in the sofa. He was covered by clean sheet, and Lancer was nowhere in his sight. 

"Ugh. My neck hurt. Even someone with physique like me can still get a neck pain? This is ridiculous." 

Ryan felt that he seemed to forget something last night, but the matter had yet to come to his mind until now. 

He kept it in the back of his mind as he rose up, making his breakfast. 

After having washed himself up and cleaned the house with little bit application of magecraft, Ryan decided to go outside. 

"Ah, it feels like a long time since I see the outside world." 

"Who told you to seclude yourself inside the workshop these whole weeks?" lancer's voice came from beside Ryan. Although her figure could not be seen, Ryan could feel her existence was there from their bond. 

"Oh. I forgot to visit home this month. Taiga must be quite angry now." Ryan remembered that he didn't visit Emiya residence in this whole month since he moved into Kazami house. 

He could say he was busy with stuffs after he moved out, though he felt it was still inappropriate. After all, they had been living together for so long before. Even if he knew they were not blood-related, their memories together were real. It would be too heartless of him if he didn't even visit them wherein he lived not that far from them. 

Passing through the busy street, Ryan headed to nearby station. Along the way, he saw many students who went to their school in groups, and the men and women who were rushing to their office, going to work. 

He hopped on the bus heading toward Miyama town. He wanted to visit Emiya residence before he went for sightseeing. He had a feeling he wanted to see them again before he was unable to do so... 

When Ryan looked at the street and modern buildings the bus passed through, he felt a slight confusion washed over him suddenly. 

Honestly, why did I even choose to wait for Saber? Is that even worth it? Perhaps I should just destroy everything now... Ehh?! 

He felt like he was slightly in trance. At that moment, when he was half-awake, he faintly heard a voice. 

"...Moron. How long you're going to doze off like that? What a bad luck!" 


Ryan felt that he had heard that woman's voice before. 

When he tried to open his eyes slightly, he seemed to see a familiar figure in his sight. She was sitting in the seat in front of him, reading a book in silence. She would occasionally glance at him with faint anger in her eyes, then returning to her reading again after that. 


As Ryan became aware of his surrounding, he saw that the bus was still more or less quiet like before. There was not much passengers inside it beside an old couple and some office workers who were looking quite anxious and hurried for some reason. It was no wonder, the usual worktime and school hours should have started by quite some time now. 

"Next stop is Miyama Town. Please prepare yourself." 

The driver's hoarse voice brought him back from his wandering thought. 

Ryan sighed lightly, he thought he was seeing her again. Well, it was apparently just a dream. She should have returned to Clock Tower by now… 

'Eh... holy shit! I forgot about the invitation.' 

"Lancer, did you see anyone around those seats before?" Ryan looked toward the seats in front of him, which were still empty like before. 

"No. I didn't see anyone there, Master." 

"I see…" 

At the next stop, Ryan took his leave there. He went on his way to Emiya residence. Looking at the hour, Shirou should be in the school already. Ryan thought he would just laze around again until his little brother was back home. 

Ah, he really missed Shirou's cooking. 

Although he could also cook well himself, but Ryan felt that his level of proficiency is still below Shirou's. God knew just what kind of meritorious deed Shirou had done in his previous lives to get such talent. 

Ryan was about to pass a small park on the way to Emiya residence. It was at that moment his sight chanced upon a figure on one of the park bench. 

She was sitting alone wearing casual clothes and red sport hat, with a big backpack beside her. She had that lost expression on her face as she was staring blankly at the sky. 


Ryan's shout seemed to wake her up. She turned around to find the source of his voice. 


When she saw him, her eyes turned slightly red, moist with tears. 

"Hicc... Hicc... Sister– hicc... and father...!!" 

Ryan was astonished when she suddenly went for a hug, while trying hard to hold back her tears. 

"Calm down, girl. Tell me slowly, what happened to your sister and father?" 

