Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 3 Knight's Breath

The next morning, Allen woke up early. It was still dark, but someone had already woken up. Most of the injuries on his body had healed. He put on his clothes and got off the carriage. Several teenagers were practicing not far away. fencing.

Allen's pupils shrank. This is a unique exercise method for knights in this world. It needs to be combined with the breathing method to exercise the body. Standing beside the carriage, recalling the memories in his mind, he muttered to himself, and there was a trace of unknown in his eyes. Excited.

Chip, collect the knight's exercise method, and extract all the memories of the knight in his mind.

With a flash of light in his eyes, Allen ordered to the chip in his mind.

At this moment, the memories in Allen's mind began to go back and forth, and the information about the knights kept appearing in his mind, which was extremely clear.

Knight is the name of high-end combat power in this world, and its status is extremely respected. These knights have extremely strong strength, their physical fitness is several times that of ordinary people, and they are more proficient in the use of various weapons and killing techniques. A formal knight can be alone Challenge dozens of warriors, and some knights even mastered secret skills that exploded instantly.

The knights and the strong have a high status in this world. Even if they are poor people, as long as they are willing to join in, they can obtain a knighthood in any country, and at least one manor as a territory. All the knights constituted the noble class and the basis of the rule of the secular kingdom.

If you want to become a knight, the most important thing is to have knight breathing, which is a key to becoming a knight.

As for the Fakus family's knight breathing technique and the matching swordsmanship, Allen has already learned it, but it requires constant training to be effective. The original owner of this body is a useless person. How could he have the perseverance to learn this thing, so he practiced After a few times, I felt too tired and stopped learning.

Otherwise, physical fitness would not be the virtue it is now.

At this time, when he saw other people practicing swordsmanship, Allen started to collect data with no expression. With the sound of the mechanical voice, in places that others could not see, a stream of information continuously emerged in Allen's eyes.

Under the scanning analysis of the chip, the breathing frequency of those people, the rhythm of the body's movements, the blood flow in the body, and the skin pores on the surface of the body are all recorded, as one of the data supports for analyzing the breathing method of the other party.

Everyone's physical quality is different, and through these data collection and establishment of files, and by comparing the calculation results, it is possible to deduce a part of the knight's breathing method of their practice.

This is crucial for Alan who wants to reconnect with the knight's breath.

After a while, these people finished their practice and dispersed in twos and threes, and most of them also got up. After they were done grooming, they had breakfast and put away the tents and went back to the road.

Allen hid in the corner of the carriage, and looked like he was closing his eyes, but he was actually playing the knight's breath.

Chip! Based on the Farcus breathing method, combined with other collected breathing methods for optimized deduction.

Dip! The mission is established! Start to deduce and optimize the Farcus breathing method. The estimated time is 153 minutes.

Chip! According to my various body data, build a breathing method model!

Dip! The mission is established! The character model is established and the deduction begins...

With the mechanical sound, a three-dimensional figure appeared in front of Alan, and the three-dimensional figure began to practice according to the Farcus breathing method. After a few minutes, the deduction was over, and the voice of the chip came: The deduction is over, the Farcus breathing method is over. It takes 20 minutes to train once, and each run can improve the subject's physical fitness, strength, 0.005, agility, 0.005, physique, 0.003. This effect gradually decreases! The number of training times a day will cause physical damage.

Seeing this result, Allen was excited for a while. Sure enough, the breathing method in this world can be improved. As long as he keeps practicing, his physical fitness will improve, but the effect is a bit slow.

Looking at the optimization and deduction of the Farcus breathing method, it took more than an hour to complete, and Allen had to wait anxiously.

As time passed by, Allen became more and more anxious, and finally the last second passed, and the chip sounded, Farkus breathing method optimization deduction is over, and the training time is reduced by 3 minutes and 23 seconds. The effect is increased by 3%, and the number of times of practice is 5 times a day. Exceeding the times of practice will cause physical damage.

This result makes Allen very satisfied and this breathing method can be continuously improved. It seems that every day when these people practice, he will steal the teacher. After all, other people's secret skills will definitely not be given to Allen. To collect breathing methods, you can only observe them every day.

He was in the car during the day and couldn't practice, so he could only let the chip perform simulation training. He hid in the corner and closed his eyes in boredom. No one else wanted to pay attention to him. Tony wouldn't talk to him at this time because he was afraid of being isolated. When it was time for lunch at noon, Allen was given a piece of bread, a barbecue and some vegetables.

I devoured it and ate it, my body felt warm for a while.

Drip! I found that the food contains beneficial ingredients for the body, and after eating it, the body increases by 0.0002. Allen, who was squinting in the car and was about to fall asleep, instantly woke up.

Chip! Query the reason for the increase.

Drip! Barbecue, made by unknown animals, can slightly increase physical fitness after eating.

Chip! Build a file to record foods that can increase physical fitness. After discovering that food can increase physical fitness, Alan immediately understood that this was a treasure trove. As long as he finds suitable animals and plants, his physical fitness will be enhanced in a short time.

Dip! The mission has been established, please host to collect materials.

After camping at night, Alan took the opportunity to pick up firewood and began to collect various plants in the wild. When he saw a leaf or a fruit of a plant, he would pick it and taste it.

Then let the chip analyze the effect, and then build a file. Some plants have some mild toxins, but a small amount of food does not affect them, and many more have no effect.

There are still many hints that can be eaten, and there are also some medicinal herbs. Allen has established a file to record them, and very few can increase his physical fitness. So far, only the barbecue for lunch has a little effect.

After picking up enough dead branches and seeing that all the plants in the vicinity had been tried, Allen returned to the camp. The sky gradually dimmed, the bonfire was lit, and after eating the food, everyone went back to rest. Allen stood next to the carriage and began to practice. Farcus breathing.

The black-robed knights on the outer guard just glanced at them and stopped paying attention. For these knights, sending these people safely would complete the mission. As for these people practicing knight breathing, they don't care. After practicing knight breathing and swordsmanship, Allen took a shower and went back to the carriage to rest.

No one disturbed him in the empty carriage.

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