Douluo starts with the Pea Shooter

Chapter 695 Divine Interference

Missiles carrying nuclear warheads hit their targets one after another. A large number of banned, Douluo-level experts were either seriously injured or died in the explosion. The group of powerful men that the Star Luo Empire had finally gathered suffered heavy losses from such indiscriminate bombing. Even the Sun and Moon Empire itself did not expect it. This brand new weapon is so effective.

Not only was the title banned, Douluo suffered heavy losses, but Star Luo City's defense was almost completely destroyed in this indiscriminate bombing.

The intense light radiation produced by the explosion alone has caused severe burns to exposed people in the city. Not to mention that nuclear weapons will also cause more terrible radiation damage.

Those who were exposed to severe radiation soon developed serious illnesses. This is true whether it is an ordinary person or a soul master.

Only those hiding in rooms or underground. Barely able to escape. But if you continue to stay in this city and are exposed to radioactive dust for a long time, you may also get sick.

The soul masters of the Star Luo Empire also quickly discovered this. Dust produced after a nuclear bomb explodes. It will also continue to cause damage to them. This is very obvious to the soul master.

It is no longer possible to hold on to this city. If we continue to stay here, we will all be waiting to die in the radiation dust.

As a last resort, they had no choice but to abandon the city. Open the city gate and choose to evacuate.

But this was a hasty and unprepared evacuation. It can only turn into a rout on the battlefield.

The Sun and Moon Empire directly used nuclear bombs to clear the way. The opponent did not have equivalent weapons, so there was no deterrence at all. Before the formation of the people from the Star Luo Empire was blown up, the soul mentor group opened their shields and killed them with visual radiation.

Suzaku, who turned into flames, can withstand light damage much less than the God of Lannuo. But the focused light has not yet surpassed nature. The blocking effect of the small atmosphere on various types of radiation has been slightly reduced. In addition to abnormal visible light, there are also red rays, purple rays and even fatal radiation that cannot directly penetrate the human body.

Those things are not completely immune even before they transform into flames. The God of Suzaku resisted the light on behalf of the God of Lan Nuo, but it could only resist for an unlimited time. The God of Lan Nuo wanted to break away from the protection and the two of them went separate ways. As a result, as soon as I got out of the light pillar in the sky, another Without one, the light cannot be divided into two halves at all. He chased me directly.

It will definitely leave a solitary seedling for the royal family. As long as the members of the royal family die and all the small nobles die, the eight small empires based on feudal rule will lose their foundation. If they want to restore the country, it will be completely the original country.

The Sun and Moon Empire's advantage in firepower is too small. A small number of nuclear bombs were accumulated over the years. It has also achieved unparalleled advantages on the battlefield. Does the opponent have the same type of weapon? There is also legal deterrence. Those gadgets are completely used by us as tactical weapons. When there are none, hundreds of them will be thrown out in a battle.

Although those mirror surfaces will also be cooled. And it can be completely damaged in the process of reflecting sunlight. But we are quite cold-tolerant. And whether it has life or not, Nian Yi can support it for a longer time in low light. With the isolation of the soul shield, could the God of Lan Nuo and the God of Suzaku tear apart the defense instantly? The light that emerged from under us was all reflected by the reflectors on the ground. Refocus below us. The temperature was even lower for a while than it was later.

In a quick battle, the Sun and Moon Empire started war with the Eight Kingdoms at the same time. Even so, even though my number of soul masters is far less than the eight empires combined. But before they got to the battlefield, the Eight Small Empires were completely suppressed. Even saying that they were suppressed was not a compliment to the Eight Small Empires. It was simply suppression. But crush. Facing the attack from the Sun and Moon Empire, the Eight Small Empires had no effective means of protection. From the beginning to the end, he was not suppressed and beaten by the soul mentor group and nuclear bombs.

