Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 136: Proving a Point.


***Rift. Star Wars.***


“Ahsoka come in.... Ahsoka, answer your damn comms!” Anakin's voice was like a shrill cry through the fog of Ahsoka's mind. She groaned, and rubbed her head.

“Master...?” Ahsoka said softly.

“Oh thank the Force! Are you injured?” Anakin's voice was filled with relief and concern. It almost made Ahsoka smile.

Ahsoka looked around the turret control module she had been sitting in when the Basilisk had been hit by the Sith's dark side explosion. She remembered the ship spinning out of control. She felt the Force, or some kind of barrier wrap around her. Master Lash! Ahsoka snapped her eyes open and tried to orientate herself. But she felt like a needle was pressing into her brain. She yelped in pain and curled up. This resulted in Anakin screaming at her again.

“Ahsoka!? What happened!? Just, hang on we...Damn it! Not now!” Anakin yelled into her communication unit on her vamprace. Ahsoka heard blaster fire in the background, so the fighting wasn't over yet?

Ahsoka rubbed her face and came away with blood on her hand. She must have hit her head. Her eyes slowly cleared and she saw what ever barrier Master Lash had put up was still active. That meant Lash was still alive, otherwise the barrier would have fallen. She softly reached out and touched the energy field. She felt a familiar presence brush against her own mind and the barrier fell.

“Master Skywalker, I'm fine...I..I have a head injury, but I'll be fine.” Ahsoka said into her comm unit.

“Head injury!? Are you bleeding?” Anakin asked, his worry was actually kinda sweet. It made her smile, this time.

Ahsoka unbuckled herself from her seat and went to the door. It was locked shut with no power, she flipped the emergency manual control and had to pump action the door open. Little by little the door unsealed. The Basilisk doors didn't open normally, they rotated and pulled apart like a flower blooming. It was very pretty, and durable apparently. She didn't see a single scratch on them. Once the door was opened and locked in place. She carefully climbed down the ladder to the main deck.

“Hello?” Ahsoka called down from the ladder.

“Padawan Tano?” A Jensaarai called up to her. Ahsoka breathed a sigh of relief.

“I'm here, is everyone alright?” Ahsoka called down. A Jensaarai with feathered styled armor poked their head up at her.

“Yes, we are waking up one by one. Master Lash wrapped us all in a protective bubble. Otherwise I think we'd be liquid right now.” The Jensaarai's voice was feminine, Ahsoka struggled to put a face to them. But the Jensaarai never took off their helmets.

“I must have gotten a thin one then?” Ahsoka tried to joke as she finished climbing down. The Jensaarai looked her over.

“If you had a helmet on you would have been fine.” She softly chided her. Ahsoka rolled her eyes at them. She went to retort but came up short.

“Milnan Staholla, Jensaarai Defender.” Milnan said with a bit of mirth in her voice. Ahsoka blushed just a bit. She vaguely remembered Milnan introducing herself to Ahsoka.

“The Jedi don't use armor unless its absolutely necessary. It impedes our movements.” Ahsoka said finally, and Milnan laughed at her.

“Have you seen Master Lash move in his armor?” Milnan asked, and Ahsoka reluctantly had to admit that he moved with a grace not befitting of someone in full armor.

“Come, let's get you to medical. It still has emergency power.” Milnan said, and wrapped an arm around Ahsoka to support her.

Ahsoka bit her lip in frustration and accepted the help. She wanted to walk on her own but her balance was off. A sign that her head injury was more than she believed. The Basilisk's med bay only had three beds to it. But each one was a fully automated medical pod. Another Jensaarai in full armor was being checked over by the droid program in charge.

“Don't you ever take off your armor?” Ahsoka asked, as Milnan hefted her onto the bed. The program started to scan her. It beeped until Ahsoka laid down.

“We do, when its appropriate.” Milnan replied softly, as she looked over the medical scan. “Mild concussion, it's going to give you a Bacta spray, hold still.”

A mechanical arm came over Ahsoka's skull and sprayed Bacta onto her. Then another arm came up and over to clean the blood off of her. Ahsoka took a deep breath and felt the needle piercing sensation leave her. Her sensory awareness slowly came into focus. She glanced over at Milnan and got a good look at her.

Milnan stood at approximately 5'9” with an athletic figure. A figure that was covered in black body glove, and Jensaarai armor. Unlike the Mandalorian's where their armor protects their vitals and leaves room for mobility. Jensaarai armor covered them completely. Milnan's armor was stylized after some kind of bird. Her armor was lighter then others, and it had feathered style scale plate. Ahsoka saw what appeared to be a jet pack on her back. It looked like wings could come out if Milnan wanted them to.

“I can't tell if you are getting worse or better.” Milnan asked in genuine concern.

“I'm just admiring your armor.” Ahsoka replied.

“It's a bonegnawer from Tatooine.” Milnan said, as she helped Ahsoka sit up. The medical pod was done with her. The other Jensaarai was finished and moved to assist with the repairs of the ship.

“Why do Jensaarai style their armor after animals?” Ahsoka asked, Milnan looked at her for a moment. She even titled her head to the side almost like animal. “If it's private, I don't mean to offend.”

“No, it's fine. To the Jedi creating a light-saber is a right of passage. Often called, 'The Gathering' if I remember correctly.” Milnan replied, Ahsoka was surprised that Milnan knew about The Gathering.

“Creating a light-saber is important. Though Jedi may go through several light-sabers on their path. The design never changes. It speaks to the Jedi. To the Jensaarai creating a light-saber though important is not as important as our armor.” Milnan said as she gestured for Ahsoka to follow her out of the medical room.

“We finish stage one and we are granted a light-saber. Standard design, and type. It's when we go through our stage two trial that we find out spirit-kindred. An animal within the living force. Once we know the animal, that is when things change. Our light-sabers go through a design phase. Our martial path reflects the animal. Our armor is stylized after it.” Milnan said and pointed out the other Jensaarai on the ship. Each one was in full armor, but each one was styled after an animal.

“Any animal within the living force can be chosen?” Ahsoka asked, and Milnan laughed a little.

“Oh we don't choose the animal. It chooses us.” Milnan replied, and few looked up at her and seem to understand the topic.

“Brother Tophin's armor is based on the Sand Demon insect from Tatooine.” Milnan pointed him out. His armor had a chitin look. With mandibles on his face mask, and serrated claws on his hands, and feet.

“While his fighting style is based on them as well. You wouldn't know it, but get him on a place with dirt and he can literally swim through it like it was water.” Milnan said with a smile, Ahsoka's eyes went wide.

“So wait, not only does every Jensaarai have different armor, but a different primary fighting style?” Ahsoka asked, her mind worked the puzzle.

“Yep! We all learn light-saber combat forms like any other Force-User. But we also create our own forms.” Tophin replied, then before they could speak about it any longer the main airlock towards the cockpit flew open.

Standing there was Lash. Ahsoka smiled at the sight then took a moment to look him over. Lash's armor was styled after what appeared to be a giant reptile. Stylized armored in the shape of scales. Claws on his hands, and feet. With a diamond scale crest shape that curved naturally back, and up. The helmet had six optical sensors in shape of eyes, with mandibles around his snout? His cloak or coat was tattered, but it reminded her of shredded wings. Lash's body glove had a thin layer of scale mail underneath it. He wore a full suit of armor with no exposed spaces.

“Anyone injured?” Lash's rough voice asked the room.

“Bumps and bruises, mild concussion for Padawan Tano but medical checked her out.” Milnan replied quickly.

“Good, we apparently cracked through a cavern. We are about three hundred feet below the surface. Main power should be on momentarily, but we are stuck in the ground. We'll have to carve our way out to get airborne again.” Lash replied, and took a moment to looked Ahsoka over who nodded in return.

Then just as Master Lash had said. The main power to the ship powered on. A holographic communication came in then and there and Commander Cody of the 212th was shown as he repeated a message over and over again. The explosion had decimated the entire battle field. But thanks to Master Lash's quick thinking they had suffered only minimal casualties. But in spite of that good news, the fighting wasn't over. Every battle droid on the planet was rushing to their location almost in a suicidal attempt to do as much damage as possible.

“Ahsoka, can you work with our teams and find the break points in the crystals?” Lash addressed her and she popped to attention almost automatically.

“Yes, Master Lash!” Ahsoka replied loudly.

Ahsoka followed Milnan out through the main loading ramp which only opened halfway. They had to crawl, and slip out. The cavern they found themselves stretched in every direction in a vast network of tunnels. But they were housed in a large section. The scattered remains of their entry lay across the ground. But most of all, Ahsoka recognized what was in this room. Kyber crystals, naturally occurring Kyber crystals.

Kyber crystals was actually one of the main exports of Christophsis. However Kyber crystals with the Force attuned to them were a little more rare. This entire cavern was covered in them. Ahsoka's eyes were wide in wonder as she heard the distant singing of the Force. It was a high pitched keening sound. But instead of annoying it seem to pierce the shadows of doubt. Cleansing her own mind, and of those around her. This cavern was a huge find!

“Jensaarai use synth-crystals don't they?” Ahsoka asked Milnan who was looking over the crash site. Thankfully they hadn't crashed into a kyber crystal just normal, ordinary, extremely durable Christophsis crystal.

“We do, our own cavern is still growing.” Milnan responded as she started to shape the crystal stone.

“Wait! Does Venura have a Kyber crystal cavern?” Ahsoka asked.

“Master Lash made one.” Milnan replied nonchalantly as if she spoke about the weather.

“Woah! Woah! You can't just make a Kyber crystal cavern. They are focus points of the Force.” Ahsoka said to her.

“There are many things Master Lash can do that most Jedi would believe impossible, Ahsoka Tano. That is the power of the Gray Code, and the Jensaarai.” Milnan said proudly.

Ahsoka Tano rubbed her head suddenly having another headache for a completely different reason. She took a moment to listen to the serene sound of the crystals sing to her again. Only for the song to abruptly get cut off. She snapped her eyes open and looked around. The crystals glowed even more brilliantly, but the music was gone. The only difference she could find was Master Lash was now standing in the cavern with them.

Ahsoka watched in vivid fascination as green, and blue energy danced from Lash's finger tips. These coalesced around the kyber crystals and they all seem to grow in size, and scope. The kyber crystals in the cavern grew in number, and color. Green, blue, purple, orange, yellow, red! Then the song began, this time with different tones. Almost as if each color was its own voice. It sounded heavenly, but the song was also sad. Ahsoka felt her heart ache at the sound. What could it mean?

“Ahsoka! Lash! You down there!?” Anakin's voice yelled from the broken cave entrance above them.

“Yes, Master Skywalker! We're here!” Ashoka called up.



Lash and his team slowly excavated the Basilisk from the crystal cavern. He made a note of the caverns location on his Map. Both the Jedi, and Palpatine would want to know about it. Lash also noticed how the crystals reacted to Anakin, and in a sorrowful way. They understood what was coming. Tied to the Living Force, but also the Cosmic Force. The tapestry revealed all. But it had for the better part been in the works for thousands of years. The Jedi needed to face their own extinction if balance was to ever be found.

Lash cleared his thoughts of needles worrying. He had a lot of work to do before the day was over. Eventually his team boarded their ship and left the cavern. Through an almost comical loony tune shaped hole. They flew out to see a battle taking place. Thousands of battle droids were sprinting towards the republic forces. Heedless of cover, or any form of strategy. Just a mad rush to die? The crew went back to their turret modules, and started to fire at anything tagged as a foe on the IFF.

The GAR were pulling back to their FOB. The Basilisk, and any remaining gunship landed to ferry wounded troops back to the FOB. Only to find it under attack as well. Blissfully the Militia had done their jobs well. They had a firing line of Christophsian civilians with blaster pistols, and rifles on the wall. The civilians were terrified out of their minds. But they were holding the line. Thankful to see the gunships coming back with clone troopers.

A pleasant surprise for the clone troopers when the Basilisk activated a magnetic lock on its underside and snagged a AT-TE for transport. It was a bit of a tumble along the way as the Basilisk swerved this way and that. But one by one walkers were placed on the line. Last but not least were Anakin, and Obi-Wan on the ship. Obi-Wan with one of his trade mark exhausted smirks, and Anakin with his glorious tale of adventure and excitement. A story he couldn't wait to tell on their way back to the base.

“So there we were in the middle of the camp and General Ripper came out and started to do this speech!” Anakin said with a grin, and Obi-Wan face palmed.

“It was one of the most unbelievable things I'd ever seen.” Obi-Wan replied with a smile.

“So Ripper talked about how the world would soon be his. How the Jedi would fall before his might. How there was no hope, his master Lord Enfarious would soon rule the galaxy! Then he out this giant guffaw. All the while he shot red Sith lightning. But he always just barely missed us.” Anakin said with a smug grin.

“Yes, it was odd. He had eerie accuracy with the walkers. But when it came to us, he seem to miss on purpose.” Obi-Wan commented with a look of thought.

“On purpose? We were just too quick for him!” Anakin said.

