Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 200

No, it should be said that he was the one who kicked him from the position of principal.

In the end what happened?

What method did Cassandra use?

He can't understand it at all!

But at the moment when he was sent flying, he saw the school directors.

Reminiscent of the basilisk, maybe all of this is Cassandra's conspiracy?

Or... from the very beginning, what did he do wrong?

Dumbledore quickly flew up again, trying to rush back.

As a result, the magic barrier suddenly lit up, and Dumbledore was ejected again.

He looked at the barrier in front of him in astonishment. This was the method Hogwarts used to defend against foreign enemies, and it was even one of the biggest reliances against Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

And now, he was blocked from Hogwarts by this magic.

Cassandra has really taken over the position of the principal, and has mastered the application of magic in this school proficiently, which can be described as excellent.

The house-elves also obeyed her. This kind of use of house-elves, even with the courage to risk the world's disgrace, was something he dared not do.

Compared with his era, all this looks so vibrant.

Only he, an old man from the old era, has been completely excluded from Hogwarts.

He dedicated his whole life to Hogwarts, and even locked himself in Hogwarts, who dared not walk out of the school gate.

At the end of his life, he was abandoned by the place he loved all his life.

A huge sense of absurdity and desolation enveloped Dumbledore's heart.

He looked at the magic barrier in front of him, and raised the Elder Wand in his hand.

With the strength of him and the Elder Wand, it is enough to break the barrier of this school.

But is he really going to do this?

Be the one to fight Hogwarts, break the school and save the headmaster.

What should this guy be called?

Dark wizard?

Death Eaters?

Or a new generation of Dark Lord?

The Elder Wand endowed Dumbledore with unparalleled magical power, but now Dumbledore dared not use one more magic.

At a loss, he is like an abandoned old man or an abandoned baby.

Standing at the gate of Hogwarts, looking at the figure of Cassandra on the roof in the distance through the crack of the door affectionately and confusedly.

Why on earth did everything become like this?

Maybe...he was really wrong?

Now Dumbledore feels that everything about him has been denied.

Having lost his family, he also lost his career.

The invincible Dumbledore felt defeated for the first time.

Not in magic and spells, but in his proudest field, being crushed by a 13-year-old.

And now, that kid is running everything at Hogwarts.

While Dumbledore was watching Cassandra, Cassandra was watching Dumbledore.

In terms of spells and magic levels, she is indeed not Dumbledore's enemy.

Especially under the premise of not using silent killings, Cassandra felt that she might not be able to get away with several moves.

Compared with herself a year ago, Cassandra has not substantially improved her combat effectiveness.

In particular, Dumbledore's understanding of Cassandra far exceeds that of Voldemort.

However, this is not a problem.

With Voldemort, Cassandra can only fight desperately.

But with Dumbledore, you don't have to do that.

Who made him the White Demon King?

Cassandra was looking forward to it. Dumbledore used the Elder Wand to break Hogwarts' defenses by himself, and let Voldemort attack Hogwarts again.

Unfortunately, he didn't dare.

He was timid and frightened.

Now that Dumbledore didn't dare to continue, it was Cassandra's next step.

The wand was snatched by Dumbledore, but Cassandra, who snapped her fingers to cast spells, could also easily cast Transfiguration and Transfiguration.

Snap your fingers lightly.

The color of gold covered the scar on Harry's forehead, and Harry curled up in pain.

Cassandra is still determined to kill Harry, even if it means being imprisoned in Azkaban.

"Madam Principal, please stop!"

The old school manager said loudly: "We cannot allow you to kill a student in the school!"

Cassandra's fingers froze, and she looked at him angrily: "I'm killing a Death Eater who controls a basilisk!"

"That should be the Ministry's job, not yours!"

"Your identity does not allow you to do this, especially in front of students!"

In front of students?

Cassandra turned her head and looked, Snape and Professor Mai had broken through the blockade of Cassandra's transfiguration.

After the previous series of conflicts, Kassandra's magic is running out.

Unless Moran is completely released, it will be difficult for Cassandra to suppress the two powerful professors with Transfiguration alone.

"Cassandra, stop!"

Professor McGonagall covered her mouth, tears were already rolling in her eyes.

Snape looked sadly at Cassandra and Harry, who was lying half dead on the ground, and said, "Cassandra, please let him go, I can assure you that he won't hurt you again."

"Otherwise, I am willing to die before you!"

Snape's words made Cassandra snap her fingers.

In Snape's words, she heard the emotion she could no longer hide.

Cassandra had sensed Snape's importance to her more than once before.

But Snape has been holding back, after all, he still wants revenge on Voldemort.

But now, Snape's words seemed to tell Cassandra that there was another person in his heart who he recognized.

"Madam Principal, we have to warn you."

The old school manager spoke again: "If you insist on killing him now, we can only depose you as the principal immediately."

The words of the old school manager made Cassandra glaring at him.

Cassandra could ignore Professor McGonagall and Snape's grief, but she couldn't ignore the school manager's words.

If the trustees depose Cassandra now, then Dumbledore will return like lightning.

His greatest advantage against Dumbledore would also be gone.

When the time comes, the one who gets thrown out will be himself.

Cassandra looked at Lucius, but Lucius was signaling to let him go.

After a moment of hesitation, Cassandra asked Yuga to bring Lucius to her side.

Lucius hugged Cassandra's shoulders and whispered in his daughter's ear, "Son, you've already done an excellent job, there's no need to piss everyone off here."

"We have plenty of opportunities to kill him. If you do it now, you're only embarrassing yourself."

"But father, I think this is my last chance to kill him."

Lucius looked at Cassandra in surprise.

If it was another child who was talking about feelings, he would not pay attention at all.

But her own child is so good, some of her feelings may have hints of some kind of fate.

Lucius thought for a few seconds, and suddenly made a decision: "My child, apart from protecting myself, I don't want you to kill someone for revenge."

"I used to be a Death Eater myself. The taste of killing people is not good. It's not just a torment of conscience, but also the rejection of you by the whole society."

"Compared to seeing everyone yelling and beating you, I would rather go to that charming Far Eastern country with you."

"You actually like it better there, don't you?"

Cassandra was a little surprised, but Lucius laughed: "I bought a copy of the magazines you asked Dobby to buy."

"You don't have to push yourself so hard, Narcissa, Draco, and I should definitely not be your burden."

Lucius' words were like a ray of clear spring that made Cassandra's heart cold and opened a gap.

And his next sentence made Cassandra directly withdraw her magic power.

"You have more meaningful things to do, don't you?"

There was a light in Cassandra's eyes, it was Luna's smiling face.

As for Harry in front of her, Cassandra waved her finger.

A golden streak was inlaid on his lightning scar, and then the elf appeared and disappeared.

Cassandra's departure made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

If she really wanted to kill Harry Potter, no one here might be able to stop her, and ordinary people could hardly resist Moran.

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