Chapter 34



Opal, clearly upset, rushed away from the lake only to pause by a nearby tree, she looked back as Rain strode from the lake, water falling off his large body in sheets. 


She shivered, one arm covering her chest, a hand holding herself steady against the tree, her knees slightly turned inward, legs trembling.

“What are you hiding from me? Tell me Opal.”

“N-nothing! It’s you, you won’t want me!”

Rain furrowed his brow in confusion.

“Why wouldn’t I want you? I l- I need you.”

Opal shook her head in frustration.

“Not like that, It's because you're getting huge… and I am still smol,” she said, looking down at her feet, rubbing the ball of her foot on the ground. She paused and a strained look crossed her face. She bit her lip.

Rain’s confusion was just increasing. “I don’t see why that would matter. Opal I thought you were… preg-”

“No!” Said the goblin suddenly blushing red and stepping forward. “That’s stupid why would you think that!”

Rain’s eyes narrowed and his massive paw came down on her hip and dragged her stumbling toward him. His other paw flattened against her stomach and she gasped and let out a little moan.

“Hnya! S-stop! I- I C-can’t h-hold i-i-it innnn!!”

Rain increased the pressure, his paw pads squeezing into her body. The Goblin’s mouth opened in a gasp, a thin line of drool linking her lips. Her legs quaked and trembled barely keeping herself up.

“Guh! I-it’s coming o-oouut!!

Rain’s ear twitched hearing a long wet Schlorrrp! And he looked down in time to see a large rubber object emerge from Opal’s pussy, stretching her wide before slipping free. It slapped wetly against the ground in a puddle of fluid, the solid chunk of greenish rubber vaguely shaped like a penis. 

Opal’s eyes rolled back and her jaw trembled open. Her whole body shivering and she nearly sunk to the ground, if Rain hadn't been gripping her in his huge paws she likely would have fallen.

“Wh-what the fuck?” said Rain.

Opal blushed so furiously that Rain would have sworn he felt actual heat radiating from her face.

“This is your fault!”


“You’re going to grow forever and I’m, I’m not going to be able to take you!”

Rain felt like he was starting to put two and two together but he was still boggled by the Goblin’s thought process.

“You think you’ll be too small to take me?”

Opal looked away with a dark expression. “It’s true, isn't it? I want you bigger and I don’t want you bigger at the same time. When you killed and ate that Orc slaver I found a few of her ‘toys’ in her tent and I sneaked them into my rucksack, I’ve been practising taking the bigger ones but I don’t know if I can keep up with you...”

“You have a pretty gods damned perverted mind you know that right?”

She snapped back at him and snarled, showing her teeth.

“It’s serious stupid wolf!”

“If I didn’t know better I’d think you were pulling my leg. You are a special one, Opal.”

He gripped her tight and pulled her close. The top of her head only a few inches above his navel such was their size difference. 

He loomed over her, his yellow eyes luminous.

“You’ll always be mine no matter what happens. I will never not want you.”

Opal looked up and bit her lip. 

“Will you?”

Rain simply snorted and grabbed her around the ass and lifted her up in the air. He then stepped forward and pressed her back up against the tree so that her crotch was at head height and her legs rested on his broad shoulders.

“I hunger for you, I would rather starve than go without you.” His lip curled in amusement.

Opal tried to hold back but a small smile broke over her face.

Rain rested his chin on her stomach and looked up at her, the size of his head in contrast to her body made it so his muzzle covered a large portion of her tummy.

“Mmm. I wonder how you taste?”

His large tongue slipped from between his fangs and ran up her stomach. She squeaked at the rough sensation.


“Tastes good. More.”

“Hold on I-”

Rain ignored her and moved so that his tongue was lined up with her reddened folds. He dipped his tongue, licking from bottom to top, the roughness of it dragging at her soaked lips. His tongue rolled over her clit and she gasped and squirmed in his grasp. 


Rain rested his nose against her muff and looked up at her with half lidded eyes.

“You know it would be simpler if you just told me what the problem was in future.”

“It’s not that simple, I-eeep!”

Rain’s tongue pushed into her, the sheer size of it stretching her wide, she shuddered in his grasp as Rain’s front teeth bucked up against her entrance. He pulled his tongue back slightly and then he pushed deeper into her depths at the same time as rolling and curling his tongue, rubbing up against her walls. He paid attention and when he found an area that elicited a reaction from the goblin he doubled down his focus on it, his tongue concentrating the roiling pressure applied over and over.

“Oh! Oh! G-gods! H-how are you so good at this?!”

Rain didn’t reply but moved from simply coiling his tongue to retracting and digging back in, his tongue was large enough that he was essentially tongue fucking the Goblin, rapidly pushing apart her sloppy folds. He pushed his muzzle close, compressing her muff, eager to reach further into her depths as the goblin let out a long lewd moan. 

“Fuck! Fhuckkk!” Cried the Goblin as Rain increased in intensity. 

She grabbed at Rain’s ears and held on for dear life, a large ear grasped in each hand, her body trembling and her hips instinctively trying to grind against Rain’s face as Rain went even faster and harder. Her legs went up and her toes stretched as her nerves exploded. Her mouth formed an O as she screamed and her ankles drummed against Rain’s back as her back arched. 

“s-slow downeeeeee!”

But Rain wasn’t done. His paws gripped her all the harder and from deep in his chest came a deep reverberating boneshaking bass growl that made the leaves of the tree shiver. Being pressed up against his mouth the sensation was a hundred times stronger and Opal’s fingernails dug into his ears as the solid vibration hit her puss, especially her clit as his teeth pressed up against it. At the same time Rain peaked with his tongue fucking, forcefully shoving his tongue in and out with all the outsized strength he possessed in the thick muscle, roughly parting her lips and stretching her rippling walls around it.


Opal’s eyes rolled back as the combination freighted into her senses, her vision popping and flaring as lightning shot up her body. Her toes curled and her thighs desperately squeezed at Rain’s head before the feeling climaxed and her legs shot out straight, stretching to her limit, her toes splayed, as her mouth opened and she screamed full throatedly.


Her walls gripped down on Rain like a vice, wildly clenching and unclenching and convulsing along the length of his tongue practically slurping on the muscle as she bucked her hips. Rain only had a moments notice before fluid exploded outward, a massive spurting sloppy squirt that gushed around his tongue, once, twice, three times, she came Hard into his muzzle, fluid filling his mouth to waterfall out to the ground far below, her juices pouring from his lips, although most he eagerly drank down.

At last, she fell limp, coming down from mind-blowing orgasm, flopping bonelessly in Rain’s paws, her body still twitching every other second from aftershocks.

“Th-tha-That growling is cheating!” she managed to get out between deep heaving breaths.

Rain withdrew his tongue from her folds with a schlurp and lapped any remaining fluid from her swollen muff, his rough tongue dragging her puffy labia up with each lap. She moaned helplessly as he finished.

“No. It’s all me.”

“I-I’ve never felt anything like that, gods, you’ve ruined me for anyone else ever.”

“Were you planning on doing it with anyone else ever?”

“Hell no!”

Rain snorted and lowered the goblin from his shoulders and back to the ground. She immediately fell on her ass as her legs turned to jelly and flopped out from under her. 

“Nuu! Not again!”

“You really react badly to heavy stimulation huh.”

She scowled up at him.

He smirked and casually dropped down to the ground, his back against the tree.

This is a triple chapter release.

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