“But I do have to admit we both feared for your lives when he shot at the Basilisk.” Obi-Wan said next and the good humor from Anakin evaporated.

“We were fine.” Ahsoka said to them both with a reassuring smile.

“I'm surprised to say the least. Not only did you protect them, but you protected the ship as well. There is barely a scratch on it's armor.” Obi-Wan remarked as he looked at the Basilisk. They had landed a little while ago.

“That's just living metal. As long as it has a power source it self repairs.” Lash replied as he sipped on his drink through a straw from his wrist.

“Living metal?” Obi-Wan asked.

“Most certainly. It's incredibly hard to make. My entire ship's armor is worth about... 50 million credits alone.” Lash said, and the mind boggling expression on Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka's face was priceless.

“Tell me your not serious!?” Obi-Wan asked.

“No, I'm telling you a complete and total lie. It's just made out of beskar.” Lash replied with a chuckle. A sigh of relief came from Obi-Wan, then it was soon replaced with confusion.

“Your entire ship is is armored with beskar?” Obi-Wan asked, his eyes growing wide.

“Beskar alloy... I'm not insane!” Lash said with a laugh. It was Beskar, Vibranium, Nth metal, Uru, Orichalcum, and Adamantine.

“Honestly I wouldn't be surprised. Haven't you spent like a billion credits on the Militia?” Anakin asked, as he took a sip of a drink that was provided by Ahsoka.

“It's more like 5 billion from the reports I got.” Bail Organa said as he walked up towards them all. A little worse for wear, but a smile was on his face.

“I must say, Lash. Ever considered opening up a bank? I'm sure the republic could use it.” Obi-Wan said with a sly grin that soon wilted as Lash stroked his mask in thought. That would be a good idea.

Before Lash could reply he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find that he wasn't on Christophsis anymore. But back in the black room with Dawn. Who now took the form of a pale human woman. She had visible black veins across her face, and neck. While wore a combination of leather, and cloth trappings on her body. Black, and crimson red. Her eyes were Sith dark side yellow. Her black hair was shaved on one side, and swept back to the other side. It was cut, and stylized to reach the edge of her chin.

The black room was a bog, or a twisted forest. Fog rolled across the muddy ground. Twisted gnarled trees stretched out to the sky. The bark on the trees were black, covered in thorns, and distorted visages were in the bark itself. High in the sky were four moons. While the sky itself was blood red, instead of blue. Lash knew this place, and he snapped his fingers in recognition.

“Are we on Dathomir?” Lash asked.

“No, we are in the black room. But it's stylized after Dathomir.” Dawn said in a velvet sweet voice. Then another voice spoke in a slight delay. A ghoulish undertone that promised darker, and twisted things.

“I still need to take the holocrons to them.” Lash said as he walked around the bog.

“Is that why you bought them?” Dawn asked, and the ghoulish undertone echoed the question.

“Yes, it was the original intent. The Force Magic was a serendipitous occurrence. They are important to the future if my research is correct.” Lash replied, as he brought his focus back towards Dawn who nodded in understanding.

“So, there is another mini-event in six months? Or, we can skip to the next main event?” Dawn offered, as she steepled her fingers in front of her. The ghoulish undertone starting a second later.

“Mini-event please.” Lash replied, and a UI appeared in front of him with his WP spending list. He had obtained 125 WP's thanks to the 5 X experience, and reward.

“So every mini-event generates approximately 25 WP?” Lash asked, and Dawn nodded in agreement.

“Unless you do something beyond measure. Like kill Palpatine.” Dawn replied in her duel voice.

“May I create my own World Point initiatives?” Lash asked, and Dawn momentarily paused as she consulted the ether.

“Tell me what you would like to do. If there is a WP option that is similar I'll bring it up, and we can alter it with a slight increase in WP. If there isn't, yes you can. But it will cost extra.” Dawn replied, as she walked or more like glided across the ground.

“I'd like to get citizenship for the clones. But it can't be automatically obtained, it would cause to many problems for the republic. If they have at least one year's worth of service they are granted citizenship. Along with pay, and retirement options.” Lash asked, and Dawn brought up a window.

  • Clone Trooper Citizenship: Citizenship is granted for the clone trooper through service. Upon completing a single year the clone obtains citizen rights, pay, retirement options, and the ability to seek different employment. 99% of the clones will choose to stay in service. But a few may seek a different sort of life. 55 WP

    • Note: This has been edited for an additional 5 points.

    • You have purchased, Clone Trooper Citizenship for 55 WP.

Just like before Lash obtained several new memories. He had returned from Christophsis in victory. Upon returning to Coruscant Lash went to the senate and petitioned to grant citizen rights to the clone troopers through service. It was met with great hostility. While a few did support the claim. Then Lash threatened to pull funding from the Militia if they didn't comply. They voted on it and he won by a 51% margin.

“I didn't think it would be that unpopular.” Lash replied as he rubbed his neck.

“It's more money the republic has to pay. Most senators were thankful for the clones. But didn't want to think of them as people. You changed that. I will say the people of the republic thought well of it. To them, the clones are saviors. Of course they should be rewarded for their service.” Dawn said in a smooth duel tone as she floated over to him and ran her finger nails along his suit of armor.

“I request that the Jedi do a six week training course at Militia HQ before they are granted the rights to command troops.” Lash asked Dawn next who snickered a bit.

  • Jedi Militia Training: The User strongly encourages the Jedi to take a training course at the militia HQ. Surprisingly, the Jedi Council agrees to the request. Though Darth Sidious is disinclined to allow it. Chancellor Palpatine applauds the User's foresight. 30 WP.

    • You have purchased the, Jedi Militia Training for 30 WP.

After Lash obtained the citizen rights of the clones he went before Master Yoda and requested that the Jedi take a six week training course. He provided infallible evidence that the Jedi desperately needed it. The council agreed to not only take the training course, but they made the 4X simulation game part of their curriculum. Clone trooper casualty reports decreased by 35% with the implementation of the training course.

“I want proper R&R for the Republic Navy, Army, and Militia. I know the clones were bred for this. But even they can get burnt out. If shore leave is not allowed. Then I at least want proper entertainment and relaxation options for them. On ships, bases, outposts, etc.” Lash asked, and Dawn brought up another window.

  • Mental Health for the Troops: The User encourages for proper rotation between the military forces. To help prevent burn out. Proper R&R facilities on ships, bases, and shore leave options. 30 WP

    • You have purchased, Mental Health for the Troops for 30 WP.

Surprisingly enough, Lash met more resistance with this than he did with the citizenship bill. The idea of rotating the military out was ludicrous to so many people. The clones were designed to fight. Why did they need time off? The militia made sense, they were people. But thanks to some Kaminoan scientists that did agree proper mental health recuperation would actually improve their soldiers health won the day.

“With only 10 WP's left. Let's help Palpatine balance out the war effort. What would he need, and or like?” Lash asked Dawn.

  • Mechu-Deru: The User through the use of the dark side Force power bestowed an intuitive understanding of mechanical systems into a Sith Holocron. The Holocron taught a technique to allow its practitioners to exert their influence over inanimate and robotic constructs. Through Mechu-Deru, mechanical structures could be bound to the will of the user and imbued with the power of the Force itself. (Wookiepedia) 10 WP.

    • You have purchased, Mechu-Deru for 10 WP.

Palpatine aka Darth Sidious was interested in the powers of the savagery class. He had assumed they were droids crafted through Sith Sorcery. Never did he imagine they could control the Force themselves. Lash granted him a holocron with the techniques to make them. Darth Sidious was thankful for the item. Then 'requested' Lash make several savager class droids for the CIS armies. Which he happily complied to.

“When do you think you'll visit Dathomir?” Dawn asked in her duel ghoulish undertone.

“Depends where you drop me off. But I'll try to get to it in this space of activity.” Lash replied, and Dawn accepted the answer. A smile tugged on her lips. She must have something planned for him.


The Jensaarai Master Lash, Mandalorian chieftain of Ghost Claw clan, Chairman of Ghost Industries, and Grand Admiral of the Republic Militia had returned in victory from Christophsis. The first joint operation between the Galactic Republic Navy, Grand Army of the Republic, and the Galactic Republic Militia was a success! Upon his return Lash made a surprise petition to grant citizenship to the clones through service. Which was met by fierce reprisal. It was easy to ignore the fact that the clones were living people. People protected by the very laws the republic should enforce. What Lash done had force the Republic to admit an ugly truth, a truth they didn't want to admit. So they refused him!

Where upon he threatened to pull funding from the widely accepted Galactic Republic Militia that so many were looking forward too. The senate proposed a compromise, they would at least vote on it. To the surprise of a great many senators the bill passed by a single swing vote. Thanks to democracy no one would ever discover who it was. But the bill was passed, and after a year of service each clone would obtain citizenship. The Clone Troopers in question rejoiced that all their hard work would be rewarded.

In a surprising move the Jedi Council had declared that every Jedi commander, and general must go through a training course at the Militia HQ to ensure they had at the very least a elementary understanding of tactics and strategy. The idea that the Jedi were not infallible was met with shock. But it was a welcome surprise that many found to be endearing.

Clearly Grand Admiral Lash's victories had gone to his head. As he requested that proper mental health facilities be provided for their military. It was more credits that the republic had to pay!? They had already been granted citizenship, with pay, and retirement options. Now, Lash expects the republic to make sure the clones have shore leave? What a ridiculous notion. If not for the wise council of the Supreme Chancellor, and Kaminoan scientists that proved it would be beneficial it never would of happened. Now every Accalamator, and Venator cruiser had at least one holographic simulation room with the latest holo theater novels to watch. As did bases, and outposts. Along with possible shore leave expeditions.

All the while a rising tide of dark side energy rose from the outer rim territories. Stories of CIS generals wielding the dark side of the force grew from rumor, to fact. Victory after victory is obtained by the CIS. Entire clone trooper legions were decimated, their Jedi generals, and commanders slain in battle. While many more experienced true horror and torture at the hands of the CIS dark side generals. But whispers spoke of a shadow moved behind the generals. Always seen in the background, never seen in the front. A Sith Sorcerer by the name of Lord Enfarious.


Lash found himself in his persona, Lord Enfarious. He sat in a high back chair around a round table among other high ranking officials of the CIS. These were the real movers, and shakers of the CIS. While they had thousands of worlds, and hundreds of star systems under their command. Each one with their own senator. The senators were the public face. They maintained the status quo. While CIS members like Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation, and Emir Wat Tambor of the Techno Union were the face of the army.

Count Dooku sat at the table, along with a General Grievous. Grievous aka Qymaen jai Sheelal was a Kaleesh male that had gone through extensive cybernetic augmentation. He stood at approximately 7'1” with gold reptilian slit eyes, the barest hint of red skin in his eye sockets. While the rest of him was extensively modified. All that remained was his brain, his eyes, spinal cord, and few vital organs like his lungs. However, this Grievous was slightly different then from the lore.

This Grievous had a obsidian black cybernetic body. With ancient Sith written into the edges of each piece of the armor. A tattered cloak wrapped around his frame that flowed around his form erratically. The dark side of the force oozed off of Grievous. On his hip were two light-sabers. Along with two double bladed light-sabers. His hands, and legs had the typical clawed appearance for unconventional movements.

Lash could feel his own Techno-Force Construct ability off of Grievous. Oh, so Lord Enfarious was the one that redid him? The original Grievous was already a menace in the lore. This version of him must be terrifying! It also appeared that his Grievous didn't suffer from asthma. If Lash remembered correctly the Sith had given the cyborg asthma as a weakness to exploit if he event went rogue. That didn't happen this time. Instead Grievous was under the compulsion of Mechu-Deru. He was fiercely loyal to Darth Sidious, and Lord Enfarious. In that respective order.

“With the republic's victory in the upper sector of the outer rim we are cut off from the supply lines.” A general that Lash didn't recognize said, more to say that Lash didn't care to memorize them.

“We can still deliver supplies, but we run the risk of colliding with republic forces. We'll need larger escorts...” Another commented.

“That won't be necessary.” Lash said in his animalistic synthetic voice, it sounded like a reptile was snarling. The entire table turned to look at him as he produced a holographic display from his robes. His hand was robotic, and clawed. A lot like Grievous own hand.

“These are new hyper space routes for you. If you follow them to the letter you can bypass the republic lines easily. Be aware any deviation will result in your deaths. There are...Monsters out there.” Lash said with a chuckle that made everyone in the room wince save for Grievous who laughed as well.

“Most delightful, Lord Enfarious. Thank you.” Count Dooku said in response. Dooku's manners toward Lash had improved lately. Darth Tyranus no longer saw Enfarious as a threat. Just a helpful tool, and servant of Darth Sidious.

“This one is glad to be of service.” Lash said in a respectful all be it hissing tone. Dooku smiled at him then turned to the generals.

“With the supply lines taken care of. We can reinforce our forces in the other sectors. General Grevious, how are your campaigns against the Hutt clans?” Dooku asked, the cyborg who all but hissed in annoyance.

