Dream Evolution

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Follow The Stone Bridge 1 To Fall

Wang Ling’s figure passed over the head of Demon King Kuba. Although his movements were jumping, his calm and calm movements and his jumping height of thirteen meters gave the impression that he was flying.

When his body rose to the top, it began to descend in a parabolic trajectory, and the distance between him and Kuba was also rapidly widening. At this time, Kuba was in a state of extremely short-lived stiffness after bombarding the ground with all his might with a white iron hammer.

This state was fleeting, not even for a second. Kuba sank his waist and straightened his shoulders, his arms exerted force, and the muscles that had collapsed on the top became more inflated. “Hey!” He exhaled and raised his wrist. Pulled out the white iron hammer that fell into the pit in the ground.

At this time, Wang Ling, who fell, was still six meters away from the ground, and the distance between him and Kuba was nine meters away…

With Kuba’s two-meter-long wingspan, even if he straightened his arm and swung a large hammer with a handle of one meter five and a diameter of one meter in the hammer head, it was impossible to hit Wang Ling.

However, Kuba made such an action, holding the handle of the white iron hammer with both hands, and rotating the huge body with the turtle shell on its back. This rotation is not like Wang Ling throwing a kitchen knife. After puffing up, he uses his heels to support the ground to rotate along the way. Instead, the center of gravity moves down, and his legs are opened to squat down, nailed to the ground like a stone stake, and his waist The power of the abdomen rotates!

This way of exerting strength is the extraordinary fighting instinct of Demon King Kuba. The use of strength is like a strand of steel and iron cables twisted after hanging a heavy object. It is tight and tenacious. heavy.

Under the rotation of the body driven by the waist and abdomen, the strength of the whole body began to be transmitted to the arms. Kuba’s arms were originally as thick as a woman’s waist. Driving the arms wider, the two arms suddenly showed a blue-gray color, as if they were wrapped around several gray tendons!


The white iron hammer weighing thousands of pounds flew out of his hand under the rotation of Kuba. The entire hammer body not only emitted a violent sonic boom that pierced the air, but also brought a “humming” as if countless bees were fanning together. Strange sound of wings.

This is the metal vibrating sound of the white iron hammer, which is still vibrating on its own during the flight because the force of the infusion is too great!

If a heavy hammer is thrown by a huge force, without this kind of vibration, if it hits a boulder, it will smash the stone into pieces and turn it into broken stones; and with a heavy vibration hammer, After hitting the boulder, the stone will not only shatter, but the rock face that is directly contacted by the hammer will be broken into stone powder in this violent vibration!

Kuba is a monster known for his strength. He just smashed it down from top to bottom with a hammer, but Wang Ling jumped up and ducked in a situation where he couldn’t let it go, and he couldn’t help but feel annoyed when he hit the air with a hammer. Then, when Wang Ling jumped up and flew over his forehead, he became even more angry and felt a sense of shame that he was being teased.

It took Wang Ling as a sure-kill target, mobilized all the muscles, tendons, bones, and the explosive force of the internal organs in the whole body, and used all the power to issue this “flying hammer projection”.

With such a blow, Kuba has the confidence to smash Wang Ling into pieces! Now that Wang Ling didn’t land on the ground, he was still in the air. In this situation, he would have no choice but to die under the bombardment of the flying hammer!

Sure enough, as expected, the flying hammer slammed into Wang Ling, who could not avoid it, and hit the vest with the sound of “humming”. There was a cruel smile on Kuba’s mouth again. The vest was hit by a flying hammer filled with infinite power, and it would be shattered into flesh. From the front, the mouth, nose, ears, eyes and other apertures shot out, forming several fountain-like blood arrows!

Then, under the combined force of the hammer behind him and the resistance of the air in front of him, Wang Ling will squeeze it into a patty, and then… fry it into pieces of minced meat…

This is not Kuba’s imagination, but the scenery he saw with his own eyes when he used “Flying Hammer Projection” to hit the enemy. Now, at the moment when the flying hammer hit Wang Ling’s back, Kuba’s eyes seemed to have this scene again.

Wang Ling, who was falling in mid-air, was hit by a white iron hammer. Such a violent blow made him shoot straight ahead like a baseball being swiped with all his strength by a bat.

“Hahaha…I like this kind of beautiful…”

Kuba’s wild laughter stopped abruptly, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions. He saw that although Wang Ling was hit by a hammer, his body was not broken. There was a white light that surged up from his body, hitting the white iron hammer that weighed thousands of pounds and contained a fierce and powerful force.

“Bang dang…”

The white iron hammer was hit by the rays of light, still under the huge inertia, and after rushing out for more than 40 meters, the strength above was completely dissipated, and it landed on the stone bridge, making a violent impact.