Looking at the girl currently in front of him, Ryan felt that she looked different from her usual style. He knew who this girl was; he already met her many times when she accompanied Kanade to kendo tournaments or at the school. This girl was Ayumi Hayakawa – Kanade's younger sister. She was at same grade with Sakura, though they were staying on different class. 

If Kanade was like a bright star in the sky, then Ayumi would be more like the dim moon hidden in the shade of that star's radiance. 

Kanade Hayakawa was an elegant and reserved girl. Her academic achievement was also quite notorious in Homurahara Academy, often placed at top ten in every semester. Not to mention her skill in Kendo which was only bested by Ryan. It was widely known that Kanade was the role model for many female students in Homurahara Academy; as she excelled in both academic and sport.  

However, her sister, Ayumi Hayakawa had a more carefree persona, hot-headed and had these boyish vibe around her usually. She also didn't really care about her grades, so she often stayed barely safe in the low rank. 

Compared to her older sister, Ayumi appeared rather... unremarkable. Though, both sisters were quite beautiful in their own ways according to many opinion. 

Ryan also knew that Kanade really doted on her younger sister so much. 

"Sister... She's run away from home. And that bastard of step-father even wanted to do me in last night, so I kicked his balls until he screamed like a dying bull. Heh! Served him right!" 

Huh... Hold on. Did my retreat was too long? How could so many things happened when I was just away for few days?? 

Ryan was dumbfounded hearing what Ayumi had just said. He took a deep breath, and brought her to nearby bench. 

"Slow down girl... Can you step back a few, and tell me what happened before?" 

Ryan pinched her cheeks, causing her to wince in pain a little as her tears stopped. 

"... don't be angry, ok? Promise?" Ayumi looked hesitant and worried for some reason when she looked at Ryan. 

'Sis and him are a thing, aren't they? If he knows about it, then...'Ayumi secretly thought. 

She felt it was not appropriate to reveal her sister's matter without her knowing. But she was also quite helpless, she didn't know what to do now... 

Why'd you think I'm gonna be mad, girl?? 

Ryan was confused. But he still assured her, "Don't worry, I am as cool as a cucumber right now." 

Ayumi still looked unsure. Ryan waited, he didn't urge her as he knew it was probably not an easy matter to talk to. 

After a while, Ayumi decided to tell the truth to him. 


It was at high noon when a figure had unknowingly arrived in front of the gate of Matou residence. 

He was clad in blue battle suit, his white gauntlet glowed slightly as a black bow then appeared on his hand. 

'Since Rider is Kanade's Servant, then who is Matou's family Servant?' 

Things had changed from what he remembered, so he needed to make sure the possible contingencies before he went all out. 

From his patrolling with Tohsaka Rin at night and his own investigation at day, Archer already identified some Servants in this Grail War. 

Caster appeared to be the same as the one in his timeline. She was still hiding in Ryuudou Temple and preparing her forces. It was not hard to get rid of that lovestruck woman. 

Rider was Kanade's Servant; she was Queen Medb. Well, he would love to enjoy some hot nights with Rider, but Rin would definitely be mad at him if he really did so. It would better to remove Rider from the War soon. 

Berserker was still the same, he should be staying with Illyasviel now. They were still merely observing these skirmishes from Einzbern castle. His [God Hand] was pretty annoying, but it was not too much a problem to handle. 

As for Saber and Assassin, it was pretty much decided if 'he' did not mess up with their summoning. 

At this stage, Archer still had not found clues about Lancer. Would it be the same as that Ulster hero or would it be another Servant? 

"So, which one is the Matou's Servant in this Grail War? Surprise me, old man." 

Ryan looked toward the bush at the side of the road. 

In the darkness among the thick bushes, an ugly and decrepit old man which looked to be barely alive was grinning at Archer. His eyes held disdain as he spoke, 

"Seems like you are truly lacking a discipline from your Master. Or perhaps, it would be your Master who is such an ignorant one instead. Do you want to violate the rule, Archer?" 