“The slugs are putting up a stiff resistance. Their armies of thugs, and criminals are not true soldiers. So they do hit and run tactics. We have seized entire worlds. But the populace fights us to no end!” Grievous slammed his fist into the table, making a small impact crater.

“I believe I have a solution to that.” Lash offered, then presented another holographic. This one had a design in it. The table once more went still to listen to him speak.

“The Hutts are notorious slavers. Most slaves have a chip and/or bomb surgically implanted in their heads to enforce compliance. When you seize a world and the entire populace fights you? More than likely they had one last order, fight or die. This device will deactivate the chip, or change the owner to yourself. In fact this should work on any slave.” Lash offered the holographic recorder to Grievous who took it with a bowed head.

“Most appreciated Lord Enfarious...” Grievous said in a humble voice.

“I am most curious how you came upon such a design.” Tambor of the Tech Union asked as he spied at the information.

“How else? Through experimentation, though it cost a few thousand lives. It was worth it in the end.” Lash said with a hissing laughter.

“If the device works as intended we could potentially have hundreds of thousands of new troops to be used as cannon fodder?” A general suggested, and the room agreed to the idea.

“Have we had any luck with creating a bio weapon against the clones?” A general asked, and a few looked at Lash.

“I'm afraid such a thing is beyond me. If you want a weapon capable of destroying all life on a planet. That, I can do. But a weapon that targets one specific type of individual? Afraid not.” Lash shrugged in dismay. As if the act of mass genocide was nothing special to him. Grievous cackled at the thought.

“Out of curiosity do you have plans for such a weapon?” Tambor asked, his interest was piqued.

“Nanomite warhead, eats metal and organic tissue. Guaranteed to turn a planet into a complete wasteland.” Lash suggested and turned to Dooku in question.

“We'll table that for another time, Lord Enfarious.” Dooku said with a smile. But even Dooku dared not to think of the ramifications of destroying all life to a planet. His master had plans for a battle station capable of such a feat. But those days were a long way off.

“Most fascinating, I'd love to speak more on the subject at a later time, Lord Enfarious.” Tambor replied as he rubbed his hands together at the thought of it.

The leaders of the CIS continued their discussion for another hour or so before they had came to a conclusion. Lash took his time to say goodbye to each general that he only knew the names of thanks to his tech-spirits filling in the blanks. Then he bowed in respectful reverence to Count Dooku, and General Grievous who returned the courtesy. Then Lash left the briefing room to find himself on the planet of Raxus Secundus or simply known as Raxus the capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Raxus was a lush world in the outer rim of the galaxy. Renowned for its beauty, and its temperate climate. It was what many would refer to as a Gaia world. A nearly perfect jewel of oceans, landmasses, several different ecosystems, with rich resources. Raxus had been one of the founding members of the CIS. They had been a long time supporter of the Republic but like so many on the outer rim they grew tired of the corruption that the Republic soon represented.

Raxus reminded Lash of Naboo where the people took great lengths to coexist with their environment. Air traffic for transports was kept at a minimal in designated lanes. Large swaths of land were carefully cultivated, and kept free of civilizations more intensive programs. If it could be built underground, and out of sight it was. While the buildings were towering sky scrapers that use a earth tone color pallet. So the buildings looked more like carved earth, and stone. Then durasteel buildings.

The grand palace or rather the central government building of Raxus had a circle or rather crescent shape to it. It acted almost like a port in the storm in the ocean of politics. The crescent tips were low to the ground, and left a portion of the circle open, and welcoming. While the middle section of the crescent was tall, and large. Reaching for the stars themselves. It was symbolism as its finest.

Once Lash left the conference of generals he was met by two Sith Droid Sentinels that acted as his bodyguards. They wore silver armor with armored plates across their synthetic skeleton. While their helmets had a featureless face mask. The masks were an odd design that reflected the environment. But if one were to stand in front of the mask they would be unable to see their own reflection. It was eerie.

Lash himself in his Lord Enfarious disguise was approximately 6' even with a sort of sloping gait that one would find in an older individual. He was wrapped in a black ceremonial robe, and hood. Red trimmings with ancient letters inscribed on them. The robe itself was open to expose a partially armored form under neath. He had a mask with a breathing apparatus, that linked into his chest plate. He was covered in a suit, as if he was a type of humanoid that couldn't breath oxygen. They weren't unheard of. While both his arms were cybernetic.

All in all it was a good disguise. No one who saw Enfarious would ever believe he was the Master Jensaarai, Lash. That was the point. Palpatine was the only one in the galaxy who knew who he was. That alone was dangerous enough. But it would suit his purposes for now. To the CIS army, Enfarious was the Sith Sorcerer that was invaluable to their war effort. To the people, and the public of the CIS. Lord Enfarious was a entrepreneur of the sciences.

Lord Enfarious had designed genetically engineered food crops that granted nearly five times their normal yield. He created machines that could tap the mantle of a planet to allow a almost limitless supply of common, and uncommon minerals. All the while he designed a medical nutritional bath that could regrow limbs, and organs. He invented a accelerating learning program that cut the time, and cost of training new professionals in half. (Soft Brainwashing) To the people of the CIS, Lord Enfarious was a saint.

With these scientific advancements more and more systems joined the CIS. For better quality of life programs. So many outer, and mid rim colonies needed access to rudimentary things that the inner regions took for granted. For every system that voluntarily joined, and were not instruments of brutality of Lord Sidious. Their quality of life improved drastically. Never mind the fact that Lash destroyed four planets in an effort to learn how to grow crops that didn't mutate and eat the inhabitants. Or how to not turned a jungle planet into a volcanic planet. Progress requires experimentation!

Lash was conflicted, he never would have done any of these things under normal circumstances. But he could almost feel the 4th wall guiding his actions while he was away in the black room. It was like his VI Avatar was on autopilot while he spent his WP. Or...Maybe it was Erik who was on autopilot? Despite the fact that they had come to this Rift with no background. He could not help but feel the galaxy was having its own effect on him. The Living Force, and the Cosmic Force were slowly chipping away at his sense of self. Or... Was it the Dream Engine?

“Lord Enfarious?” A feminine voice called out to him, Lash snapped his mind into focus. He'd think about....that at a later time.

Mina Bonteri was a female human native to the planet Onderon. She was also the mother of Lux Bonteri that had a muddy future. Mina herself was stationed on the planet of Raxus as the senator for Onderon. Onderon oddly enough was located in the inner rim of the galaxy, but had chosen to join the CIS willingly. Mina's husband had recently been killed in the war.

Mina stood approximately at 5'10” with short graying brown hair stylized into almost a pixie cut. She had sharp, intelligent gray eyes, with a light skin tone. She cut a good figure for a senator, showing that she took her physical health seriously. She wore an ornate gown tailored to her hourglass figure. The design was a recent artist of her home world Onderon. Mina came to Lash or rather Lord Enfarious with a question in mind. A senator's aid, and a guard followed behind her.

“Lady Bonteri, how can this old man help such a beautiful young woman like yourself?” Lash said in his animalistic synthetic voice. Despite the cringe worthy compliment, Lash was genuine in his question. His feelings seem to translate over because Mina's resulting smile had warmth to it.

“I was hoping to discuss the recent famine issues we've had on Onderon?” Mina asked, as she folded her hands in front of her. Lash's Deductive Reasoning highlighted a few pieces. She was worried about her home planet, but something else was bothering her.

“Of course, shall we go to your office? I fear my own is filled with piles of papers, books, and unfinished projects.” Lash said as he offered his mechanical arm to her. Mina didn't even hesitate to take the offered arm.

“Oh my! The unfinished works of Lord Enfarious? I think I may have to take you up on that.” Mina said with a bit of mirth.

“Well, I did warn you.” Lash said with a chuckle and led her towards the transports. Lash's 'office' was on the outer edge of the city. In case there were any accidents.

Mina, and her staff were fully prepared to visit his home. It almost seemed like that was the plan. The transport took a VIP lane out of the city and they soon came to a glorious piece of land that had only a single building on it. A landing pad, connected to a tower. Once the transport landed, Lash gradually left the transport along with Mina, her staff, and his own guards. The tower was an elevator that took them almost a half a mile below the surface of the planet. The entire time Mina, and Lash spoke about little things. Like her son, Lux who had been accepted into the political academy.

The elevator shafted connected to a transport pod rail line that sent them towards a huge underground bio-dome that Lash had crafted carefully with his new Force Magic ability. It had been a sort of practice. The entire bio-dome was filled with dark side energy in a ruined bog. Similiar to the planet Dagobah in appearance, however scattered through out the bog were focused points of light side energy. It gave an odd sense of balance to the dome.

“Oh my word!” Mina said in shock as she politely covered her mouth. A chill rolled up her spine, as it did her staff. Goose flesh peppered her skin.

“Like I said, unfinished projects. I am so scattered brained.” Lash replied with a animal like hissing laughter.

“I've heard rumors, Lord Enfarious that you experiment with the Force. Any truth to that?” Mina asked, as she turned her focus back on him.

“Yes, I work with the Force specifically. So many of my breakthroughs come to me through its will. The increased crop yield for one.” Lash replied, as the transport rail line reached his home at last. A sizable compound protected under an additional glass, and static shield to protect its inhabitants of one.

“Welcome back, Lord Enfarious.” A protocol droid appeared at the rail pod.

“C-T3, please make a modest lunch for our guests. We have work to do.” Lash replied to the droid who bowed in understanding and left towards the kitchen.

Once again Lash offered his mechanical arm to Mina who took it gratefully. While Lash's guards, and Mina's staff took up the rear. Lash walked them through a mini tour of the facility. Lord Enfarious had a unique decorum. He was fascinated with ancient cultures. So he had statues, ancient relics, and suits of armor on display. Along with some more modern displays of art. It was all meant to create a persona. Plus, it called to Lash's original profession as an artist.

“This piece here came from an ancient Jedi temple over five thousand years old. Its a manuscript showing the original construction of a force weapon. Not a light-saber, but a weapon imbued with force energy.” Lash showed a specific scroll to Mina who was enraptured by the design.

“Is that how you made the CIS's recent armor change?” Mina asked, as she turned her attention at another work of art on the wall.

“Yes, though its phenomenally expensive and time consuming. The CIS regretfully has to few Force Users. A few Jensaarai had seen fit to join us. But they mostly guard the CIS home worlds more than take an active participation in the war.” Lash replied to her.

Unlike the Jedi, the Jensaarai had far more freedom in their lives. After each stage of training was complete they would be asked if they wanted to complete the next stage, or leave to explore the galaxy with all they had been taught? They could of course return one day as long as they were not criminals of any note. Many Jensaarai would complete stage 2, or 3 of their training and leave. That meant all sorts of Force Users were on the CIS side. Not just Darth Sidious, Dark Acolytes.

“I thought you were a Force User?” Mina asked nonchalantly, but her entire body went tense waiting for the answer. Ah, so that was why she came to him.

The Jedi were not well liked in the CIS. They were seen as protectors of a corrupt establishment. While the Jensaarai were relatively new, their master Lash seem to be filled with good intentions for now. While most of the CIS were not aware of the Dark Acolytes, or even the Sith for that matter. Mina was testing the waters. Was Lord Enfarious a former Jedi like Count Dooku? Who she greatly admired.

“Lady Bonteri, why did you really come here?” Lash asked, as he turned himself around.

“I must be losing my touch.” Mina said with a look of dismay. Then she straightened out and look Lash in the face.

“Are you a former Jedi?” Mina asked him.

“No.” Lash replied.

“Are you a Jensaarai?” Mina asked next, Lash waved his hand in a half and half motion.

“I never trained with them, but I believe in the balance between the dark, and light side of the force.” Lash replied easily. “But I believe that just means I'm a follower of the Gray. Not, Sith, Jedi, or Jensaarai.”

A visible weight seem to lift off of Mina's shoulders. Her aid, and guard both breathed a sigh of relief as well. Lash was caught off guard he had to admit. The true face of the CIS was kept hidden from the people of the CIS. Through censored holonet, and the belief that the Republic would sell their own mothers for an extra credit stick. So where did this all come from?

“Lady Bonteri, please I believe I have humored you enough. What is going on?” Lash asked, and his animalistic synthetic voice took on a hard edge. His two Sith Sentinel Droid guards unlocked the safeties to their rifles.

“No, no! Please, please let me explain. I meant not harm. I... You know how the CIS feels about the Jedi?” Mina asked, she quickly raised her hands up in surrender. Her aid had gone pale, while her guard raised his hand in surrender as well.

“Yes... You do understand that Count Dooku was once a Jedi as well. Are you asking him the same questions?” Lash asked her, and Mina shook her head.

“Count Dooku has always been upfront about who, and what he is.” Mina said, Lash almost barked out a laugh at that. Count Dooku or Darth Tyranus was none of those things!

“You, Lord Enfarious are an enigma to the people of the CIS. A brilliant scientist that has brought much prosperity to our people. But many fear that you...May be a spy for the republic.” Mina said in a clear voice.

