Drag Sister to Dominate Hogwarts

Page 166

So who wants to hire these werewolves?

Not to mention taking huge risks, werewolves are unable to work normally for a few days every month, and the profit of hiring werewolves is not as good as hiring ordinary wizards.

In particular, the new law requires werewolves to take wolfbane potion every month, and werewolves cannot imprison themselves in advance.

Wolf's poison potion is notoriously complicated and expensive, which makes it impossible for werewolves to engage in low-end jobs, because a month's income is not enough to buy a bottle of Wolf's poison potion.

This bill is simply using a high-sounding excuse to seal off the possibility of a werewolf's normal life.

"Is that so?"

Cassandra is not very familiar with werewolves, after all, Remus Lupine is the only famous werewolf in the original book.

But Cassandra is familiar with Umbridge!

This big pink bat with a girlish heart has been responsible for the hatred in the original work for quite a long time, making the protagonists of the original work and the audience and readers hate her very much.

And not just because of what she did at Hogwarts.

It's even more because she, a woman who has no strength and is dedicated to torturing and hurting students, has been reused and promoted in the Ministry of Magic time and time again.

She is neither a dark wizard nor a Death Eater, but she is more vicious than most Death Eaters.

Her existence also shows how corrupt the British Ministry of Magic has become.

"So the werewolf can't live anymore?"

Cassandra pressed, and Newt nodded with difficulty.

Newt also worked hard for the werewolf cause.

He organized and established the Werewolf Register in 1947. The goal is to record all known werewolves in the UK, and it is managed and maintained by the Werewolf Register under the Department of Magical Creature Management and Control of the Ministry of Magic.

Yet it turns out that decades have passed.

Not only did the werewolf's situation not get better, it was even getting worse.

The Ministry of Magic completely regards werewolves as disasters and negative assets, wishing that werewolves would be extinct as soon as possible.

But the werewolves were normal people most of the time for a month, and if they did not do anything illegal, it would be inconvenient for the Ministry of Magic to strangle them.

That's why people like Umbridge came forward to lead a law of justice that kills people.

"Professor, how many werewolves are there in the British wizarding world?"

This is a point that Cassandra is very curious about. Isn't the Ministry of Magic afraid that the werewolves will unite and rebel?

"There are more than 400 people who have been registered. Considering those who have not registered, this number may double."

"The Ministry of Magic has very strict punishments for werewolves attacking people. If there is a werewolf attacking people, the Ministry of Magic will investigate to the end."

Newt said a little reluctantly.

From this perspective, the Ministry of Magic has indeed done something.

But they only stand from the perspective of most ordinary wizards, and they don't regard werewolves as normal people at all.

From a utilitarian point of view, it seems right to do so.

But the problem is that the vast majority of wizards suffering from lycanthropy did not do anything wrong, they were just attacked by the werewolves transformed by the full moon.

As victims, they were immediately abandoned by the entire wizarding world, which shows that there is no such thing as renquan in the wizarding world.

And from another perspective, are werewolves really worthless?

Given the right opportunity for them, is the value they create in a month really not as good as a bottle of Wolfsbane potion?

After all, a bottle of Wolfsbane potion was less than ten Galleons, and taking it for a week before the full moon was only seventy Galleons.

It would be easy for a werewolf to move bricks to a construction site in the Muggle world and earn a bottle of Wolfsbane potion a month.

"Newt, don't worry about these things."

Tina said dissatisfiedly: "Even if you worry about these things, what can you do? Could it be that you give the werewolves a bottle of wolf's poison every month?"

Newt was speechless, he really couldn't do this kind of thing.

Cassandra was thinking about the feasibility of hiring werewolves on a large scale.

There are only a few hundred people, and they eat rice at Cassandra's house every day, and Cassandra can afford to support them.

What Cassandra considered was whether doing so would bring fear to the Ministry of Magic, and whether it might cause the werewolves to get out of control.

"Professor, how many people like you care about the werewolf community?"

Newt was startled, as if he had thought of something, he hesitated for a while.

"Cassandra, it seems inappropriate for you to participate in this matter."

After getting along for a while, Newt and Cassandra got closer and started calling Cassandra by her first name.