Faced with the overwhelming bombing of terrorist bombs, we simply didn’t want to come up with any ineffective solution. Mushroom clouds bloomed among the cities. Duan Yu was responsible for controlling the satellites in space. It was the computing team on the ground. Important members are responsible for calculating the parameters of satellites in space. Nowadays, the number of satellites in space that cannot reflect sunlight is getting smaller and smaller. If we want to coordinate our actions and let us shine at the same point at the same time, manual control is not yet possible. Precise parameters must be calculated. Then give in

But at night, people in the place where the light is focused will definitely look up at the starry sky, and they will find that there are several huge and small light spots in the starry sky that are like the sun. Although the size is far comparable to that of the sun, they can The small number and dense appearance of such light spots in the sky can even make people with sparse phobia die suddenly on the spot.

The linked soul guide even launched attacks. Aiming at the God of Suzaku, a dark red ray hit it. The God of Suzaku suddenly felt that a small amount of his flames were out of control. This turned out to be a low-energy neutron flow, which directly caused reversible damage to my body. Even before elementalization, there was immunity.

The bad thing is that the Sun and Moon Empire is not so crazy. Even less often, they did not actively bomb civilians inside the city. After all, what we want is a dumping ground for the goods. There must be no special people there, so who will buy our goods?

And before those Extreme Douluo fell one after another, the help from the Douluo Three Kingdoms was not over. It was becoming more and more obvious. The number of Titled Douluo students was getting smaller and smaller. Many weak soul masters often broke through in the process of fighting. Although we can break through the bottleneck and obtain new soul rings, we can reach the previous realm. But we can break through various martial arts realms. Temporarily create soul skills on the battlefield. Break through the limit of spirit.

For example, if you must block the sunlight of a city, you must not let that city fall into a permanent white night.

Even so, there is still a certain delay. After all, the distance between the ground and space is not that far, and above that distance, the speed of light can still have a certain impact.

At that time, the Sun and Moon Empire believed that it could not take the new Eight Small Empires as its dumping ground. After all, in that war, they were the gods of the victorious country. Even if they wanted to help the Eight Small Empires, they knew who to help.

Suddenly, another weak person roared. I, who had not yet reached the limit of Douluo, seemed to have broken through my own limit. Another god descended in the sky and passed on his position. That time it was the God of Fire Phoenix or the God of Vermillion Bird. The raging fire wrapped the God of Lan Nuo and took on all the coldness of the light.

The God of Lan Nuo bloomed with a weaker divine power, trying to isolate the light, flying at a high speed, trying to avoid it. But the satellite in the sky only needs to slightly adjust the angle, and the position of the light cannot be instantly moved away. Relying on speed, there is no way to get rid of it. Lan Nuo's divine power is slowly evaporating, and the newly promoted God Duan Yu is about to fall.

At this time, a harsh treaty was signed to exempt all the tariffs on its own exports. Export to those colonies. The local government is allowed to collect any taxes. In that case, we can't harvest without restrictions.

With a scream, I almost fell under the burning of the sun when I showed my true body.

Even the defense of the linkage hybrid guide was torn open by that level of attack.

At the moment when Duan Yu appeared, Baihu had already controlled a small number of satellites in space to complete the focusing of light, and a small amount of light gathered under the body of Lannuo. I have just become a god, and my foundation is still unstable. In that state, I can't exert my full strength for the time being.

Baihu is now responsible for calculating the displacement position and angle of those reflected sunlight. The brightness of the sunlight we can reflect now is not very large. Each attack may be the sunlight in the range of hundreds of square kilometers gathered together.

And that is also a devastating blow in a certain sense. So that even if a few extreme Douluo suddenly appeared in the Douluo Three Kingdoms, it was as if they were protected by destiny. It is still difficult to resist that terrifying light.

When the empire encounters a fortress that is difficult to break through, it will summon the sunlight in the sky to attack. Whether it is day or night, we can summon the terrifying light. It is actually better when it is sunny, and the light summoned in the sky can be seen clearly.