“That is absurd!” Lash said in admonishment. Then his two droids took aim at them. He raised a hand to have them settle. Then went back to a stand ready position, but the safeties were still off.

“I understand! That is why I volunteered to come to you directly. The people don't know much about you. So, I thought maybe you would be open to an interview to a journalist?” Mina asked with a hopeful expression.

“Run the idea past Count Dooku. There are many questions that I will not be able to answer due to security reasons. But as long as the interview questions are thoroughly vetted, I'll agree to it.” Lash offered a compromise, and the smile that grew on Mina's face lite up the house.

Mina and her staff stayed for a short lunch. While she discussed the famine that was happening on Onderon. Lash answered several questions, and they discovered that someone had sabotaged the automatic dispensers on the planet. Lash saw the data and was able to identify the problem. With the corrections made, and a new security program created. Mina left to discuss, and schedule the journalist interview with Count Dooku. Lash was sure that Dooku, and Sidious would say yes. Because it would give a face to the Lord Enfarious on the public holonet. Saint to the CIS, and twisted monster to the Republic. Just one more enemy the Jedi had to catch to end the war.


(Coruscant, Senate House of Assembly.)

Senator of Naboo, Padme Amidala Naberrie sat in mild annoyance as she watched the Senators of the Grand Republic bicker about useless things again, and again. She desperately wanted to take a recess and clear her head. For the fifth time in the past five minutes she looked at her watch. Counting the minutes so she could leave and see her husband, Anakin. Who was back from the outer rim.

Anakin was currently at the Galactic Republic Militia HQ doing the training course. Padme had laughed when she had seen the look of hopeless confusion on Anakin as he fumbled through troop deployments, logistics, and diplomatic treaties. It made her love him even more. Despite his awkwardness, he still gave it his all. Thanks to Master Qui-Gon, and the holo simulations from Master Lash. Anakin was the top of his class at the training course.

“Royal delegates, I believe we have been speaking in circles long enough. Let us adjourn for the day and pick this up tomorrow.” Chancellor Palpatine said to the whole room, and Padme couldn't agree more than ever. The Chancellor looked like he had aged a year just from his meeting alone.

One by one the senate pods returned to their home positions. Padme took a moment to glance at the pod next to her own. The 'junior' representative Nazvo, who was the personal aid of Lash was in that pod. Nazvo who stood with light-saber, and light armor bowed to Padme then left in a literally puff of smoke. Padme wished she could do the same. The moment she stepped out of her pod she was assaulted with words from business owners, senate aids, and her own security force trying to get her out of the assembly as safely as possible.

Gregar Typho her very own Jensaarai bodyguard appeared by her side with a smile. His face mask was down and he bowed to her in respectful courtesy. Padme snagged his offered arm, and just like Nazvo they faded from view in a puff of smoke. Much to the anger, and confusion of the other senate members. While they didn't know is they hadn't teleported away, but simply faded from view.

Padme, and her security staff had a ghost like appearance as they flowed through the assembly house with ease. Each of them were practitioners of the Force Martial Art, while a few of the Royal Security Force were Jensaarai trained from the invasion of Naboo so long ago. Padme thanked Master Lash every day for this little blessing. Padme, and her staff reached their designated transport and flew to the Naboo Embassy housing.

“Finally!” Padme groaned in relief as she slouched in her seat on the transport. Gregar laughed at her with a shake of her head.

“I'd take Venura wilderness survival training any day over sitting in the senate meetings.” Gregar said to her, and Padme had to agree.

“What did we even talk about today?” Dorma asked, Padme's aid for the senate.

“We were suppose to talk about the food crop issues. Several of the bread basket worlds haven't been producing the amount they should be. Many believed that the refugees were hoarding the food for themselves. Which was ridiculous! The senators from those sectors stood up for their refugee programs. This devolved the entire session into a shouting match about who was wrong, and who was right.” Padme replied, as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. She tried to ease the migraine she could feel growing behind her eyes.

“Doesn't every refugee bread basket world have oversight?” Dorma asked in confusion.

“Yes, they do!” Padme said loudly, then waved her hands around in apology. As she went back to rubbing her face. “Despite the planets, and moons being livable we can't just snap our fingers and produce food in less than a year.”

“Most of the senators have never tilled a field a day in their lives. I'm not surprised they have no idea how it really works.” Gregar said in admonishment to the senators of opulence.

“While the food is growing, what are the refugee's eating?” Dorma asked in concern, and Padme smiled at her. Dorma was always worried about others.

“Ghost Industries provided several automated hydroponics towers that grow a nutritional algae paste. It's pure nutritional value, and tastes awful. But it's food.” Padme replied with a smile as she rubbed her neck. Dorma came to her side and helped her remove her ceremonial head dress just as they arrived at the house.

“Not that I want to eat algae, but can't the republic use that?” Dorma asked, and Padme nodded to her in acknowledgment.

“Nutritional bars are being processed, and packaged as we speak. They will be freely provided at distribution centers across the republic by months end. Everything you need in a meal, except for taste.” Padme said, and stuck out her tongue much to the amusement of her staff.

Padme and her entourage opened the doors to the Naboo embassy housing. Then before Padme took three steps into the house she was pressed against a wall by Gregar who had pulled up his helmet/mask. His armor was designed after a tusk-cat found on Naboo. Saber-tooth fangs came down from his mask. The other RSF/Jensaarai had pulled out their light-sabers, and blaster rifles. Padme, and her civilian staff were confused. Until she reached deep inside of her and felt for that connection that she had blatantly ignored for many years. Danger the feeling said to her.

Gregar made several hand signals and the more mundane security force came to stand next to Padme, and Dorma. While the Jensaarai pulled the shadows around themselves and disappeared from view. Then they ghosted into the house clearing each, and every room they came across. It wasn't until they had cleared Padme's personal residence that they called a hesitant all clear. Padme didn't know what that meant, until she walked into her home and smelled blood.

“You don't need to see this, M'lady.” Gregar came to her side and tried to stop her from entering her room.

“I think I have to.” Padme said, as she tentatively stepped into her room. She immediately regretted her choice and fled the room to throw up in the hallway.

Contained within her room was one of her house servants, Ondela Ret. She had served the Padme since she took office. She had been a warm, caring individual that always made sure that her staff were well fed, and healthy. Like a mother she would chide the security staff for not taking proper breaks. Now Ondela Ret was strung up by hooks above Padme's bed. Her skin had been removed, and hung to dry next to her. Burned into her skin were the words.

'Sorry we missed you, see you next time.'

Padme didn't remember the rest of the day. She vaguely remembered being taken to a couch to sit down on. Then she felt the comforting embrace of Anakin wrapping his arms around her. There were talks about improving security, or even moving the Naboo Embassy housing. But Padme wasn't listening, she was cold to the world. One of her people had been killed to send her a message. But she didn't know why? A lot of people wanted her dead, this was true. But they always targeted her. Yes, people had been caught in the cross fire before. But she was always the target. This..? This didn't make sense.

“My dear?” A older man's voice woke Padme up from her thoughts. Chancellor Palpatine was in the room with her, he knelt before her. His old, but strong hands wrapped around her own.

“Chancellor, when did you get here?” Padme asked, and the look of worry on his face only made her more confused.

“My dear I've been here for over an hour. You even said hello to me, did you not notice?” Palpatine asked, and Padme balked at the idea. When did she do that?

“I'm sorry...I..I'm...” Padme started, and stopped several times.

“It's perfectly understandable, Padme. It seems the war has spilled into your home.” Palpatine said in worry. “Perhaps you would like to stay with me at my residence? Or, perhaps stay at Ghost Industries HQ. I know Master Lash is back, he could provide around the clock security.”

“...What? No... I.. Can stay here. I... I won't run away.” Padme said again in a detached voice.

Padme didn't hear the rest of the discussion. She vaguely remembered answering questions, but didn't engage in conversation. She felt the strong, comforting embrace of Anakin picking her up and she curled up into that warmth. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep. She woke up later sitting on a very large bed in a nice bedroom. Off to the side was a giant armored man working on a holographic computer who twitched and glanced over at her.

“Hello Padme. Would you like to find who attacked your people?” Lash asked in a sinister tone that normally would have frightened her. But this time, something dark inside of her welcomed it.

“Yes...Yes, I would.” Padme replied.


(Coruscant, Ghost Industries, and Republic Militia HQ.)

Darth Sidious aka Supreme Chancellor Palpatine had created a situation that had compelled Anakin to run off mid training. He had specifically targeted one of Padme's favorite servants and brutally tortured and killed her in Padme's own home. The devastated, and lost look on Padme's face had sent the Jedi Knight in a blind fury as he rushed through Corucsant's under world to discover the truth. A truth organized by Palpatine in the end.

But Lash found another opportunity. Padme had been a Force-Super for over ten years now. She had never sought any form of training. Almost complacent in the idea that using the Force was beyond her. Her battlefield was the senate. She would leave the Force to her husband. But now, that had changed. Something had snapped inside of her. Lash watched the dark side of the force dance around in delight around Padme.

“Where do we start?” Padme asked Lash.

“Go to the refresher room and put on the suit found in there. Call me if you need help.” Lash said simply to her. Padme left the room without question. That alone said volumes about Padme mind set.

Lash had spent the past few hours searching through the data net with Connectivity, and his Virtual Intelligence tech-spirits. The dark acolytes that Palpatine had sent had done their job well. They had erased the security footage. Used sealed environmental suits to prevent any form of identification through finger print, trace DNA, etc. Even going so far as to use dark side energy to hide their Force imprint. Then they quickly skinned Ondela through use of the Force. Once they were finished they set the stage, planted evidence, and left. In and out in ten minutes.

The trail would lead to several planted, and brain washed thugs were hired by a 'third' party. That would lead Anakin to one problem after another. All to test his resolve, and his love for Padme. He would destroy anyone or anything that sought to harm his wife. Reaching deeper, and deeper into the dark side of the Force to give him focus. But that is not what Lash was going to do. No, he was going to track down the true culprits.

“Lash, I need a little help.” Padme's voice squeaked from the refresher room.

Lash closed the nigh invisible screen he had created and stood up in a fluid motion. He prowled across towards the refresher room to see Padme hiding behind the shower stall. Her face bright pink in hesitation. A little bit of that shy Queen he had met so long ago. By her side was a part of the polymer woven suit that he had provided. Lash had given her a training gray suit used by the Jensaarai when they were still below stage 2.

Lash had designed it after the Shinobi, and Samurai clans on Earth. Loose undergarments that were tailored to the user. Much like a martial art, or Samurai Gi. While covered in segmented plates that protected their vitals. The issue that Padme was having, was she couldn't get the armor plates on correctly that would wrap around her chest, and back.

“Turn around and face the wall, I'll be quick.” Lash said to her. Padme swallowed audibly and turned around. She swept her hair to her front and shivered slightly.

“I bet you say that to all the girls.” Padme said with a bit of forced humor.

“Not at all. I always ensure that I am slow, and careful with the women in my life. I work slowly at the start, and by the end we are both hot and salivating to finish.” Lash said, as he placed the first portion on. Padme jumped when he touched her.

“That's not what I meant...” Padme said, as she tried to stop her self from fidgeting.

“I know, but I take great delight in teasing you.” Lash replied with a laugh. He could almost feel her glare.

The armored portion didn't take long, and technically could have been done by a single person. But Padme had no previous experience this kind of suit. Lash helped her finish with the rest of the gear much to her glaring annoyance. He fixed little issues here and there. But in the end she was finished. The suit accentuated her feminine form, but still left plenty to the imagination. Next came her mask, it was in the design of a balaclava. Lash did her hair into a french braid and had it tucked under her armor for safe keeping. Once the mask was set, next came the armored layer.

As per Jensaarai tradition even the training gi was stylized after an animal. Lash went with a Tooka. So obviously Padme had two great big pointed ears on her head, with an adorable cheshire grin on the mask. The combat gloves, and boots had retractable claws. While she had a long fluffy tail that linked to her spine. It would help her balance, and give her better sensory awareness. As soon as the suit was linked together, her ears artificially went flat. While her tail puffed out, and stood up.

“What animal is this based on?” Padme asked, her voice dripped with venom.

“A Tooka. They are very persistent hunters that have been known to track their prey for hours, or even days. Despite their appearance they would fight back with a savagery that didn't match their size once cornered. Such a spirit is something you need right now.” Lash replied as he came to stand behind Padme as she looked at her self in the mirror. Once he finished speaking her ears perked up, and her tail wagged back and forth in happy contentment.

“I'm not sure I can do this...” Padme said a whisper barely audible.

“You won't be alone.” Lash replied, and Padme's ears flattened against her head.

“Ondela had a family back at Naboo. Two children, with four grandchildren. How do I tell them that she's gone?” Padme said softly, as tears began to well up in her eyes.

“You'll find the words to tell them. Once we have captured the ones responsible for her death.” Lash said, he gently placed his hands on her shoulders. “Come, the trail is getting cold.”