This is probably the biggest difference between tutors and Hogwarts professors, because Cassandra can establish a partnership with tutors above the teacher-student level.

"Although werewolves are not all dangerous, they have always been considered to be very close to Death Eaters."

"If the Malfoy family came forward to fund them, it would attract a lot of doubts."

Cassandra smiled slightly: "At this time, it depends on how many people want to protect and support werewolves."

"As for the question that caused doubts, this one is also very simple."

After half a year of operation, Cassandra has opened some small companies in various countries, preparing to officially operate Lockhart's personal biography.

And this also means that Cassandra already has a foothold in various countries.

"I will set up a werewolf support foundation in a certain country, and then use the name of the foundation to travel several times in various countries, and finally invest the money in the UK."

"Nobody can find out about our Malfoy family's involvement."

Newt was dumbfounded.

He is very familiar with Muggles, and he is one of the few wizards who can move freely in the Muggle world without being noticed by Muggles.

So Newt naturally understands that the so-called genes will operate like the leather bag company.

It's just a 13-year-old little witch who has done these operations with ease, which is really beyond Newt's cognition.

It can only be said that thanks to Newt's ignorance, the operator behind Abstergo, which has flourished recently, is actually Cassandra.

Otherwise, Newt would probably call out that Cassandra is a business genius.

"It does work."

Newt's eyes lit up slightly.

Although werewolves are not considered magical animals, their encounters are similar to those of many magical animals, and Newt is an upright person who can't stand this kind of bullying.

"I can find some old friends here to voice their support. As long as it is not illegal, the Ministry of Magic will probably not trouble us."

"But you think about it, what are these werewolves going to do?"

Cassandra smiled slightly: "Isn't this very simple?"

"From the cultivation and planting of various herbal medicines, to the hunting and protection of magical animals, and even the improvement and research and development of wolfbane potions, even if they are simply asked to do security work..."

"After all, they are wizards, so they will always be good at magic, right?"

"Even if there's a Squib in it, there's always some manual work to do, right?"

"In the half month before and after the full moon, stricter management is implemented; and for the remaining half month, they can take a concentrated vacation and rest, allowing them to live a normal life."

Cassandra's words made Newt smile in relief.

Most of the werewolves were ordinary wizards before their transformation.

There are even some good players among them, but because of their status as werewolves, they can only live in a corner of the magic world.

At this point, Newt was already very excited.

But he still has a doubt: "Cassandra, I'm glad what you're going to do for the werewolf, but why are you doing it?"

Newt had been with Cassandra for almost a month.

This made Newt have a judgment on Cassandra's temperament.

Cassandra is a shrewd, talented and ambitious Slytherin, but not without kindness and courage.

She is more like a combination of Horace and Lucius, which is probably inseparable from the education of the two excellent wizards.

Plus Cassandra likes Fantastic Beasts, and Fantastic Beasts likes Cassandra.

How can a person who can be liked by magical animals be a bad person?

Except for a certain Greenwald who threw away magical animals after using them.

Newt didn't know Legilimency, and even if he could, he wouldn't break through Cassandra's third-level Occlumency.

But Cassandra still decided to tell the truth.

"Professor, in my opinion, werewolves are actually a huge asset."

"Even if each werewolf can only generate ten gold Galleons per month for me, that's enough for me to earn several thousand gold Galleons."

"In terms of making money properly, my Malfoy family has always been confident that they are not inferior to others."

Newt pursed his lips, not fully convincing him yet.

Cassandra naturally understood what Newt was worried about.

"I can guarantee that these werewolves will not become combat power, and I will never take the initiative to organize them to attack an enemy."

"Or can we use the Unbreakable Vow?"

Newt finally smiled, took Cassandra's outstretched hand and shook it slightly, but had no intention of casting a spell.

He is not Dumbledore, nor Greenwald, and never pursues absolute control.

So he is willing to take the initiative to trust Cassandra, even if Cassandra still has unspoken selfishness.

"I just ask for one thing, don't use any magical means to control them."

"Of course, Professor."

Cassandra smiled slightly: "As long as the Ministry of Magic treats werewolves as normal wizards, they can take them away from me."

"But if they can't, it's the Ministry's fault."


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