It was widely accepted that battle between Masters and Servants would begin at night or evening when most normal human would be away from their battle site. This was to reduce the chance for them witnessing Mystery of magecraft displayed at their battle. 

Thus, the fact that Archer took an initiative in the middle of the day was truly an ignorant act befitting of a lacking Master. As it would increase the chance for normal human to witness their Mystery; which was a taboo for the magi in this present Age. 

"Huh, the fuck are you talking about? This place is pretty much secluded already; whether it's day or night. And you also have activated the boundary field the moment I arrived here. Witness would not be my concern now if I were you, old man." 

Old man Zouken narrowed his eyes. 'His eyes are pretty sharp. As expected of Archer's class. But to charge into enemy's territory blatantly like this, either he is brave or he is foolish...'  

"Well, let's finish this, old man. I have a date tonight, so I won't have much time to talktrash with you. This is your last chance; if you don't want to die fast, call your Servant. But, either way I'll be taking your life today." 

As Archer's bow glowed with radiance, a crystalline arrow had nocked itself in it. He was aiming at old man Zouken as he spoke calmly. However, his killing intent was gushing out as his eyes looked toward the old man's right side.  

"Hoh! What a boorish fellow. I will leave him to you, Lancer. Don't make much noise." Old man Zouken spoke coldly. He was going to leave the scene. 

"..." A woman dressed in purple and silver battledress appeared beside old man Zouken noiselessly. Her eyes held no other emotion beside coldness, as if she was merely a machine to do other's bidding. 

"Oh, so it's you." Archer was slightly surprised after he saw her. 

Looks like this trip isn't in vain. The differences are quite significant indeed. My mission has been partially achieved; I have seen the Matou's Servant, should I continue or retreat??  

When Archer was thinking, he saw Lancer was already lunging at him with her spear. She was quiet, but her moves were actually pretty brutal. 

"So, who is your Master, Lancer? That old coot or that girl?" 


Lancer opted for silence as she kept assaulting Archer while he kept evading, parrying her attacks by his fist as he fought her in close range. 

Dang! Dang! 

"Depending on your Master, I would consider sparing you today." 


"...you talk too much. Fight properly, Archer!" Her spear sheared his hair a little as Archer held Lancer's shoulder down. 

Rather than a fight, Archer looked like he was having fun instead, enjoying himself while harassing her whenever they collided.  

"Looks like you're not gonna let me off eh, Lancer. But well, I didn't come here merely to fight you. [Stage, set.]" 

Archer jumped back a few times until he was now standing back at the gate of Matou residence. While he was speaking, various kind of modern weapon projections appeared behind him, there were also some strange weapons which looked particularly more advanced in technology compared to others. Those weapon were all aimed at Matou residence, to the place where old man Zouken was hiding to be exact.  

"I have someone I want to kill. You can decide for yourself whether you want to be killed alongside that old coot, or just stay your hand. I can see that you don't get your supply of mana from him. He is not your Master, Brynhildr." 


At that moment when Archer called her name, Lancer looked quite surprised that her movement dulled for a second. She did not expect that she would meet someone who recognized her in this era. 

"Stop him quick, Lancer!!" A shout filled with panic and dread came from out of nowhere as countless bugs were swarming toward Archer. But the moment they came close to him, all of them were instantly frozen into ice sculptures. 

"Oh, by the way, being a Servant is only my part-time job. I am usually known as Counter Guardian. You get what I mean? Your free trial of living has long expired, Makiri Zolgen. I am here to take your due." 

Archer was grinning wickedly as he looked at the shocked old man. He could see that Lancer initially wanted to take the old man away, but it seemed she decided otherwise as she quickly disappeared from there. 

"Bullet Fortress– Fire!" 

"NO!!! I won't fall here...! Just a few more–!!" 

That day, a gas explosion happened at Matou family residence. The explosion was so loud that the tremor could be faintly felt by the neighboring houses. The only confirmed victim was the old Matou family's grandpa who was in his eighties. He was alone in the house at the moment the accident happened. 

Such was how the recent hot news came to be that day. 

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