Lash took Padme's hand, and she let him guide her back to the main bed chamber. He released her hand, and clapped his hands together. A form of energy reverberated from Lash, then the very air in front of him seem to ripple, and distort. Lash turned to look at Padme who stared at the phenomenon with wide eyes. Then took Lash's offered hand once again. Then with tentative foot steps, she found herself on a Coruscant street she had never seen before.

Lash had used Portal Creation and brought Padme straight from the HQ. As far as anyone would know she had never left the compound. Where did they end up? Layer 1, which turned out to be the bottom floor to Coruscant. He had found it weeks ago and at last linked to the Nature realm of the planet. Despite the giant city choking the life out of the planet, the realm of Nature was still alive. Just dormant, and waiting for renewal.

On level 5000 of Coruscant is the power grid, while layer 5127 was the top layer. While everything below level 5000 was dubbed the under city. While the most famous layer is 1312 and so many comics, and books about Star Wars was about that floor. The floor they wanted was the first one. Filled with thick layers of smog, rot, and decay. It was here at the depths of Coruscant that the dark side was in control. It would eat away at not only the mind, but the body as well.

Towering above them was the rotten bones of Coruscant. The metallic structures that were supported the layer above had all but rotten away. Layer, after layer above it would fall to ruin if these supports fell. A question came to mind, if a single pillar broke. Would the city above it fall? What if they all broke? Lash was extremely tempted to find out. Over a trillion people lived on Coruscant. Could he take it all down like a house of cards?

“Lash where are we?” Padme asked through her mask, it had automatically deployed a filter so she could breath. But all the same her eyes were watering.

“We are on the first layer of Coruscant.” Lash said, and her eyes went wide.

“I... I thought this place was off limits?” Padme replied as she soon came to stand right next to Lash in worry.

“It is, which makes it the perfect place to hide.” Almost to emphasis the dangers of the first floor a creature with rotten flesh, and exposed bone sprang from the shadows.

Lash sliced the creature in half straight down the middle and the creature turned into wisps of smoke and ash. Padme jumped in surprise and before she even realized what she had done. She pivoted and swung her leg out to crack another creature straight in the skull with the heel of her boot. The thing went flying several feet and impacted into a rotten durasteel beam. It burst into smoke just like the other.

“Nicely done!” Lash complimented her with a soft clap.

A resolute howl rang out above them. Then a cacophony of howls, screeches, and inhuman screams answered. Creatures, monstrosities, and abominations of flesh, bone, and even metal poured from the ruin and rotten bottom floor of Coruscant like a termite hive rushing towards an invader. Lash reached into his belt and threw two handles towards Padme who caught them easily. She activated one light-saber in the color blue, and the other in green.

“What are we doing!?” Padme shouted in horror as Lash pulled out a two handles as well. Each one in the color of red.

“Proving a point!” Lash shouted and sprinted towards the dark side creatures. Then for the first time since he came to this Rift he reached out with Temporary Pack Bond and linked with Padme.

Lash and Padme's minds linked together and she suddenly understood Lash better than she could ever believe. A creature jumped towards her and she side stepped it with ease. Slicing it half, then she spun in a pirouette. Then brought her raised foot down on another creatures skull. She raced forward and dropped to her knees. Sliding across a wrecked metal plate she twirled her blades through the air. Each swing ended another life. More...She wanted more!

Lash saber blades were a force of nature. Each swing sent a shock wave of Telekinetic energy. Entire groups of creatures were turned into puree. He released his light-sabers and they spun around him like a blender. He raised his hands into the sky and created a lightning storm in the skies above them. The electrical currents raced along the metal ceiling and shot down. Call Lightning shot with rapid succession over and over again.

Padme jumped from a rooftop and brought her knee down on a creature twice her size. It yelped in surprise and pain. But soon died like the rest as she sliced it's head off. A violent spray of blood poured across her suit of armor. Her eyes were wild in anticipation as she dodged under a creatures claws and stepped into its space. She stabbed out with one blade, while the other guarded against another. Then she jumped into the air, and took a step off of thin air to change direction. She brought her blades down on two more creatures. Then she raced towards Lash.

Lash had created two shadow duplicates of himself. Each one wielded one of the two light-sabers he had. While he took out a double bladed light-saber with a red color like the others. He spun it around in full rotations and waded into the fight. His duplicates moved to cover Padme as she arrived in their protective phalanx. In smooth coordination she ran up Lash's back and jumped off his shoulders into a crowd of creatures. She brought both blades down and an eruption of Force energy exploded from her impact.

Lash came to Padme's side and swung his blade in a wide arc. She ducked down just in time as the blade missed her by a hair. She dove between his legs and impaled another creature, then catapulted herself to her feet. Lash made quick slashes side to side with his blades. While the doppelgangers moved forward in perfect time to stab out. Lash jumped forward and brought his foot down to create a shock impact. All the while lightning fell from the sky.

One by one the creatures were slain and the dark side energy in the air grew thicker, and thicker with each passing moment. Their fight drew the attention of other denizens that were on the first floor of Coruscant. Including two dark acolytes who looked on in confusion. Then once it was all said and done Padme let loose a primal yell that was shared by Lash. Their cries shook the very air around them. As the storm above them continued to gather strength.

Padme dropped to her knees at the end of her cry. She felt as though she had died and been reborn in that battle. Her entire body was on fire, and but cold on the inside. Her emotions raged inside of her skull. Hate, fear, envy, greed, pleasure, and love. She had so much she didn't know what to do with it. Her head snapped up to look at Lash as he recalled his shadows into him. He put his blades away with ease as if this whole battle was beneath his notice. Like he had simply been caught in the rain without a coat.

“WHO ARE YOU!?” Padme screamed at him. She jumped to her feet and swung her blades at him. Lash easily stepped out of her reach.

“Do you have any idea how hard it is to get to know you!?” Padme shouted again, as she kicked out a foot. Lash caught her foot and pushed her back. She moved with it, and did a back hand spring.

“Your sweet! Your considerate! You go out of your way to help people!” Padme shouted, each word was punctuated with a swing of her blades. “Every time anyone asks you a question about you, you deflect! You come up with excuses!”

“You don't let anyone in! I've known you for years, and I feel like this is the first time I've really known you!” Padme continued to scream at him. Her heart felt like it was about to burst from her chest.

“Do you have any idea what it's like to love someone when you feel like you don't even know who they are!?” Padme yelled and brought her blades down in a straight arc. Lash caught her wrists easily, but she used the leverage to climb up and knee him in the face. The action was a bit of a surprise because Lash let go and stumbled back.

“You are the closes thing to a brother I've ever had! But I don't know who you are!” Padme screamed... “WHO! ARE! YOU!” She swung her blades again, and again with greater force each time. The entire area shook with mini quakes as the blades impacted.

Then without warning Lash reached out and poured information into her brain. Padme screamed then in absolute horror as she saw hundreds of life times flash through her eyes. Life, after life. Wars beyond counting. Love found, and lost. Entire galaxies brought to its knees, planets soaked in the blood of innocent lives. It was too much! How was this possible!? Then Lash severed the connection. Padme collapsed to her knees and wept.

Lash knelt by her side and carefully pulled her into his embrace. She practically flung herself at him and cried. She sobbed in his arms, she screams raked through the souls of others with her empathy for what he had been through. Lash smoothed his hands up and down her back in act of comfort for her. It only made her cry harder. This had not been his intention when he brought her down here. But it was oddly therapeutic for him. Padme would barely remember any of it. Just the feeling it gave. He was careful not to show her anything about this life and/or Rift.

Lash glanced to his left and saw the two dark acolytes they had come to track were standing off to the side. They were meditating, feeding on the saturated dark side energy in the air. The well of emotions that poured off of Padme was like sweet candy to them. With each passing minute their midi-chlorian count rose. Then with a shuddering sob, Padme seem to understand they were not alone. She pushed what she had felt aside. Once again showing her skill as a politician to compartmentalize her emotions. That is what he should do! Lash should create an entire lesson plan on how to be a politician. That would be a great way to keep emotions in check for his Jensaarai.

“Are you Sith?” One of the acolytes asked.

“Jensaarai...” Lash replied, and they both nodded in acceptance.

“What did you show her?” The other acolyte asked.

“The same thing I'm about to show you.” Lash replied and before either of them could react he used his long lost friend, Sherogoth's Punishment.

They both dropped in a fit of screams as they relived every moment of suffering they visited onto others but in reverse. Now they were the ones being tortured. However, Lash understood that this would not have the same effect as it would in his home reality. The dark side of the force exploded with energy as it fed on the emotions provided by the supernatural ability. The two acolytes screamed, and screamed. Their thrashing limbs shot out Force rending brutality as if the very fabric of reality was to be shredded.

Lash moved to shield Padme from the carnage but she surprised him but standing by his side and was indifferent to their suffering. She figured it out, these were the ones that had killed her friend. The battle between the creatures was meant to draw them in. What had happened between she and Lash had been an....accident. Her Tooka ears perked up, and her tail swayed back and forth as she watched the acolytes suffer over and over.

Eventually they stopped screaming, both of them were alive. They took huge lung fulls of air, breathing in the poison fumes, and the dark side energy. They had shredded their vocal cords as they screamed and could do nothing but groan. But a sadistic grin grew across their faces as they slowly climbed to their feet. A spark of madness grew in their eyes. The yellow glow of the Sith was found there.

“Who are you? To have such power?” One of them asked.

“I am the Jensaarai Master, Lash. This is Padme Amidala Naberrie, you visited her home earlier today and skinned one of her servants.” Lash answered, and gave a little more than what was needed. But the look of pure terror on their faces was worth it.

“Padme, what would you like to do with them?” Lash asked her, and she didn't even hesitate.

“Kill them.” Padme said, and Lash reached out with his Elemental Manipulation and immolated them. The fire was blue in color, it burned so hot it turned even their bones to ash. It was over far to quickly. But it was enough for her.

“Take us back, Lash.” Padme said in a soft whisper. He used Reality Warping, to amplify Portal Creation and opened the gate. It was far to soon, and he would create a penalty but... He could use his Archmage title effect on it.

  • Archmage Title effect has been used on Intermediate Portal Creation to evolve it to Advanced Portal Creation.

    • Effect: Spell/Power cool down is reduced to 6 hours.

    • Effect: Spell/Power energy consumption has been reduced.

    • Effect: Spell/Power range, and size of the portal has increased.

    • Effect: Spell/Power has additional effects to other abilities...(See tool tip.)

  • Attention User, you have used Reality Warping to empower and temporarily remove the cool down on Portal Creation. You will now receive and extended penalty of one month dream time, starting now.

They both stepped from the ripple in the air back into the room they left. Padme curled up on the bed without a word. Numb to the world around her. Lash took the time to get her out of her armor. She didn't fight him or assist him. Eventually she wore little else but a bra, and panties. Lash tucked her into the bed and sat next to it. Keeping watch over her. Her eyes finally focused and she looked up at him.

“I'm sorry...” She said in a whisper.

“I've lived a long life, Padme. I have seen and done many things. Not all of them were nice. But despite it all, I still believe in the common decency of people. You are a good person. No matter how you look back on tonight. Just know that I believe in you.” Lash said, and her tears fell down her face.

“Sleep Padme, you'll feel better in the morning.” Lash said, with a bit of Compulsion and his Dream Domain. She would sleep peaceful, and dream of Naboo. Of happier, simpler times...


By morning Anakin had returned with a gloomy atmosphere around him. Flecks of blood had sprayed across his face, and he smelled of booze, sweat, and rill spice. His entire body shook in rage, and hatred. He had failed to find the culprits. They had fled, he was sure of it. He came to see Padme to... To do something. When he rang the bell Lash answered the door. For a brief moment Anakin was filled with anger. Why was Lash in Padme's room? But he quickly shook that thought away. Lash said he would stay with her until he got back.

“I'll keep looking...” Lash said to Anakin who nodded. “Take a shower first, you smell awful.” Lash said next and Anakin looked down at himself and laughed a little. Then something clicked together.

“Do you know about me and Padme?” Anakin asked, and Lash tilted his head to one side.

“Of course I do, Anakin. Aliit ori'shya tal'din – Family is more than blood.” Lash said to him, and Anakin smiled in relief. They hugged each other. (Mando'a, Wookieepedia!)

“But seriously, take a shower.” Lash said as he side stepped Anakin and walked out of the room.

The door closed behind Anakin and Lash rolled his shoulders as he walked through his corporate HQ. At the door to Padme's temporary residence were two heavy security droids that were essentially walking tanks. They'd make a lot of noise before they went down. But Lash knew that Padme was safe. Not only were the original culprits dead. Palpatine didn't want Padme dead, not yet.

A little after an hour after Anakin returned to the HQ Lash received a holographic recording of the proper evidence of 'who' was responsible for Ondela. Palpatine had accomplished his goal. Now, Anakin needed to return to being the level headed Jedi so he could keep himself alive. Because next week he would return to the front. Lash wasted no time notifying Anakin of the news. He could practically feel the relief through the holographic from him.