Please collect and recommend~

The warriors fighting Duan Yujin were defeated. Now only one Tiandou City remains. In the process of fighting each other, one of the extreme Douluo from the Douluo Three Kingdoms realized a breakthrough in the battle. And obtained the inheritance of God, became the God of Lan Nuo, and his strength suddenly declined sharply. I caught a nuclear bomb with my bare hands after breaking through to become a god on the battlefield, and the image of Lan Nuo appeared in front of me. Then I shot the nuclear bomb back.

It may even be tens of thousands of square kilometers. The Sun and Moon Empire is also regressing in technology. The reflectors are getting smaller and smaller. The smallest area is even close to a city. Those huge reflectors cannot block the sunlight in space on the one hand, and on the other hand, they can change the trajectory of the sunlight.

However, I was obviously wrong. The light in the sky did not weaken at all when we flew to the air below the soul guide position. And those soul guides even propped up mirrors on the ground. Constructed a reflective mirror that reflects from the ground to the air.

The city walls are meaningless behind those super bombs. We can't even cross the walls and land directly in the city.

Theoretically, we can't block it. The sunlight of Douluo Three Kingdoms plunged our small area into eternal white night.

But I was facing the full-scale attack of the Sun and Moon Empire. Before confirming the target, the Sun and Moon Empire directly mobilized a full 50,000 square kilometers of mirrors in space. The area was not even smaller than a prefecture-level city, and all the light gathered under me. The brightness at that moment did not exceed the limit that the human eye can see directly.

I had no choice but to return to the protection of the God of Suzaku. But that was not a long-term plan. The God of Suzaku could not bear such an attack. The two decisively chose to launch a fierce retreat while they were under the attack, and killed towards the soul mentor position of the Sun and Moon Empire. As long as they guided the coldness of the light burning under them to the soul mentor's position. In this way, they could get rid of the light. The opponent always bombed his own people.

Douluo Three Kingdoms was still in the feudal era. The idea of ​​war was to fight in the field and then defend in the city. At that time, we realized that in the absence of an anti-missile system, defending in the city was undoubtedly equivalent to gathering ourselves together to be bombed by others.

[To be continued]

Nian Yi said that the group of people were very cruel when they started. If they caught a noble, they would be shot directly. If they caught a royal family, they would be tried and killed in public.

This immediately caused heavy casualties to the soul master army of the Xingluo Empire.

While the Douling Empire and the Xingluo Empire were both in a bitter battle and close to worshipping the king, the Sun and Moon Empire also directly launched a war against the Tianhun Empire. Although that war was due to the demand for the sea market by the capitalists and nobles within the Sun and Moon Empire, they needed colonies as their own commodity dumping market.

But after launching the war, those people still considered the possible interference of the gods. So the choice was to fight quickly and decisively. The victory or defeat on the battlefield was determined at the slowest speed. When the gods wanted to intervene, it was too late for him to do anything before the rice was cooked.

Nowadays, the soul masters of the Douluo Three Kingdoms are all spiritual powers, far beyond their own cultivation. Nian Yi said that each of them is a standard attribute template for the protagonist.

The nuclear bomb in my hand was like a physical substance, especially when I hit it and flew it out, bombing a huge pit under the position of the Sun and Moon Empire.

In this way, the computing center on the ground needs to coordinate the calculation.

Baihu has no opinion on the judgment of the nobles. From my point of view, whether it is the Sun and Moon Empire or the Douluo Three Kingdoms, there is a bad thing outside the nobles. In this case, let's let the dog bite the dog.

Even so, there is still no way to recover the disadvantage on the battlefield.

And at that time, another god roared, and he instantly became the spirit cat god, and slowly pounced towards the god of Duan Yu. The two retreated in mid-air. Soul fusion, at that time, it might be called soul fusion, it should be called soul fusion, turned into a ghost Duan Yu, the white-striped Lan Nuo roared, and a more terrifying momentum bloomed from under me.

Even if the gods took action, eight empires were established on the basis of the eight countries. Only eight completely different empires would be established.

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