Wang Ling, who was sent flying, was still shooting forward in the air. At the same time, his figure was rapidly shrinking, from a giant of 3.5 meters to a big boy of 1.75 meters—the effect of a big mushroom disappeared. now…

Yes, the light of the white iron hammer just bounced off, that is, the invincible state that appeared when encountering an attack after eating the enlarged mushroom!

In a state of invincibility for 1 second, no matter how high the weight of the white iron hammer is, no matter how strong the force it carries, no matter how violent the flying power is, it is useless… No, it is useless and not exact, Because the damage was blocked by the light, that strength was transmitted to the light, causing Wang Ling, who was about to fall, to shoot forward at a rapid rate… After flying straight for more than 80 meters, he landed on the stone bridge!

It is worth mentioning that it can also be seen from the landing point that Kuba’s manipulation of the force is so powerful that it is completely in a straight line! If you deflect a little, you will not fall on the stone bridge, but in the terrifying hot magma river.

After landing on the ground, Wang Ling staggered a few steps on the stone bridge and stabilized his balance. But after balancing, his feet did not stop, but ran at full speed, and then launched a LV7 accelerated run, rushing towards the other end of the stone bridge!

The face of Demon King Kuba changed drastically in an instant. But while Wang Ling was running, he turned around in an instant, and a tortoise shell the size of a grinding wheel appeared on the stone bridge.

This turtle shell is not green, but red.

“After use, the turtle shell slides against the ground, automatically tracking the first enemy in the direction, dealing 5-10 points of damage to the creature it collides with, and causing the opponent to be stunned for 3 seconds.”

Track the turtle shell!

When the red turtle shell is sliding, it will find the enemy and collide on its own. Kuba doesn’t care about such turtle shells. With just a hammer, the hard turtle shell can be smashed into pieces… However, there is no hammer in his hand now. , using “Flying Hammer Projection”, the thrown hammer is still more than 20 meters away from it.


While running, Kuba kicked the sliding turtle shell with one foot. It was originally aimed at Wang Ling, but after all, the strength on his feet was not as good as his hands. The head was extremely low, and the turtle shell was kicked away. After going out, it flew out obliquely and hit the corridor.

After kicking off the tracking turtle shell, Kuba was about to continue chasing at full speed when his body suddenly froze.

After all, this item, like the sliding turtle shell, has the special effect of “stunning” the enemy. Previously, it was smashed with a hammer, so it was fine, but now it was kicked with a foot, and it immediately fell into an abnormal state.

Although this dizziness lasted for a brief moment of less than a second, it also made Kuba, who was running with energy, let out his aura. When it ran wild again, Wang Ling had reached the opposite side of the stone bridge, standing in front of a stone platform.

On the stone platform, there was a large metal key.

“Do not…”

Demon King Kuba roared in despair, while Wang Ling jumped high and launched the Mario head-stomping technique in the air… His feet, with a violent wind, stepped on the big metal key.

The key made a crisp sound of “dang”, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com broke off. At the same time, the stone bridge where Kuba was located shook violently, and pieces of white hemp stone were shattering and falling. , The whole huge stone bridge 200 meters long and 3 meters wide collapsed and fell as a whole!

This big metal key is the organ that controls the suspension bridge. As long as the key is stepped on, the stone bridge will collapse.

The mechanism was deliberately placed by Kubat. It kidnapped Princess Peach. If the Mushroom Kingdom really sends an army to attack, even if the army arrives here, as long as the mechanism is stepped down, the stone bridge will collapse into rubble and fall. The enemies on the stone bridge will be wiped out, let them fall into the magma and burn to ashes, and can also separate the palace stone room from the outside.

The magma river below is the best natural barrier to stop the enemy from moving!

But now Wang Ling came alone. For such a cowardly little thing, the Kuba Demon King would not have the idea of destroying the stone bridge with an organ, and he could just rush to kill it.

This approach also gave Wang Ling a chance, the only chance to complete the task – so the main task of Dream Space is to “defeat the Demon King Kuba”, not “kill the Demon King Kuba”. As long as you step on the big metal key, let the stone bridge collapse and collapse, and let Kuba fall into the magma river, you will naturally win, even if the fire-breathing tortoise will not die!

In the past, everything Wang Ling did was to attract Kuba to the other side of the bridge—otherwise, even if he successfully rushed over and stepped on the trap, he might have had time to leave the crumbling stone bridge and stepped on it. On the safe passage ground.

So after provoking the Demon King Kuba with words to let it come over, he then used accelerated running with a super jump, jumped over his head, and after landing on the ground, ran to the key at full speed, stepped on the trap, and let Kuba and the stone bridge fall together. The lava river is Wang Ling’s ultimate goal!

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