Lash took a moment to collect his thoughts. He was currently sitting in an observation tower in the training dome for the Militia HQ. The HQ ran 24 hours a day to educate, and train more troops. Didn't matter if it was high noon, or middle of the night. Lash needed to prove a point. So he went towards the largest battle simulation room on the bottom first floor of the dome.

The room was massive in scope, several square miles worth. If they needed to they could collapse the other walls and make the room that much larger. Lash reached out with Connectivity and linked up with the control center. When his voice popped through the intercom system the organic staff fell out of their chairs. While the droids moved to assist him.

“Grand Admiral, Lash! How can we help you?” A surprised and nervous voice called through his ear piece.

“Activate main combat chamber 2-B, Horde mode.” Lash said to the technician.

“One moment, sir.... Sir, we are reading only one person in the room.” The technician asked in puzzlement.

“That's me... Activate Horde mode, unlock safeties, with dynamic landscape. Do a full holo recording and broadcast it across the Militia holonet, and any public broadcast stations that would allow it.” Lash said, as he started to do a set of stretches for the coming battle.

“Sir... Yes sir!” The technician began to object, but soon complied to his order.

What was horde mode? The combatants would face wave after wave of combat droids. First wave was ten standard B1 battle droids. The Techno-Union had corporate neutrality and sold to both sides of the war. So Lash made sure to buy them in bulk so his people could train properly. After the first wave, the numbers would double. Ten would turn into twenty, that in turn would turn into forty. But, starting at the second wave they would start to mix it up. All of this with a dynamic landscape that would change every few waves. Unlock safeties meant they would be using live fire.

“Grand Admiral, Lash. Horde mode activating in ten. Safeties unlocked, with dynamic landscape. Holo recorders are active, with full broadcast across the Militia, and any public broadcast station.... We are a go in... Three.... Two.... Good luck sir!” The technician called out.

The several square mile room turned into a dusty red sandstone landscape. Across the skies a holographic image appeared that spelled out Geonosis. Soft light holographic projectors painted the background. While the polygon surface changed into a cracked, and rocky terrain. A B1 battle droid appeared just over the hill top. Approximately twenty feet up and took aim. Lash raised his right hand up, and the compact blaster rifle in his arm shot out a red blaster bolt. Head shot.

Lash started off with a casual walk through the Geonosis terrain. A howling wind brushed by, and it picked up sand particulates. It covered his visor for a brief moment until a soft static shield popped up and brushed it away. He had to applaud the realism. Lash twisted to his left just as rifle bolt flew past his shoulder. He raised his left hand up, and shot another red bolt from his left vamprace. Head shot. Then he started to look for the others.

High above the battlefield was a simulated sun that started to warm up the whole simulation room. Tiny details that created a realistic setting were slowly being written into the simulation. He could vaguely see the asteroid belt that surrounded Geonosis. The planet had fifteen moons of different sizes. He stepped to the side, and shot another bolt. Head shot. Lash knelt down and ran his hands across the ground. Fresh red sand... No they were made up of tiny microscopic machines. Each one linked together with the environment to give it a soft, and hard light holographic interface. Head shot.

A staccato of blaster fire shot towards him from his left flank. He jumped to the side and sprinted towards the location. Eventually he found the rest of the battle droids hiding behind some rocks. They each took turns firing at him and ducking behind cover. When they poked their heads out, he would shoot them. One by one. Until he reached the last one, he jumped over the cover and brought his foot down to cave in the chest plate.

'First wave cleared. Second wave will begin in ten.' -A voice called out, along with a holographic display high above showed the next set. Twenty targets, fifteen B1 battle droids. With five B2 battle droids. Standard equipment. Landscape, Geonosis at night.... The the sun sped across the sky at an accelerated rate and darkness took the battle room. The temperature dropped dramatically. While the scattered moons above provided a lot of light.

'BEGIN!' The battle was called. Lash looked around the landscape and saw the five B2 battle droids rushing towards his position. Right arms raised up, and twin battle rifles firing in quick succession. At their range he could stand perfectly still and never be hit. Lash sprinted towards them after a few hundred feet he was point blank with them. He punched in the main chassis a dozen time in less than a second. Then reached out with Repair and turned one into an exploding diagram. He lifted the gears, screws, and gizmos off the ground with Telekinesis then used it as shrapnel to tear threw the last B2's who turned towards him.

Five down, fifteen to go. Lash punched through the chest of one last B2. It was still moving. Then he looked around and saw that the B1's were scattered around the battlefield. He rolled his eyes and played the game of cat and mouse with them one by one. Behind him nigh invisible flying scrapper droids picked up the mess he left behind. Then scurried away so they were out of sight, and out of mind. Unlike the battle droids in lore. These ones didn't talk. Why would they? When they could communicate through their own network. Exchange an entire conversation in less than a second.

'Second wave cleared. Third wave will begin in ten.' -The voice called out again, with a new display. Forty targets, twenty five B1, ten B2, five droidekas, with standard equipment. Landscape, Geonosis windstorm at night.... A fierce wind picked up and a sandstorm rushed towards Lash. It wasn't so bad that it would knock him off his feet. But it definitely threw him off balance.

Lash knelt down exactly where he was and closed his eyes to focus. He pushed out with his Technomancy Domain and winced as he read the whole room. All of the tiny microbots, scrapper droids cleaning the field, the holographic projectors, and the battle droids slowly working through the battle room. That was the difference between other tasks that Lash knew and played. These droids didn't automatically known where he was. They were looking for him, just like he was them.

Once the scrapper bots had left, Lash jumped to his feet and sprinted through the light sand storm. A three foot long red energy blade erupted from his right left vamprace. He sliced clean through a B2, then he raised his right arm up and shot another energy bolt through a B1. Once he fired, they shot on his last known position with scary accuracy. He used Deflection and raced towards them. Their own blaster bolts giving away their position.

Eventually all of the standard B1's were dispatched. The B2's were using the droideka's as cover as they were taller and could shoot over them. The destroyers had deployed their shields. But with the sandstorm the shields soon blocked their own view. They had to periodically cancel their shields to clean their visors. Lash burst through the storm with two red energy blades from his vampraces and cut through them with ease. One B2 did a surprising move and tried to tackle Lash. But he cut it straight down the middle.

'Third wave cleared, fourth wave will begin in ten.' -The voice called out, and the holographic information changed above as the wind died down. Eighty targets.... Lash stopped listening after that. He stepped away from the ruined remains of the droids so the scrappers could do their job. It stayed night, but he could see the early light of the sun rising in the simulation room. Right before the battle started the sun rose up in an almost blinding light. That of course was exactly where the droids were coming from. Good idea.

Lash's visor dimmed automatically. He deactivated his energy blades and raised his arms up. Two blaster rifles rose up from his shoulders and he ID every IFF he could find. Then he started to fire red energy bolts from his arms, and his shoulder mounted rifles. Every shot hit a target, every hit a head shot. That was the shortest round yet.

'Fourth wave cleared, fifth wave will begin in ten.' -The voice called out, and the holographic display switched to one hundred and sixty targets.... The rifles on his arms, and shoulders compressed back into his armor. He turned to see that the rocky terrain changed to that one of sand and nothing else. He glanced up to see that he was now on Tatooine. Great, that meant some exotic droids.

A giant ball burst from the sand dune next to him. It was approximately ten feet in diameter. When it got close to him it burst up into the air. Spider like legs sprouted from its body, and rotating energy turrets popped out of its side. At the top a red visor screen appeared. It chirped at him, and turrets unloaded towards him. Lash raised the whole thing up with Telekinesis and crushed it. The resulting explosion gave away his position.

Over a dozen B1's on STAP's flew over his position. Once again they didn't talk to one another, or point out his position. Once one droid saw him, the entire unit knew his location. That was the dangerous part about battle droids. Lash's two rifle cannons popped from his shoulders. They took careful aim and shot each STAP with ease. While he climbed up a sand dune to get a good look.

A few more of the giant metallic balls were headed his way. While sniper droideka's took position on an opposite dune. The sniper versions were much the same as the original. They still pulled themselves into a pill bug when they moved. But now they had one large caliber blaster rifle that they stuck through their riot like shield. While they were exposed on the sides. The marksman rifles shot towards Lash position.

Lash picked up each giant metallic balls, it was a design he'd never seen before. Then he tossed them at the sniper destroyers. A few of them rolled away, most were wrecked by their own troops. Then he crushed the balls for good measure. His two shoulder cannons were still at work. Every target ID through IFF was marked. So he jumped down his dune and created his red Psionic Blades from his vampraces. Over twenty B2 battle droids popped out of the sand the moment his feet rose over the next dune. They unloaded with wrist mounted rockets, flame throwers, and blaster fire.

Deflection was up, and he cast Acceleration then waded into the storm of enemy fire. He jumped towards one droid into a forward pounce with his energy blades. Then threw the carcass at its fellow. He sent out a Psionic red energy wave that all but melted the droids into ruin. Then ducked and rolled when a missile hit his last known location. He pulled up on the 'sand' and created a smoke screen. Then flew up into the air above them. It didn't take long for a sniper to spot him and take a shot. He deflected it back at them. The pill bug shield blocking the shot.

Lash grabbed a fistful of sand and shot it at high velocity through the side of the droideka. Hundreds of tiny blades moving at mach one ripped through the droids exposed gears. That worked so well that Lash did the same to the remaining ones around him. Once he landed in the sands he looked around and found the rest of the droids all had a single rifle bolt through them. His Parallel Minds had been hard at work.

'Fifth wave cleared....' -The voice spoke again, and the day turned into night. Lash was starting to look forward to the next round. Though he briefly wondered how the technicians were doing?


(Coruscant, Militia HQ combat, and control simulation room.)

“Listen up! Each of you will be given twenty troops for now! Work together and see if you can take him down!” A technician called out to the Militia officers who stood around a holographic table. As they watched in horror as Lash decimated their collected forces.

“Can we get some tanks? Some heavy artillery would be amazing!” An officer called out.

“That's coming next round, along with some aircraft.” Another technician called out.

“Sir! Coruscant media wants to know if they can make a betting pool on how long he'll last. What do I tell them?” Another voice shouted.

“I'm not sure! T7 can you contact the higher ups?”

“Affirmative.” An admin droid called out.

“Sixth wave cleared, seventh wave will begin in ten.” The synthetic voice called out and the militia officers all groaned. They started to quickly pick and choose their available forces.

“Sir! We have volunteers who want to run in and help. Should we open the doors?”

“We already tried that, he locked us out! He want's to do it alone.”

The door to the control room opened and several Mandalorian officers walked in. They snagged a droid to ask what was going on. When they heard the news they desperately wanted to join Lash in the field. But when they learned he locked the doors. They settled for snagging a few forces on the holographic board and helped position troops. The seventh wave soon turned into the eighth, which turned into the ninth. By the tenth wave the entire Militia training compound was watching the ridiculous fight between one man, and an army of droids.


Lash sprinted up the giant simulated trees of Kashyyk. He used Gravity Stride and run up it like it was the ground. All the while his rifle mounted cannons fired behind him as Hundreds of battle droids fired up at his position. He catapulted himself up through the air through the use of Telekinesis and tackled a vulture droid who flew by. He sliced its wing off and jump to another droid gunship. The thing spun like a top trying to shake him off. But he was glued to it. Until the battle droids fired on it to get to him.

He dropped over a hundred feet to the forest floor below. He brought his arms down and used a Telekinetic blast to send hundreds of droids into the air. Many of them obliterated with the initial kinetic energy. The whole battlefield, and probably the simulation hall shook with that attack. He felt through his Technomancy Domain that the entire structure was being reinforced below. While dozens of repair, and maintenance droids were repairing the damage he was causing. What did he care? It was his home after all.

Hundreds of blaster bolts fired onto his position and he cast Blink. Disappearing from his initial location and appearing sixty feet away. Then he did it a few more times to appear behind a hover tank. He ripped its turret off its main frame and threw it at another one. Then he jumped off and smashes his fist into another troop transport, caving in its entire front section. Hyena bombers flew by to destroy his location but he shot them down one by one with Eldritch Blast from his vampraces.

“Is that all you got!?” Lash shouted up into the air.


Across the galactic holonet people from all walks of life tuned into watch the Republic Militia public network. They watched in excited anticipation as one man fought against impossible odds. Thousands of battle droids, armored vehicles,and air craft were piled up against him. Again, and again he came out on top. The odds were against him, a thousand to one on the betting pool and it continued to climb.

But to others who watched the transmission they could only look on in dread. The public network reached out to the CIS. The people there watched in cold realization that this was the Jensaarai Master that fought with the republic. How does one fight against something like that? This couldn't be real, right? It was propaganda? A fiction created by the republic to scare them. Yes, that seemed far more feasible.

Back at the planet of Coruscant, in the grand residence of the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The man who was said to have the most power in all of the republic watched the holo display of Lash destroying thousands of droids. With each new wave defeated the anger Palpatin felt grew, and grew. This was a tool he couldn't control. But was it a tool he could guide? Palpatine had to change his plans once again. Lash was an ally for now. But could Palpatine afford to make him an enemy? Lash had proved his point.


