Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 15 Red Dragon Bloodline Essence

Time passed quickly. After a month, Allen had finally meditated the rune to the fourth, and successfully entered the first-level wizard apprenticeship, which was much worse than those with the fifth-level qualifications, but the same as the fourth-level qualifications. Apprentices are not much slower.

In the depths of my mind, in a state of meditation, spiritual runes began to condense, and a little purple brilliance bloomed in the dark and deep space.

Finally, the fourth spiritual rune was condensed. The aura around him began to pour into his body. Allen slowly opened his eyes, and the exhaustion flashed away.

After entering the first-level apprenticeship, Allen felt that the world became clearer, and at the same time, he felt the abundant elemental particles around him. These things could not be scanned with the chip before, and he could only feel it with the chip after he was promoted. And the closest thing to him is the fire element.

A first-level wizard apprentice can learn a secondary spell, but although the secondary spell is simple, the spell model needs to be purchased with magic stones, so you can only learn it after you have money.

At this time, Allen took out the crystal bottle that he got when he first came to this world. This crystal bottle was the last item carried by the All-Heavens Traveling System.

At that time, because it was discovered by others, it was just hidden, and I never checked it carefully. Now I have become a first-level wizard apprentice. After scanning the surroundings with a chip, there are no spells and other things, and then I carefully took it out.

A crystal bottle about 100 milliliters in size contains a bright red liquid. Because the special crystal bottle isolates all the breath, it is impossible to see what it is.

Chip! What is this? Do you have a record?

Drip! The main body is holding the red dragon blood essence.

Hearing this name, Allen shook his hand and almost dropped the bottle of red dragon blood essence.

What, are you saying it again?

The main body is the red dragon blood essence!!!

Alan jumped up in an instant, just about to laugh out loud, but suddenly stopped as if he remembered something.

The blood essence of the red dragon is actually this kind of thing. What kind of fifth-level qualification is this, and it's not a fart in front of it. What am I saying, third-level qualification, is this the treatment of the protagonist? So the treatment of the protagonist is here.

Among the wizards, there is a special branch called Warlocks. Such people are also called Bloodline Warlocks or Bloodline Wizards. They are much stronger than wizards of the same level. Moreover, they often do not value qualifications, but rather Pay attention to blood concentration.

The advancement of a bloodline wizard is the continuous refinement or continuous evolution of its bloodline, such as the bloodline of a high-level creature such as the Croda python, because its bloodline level is the same as that of a third-level wizard, so its bloodline is ranked first. Once awakened, you will become a high-level wizard apprentice.

Then, with the continuous awakening of the bloodline, it will continue to upgrade. As long as there is no interruption, it will naturally reach the second-level wizard, and if the luck is good enough, it will even reach the third-level. Not only is he physically strong, but he also has several kinds of innate sorcery, but some have disadvantages. Although he is talented in sorcery, he has no advantage in learning other sorcery, and he still needs to learn little by little.

But it is a very powerful profession anyway, but it has a disadvantage that as the offspring multiply, the bloodline will continue to degenerate and thin, until it finally becomes the same as ordinary people, and if you want to keep the bloodline from degenerating, you need to re-inject it The blood of the source, or replace it with another bloodline.

With the end of the ancient times, those powerful magical creatures became rarer and rarer, and this was the reason that led to the decline of blood wizards. In order to maintain the purity of the bloodline, these bloodline wizards began to marry relatives. This is indeed a way to delay the decay of the bloodline, but it can only be delayed for some time, and it will eventually return to ordinary.

By now, many bloodline wizard families are no different from ordinary people.

There is no tyrannical source of blood that naturally declines. But Allen doesn't need to worry, his bottle of Red Dragon Bloodline Essence is enough to transform him into a dragon vein wizard.

You must know that the legendary magical creature, the giant dragon, will reach the legendary level in adulthood, and its intelligence is no less than that of humans, or even stronger.

That is to say, Allen will reach the legendary level as long as he waits for the power of his bloodline to mature. appeared.

A fourth-level wizard has a life span of thousands of years, or if he uses the hidden life spell, his lifespan consumption will be reduced to one-fifth, but the hidden life spell will go straight to sleep and will not wake up until the scheduled time Come.

Seeing this bottle of Red Dragon Bloodline Essence, Allen did not intend to keep it, but planned to use it directly. After all, if this thing leaked out, it could trigger a melee that would spread to the entire Wizarding Continent. As long as a bottle of blood would not only guarantee the promotion to Legend, but also Its descendants will also live in this bloodline. Although it may not be as powerful as the first generation, it is more than enough to give birth to the third level.

Take out the crystal bottle, inside is an injection test tube, push it gently, then stab it in the arm, and the bright red blood essence is slowly injected into the body.

As soon as he entered, he felt hot all over his body, his blood flowed faster and faster, his heart beat faster and faster, and the blood vessels all over his body became prominent. , those skilled wizards will spend a lot of time forcibly extracting blood from their bodies.

Although some will be lost, the rest can still be used. Those wizards aren't going to be soft-hearted.

As time passed, the blood flow became faster and faster, all the blood began to transform, and the bright red blood had a hint of gold in it, which was the symbol of the legendary bloodline. As the blood continued to pass through the heart, more and more blood began to be contaminated gold.

Finally, when all the blood is stained with gold, the bloodline transformation can be regarded as the preliminary completion.

However, the blood vessels are still not completely fused. Only after the first blood vessel transition occurs after a period of time, the fusion of the blood vessels is completed, and the blood vessels that are initially fused will not bring obvious effects.

Because the legendary bloodline is very tyrannical. If you don't suppress its power, and then release it slowly to increase it, it will burst out all at once. Only when it is at the same level or higher as the Red Dragon can it withstand that kind of impact. Others below this level will explode and die.

However, although the physical fitness has not been greatly improved, the physical fitness of Allen at this time is twice as strong as that of the advanced stage. Even his element affinity and aptitude have been greatly improved, and with the continuous deepening of blood fusion, These things will continue to improve.

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