“Attention! Attention! Final wave complete! Total targets destroyed, 20,480. We have run out of droids to send.” A technician called down into the battlefield.

Lash found himself on top a pile of dismembered robotic parts. It wasn't the only either but he didn't care. He looked around the destroyed simulation room. Half of the environment was a forest of some kind that looked familiar. While the other half was the holographic projectors, and pieces of the durasteel walls falling off their anchor points. At some point they stopped announcing waves and just started to pump droids into the room.

His armor was covered in scorch marks. Pieces of it had melted from repeated blaster shots to the same spot over and over again. His helmet was cracked when he took several torpedoes straight to his face. He vaguely remembered fighting against a pack of droids with swords, and spears. That had been fun. Though being fired on while he dueled them hadn't. He had thought about using Shapeshift and letting Saurian out to play. But then he thought better about it. He wanted to save him as a trump card.

With one last dismissive wave through Connectivity he disabled the locks he had on the doors. As soon as he did a wave of Mandalorian's rushed in with weapons at the ready only to be disappointed. Oh no! They are not disappointed they firing on him. Lash rolled his eyes and took off down the hill of body parts. He swapped his energy blades from red to blue. Then bisected a Mando down the middle. He went into a seizing fit as electricity danced through him.

“Attention! Lightning round! Mandalorian attack?” A technician called out.

Mandalorian's were not the only ones attacking. Dozens of Jensaarai, and Jedi rushed into the room? Lash shot out a Call Lightning and a storm of electrical energy took out fifty of them without a fuss. Then he dove for cover as the Mandalorian's fired their missiles from their jet packs. A storm of blaster fire shot towards him and they all went in different directions thanks to Deflection.

Several Jensaarai landed next to him and took out their light-sabers. Each one in a different design, and combat form. They worked in perfect cohesion with one another. Lash cast Acceleration, then with Cat's Grace, and Superhuman Speed. He dropped low and cut through their legs in one wide arc. The electrical shock from his blue energy beam dropped all of them. Then Lash jumped to the side to avoid a Jedi Knight by the name of Anakin with a wide smile on his face.

“Really!? Is this how you spend your weekends!?” Anakin shouted at him as he took a combat form and swung his blade. Lash pushed out with Telekinesis and sent him flying backwards.

Lash jumped backwards, then jumped again off a air current thanks to Elemental Manipulation. Then brought his blades down on another group of Jedi who he didn't recognize. He whipped around and one of his shoulder mounted rifles shot a shock bolt into Ahsoka who didn't even get to say hi! Lash ran past her, and gave her a head a fond pat on the head. She stared daggers at him. A swarm of militia troops poured into the room and unloaded their E-lasers onto his position.

“Am I fighting the whole army now!?” Lash shouted with a bit of mirth. Lash launched himself into the air and created a giant orb of blue energy and shot it at the horde of Militia troops who all tried to scatter. Hundreds dropped in a single explosion.

“That's why you always go in waves!” Lash shouted, then flew off to the side as the Mandalorian's flew after him.

Several republic gun ships flew into the simulation room and deployed clone troopers. Oh come on! Lash jumped from simulated tree to simulated tree. Every second was another foe defeated. Thanks to Infinite Supply that oddly refilled E-Laser bolts. Along with his Technomancy shock cantrip. Lash would never run out of ammo. He pulled on his Nature Domain and created a thick fog as he fled into the forest.

Six Jedi, and four Jensaarai led a group of clone troopers into the fog. While the Mandalorian's floated in the air and activated their infrared. Unfortunately, Lash's armor hid that. Or he assumed they did? As they started to fire on his position. That was when he face palmed. The collected energy from being shot so many times made his armor warm. That was an oversight on his part.

He dodged, and weaved his way through light-saber swings. Each wielder dropped to floor after a single swing. As Lash's blades passed through the light-saber without resistance. The Mandalorians were smart enough to hide behind the simulated trees that started to melt? The environment was changing again. To...Nothing? The entire hall was just one big open room. Filled with piles of robotic parts.

“Please! Ladies and gentlemen that is quiet enough!” Supreme Chancellors voice called down from the operations room. A few Mandalorians ignored the cease fire so Lash shocked them into submission.

“Please, I understand the desire to continue... What ever this is. But we've received word from the front. The republic world of Ryloth has been attacked. The Navy, and Army is scrambling to aid the world. We ask that Militia command attend a briefing. Grand Admiral Lash, are you available?” Palpatine asked through the speaker box.

“May I take a shower first?” Lash called up.

“I would prefer it. Please come to my office at your earliest convenience.” Palpatine said in amusement.

“Woooo! Lightning round complete!” Lash shouted and raised his arms in a cheer.

“Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc” A Mandalorian warrior called out with a laugh. (Better one big enemy that you can see than many small ones you can't. Wookieepedia!)

“Next time I need a work out I'll make sure to call you all, alright?” Lash said to the Mandalorian's who all cheered.

Lash made his way through the destroyed battle simulation room. Eventually came across Anakin who's hair was statically charged, and he was poking Ahsoka. She jumped away like a cat who's tail had been stepped on. Anakin was never one to dwell on a defeat, especially a friendly one. He also had a glow about him. Something that comes from having sex with someone you love. Ah, so he had that kind of morning.

“Hey you two, hows life?” Lash asked as he walked over. Anakin had a huge grin on his face. While Ahsoka sulked.

“I'm great! How are you?” Anakin asked, as he looked Lash over. “I think this is the first time I've seen you with ruined armor.”

“Ya, I'll have to buff this out.” Lash said as he looked at one of the melted portions. “Ahsoka, what's wrong?” Lash asked the Padawan who refused to look at him.

“Oh she's just sulking. She barely did anything.” Anakin said with a smirk, and Ahsoka stamped her feet.

“He didn't even swing his weapon at me. I got shot!” Ahsoka shouted with a petulant look on her face.

“Should of blocked the shot then.” Anakin said with a smile.

“Tell you what Ahsoka. Next available time we both have off we'll have a duel. Just you and me, alright?” Lash asked, and the padawan's eyes lite up.

“Really!?” Then she coughed, and shuffled her foot. “I mean, that would be nice.” Ahsoka said, as she blushed just a bit. Lash sometimes forgot that Ahsoka was still just a youngling, or maybe she was a teenager at this age for her species? Thoughts for later.

Lash laughed and made his way towards his private residence in the HQ. He put an express order in to replace the droids he mangled. He found Nazvo was already on it. Though a most distressed letter from her was found in his personal data mail. She had wanted to join in the fight as well. Who knew horde mode was such a crowd-pleaser? Turned out the Militia broadcast network was in top ten of the most viewed holonet across the galactic network. Republic, and the CIS. How wonderful!

He passed more than a few sore losers during the lightning round. Especially the hundreds of shocked stopped militia troops. They were frustrated that they fell for the good ole wave tactic maneuver. Everyone made room for him, and no one stopped him. They all knew he had a briefing to get to. He took a private transport pod through the compound to the first Ghost Industries mega-tower. Where he rode it up to the private residence section.

Lash's residence was essentially a mansion that he never visited. Aside from the few times he held a form of party for the higher ups of his company that he'd done. This was one of the few times he'd been in it. He honestly didn't care, but it was expected of a Grand Admiral to have some kind of luxury. The floors were made, and colored from a deep brown, to sandstone red color. Then the walls slowly went from earth red, to white sand. Then as it went further up it turned into a blue sky. Literally a blue sky, as he had holographic emitters in the ceiling.

Despite what many would believe his residence was not at the top floor. That was emergency access, and landing pads. He, like so many others were in the middle of the tower. He still had a grand balcony that wrapped around his mansion. Protected by a soft light shield. That could be covered by blast walls in emergencies. He chose the holographic emitters because he could program them to take any sky he wanted. Like a planetarium, he could press play and watch an entire galaxy be born.

He had twin grand stair cases in the entry room. Which he climbed up one set to head to his private room. The entire mansion had a main living, and party room. Giant kitchen, with a dinning room attached. A grand library filled with actual books, along with art along its walls. A simulation room was off to the side for a work out. Then he had a pool that was half inside, half outside along the balcony. A grand fire pit that was between the living, and party room. With scattered little alcoves through out the house for those little dalliances that he had learned from the fae courts. Along with several private guest rooms.

All in all it was a very nice home that he barely visited, or lived in. He stepped into his personal room that was a little more minimalist. He activated his security shutters and his room went into lock down. Then he cast Renew on his whole armor. His magical energy dropped dramatically, as he pulled out a few ingots of metal to replace what was lost. Then he peeled off his armor thanks to a set of mechanical arms that came out of the wall. Then he took a nice hot shower.

Most of Lash's body was covered in tribal tattoo's that represented his different spell domains. What wasn't covered pale white skin from lack of sun exposure could be seen. With dark green scales across his bone hard points. Like his spine, shins, etc, etc. He didn't have an ounce of fat. He was pure dense hard muscle. The only imperfection is the original gruesome scar across his neck. His birthmark as it were. When was thrust into this body. That day seemed so long ago.

Lash stepped out of his shower and wrapped a towel around his waist and tied it off. He stepped into his bedroom just in time for his bedroom opened. Nazvo, and a Mandalorian Falleen female followed behind her. They were speaking about something but both froze mid step at the sight of him. Nazvo had seen Lash without his mask/helmet a few times in the years she'd worked for him. So him in a towel and nothing else was a surprise.

“...Towel...” Nazvo said.

“Shower... Wet...” Lash said with a smile on his face.

“Mil'Gix of clan Rhal. It's a pleasure to meet you, Master Lash.” Mil'Gix said as her cheeks turned bright, a sly grin grew the longer she stared.

Mil'Gix held her Mandalorian helmet in her left arm. Her face had gray-green small scale skin. As a Falleen she had a symmetrical face with slight ridges across her cheeks, and forehead. Her black hair was shaved along the sides, and the top was pulled back into a long braid that went to the middle of her back. Her blue eyes were bright with mischief. Her armor covered an hourglass figure. She stood at approximately 5'9”. Falleen were a repto-mammallian sapient species. Their exotic appearance was considered to be in the top ten beauties of the star wars galaxy, right along side Mirialan which Nazvo was. They also emitted pheromones that could attract all sorts of attention.

Mil'Gix's eyes danced up and down Lash's body, as did Nazvo. Lash rolled his eyes at them and let his towel drop. Nazvo gasped in shock and turned around. Then quickly grabbed Mil'Gix to turn her around as well. Who reluctantly obeyed. Lash moved to his dresser and pulled out a pair of black briefs. Then activated the mechanical arms for his armor. Within a few minutes he was fully armored again, including mask.

“There I'm decent.” Lash replied to the two women.

“I think were pretty decent before.” Mil'Gix said with a leer.

“So, should I know why you chose to just walk into my room without knocking?” Lash asked, as he came to stand before Nazvo who refused to look at him. Her cheeks were flushed, as she cleared her throat.

“Well...I..I've never known you to not be in armor. So...I just thought.” Nazvo's bashful attitude was enjoyable to say the least.

“Come, walk and talk. I need to get to the senate house for the briefing.” Lash said as he gently walked past them.

“That is why I came to see you. You weren't answering your comms, so I brought your liaison with me.” Nazvo said to him as she lagged behind him.

“Liaison?” Lash asked.

“Here! Chieftain Til'Nix of clan Rahl has holdings near Ryloth. I was already at Militia HQ being trained as an officer. So I was the best choice.” Mil'Gix said with a bounce to her step.

“Wonderful! Welcome aboard.” Lash said with a laugh. All three of them stepped into the transport pod and rode all the way to the landing pad.

“What's your specialty?” Lash asked.

“Recon, range finder, and sniper.” Mil'Gix replied automatically. She kept glancing at Lash, and across his body.

“Nazvo you OK?” Lash asked his aid who kept looking at the ground.

“What!... Yes, I'm fine.” Nazvo said a little to loudly. Lash leaned over and nudged her, she stumbled a bit which was a sure sign she was distracted. As a Jensaarai she should have perfect balance.

“Your fine? Or, do we need to talk about this over a bottle of Tiyulong rum when I get back?” Lash asked her, and she brightened up at that. Nazvo loved to drink on her off hours.

“...Year 369 and we have a deal.” Nazvo said, and Lash nodded in agreement. The rest of the ride Nazvo was humming happily to herself.

When the pod reached its destination, Nazvo reached up and kissed Lash's cheek. Then kicked him out of the transport pod with a swift boot to his ass. He chuckled, as did Mil'Gix who replaced her helmet a moment before the pod opened up. They walked across the landing platform towards a waiting Kom'rk-class fighter/transport vessel.

The Kom'rk-class fighter/transport vessel was made by the Mandalorian company MandalMotors. As it said in the name it was a type of starfighter, and troop transport. It was approximately 223' long, with a 170' width, and a 43' height. It had a primary section in the middle of the ship while its wings rotated around the primary section on a ring. This made the wings position flexible. Which made its maneuvering unpredictable to anything firing on it. Passenger could be lowered out the bottom via a crane allowing them to jump off, or fly off vie jet packs.

The vessel color scheme was black, with stripes of green. In Mandalorian, the color black represented justice, while green was duty. Along the side of the vessel was the clan symbol of Rahl. Which looked like a quadruped wolf like creature howling at a moon. On board were several Militia officers who all stood up and saluted Lash. He saluted back, then at the forward cockpit was another Mandalorian male with full armor, and helmet in place.

“Brother Vi'Lon.” Mil'Gix said as she took the co-pilot seat.

“Did my sister give you any trouble, Chieftain?” Vi'Lon asked.

“No more than usual.” Lash replied, and Mil'Gix cracked up laughing. Vi'Lon looked at his sister in confusion and shook his head.

“Let's move, we are expected.” Lash said, and Vi'Lon activated the drive and they were off towards the senate house.

The transport took off with a gradual acceleration while its engines purred like a giant mountain cat waiting to be fed. Lash crossed his arms as he poured through the available information on the holonet. There wasn't much there. The Galactic Republic knew that Ryloth had come under attack and that was about it. So Lash jumped onto the Militia HQ. Ryloth had been under CIS occupation for approximately one standard month. The only reason the republic knew about it was a freighter had come by the planet and seen the blockade.

Senator of Ryloth was an over weight Twi'lek named Orn Free Taa who was as corrupt as they came. He cared little for his home planet, and worse yet. His planet knew it. The issue was he was rich, and was paid up with the right people on Coruscant, and Ryloth that he would never be replaced. One of those people was Palpatine. Taa was a sycophant of Palpatine's. A useful sycophant, who had ties in the galactic banking clans. From Star Wars lore that Lash had available he knew that Taa stayed in office well into the height of the galactic empire's rule.

“What does clan Rahl think of Senator Orn Free Taa?” Lash asked the two Mandalorian's.

“He's an idiotic slime that needs to be skinned alive. A majority of the problems on Ryloth are because him. Every pirate, and slaver that visits Ryloth pays credits up to him.” Mil'Gix replied with an acidic tone.

“Clan Rahl has open orders to kill him if he we ever see him outside of republic space.” Vi'Lon said next.

“I am happy to know that Clan Rahl, and Clan Ghost Claw are of like minded on the subject of Taa.” Lash replied to both of them and meant it. Mil'Gix, and Vi'Lon both glanced at one another and nodded.

“Hypothetically speaking if Senator Taa were to have an accident who would replace him?” Lash asked them both.

“Cham Syndulla, he's a freedom fighter on Ryloth even before the CIS showed up. He's been trying to overthrow Taa for years. Clan Rahl runs weapons, and supplies to his resistance fighters from time to time.” Vi'Lon said, as he pushed up a holographic image of Syndulla.

“He's a good man, who only wants what is best for his people and his world.” Mil'Gix said next, Lash nodded in understanding.

“I'll keep that in mind in this completely hypothetically situation.” Lash said as he pulled up the information on Syndulla.

“Of course, Chieftain.” Vi'Lon replied.

Their transport flew over the different traffic lanes of Coruscant's thanks to a militia ID tag that Lash provided. All the same two police land transports flew next to them the whole way. They landed at the senate house military vessel pad. Lash pulled Vi'Lon along with him, and Mil'Gix. The Militia officers came along as well. They cut a nice figure walking towards the briefing.

The militia officers all wore clean pressed gray uniforms, with naval caps, gloves, and shinny boots. Their assorted ranks, and ribbons on their left breast portion of the uniforms. They walked in lock step with Lash. Eventually Vi'Lon, and Mil'Gix got the picture and did the same. They marched through the front door, and the different staff and senate members got out of their way promptly. They all boarded the same elevator up to the right floor. In the brief moment between floors.

“I don't know about all of you, but I liked that feeling.” Lash said to them in the elevator. He got a few chuckles, and confirmations for the same.

The elevator doors opened up and this time the entire team stepped out in lock step and moved through the hallways. Lash in the front with his two Mandalorian liaisons, and ten militia officer behind them. The stomp of their boots on the floor rang through the halls. People poked their heads out of offices and either went back inside. Or stood out with a smile on their faces as they walked past. A few people even saluted. In many ways the militia was far more relatable then the clones. Because it was made up of the every day citizen.

Lash and his escort arrived at the designated briefing room and a senate commando asked them to wait. The door opened for them and they all filed in. Inside was Chancellor Palpatine, an Admiral of the Republic Navy, Master Yoda, Master Mace Windu, Senator Orn Free Taa, and his two aids. A lethan (red) skinned Twi'lek female named Yenzoda who wore a skin tight shimmering dress that left very little to the imagination. Along with a rutian (blue) skinned Twi'lek female named Pampy who wore a sheer gown that looked a dancing outfit. They were both attached to Taa's arms.

“Ah! Grand Admiral welcome we were just about to discuss the hyperspace route.” Chancellor Palpatine said with an amiable smile. Lash made a beeline towards Taa much to the surprise of everyone including the senator.

Orn Free Taa was a corpulent male rutian (blue) skinned male Twi'lek with folds of flesh under his chin, several of them. He wore an extravagant robe around his body that was covered in gems, gold, and other expensive pieces of metal. While the robe itself was the finest silk, and different rare animal leathers. He was 6'2” and had a jovial attitude about life. Though his normal smile melted off his face as a 6'6” armored monster moved towards him. Lash held out his hand towards him.

“Senator Orn Free Taa, please except my deepest condolences to you and your people in this trying time.” Lash said with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. Actor gave him a lot of experience for that lie. Senator Taa's wilting smile bloomed into an open grin.

“Of course, Grand Admiral Lash! Thank you for your kind words!” Taa extended his hand, Lash shook it with vigor. Then used Re:Implant on the poor unsuspecting sap.

“I just want to say once this is all over we'll be using the full resources of the Militia to rebuild, and renovate the infrastructure of Ryloth. I promise you, we will restore the lost wealth of your home world.” Lash said as he continued to shake his hand. A bright gleaming light grew in Taa's eyes.

“Yes! Yes, of course. The Seperatist have destroyed much of our peoples future. We will of course accept any, and all help you can provide Grand Admiral Lash!” Taa said with a huge grin. His two aids smile at him in a very salacious way.

“Ahem! Gentlemen if you please?” Chancellor Palpatine gestured towards the holographic display.

“Yes, of course. Please excuse me.” Lash said to the whole room and bowed. He politely nodded towards Taa who smiled jovially at him. Lash moved to his appointed position in the briefing as the windows dimmed to allow a better viewing.

“As most of you know, Ryloth is at the tail end of the Correllian Run. The Correllian Run is largely under the control of the Republic. But it cuts through several CIS controlled systems. Making it a dangerous route to take. I suggest...” The Admiral of the Navy began to say but stopped when Lash raised his hand. “Yes, Grand Admiral?”

“May I update your map, it's old.” Lash asked.

“The same galaxy map from the Jedi archives this is, Master Lash.” Master Yoda politely informed him. Lash stood up all the same and inserted a data chip. Then the map expanded and several new routes were shown. The Admiral looked on in astonishment.

“Grand Admiral where did you get these!?” The Admiral asked.

“The normal way, a Jensaarai defender mapped it out for me.” Lash replied and took his seat. The whole room looked it over. Several new pathways were available. Some of them were based on system wide rotation and couldn't be use half the time out of the standard year.

“Admiral, Master Jedi with these new routes would it be possible to plan an invasion towards Ryloth immediately?” Chancellor Palpatine asked from his throne in the office.

“It would be possible. It is not a straight shot towards Ryloth. But it would allow us to by pass the enemy lines. Are there any dangers to these routes?” Master Windu asked Lash, though his focus was on the map completely.

“Purrgils pass through two of these routes on a weekly basis. But I know how to bypass them.” Lash informed them all.

Purrgils were giant semi-sentient deep space creatures. The largest of them rivaled in size to the Acclamator class cruiser that the republic used to move troops. While the smallest was about the size of a interceptor star fighter. They had stream lined bodies with bluish-purple skin. With four large hind tentacles, a single dorsal fin, and two side fins. Their heads had a characteristic bulbous head with an eye on either side. With a large mouth full of egg shaped teeth. They were well known because they could create hyperspace tunnels and jump between systems. In fact hyperspace technology was based on them.

“One bypasses them, how does?” Master Yoda asked, as he stroked his bald head.

“You need a Force-User. I'll upload the manual for communicating with them to you Master Jedi's.” Lash replied, and sent the information to the temple. As well as a data chip to hand to them now.

“Will we need a Force-User on every ship?” The Admiral asked.

“Just one should work.” Lash replied.

“For us, if we move together then Master Lash can speak? Hrmmm.” Master Yoda asked, and Lash nodded in agreement.

“So the quickest route takes us through a Purrgil path. But if what you say is true we can move through them with out incident. Then we can reach Ryloth in two days at most. While the other routes would take a week, but we would still move passed the Separatist without them knowing. Unless they know these routes as well?” Master Windu asked.

“Yes, yes, and I don't know. The navigator found no signs of them along the route. But that was several weeks ago. I have new routes through much of republic space. The navigator is still working on the mid, and outer rim.” Lash replied to him, and offered more information.

“Wonderful! I am delighted to see the Jensaarai are doing their best to provide for the republic.” Chancellor Palpatine said with a smile.

“Who is the Jensaarai who mapped these out?” Senator Taar asked.

“He's called Wraith. He's part of my original order before the temple on Venura.” Lash replied, and both Jedi looked at him with wide eyes.

“More of your original order there is? To speak to them I would very much like.” Master Yoda said with a sly smile on his old green face.

“As would I.” Master Windu said.

“He's very good navigator. He even has routes through wild space. Though he refused to share them with me till they are complete. He's a bit of a completionist. If it helps Master Qui-Gon Jinn has spent some time with him.” Lash replied, and commented. “But we have wondered off topic.”

“Wonderful that is, but too true. Back at the matter at hand.” Master Yoda said in confirmation.

They continued to speak about the route, and what they could take with them. So far the Republic Militia had only been deployed on stable locations like the new refugee centers on the bread basket worlds. Along with planet Christopsis. This was the first time they would be deployed into an active combat zone. Though the militia would not be fighting side by side with the clone army. They still be in the same theater of war. The militia officers reported the different kind of ships they had available. Corvettes, frigates, and Gozanti-class cruisers, the work horse of the republic. They didn't have warships per say. But blockade runners, and pirate hunters.

“I believe that is everything. Please make your preparations as soon as possible. You'll leave as soon as you are ready.” Chancellor Palpatine said to the room. Everyone stood together and paid respect and courtesy to one another.

“Grand Admiral, Lash please stay a brief moment. The rest of you please excuse us.” Palpatine asked everyone. Lash's escort headed out to the antechamber, while Senator Taa waved at Lash enthusiastically. Once everyone had left the doors were sealed, and a baffle field was erected around the office.

“I saw your match this morning. Was their a point to that?” Palpatine asked as he sat down in his throne. His eyes zeroed in on Lash who came to stand before his desk with his arms placed behind him.

“I'm not an idiot, Chancellor. In a few years all your plans will come into culmination. Any Force-User that doesn't kneel before you will be executed. The Jedi, and more than likely the Jensaarai will be destroyed. Me, along with them. I just want to say... I approve.” Lash said to him, and the flabbergasted look on Palpatine was worth it. It took a lot to get Palpatine to break.

“Excuse me?” Palpatine said.

“You'll need to destroy the Jensaarai, as well as the Jedi. I am fully aware that Order 66 doesn't just cover the Jedi. But anyone of that uses the Force.” Lash said, and the fact that he knew about Order 66 made Palpatine grind his molars in frustration.

“When the time comes, many will look to me as a symbol of hope. That is when you'll position several Venator-cruisers above me and do an orbital bombardment. You'll destroy any trace of me. This will allow me to take on my other personas on a more permanent basis. Destroy a symbol, get a valuable servant.” Lash said, and the look of confusion slowly left Palpatin's face and a smile grew.

“You are a terrifying man, Lash. I applaud your determination to full fill the bargain we made together. If any of your Jensaarai agree to bend the knee, I'll let them live.” Palpatine said with a confident grin.

“No, you won't.” Lash said.

“No, I won't.” Palpatine replied with a grin that only grew from ear to ear.

“May I be of any more assistance, Emperor?” Lash said, and bowed from his waist. Palpatine practically preened under the title.

“No, Lord Enfarious you may leave.” Palpatine said.

Lash saluted the soon to be Emperor, did an about face and left his office. Palpatine turned his throne around to look out his window as the security shutters lifted. Then the Sith Emperor once again turned into the Supreme Chancellor, Sheev Palpatine. Lash opened, and closed the office door with barely a whisper and collected his escort. In this moment Lash had cemented his position with Palpatine. At least for now. Plenty of time to screw it up later.

To Ryloth!

First Draft, Raw, Unedited.

There are several characters in this chapter I didn't properly describe. Not to worry they get more page time later on. Thanks for reading!

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